Vanderbilt Nursing Professional Advancement Rubric
Vanderbilt Nursing Professional Advancement Rubric outlines criteria and expectations for nurses to excel in various leadership, empowerment, knowledge, and practice areas. The rubric covers aspects like transformational leadership, structural empowerment, new knowledge acquisition, and exemplary professional practice. Nurses can use this comprehensive guide to enhance their skills, advance their careers, and contribute effectively to healthcare environments.
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RN VPARE Rubric Vanderbilt Professional Advancement and Recognition of Excellence
Table of Contents Transformational Leadership TL-1: VPARE Mentor TL-2: Precept new employee or student TL-3: Wellness Commodore or Wellness Leader TL-4: Nurse as Leader TL-5: Nurse Mentor TL-6: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion TL-7: Advocate for resources TL-8: Nurse Leader partnership for problem solving TL-9: Superuser TL-10: Health Promotion TL-11: Leadership in Shared Governance
Table of Contents Structural Empowerment SE-1: VUMC Culture of Safety Recognition or Award SE-2: Professional Recognition or Award SE-3: Community Outreach SE-4: Shared Governance and Decision Making SE-5: Magnet or Pathway to Excellence Involvement SE-6: Learning Opportunities for Staff Development SE-7: Specialty Certification SE-8: Member of a professional organization and clinical practice SE-9: Committee Member of a Professional Organization SE-10: Officer of a Professional Organization SE-11: Elective Cross-Training to other clinical area or specialty SE-12: Pursue Advanced Degree
Table of Contents New Knowledge, Structural Empowerment NK-1: Clinical Problem Solving & Evidence Based Practice Process NK-2: Evidence Based Practice Implementation NK-3: Literature Evaluation NK-4: Professional Presentation NK-5: Publication NK-6: Involvement in Research Project NK-7: Innovation
Table of Contents Exemplary Professional Practice EP-1: Financial Stewardship EP-2: Quality Improvement Analyst (QIA) EP-3: Peer Competency Validator EP-4: Patient Education Development EP-5: Quality Initiatives EP-6: Participation in Clinical Practice Groups EP-7: Shared Governance and Nurse Practice Environment EP-8: Patient and Family Collaboration EP-9: Interprofessional Collaboration EP-10: Nurse Retention and Engagement EP-11: Recruitment Activity EP-12: Nurse Autonomy EP-13: Ethics EP-14: Workplace Safety EP-15: Patient Experience EP-16: Peer Interviewing
Transformational Leadership Transformational Leadership Transformational Leadership reflects nurses doing the following: Leading effectively through change Advocating for resources Growing new leaders Promoting the mission, vision, and core values of VUMC Advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion for all
TL TL- -1 1 Resources: If you are interested in being a Mentor: Mentor Sign Up Standard Details Evidence Examples If you have already served as a Mentor: Email VPARE operations to receive copies of your feedback surveys from mentoring timeframe. VPARE Mentor Actively serves as a VPARE Mentor. Mentor at least two candidates in the two-year period. Provide evidence by submitting: VPARE Mentor feedback surveys from at least two candidates. TL-1 RN3 or RN4 Serves as 2 standards for renewal RN3: Upon Renewal Only RN4: Upon Initial or Renewal
TL TL- -2 2 Resources: Standard Details Evidence Examples Precept new employee or student Serve as a preceptor for one new staff member or student in your work area for at least 50% of the staff member s orientation on their respective shift or at least 50% of the student s practicum shifts. Provide evidence by submitting: Transition to practice TL-2 Vandyworks: How to Print Your Schedule 1. Letter/email from new staff member, student, or educator with dates served as preceptor and dates the new staff member/student was on orientation/orienting (to determine percentage or time serving as primary preceptor). OR Screenshot/copy of the schedule indicating preceptor responsibility during the complete orientation. RN3 Only Preceptor Concepts Workshop *For specialty areas with non- traditional orientation patterns, please consult a Mentor to determine appropriate evidence. *Preceptor and mentor are not interchangeable. See Nurse Mentor below. Preceptor an experienced individual to teach, guide, and assist another who is learning a role. The preceptor relationship often has specific time limitations, and the specific responsibilities of the preceptor and preceptee are clearly outlined. 2. Attend Preceptor Concepts Workshop and Advanced Preceptor Concepts (Contact Hour Certificate or proof of completion from LMS) or previous preceptor classes with educator approval. Does not have to be completed within the past 24 months.
