European Research Council (ERC) Funding Programs Overview

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The European Research Council (ERC) provides funding for frontier research projects, focusing solely on scientific excellence criteria. The ERC offers various grant programs for both early-career and experienced researchers, such as Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant, and Advanced Grant. Additionally, the ERC supports high-risk/high-gain academic research projects through its funding schemes. The ERC requires projects to be affiliated with institutions in EU member states or Associate Countries. Learn more about the ERC funding opportunities and eligibility criteria.

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  1. Avrupa Aratrma Konseyi (ERC) Avrupa Ara t rma Konseyi (ERC) Ayhan Kaya, ERC AdG Istanbul Bilgi niversitesi Uluslararas li kiler B l m , Avrupa Birli i Enstit s ve Jean Monnet M kemmeliyet Merkezi Sakarya niversitesi, 17 May s 2023

  2. European Research Council (ERC) Frontier Research

  3. European RESEARCH Council ERC nc l (frontier) ara t rma projelerini ve bu projeleri ger ekle tirecek olan bilim insanlar n sadece bilimsel m kemmeliyet kriterine g re de erlendirerek fonlar. Konu k s t yoktur. ERC nin amac ulusal programlarla fonlanmas genellikle zor olan b y k b t eli ve y ksek riskli/y ksek kazan ml nc l akademik ara t rma projelerine kaynak sa lamakt r. ERC bir ev sahibi kurulu alt nda al acak bir ara t rmac y ve ara t rmac n n ekibini destekler. Projenin y r t lece i kurumun ( niversite, ara t rma enstit s , zel sekt r, vb.) bir AB yesi veya T rkiye gibi Asosiye lkede kurulmu olmas art aranmaktad r. 3

  4. ERC Gen ve deneyimli ara t rmac lar i in 3 temel program sunmaktad r: Starting Grant (Stg) Consolidator Grant (CoG) Advanced Grant (AdG) Ayr ca 2018 al ma Program nda en az 2 en fazla 4 ara t rmac n n ba vurabilece i yeni bir destek program sunmu tur: Synergy Grant (SyG) Halihaz rda ERC projesi y r tenler i in ek destek: Proof of Concept (PoC) 4

  5. ERC STARTING GRANT Doktoras n a r y l ndan 2-7 y l nce alm gen ara t rmac lar(>2; 7, 2019 a r s i in baz tarih 1 Ocak 2019) Do um, askerlik ve uzun d nemli hastal k gibi ara t rmaya ara verilen d nemler eklenerek s re esnetilebilir. Do um yapan ara t rmac lar i in en az 1.5 y ll k bir s re doktora ald y la eklenir. Ara t rmac lar n belirli bir ara t rma olgunlu una eri mi ve ba ms z ara t rma yapabildiklerini g stermi olmalar beklenir (Ana yazar olarak ya da doktora tez dan man n n kat l m olmadan en az bir nemli makale yay nlam olmak) Maksimum s re 5 y l, maksimum b t e 1.5 Milyon Avro dur. 5

  6. ERC CONSOLIDATOR GRANT Doktoras n a r y l ndan 7-12 y l nce alm gen ara t rmac lar (>7; 12, 2019 a r s i in baz tarih 1 Ocak 2019). Do um, askerlik ve uzun d nemli hastal k gibi ara t rmaya ara verilen d nemler eklenerek s re esnetilebilir. Do um yapan ara t rmac lar i in en az 1.5 y ll k bir s re doktora ald y la eklenir. Ara t rmac lar n belirli bir ara t rma olgunlu una eri mi ve ba ms z ara t rma yapabildiklerini g stermi olmalar beklenir. ( rn. doktora tez dan man ndan ba ms z olarak birden fazla nemli makale yay nlamak veya birden fazla nemli makalede ana yazar olmak) Maksimum s re 5 y l, maksimum b t e 2 Milyon Avro dur. 6

  7. ERC ADVANCED GRANT Son 10 y l i erisinde d nya ap nda ileri d zey ara t rmalara imza atm , ara t rma ekibine sahip ve bilim camias nda lider pozisyonda ara t rmac lar Do um, askerlik ve uzun d nemli hastal k gibi ara t rmaya ara verilen d nemler eklenerek s re esnetilebilir. Do um yapan ara t rmac lar i in en az 1.5 y ll k bir s re doktora ald y la eklenir. Bir veya birden fazla kritere sahip olmak: 10 adet ana uluslararas hakemli dergide ana yazar oldu u makale (monografinin norm oldu u alanlarda 3 tane ana ara t rma monograf ); 5 onayl patent; 10 uluslararas b y k konferansta davetli konu ma; 3 ara t rma ke if seferi; 3 uluslararas b y k kongre/konferansta organizasyon/y r tme komitesi yeli i; uluslararas d ller; nemli ara t rmac lar n kariyerlerine katk ; sanayi inovasyonunda tan nm liderlik Maksimum s re 5 y l, maksimum b t e 2.5 Milyon Avro dur. 7

