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Importance of public relations in building good relations with an organization's various publics and achieving specific objectives through planned communication. Explore the need for PR, corporate advertising, types of corporate advertising, PR tools, and sales promotion techniques.

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  2. Public Relations Public relations consists of all forms of planned communication, outwards and inwards, between an organisation and its public for the purpose of achieving specific objectives concerning mutual understanding. - Frank Jefkins Public relations means building good relations with the company s various publics by obtaining favourable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavourable rumours, stories and events. - Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong.

  3. Need for PR Develop favorable image Develop business Create public awareness about organisational programmes Making consumer base Educating various audiences about the enterprise Resolve issues Develop goodwill

  4. Corporate advertising Advertising done to promote the corporate as a whole instead of individual products. Objectives Build positive image Communicate views on social, business and environmental issues Boost morale and smooth labour relations Attract new employees Report company s accomplishments Reflect change in corporate personality

  5. Types of corporate advertising Image advertising General image and positioning ads Sponsorships Recruiting Generating financial support Event sponsorships Advocacy advertising Cause related advertising

  6. PR tools News Speeches Special event Publications Advertorials Audio visual materials Blogs Corporate identity materials Contribution Web site Press releases Press kits Employee/ Community/ Financial relations programmes

  7. Sales promotion Sales promotion consists of a diverse collection of incentive tools, mostly short- term, designed to stimulate quicker and/or greater purchase of particular products/services by consumers or traders. - Philip Kotler

  8. Types of SP Trade sales promotions Sales force promotions Consumer sales promotions Free samples Coupons Demonstrations Price offs Free goods Trade fairs and exhibitions Dealer loader premium Sales contests Credit terms Stock return Cooperative advertising Push incentives Dealer trophies Dealer conferences Store demonstrations POP display materials Catalogues Product packages Sales contests Incentives Awards and prizes Money refund offers Free gifts Loyalty schemes Banded packs Contests Catalogues Discounts Instalment sale Warranties Exhibitions Exchange offers Sweepstakes Premiums Training Sales meets

  9. Importance of sales promotion Introducing new products and services Weapon to face competition Unload cumulative inventory Overcome seasonal decrease in sales Regain lost consumers Make advertising more effective, support it Support and compliment sales force effectiveness

  10. Reasons for growth in SP Increasing competition Price sensitive customers Positive sales impact Standardised products available Consumer acceptance Expectations of price decrease Expensive and less effective advertising Powerful traders trade SP Importance of Sales volumes Increase impulse buying Declining brand loyalty Excess stocks

  11. Internet Using internet for marketing of products is increase. Means of reaching a large no of customers in a short span of time Can act as an effective tool for marketing different type of products. Internet is a multi-faceted promotional tool Has the greatest impact on marketing

  12. Importance of Internet Advertising on Internet Sales promotion on internet Personal selling on internet Public relations on internet Direct marketing on internet

  13. Advantages of internet Target marketing Message tailoring Interactive capabilities Information access High sales potential Exposure Speed Cost effective Complement to other IMC tools

  14. Disadvantages of internet Annoyance Clutter Privacy Poor reach Irritation Lack of trust

  15. Direct Marketing an interactive marketing system that uses one or more advertising media to effect a measurable response and/or transaction at any location. Attributes of DM Focus : Well defined target audience Measurability : Counts no. of responses vis a vis communication Personalisation : Direct communication addressing by name Immediacy : Generates immediate response

  16. Role of DM Combining DM with advertising Combining DM and PR DM and personal selling DM and sales promotion DM with support media

  17. Objectives of direct marketing Raise brand awareness Improve CRM Sales/ lead generation Provide measurable ROI

  18. Components of successful direct marketing Deliver a Compelling Sales Message. ... Follow-up Leads Promptly to Attract and Engage Your Prospect's Attention. ... Promote Your Brand. ... Nurture the New Customer Relationship. ... Integrate and Synchronize Online and Off- line Direct Marketing.

  19. DM tools Direct mail Television Radio Newspapers and magazines Yellow pages Face to face marketing Tele marketing Online shopping Catalogue marketing Kiosk marketing Automated vending machines Database marketing

  20. Advantages of DM Selective reach Segmentation capabilities Frequency Flexibility Timing Personalisation Costs Measures of effectiveness

  21. Personal selling Oral presentation is a conversation with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making sales. Personal selling is contacting prospective buyers of product personally.

  22. Importance of personal selling Helpful in selling Product demonstration Removes doubts and customer confusions Face to face communication Important during product launch Maintains and creates customers Source of feedback Important for technical products

  23. Advantages of Personal selling Two way interaction Tailoring of message Lack of distraction Involvement in decision process Source of research information

  24. Relationship marketing Relationship marketing is marketing with the conscious aim to develop and manage long term and/ or trusting relationship with customers, distributors, suppliers or other parties in the marketing environment -American Marketing Association

  25. Steps in relationship marketing Identifying key customers Assigning relationship managers Preparing detailed job descriptions for RMs Developing annual and long range customer relationship plans and programmes Maintaining continuous contact with customers

  26. Importance of relationship marketing Helps to reduce marketing costs Helps to generate new product ideas Helps to retain customers Cost effective Helps to gain competitive advantage Reduces switching Helps in Word of mouth Helps to improve corporate image

  27. E- commerce Doing business via electronic medium Major source is internet e-commerce can be defined as a modern business technology that addresses the needs of organisations, merchants and customers in cutting costs while improving the quality of goods and services and increasing the speed of delivery, by using the internet.

  28. Advantages of e- commerce Saves operating costs 24X7 service Easy shopping Fast and flexible execution Higher degree of personalisation Door step delivery Convenient and customer friendly

  29. Classification of e- commerce B2B B2C C2C C2B