TL TL- -3 3 Resources: Nurse Wellness Homepage Standard Details Evidence Examples Wellness Commodore or Wellness Leader Promote a culture of wellness in the work area by creating, promoting, and coordinating wellness initiatives. Provide evidence by submitting: Peer support group with EAP (Employee Assistance Program) Break wellness walk group TL-3 1. Area of the wellness wheel project touches RN3 or RN4 RN3: Distribute information related to Nurse Wellness to staff at least once per year. 2. An example of one or more of these wellness activities implemented and dates activities occurred (e.g., picture of bulletin board education, flyer, email communication). RN4: Organize activities related to Nurse Wellness at least twice a year. 3. Letter/email from leader stating official Wellness Commodore designation (not required).
TL TL- -4 4 Standard Details Evidence Examples Nurse as Leader RN3: Actively serve as a shift leader or resource in your local work area. Choose #1 or #2: Relief Shift Leader Charge Nurse Chief Flight Nurse Procedure Nurse Patient Flow Nurse TL-4 Vandyworks: How to Print Your Schedule 1. Submit email/letter from direct supervisor stating role and dates served. 2. Submit screenshot of schedule indicating nurse as leader responsibility. RN3 or RN4 RN4: Serve as a change agent for other nurse leaders. Lead initiatives or projects with long-term and unit or systemic impact. RN4 build an acuity tool for other RSLs to use in assignment making Develop an orientation plan or guide for new RSLs or leaders 3. RN4: Submit evidence showing projects or initiatives.
TL TL- -5 5 The VUMC Mentor Platform is currently under construction. Use a letter from your leader as evidence of mentoring relationship. Standard Details Evidence Examples Nurse Mentor RN3: Serve as a formal mentor through a VUMC mentoring program or in a mentoring relationship approved by your leader. Submit evidence of participation (at least 6 months) from the VUMC Mentor Platform, the mentoring program administrator or from your leader. VUMC/MNPS Mentor program Clinical nurse to clinical nurse mentor Evidence-Based Practice Mentor TL-5 RN3 or RN4 Contact VUMC Nursing DEI Committee to get involved with the VUMC/MNPS Mentor Program. RN4: Serve in a leadership or education role in a VUMC mentoring program, mentoring the mentor. VPARE Mentor not included *Preceptor and mentor are not interchangeable. See Preceptor above* Mentor An experienced nurse who has developed expertise and can be a strong force in shaping a nurse s identity as a professional. Mentoring can include providing information, advice, support, and ideas. Typically, mentors and mentees have a long-lasting relationship.
TL TL- -6 6 Standard Details Evidence Examples Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Participation in an initiative that promotes workplace diversity, equity, and/or inclusion and is consistent with the nursing strategic plan. Submit evidence showing involvement or leadership role such as presentations, newsletter, meeting agenda and minutes. TL-6 VUMC Nursing DEI Committee RN3 or RN4 Nursing Strategic Plan VUMC s Office of Diversity and Inclusion The example can pertain to either the workforce, patients, and/or families. VUMC s DEI Toolkit RN3: Participates in and disseminates initiative or co- designs dissemination plan. RN4: Initiates, leads or co- leads Diversity, Equity, or Inclusion initiatives. Develops goals, objectives, and process plan for initiative. Designs and publishes dissemination plan and materials.