  8. ERC SYNERGY GRANT En az iki en fazla d rt ara t rmac n n bir araya gelerek ve tamamlay c vas flar n , bilgilerini ve kaynaklar n kullanarak iddial bilimsel sorunlara z m bulabilmeleri ama lar. Ana hedefi, bilginin s n rlar n geni letmek, ve d n t r c (transformative) ara t rmalar bulmak ve desteklemektir. Ba vurular n bir ara t rmac n n tek ba na ba aramayaca fakat beraber ba ar labilecek r a c bulu lar ayr nt l bir ekilde a klamas beklenir. 3 a amal de erlendirme (3. a amada ayn zamanda ara t rmac larla m lakat) Maksimum 6 y l , maksimum b t e 10 Milyon Avro dur. 8

  9. ERC PROOF OF CONCEPT ERC taraf ndan daha nce desteklenen ba ara t rmac lar n ERC fonlar na ek olarak verilen ve projelerin ticari/sosyo-ekonomik potansiyelini do rulayacak, fikirlerini ticarile mesine katk da bulunacak ilave al malar i in verilir. Maksimum s re 18 ay, maksimum b t e 150 Bin Avro dur. 9

  10. 10

  11. How to prepare & submit an ERC How to prepare & submit an ERC research proposal research proposal Have a bright bright, original original and exciting exciting idea idea It is an advantage to be familiar with European research funds It is an advantage to be familiar with European research funds (Jean Monnet, Marie Curie, Horizon Europe, FP7, AMIF, etc.) Design a research project research project to implement the idea Get a letter of support from a Host Institution project is to be carried out (the HI must be located in EU or any of the H2020 associated countries) Host Institution where the Write your research proposal research proposal and submit before the deadline! Fully electronic/web based submission system electronic/web based submission system Two step Two step evaluation: proposal parts B1 and B2

  12. How to prepare & submit an ERC How to prepare & submit an ERC research proposal research proposal Proposal structure Proposal structure PART A PART A online forms online forms A1 A1 Proposal info A2 A2 Host Institution and PI info A3 A3 Budget A4 A4 Ethics Issues A5 A5 Call Specific Info (doctoral training, extensions, excluded reviewers etc.) PART B1 PART B1 submitted as .pdf submitted as .pdf Extended Synopsis CV Early Achievements Record (incl. up to 5 publications) 5 p. 2 p. 2 p. Annexes Annexes submitted as .pdf submitted as .pdf PART B2 PART B2 submitted as .pdf submitted as .pdf HI support letter Copy of PhD title Documents for extension of eligibility window Scientific Proposal State of the Art & Objectives Methodology Resources 15 p. Read the Information to Applicants

  13. How to prepare & submit an ERC How to prepare & submit an ERC research proposal research proposal ERC Panel structure ERC Panel structure Each panel : Panel Chair and 10-16 Panel Members Social Sciences and Humanities SH1 Individuals, Markets and Organisations SH2 Institutions, Values, Environment and Space SH3 The Social World, Diversity, Population SH4 The Human Mind and Its Complexity SH5 Cultures and Cultural Production SH6 The Study of the Human Past Physical Sciences & Engineering Physical Sciences & Engineering PE1 PE1 Mathematics PE2 PE2 Fundamental Constituents of Matter PE3 PE3 Condensed Matter Physics PE4 PE4 Physical & Analytical Chemical Sciences PE5 PE5 Synthetic Chemistry and Materials PE6 PE6 Computer Science & Informatics PE7 PE7 Systems & Communication Engineering PE8 PE8 Products & Process Engineering PE9 PE9 Universe Sciences PE10 PE10Earth System Science Life Sciences LS1 Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry LS2 Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology LS3 Cellular and Developmental Biology LS4 Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology LS5 Neurosciences and Neural Disorders LS6 Immunity and Infection LS7 Diagnostic Tools, Therapies & Public Health LS8 Evolutionary, Population and Environmental Biology LS9 Applied Life Sciences and Biotechnology

  14. Evaluation of proposals: Review procedure for StG, CoG and AdG STEP 1 STEP 2 Remote assessment by Panel members and reviewers of full proposal (B1+B2) Remote assessment by Panel members of section 1 PI and synopsis (part B1) Panel meeting + interview (StG and CoG) Panel meeting Score: B Score: B or C Proposals retained for step 2: Score A Ranked list of proposals: Score A Feedback to applicants