TL TL- -7 7 Standard Details Evidence Examples Advocate for Resources Advocate to leadership for resources that support nurses well-being. Submit evidence showing involvement or leadership such as proof of advocacy through email to leader, minutes from a meeting, letter from leader, and/or pictures from an event. Meal breaks, code lavenders (RN4 would share # of events prior) TL-7 Nurse Well-Being Resources from VUMC s Nursing Wellness Committee. RN3 or RN4 The example must incorporate how the resource improved nurses (pick one): Resilience plan for burnout (microbreaks, reminders of engaging in the work and why chose profession) work-life balance health and safety growth and development recognition involvement RN4: Submit data supporting advocacy request in addition to involvement. Show before and after data. Does not have to show success of advocacy. Zen rooms, physical security enhancements Peer support RN4: Use data to advocate for resources that support nurses' well-being. Share associated outcome data. Advocacy does not have to be successful to be included.
TL TL- -8 8 Standard Details Evidence Examples Nurse-Leader Partnership for Problem-Solving Partner with a nurse leader (CNO, Nurse Director, or Nurse Manager) to improve patient care or nursing practice environment. Provide evidence by submitting: TL-8 Developing solutions for problems or concerns shared on comment cards or by families. 1. Proof of communication with CNO/Nurse Director/Nurse Manager related to improvement of patient care or nursing practice environment. 2. Proof of implementation, such as policy or SOP changes, email, meeting minutes from unit board or staff meeting RN3 Only Work with leadership to implement a new protocol or technology. Visitation for children in trauma units If applicable, data showing change
TL TL- -9 9 Standard Details Evidence Examples Superuser Use knowledge gained as a superuser or champion to improve and enhance professional practice of others. Provide evidence by submitting: TL-9 Learn more about eStar Rep RN3: 1. Confirmation of training for superuser or knowledge gained (classes, modules). RN3 or RN4 RN3: Demonstrate proficient technical competence by sharing knowledge/skills with others in the practice setting 2. Proof of sharing knowledge skills, informally or formally. May include unit board minutes or emails. RN4: Lead or Co-lead training for others in the practice setting RN4: 1. Documentation from at least 1 training session in the past year (e.g., letter from leader, attendance roster) Submit under Innovation if a new initiative or recommendation to use existing process or technology in a different way. 2. Tools used in the training (PowerPoint, poster, handouts, etc.)
TL TL- -10 10 Standard Details Evidence Examples Health Promotion Participate in the advocacy of individual or community health promotion at an external forum where decisions impacting healthcare are made. Provide evidence by submitting proof of advocacy, could include but not limited to emails, pictures from the event, presentations. Examples of external health forums include but are not limited to the Tennessee Nurses Association, the American Nurses Association, etc. TL-10 TNA Advocacy Programs & Toolbox RN3 or RN4 ANA Advocacy Toolkit RN3: Participate in initiatives. RN4: Lead initiatives. Health promotion: wide range of social and environmental interventions to benefit and protect people s health and quality of life by addressing and preventing the root cause of ill health, not just focusing on treatment and cure. External forum: government or non-governmental organization that influences nursing profession or the overall health of an individual or community.
TL TL- -11 11 For general Shared Governance help, including education, resources, and consults: VUMC Shared Governance Standard Details Evidence Examples Leadership in Shared Governance RN3 or RN4: Chair/Co-chair a committee, council, or board within the last two years. Provide evidence of a project, initiative, or change generated from shared governance group and your leadership role within the group. May also lead a taskforce or workgroup within a shared governance group. Provide evidence by submitting: Unit Board Co-chair and lead initiative Lead workgroup or taskforce for a committee or board Safety committee, Survival Day committee, PR committee, Peer support, Medical CQI, Education, Interview committee, Protocol Committee, & RAL/IFly Committee, Unit Board, Supply Ordering Committee TL-11 1. Proof of leadership position, not limited to but could include meeting minutes, attendance roster, or letter from executive sponsor or manager. RN3 or RN4 Entity Specific Opportunities: VUH Adult Ambulatory Clinics 2. Proof of initiative or change To sign-up for Shared Governance courses in the LMS, click here and use key word search "board basics. 3. Attend Board Basics Course (Contact Hour Certificate or proof of completion in LMS) does not have to be within the last two years
Structural Empowerment Structural Empowerment Structural Empowerment reflects nurses doing the following: Being an active member in a professional organization Growing through professional development, advanced degrees, and certifications Participating in healthcare outreach Being recognized for contributions to strategic plan
SE SE- -1 1 Information on the Good Catch and Safety Superhero Awards Standard Details Evidence Examples VUMC Culture of Safety Recognition or Award RN3: Nominee or award winner of a patient safety award; recognition for elevating a patient safety concern. Submit documentation of award or nomination for the award. Good Catch Safety Superhero SE-1 RN3 Only
SE SE- -2 2 Standard Details Evidence Examples To sign-up to serve on your entity s Daisy Review Committee, email VPARE Professional Recognition or Award RN3: Nominee or award winner of professional recognition award. RN3: Submit documentation of award or nomination for the award. Daisy Award CREDO March of Dimes Nurse of the Year Nursing Honors Professional Organization Award Elevate Award Healthcare Hero SE-2 RN3 or RN4 RN4: Serve on a selection committee or workgroup for professional recognition awards. RN4: Submit letter or email stating active membership on selection committee or workgroup from committee co-chairs. DAISY Awards VUMC Elevate Awards (CREDO and Elevate Team Award)
SE SE- -3 3 Standard Details Evidence Examples Community Outreach Program Community Outreach VUMC Local State Regional Global RN3: Participate in volunteer activities that are in line with VUMC s strategic plan (Design for Patients and Families, Make Diversity and Inclusion Intentional, and Discover, Learn and Share). Submit evidence of participation or leadership activity via formal e-mail or letterhead from the clinical leader or volunteer leader. EMS Center of Excellence Mission Work Girl/Boy Scouts 2nd harvest food bank Camp involvement Outreach to schools: Reading Across America, Education on summer safety, pool safety Heart Walk Burn Camp Operation Tailwatch SE-3 Burn Center Camp Hope Greater Nashville Heart Walk RN3 or RN4 Walk to End Alzheimer s RN4: Lead volunteer activities that are in line with VUMC s strategic plan.
SE SE- -4 4 Standard Details Evidence Examples Shared Governance and Decision Making RN3: Actively participate in shared governance forum. Provide evidence of a project, initiative, or change generated from a shared governance group and your involvement. Provide evidence by submitting: 1. Attendance rosters or minutes from at least 2 meetings. 2. Evidence of initiative or change and involvement. Participate in Unit/Clinic Board decision to update vital sign standard times. Participate in Shared Governance Committee s education toolkit creation SE-4 VUMC s Nursing Shared Governance website offers education, tools, and templates. RN3 or RN4 RN4: Lead or co-lead a project, initiative, or change and utilize the shared governance process to involve key stakeholders. RN4: Share evidence of your leadership in initiative and presentation to shared governance groups.
SE SE- -5 5 Standard Details Evidence Examples If you are interested in being involved as a Magnet Champion or on the committee, contact your Magnet Program Director. Magnet or Pathway to Excellence Involvement Actively participate in Magnet or Pathway forum. Submit evidence of activity via formal email or letterhead from Magnet Program Director. Magnet or Pathway champion Magnet or Pathway story contribution Magnet or Pathway site visit escort SE-5 RN3: Champions, Magnet or Pathway committee members RN3 or RN4 RN4: Co-chair champion committee, visit escort, story writing
SE SE- -6 6 Standard Details Evidence Examples SE-6 Learning Opportunities for Staff Development Provide formal learning opportunities to staff as a content expert for health- related education. Provide evidence by submitting: 1. Summary of learning opportunity 2. Agenda or outline, including date(s) 3. Attendance roster if available 4. Copy of presentation, including your name as presenter Classes for VUMC EOR BLS ACLS TNCC Chemotherapy Bike Safety Education Unconscious Bias Handle with Care PHTLS LF skills lab LF hemodynamics lab LF Simpalooza RN3 or RN4 RN3: Deliver education (minimum of 2 sessions or 2 topics). RN4: Develop, plan, and deliver education (minimum of 4 sessions or 4 topics). RN4: In addition to the above items, description of the learning needs and how you developed the education. For patient education, submit under Patient Education Development. If applicable, may submit under Professional Presentation but not both.