  15. How ERC research proposals are evaluated How ERC research proposals are evaluated Excellence Excellenceis the sole evaluation criterion is the sole evaluation criterion Evaluation of excellence Excellence of the Excellence of the Research Project excellence at two levels at two levels: Research Project Ground breaking nature Potential impact Scientific Approach Excellence of the Excellence of the Principal Investigator Principal Investigator Intellectual capacity Creativity Commitment

  16. Preparing your proposal: Questions to ask yourself as an applicant Does it promise to go substantially beyond the state of the art? Is it timely? (Why wasn't it done in the past? Is it feasible now?) What's the risk? Is it justified by a substantial potential gain? Do I have a plan for managing the risk? Why is my proposed project important? Why am I the best/only person to carry it out? Am I internationally competitive as a researcher at my career stage and in my discipline? Am I able to work independently, and to manage a 5-year project with a substantial budget?

  17. Preparing your proposal: Preparing your proposal: Hints and tips (Generalities) Hints and tips (Generalities) Check the 'novelty/excellence' of your idea (see previous ERC grants on the topic) Register early, get familiar with the system and templates and start filling in the forms Use the help tools and call documents (Information for Applicants, Work Programme, Frequently asked questions) to prepare your proposal Talk to your Institution's grant office and other ERC grantees Download and proof-read the proposal before submitting A submitted proposal can be revised until the call deadline by submitting a new version and overwriting the previous one Ask a few people you trust to read the draft and give feedback to you. 17

  18. Preparing your proposal: Preparing your proposal: Tips Tips - - Differences between Parts B1 and B2 Differences between Parts B1 and B2 In Step 1: Panel members see only Part B1 of the proposal (prepare it accordingly!) Pay particular attention to the ground-breaking nature of the research project no incremental research. State-of-the-art is not enough. Think big! Know your competitors what is the state of play and why is your idea and scientific approach outstanding? Part B1: concise and clear presentation is crucial (not all evaluators are experts in your field) Outline of the methodological approach is recommended (feasibility assessment) Show your scientific independence in your CV (model CV provided in the part B1 template); Show your google scholar values (citations, h-index, i10-index) Select the 'right' Panel very IMPORTANT!, ID explanation for 2rypanel

  19. Preparing your proposal: Preparing your proposal: Tips Tips - - Differences between Parts B1 and B2 Differences between Parts B1 and B2 In Step 2: Both Part B1 and B2 are read by Panel Members & Remote Referees Do not just repeat the synopsis, go into details Provide sufficient details on methodology, work plan, selection of case studies etc. (15 pages) Explain hypothesis or provide preliminary data (if exists) Make sure you give full references (excluded from page limits) Provide alternative strategies to mitigate risks Check coherency of figures Justify requested resources Explain involvement of team members (ERC proposals are NOT collaborative ones) including advisors; show the need of collaborators (if any).

  20. Preparing your proposal: Preparing your proposal: Tips Tips - - Part B2: Proposal budget considerations Part B2: Proposal budget considerations Budget analysis carried out in Step 2 evaluation (meeting) Panels have responsibility to ensure that resources requested are reasonable and well justified Panels do not 'micro-manage' project finances Budget cuts need to be justified on a proposal by proposal basis (no across- the-board cuts) Make sure that you budget Open Access Publication costs But not explained costs are often cut! Panels to recommend a final maximum budget based on the resources allocated/ removed Ask for funding for Open Access this is obligatory in Horizon 2020!

  21. Preparing your interview: Some tips and advice If invited to Step 2 (for StG and CoG): Get Panel Members interested in you and what you are doing Practice thoroughly, several (many?) times; typically a 10 minute presentation followed by 10-15 minutes of questions (MOCK interviews) Panels want to see that these are your ideas, not those of your supervisor It is normal to be nervous

  22. Islam Islam- -opob "Nativism, Islamophobism and Islamism in the Age of Populism: Culturalization and Religionization of What is Social, Economic and Political in Europe Developing a single scientific lens to understand the root-causes of radicalisation of nativist and islamist young Europeans clustered in two different civilizational/cultural boxes Critic of civilisational paradigm Critic of Islamophobism Critic of IDology Critic of neoliberal governmentality Critic of labels Muslims , Fascists , neo-Nazis Finding similarities rather than differences Four countries and different cities: metropolitan cities and remote towns Indepth interviews (320 in total) opob- -ism ism Prime Youth Prime Youth

  23. Summary Be ambitious and 'daring'; panels instructed to seek out high-risk research Grab interest and attention of readers/ reviewers Remember that Part B1 will be seen by 'generalists' (panel members) If you make it to Step 2, reviewers see both B1 and B2, so do not repeat / duplicate part B1 in part B2 Do not include unnecessary partners and collaborators; it is not supposed to be a 'consortium'

  24. Good luck

  25. Teekkrler ve bol ans


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