SE SE- -7 7 Standard Details Evidence Examples SE-7 Specialty Certification Maintain specialty certification from a Magnet Recognized certification program. Provide evidence of current specialty certification (e.g., certification card, email confirmation, screenshot from organization website). SANE CDE OCN CPN CCRN RN3 ONLY (Specialty Certification Required for RN4) Certifications must be recognized by Magnet. To check if a certification is recognized, click here. Then click on the three certifying body websites to search for the certification (NCCA, ANSI, ABSNC).
SE SE- -8 8 Standard Details Evidence Examples Member of a professional organization and Clinical Practice Active membership in a professional nursing organization and evidence of a change in nursing practice that occurred due to your affiliation. Provide evidence by submitting: Implementing a professional organization s specialty standards or guidelines in the organization. SE-8 1. Active membership (e.g., membership card, email, or screenshot from professional organization) including membership activation date. RN3 and RN4 Implementing AORN recommended skin assessment tool RN3: Shares information from professional organization. Sharing APHON Evidence- Based Practice Guidelines in staff education RN4: Uses information from professional organization to initiate or bring effective change to practice. RN3: Documentation of sharing new evidence or best practice information (presentations, newsletters). RN4: Documentation of change in policy or SOP based on information from professional organization if successful. If unsuccessful, document reasons why and potential plan moving forward.
SE SE- -9 9 Standard Details Evidence Examples Committee Member of a Professional Organization RN3 or RN4: Actively participate as committee member for a professional organization, attending a minimum of 75% of meetings. Provide evidence by submitting: TNA ANA SE-9 Opportunities to get involved in TNA Committees RN3 or RN4 1. Email or letter from committee chair stating role. 2. Meeting attendance records from two meetings.
SE SE- -10 10 Standard Details Evidence Examples Officer of a Professional Organization RN3 or RN4: Participate as an officer in a professional organization. Provide evidence by submitting professional organization document showing officer role and dates of service. TNA ANA SE-10 Opportunities to get involved in TNA Committees RN3 or RN4
SE SE- -11 11 Standard Details Evidence Examples Elective Cross-Training to other clinical area or specialty RN3: Take initiative to become cross-trained to another area of need to meet the needs of patient care. Provide evidence by submitting one of the following: SE-11 1. Letter/email from leader with dates the staff member trained in additional area. RN3 or RN4 RN4: Lead cross-training or classes for nurses from another area. *Does not include sister units or other areas where cross- training is required as part of job description. 2. Screenshot or copy of schedule indicating training shifts including dates, with manager s signature.
SE SE- -12 12 Evidence must be of courses taken, not acceptance to a program. Standard Details Evidence Examples Pursue Advanced Degree Actively enrolled in program to advance degree (e.g., Bachelors, Masters, Doctoral). Provide evidence of completed course(s) in the past two years (e.g., transcript, proof of enrollment, grade report). SE-12 VUMC Education Benefits Information RN3 or RN4 Nursing Tuition Assistance Benefits
New Knowledge, New Knowledge, Structural Empowerment Empowerment Structural New Knowledge, Innovation and Improvements reflects nurses doing the following: Advancing nurse led research, quality improvement, and evidence-based practice projects Using and evaluating evidence-based and professional organization standards and guidelines in practice Innovating through technology and workflow
NK NK- -1 1 Standard Details Evidence Examples NK-1 Clinical Problem Solving & Evidence Based Practice Process RN3 or RN4 RN3: Identifies a problem, develops a PICOT question & searches the literature. Provide evidence by submitting: RN3: 1. Clinical/Practice problem statement, including evidence to support problem 2. PICOT Question with individual elements identified 3. Literature Search Strategy with databases used 4. Levels of evidence literature summary 5. Rapid Critical Appraisal Tool for at least two articles RN4: Synthesizes a body of literature on a problem or topic and makes evidence-based recommendations PICOT Question Tools Library & Search Strategy Tools Levels of Evidence Tools Rapid Critical Appraisal Tools RN4 (in addition to 1-5): 1. Synthesis Table(s), intervention and/or outcomes tables, literature table Synthesis Table Resources Optional: Completion of EBP education modules related to any of the above steps.
NK NK- -2 2 Standard Details Evidence Examples NK-2 Evidence Based Practice Implementation RN3: Participate in work to revise or implement an evidence-based change in practice in your area. Provide evidence by submitting: Presentations associated with an EBP or QI project, and the audience identified Project team meeting minutes Example Evidence Based Practice Projects RN3 or RN4 1. Implementation plan for EBP project, based on summary of evidence and corresponding recommendations. RN4: Lead work to revise and implement an evidence-based change in practice for your area. Updates or inservice documents, with the audience identified Policy, guideline, or SOP with changes tracked (if revision) 2. List of project team members with your role identified. 3. Project timeline, with milestones 4. Policy, guideline, or SOP associated with the project 5. Evaluation and/or dissemination plan
NK NK- -3 3 Standard Details Evidence Examples NK-3 Literature Evaluation RN3: Participate in a Journal Club, or other activity that evaluates nursing or healthcare literature by reading and summarizing at least 2 articles for intervention and outcome synthesis tables. RN3: Provide evidence of your participation by submitting: Jigsaw Journal Club Unit based journal club Journal club organized by another department RN3 or RN4 1. Two journal articles and the completed rapid critical appraisal tool for articles Rapid Critical Appraisal Tools 2. Attendance roster with date RN4: Lead a Journal Club or other literature evaluation activity by gathering literature and facilitating appraisal. Jigsaw Journal Club Tools RN4: Provide evidence of your leadership by submitting: PICOT Question Tools 1. PICOT question, or topic area 2. Search strategy 3. Journal article(s) 4. Agenda/minutes (if applicable) 5. Attendance roster with date 6. Synthesis or evaluation tables 7. Outcomes (Evidence-based recommendations/evaluation of learning) Library & Search Strategy Tools Synthesis Table Resources
NK NK- -4 4 Standard Details Evidence Examples Professional Presentation Develop and present an oral or poster presentation (virtual or in person) that enhances the learning and engagement of other healthcare professionals. Provide evidence of the presentation by submitting: Nursing Research or EBP Day VUMC Nursing Poster Templates and Resources NK-4 Grand Rounds RN3 or RN4 1. Submitted Abstract (if required). Abstract does not have to be from previous 24 months. VUMC Nursing Committee or Council RN3: Present at VUMC or local work area or larger forum. Professional conference or society (can be local, regional, national or international) 2. Information presented (e.g., Poster, PowerPoint, oral presentation outline) RN4: Present at an external forum, including regional, statewide, national, or international events or conferences. 3. Confirmation e-mail or letter from conference organization or conference brochure listing your name, date, and presentation title. *Please note: presentations to staff may be used for either this standard or plans/facilitates learning opportunities but not both. Preferred, but not mandatory: A picture of the podium or poster presentation.
NK NK- -5 5 Standard Details Evidence Examples The Empowered Nurse information Publication Share new knowledge, including research, evidence- based practice initiatives, and quality improvement projects through publication of an article in a professional journal (internal or external) within the last two years. Submit a copy of or link to the publication. The Empowered Nurse (internal) Professional Journal Textbook NK-5 RN3 or RN4 RN3: Must be listed as an author RN4: Must be first or senior author
NK NK- -6 6 To sign-up for HRPP courses in the LMS, click here and use key word search HRPP. Standard Details Evidence Examples Involvement in Research Project RN3: Participate in nursing research as key study personnel for at least six months. Provide evidence of Human Research Participant Protection (HRPP) training and: Any category of research, including: NK-6 Exempt Expedited Intervention, with or without randomization Implementation (such as an evidence-based practice change) RN3 or RN4 RN4: Lead nursing research study as a Principal Investigator. RN3: 1. Letter from PI 2. Key study personnel list RN4: 1. IRB approval 2. Protocol *Does not include QI projects For additional IRB resources, including the Investigator s Handbook, click here.
NK NK- -7 7 Standard Details Evidence Examples Innovation RN3: Suggest and/or advocate for an innovation to improve nursing practice. Submit any agendas, minutes, notes, data collection tools, presentations, etc. that show your involvement or leadership in innovation. eStar enhancement submitted through VNIC NK-7 Request an eStar enhancement RN3 or RN4 Create a prototype of a new tool or device New equipment Robotics Website design Specialty applications RN4: Lead development and implementing an innovative or improvement practice. Implement and/or evaluate a nursing innovation RN3: Provide evidence of your involvement in an innovation. Suggest a new or different way of providing care. May include technology or workflow innovations. Clinic workflow redesign 1. Rationale/evidence for the innovation 2. Type of innovation 3. What is new or different Innovation: the application of creativity or problem solving that results in a widely adopted strategy, product, or service that meets a need in a new or different way. RN4: 1. In addition, provide evidence of your leadership in the innovation.
Exemplary Professional Practice Exemplary Professional Practice Exemplary Professional Practice reflects nurses doing the following: Collaborating with families for patient-centered care Addressing workplace and patient safety Working in the full scope of their practice Supporting recruitment, retention, and budgeting efforts
EP EP- -1 1 Standard Details Evidence Examples EP-1 Financial Stewardship Identify cost containment or savings opportunities in the practice setting to provide cost- effective, quality patient care. Share documentation of actions to reduce or contain cost/waste and how these actions were incorporated or are in the process of being incorporated into practice. Unit-level staffing needs Operational needs Acquire or redistribute existing resources RN3 or RN4 RN3: Participate in cost- effectiveness or cost-saving opportunities. *Not accepted: Examples of activities that are part of current job description (e.g., removing extra supplies from patient rooms, decreasing lab draws, and flexing staff on/off for census). RN4: Provide specific data comparing actual or projected costs/savings pre- and post- implementation of change. RN4: Lead evaluation of cost- effectiveness or cost-saving efforts.
EP EP- -2 2 Standard Details Evidence Examples Quality Improvement Analyst (QIA) RN3 or RN4 RN3: Actively serve as a QIA and work with others to improve the quality of care provided for at least one year. Submit email or letter from leader stating role and dates served. EP-2 RN4: Precept a new QIA, present educational content to QIA team during monthly meeting, develop a QIA orientation manual RN4: In addition to email or letter, provide evidence of leadership in QIA role. RN4: Demonstrate leadership in QIA role through precepting, teaching, or process improvement project for the QIA team/role.
EP EP- -3 3 Standard Details Evidence Examples Peer Competency Validator RN3 Only Provide documentation by submitting: For more information about VUMC Nursing Competencies, click here. EP-3 Serve as an approved validator for area competencies. 1. The objectives used during trainingsessions. 2. Confirmation from at least 1 training session in the past year (e.g., documentation from leader, attendance roster).
EP EP- -4 4 Standard Details Evidence Examples Patient Education Development Develop or provide patient education. Provide documentation by submitting: RN3: 1. Name of class or patient education materials used 2. Dates of classes and confirmation from supervisor if delivering education 3. Email from group leader stating role in development of new patient education materials if developing patient education. 4. Patient education materials. 5. Confirmation of approval from Patient Education Department if developing new education. 6. Share your role participating in the work. VPH Group Therapy Car Seat Safety Distracted Driving prevention Home Safety Helmet Safety Pedestrian Safety Water Safety Railroad Track Safety Playground Safety Infant Safe Sleep EP-4 RN3: Deliver education (minimum of 2 sessions or 2 topics) or participate in the development of new patient education materials. RN3 or RN4 RN4: Develop new patient education materials and/or class. Submit patient education materials through the Patient Education Department. How to submit a request to Patient Education *General patient education as part of job description may not be submitted, including discharge teaching, new diagnosis, wound care, etc. RN4: In addition: 1. Share your role leading this work. 2. Share synthesis tables and evidence- based recommendations related to patient education materials. Synthesis Table Resources
EP EP- -5 5 Standard Details Evidence Examples EP-5 Quality Initiatives Work with leader or QIA on Quality Improvement projects in your area to improve outcomes. RN3: 1. Submit the rationale for quality improvement project, overview of the findings, and the impact on patient care. Email or letter from leader or QIA stating staff member s role in quality initiative, including but not limited to proof of audits, meeting attendance, presentations, and dates. Vanderbilt Quality, Safety and Risk Prevention ( RN3 or RN4 RN3: Participate in identifying opportunities for improvement, by collecting, interpreting, and sharing quality data with appropriate staff and/or leaders. QSRP Tools and Tips 2. Quality Bootcamp Quality Academy RN4: Lead QI project, using pre and post data to support project and measuring outcomes. RN4: In addition to #1 and #2 3. Provide evidence of data and documentation evaluating the impact of the QI initiative (e.g., key driver diagram, run chart). QIAs may submit a project in Quality Improvement or QIA, but not both.
EP EP- -6 6 Standard Details Evidence Examples Participation in Clinical Practice Groups Participate in at least 2 clinical practice group(s) aimed at improving patient care. Share new knowledge gained with others in your area. Provide evidence by submitting: 1. Participation (e.g., attendance roster, presentation, CE certificate, note from facilitator). 2. Evidence of dissemination of new knowledge to others in your area. Evidence should include both the information that was disseminated and roster(s) of attendees + date(s). M & M Conference Critical debriefs Case conferences Event analyses Grand Rounds Serious safety event debrief Clinical practice committee Trauma Conference Ultrasound Conference Tumor Boards EP-6 RN3 or RN4
EP EP- -7 7 Standard Details Evidence Examples Shared Governance and Nurse Practice Environment RN3: Actively participate in a shared governance forum within the last year. Provide evidence of change in nurse practice environment (work setting and/or workflow) through shared governance. Provide documentation by submitting: 1. Evidence of attendance with rosters or minutes from the meeting. 2. Evidence of changes to the nurse practice environment. See American Organization for Nursing Leadership s Elements of a Healthy Practice for examples including: EP-7 RN3 or RN4 Collaboration Communication Accountability RN4: Chair/Co-chair ashared governance forum within the last two years. Provide evidence of leadership of a change in nurse practice environment (work setting and/or workflow) through shared governance. May also lead or chair a workgroup or taskforce. Nurse practice environment: the organizational characteristics of a work setting that facilitate or constrain professional nursing practice. The nurse practice environment supports nurses to work at the highest scope of nursing practice, to work effectively in a multidisciplinary team, and to mobilize resources quickly.
EP EP- -8 8 Standard Details Evidence Examples EP-8 Patient & Family Collaboration RN3 or RN4 RN3: Participate in work with patients and/or families to influence change at VUMC (e.g., SOP, policy changes). Provide documentation of patient and/or family participation (meeting minutes, emails) and organizational changes (SOP, policy). Vanderbilt Patient & Family Advisory Councils RN4: Lead work with patients and/or families to influence change at VUMC (e.g., SOP, policy changes).
EP EP- -9 9 Standard Details Evidence Examples Interprofessional Collaboration RN3: Recognize gaps in continuity of care for a patient, workload, process improvements, throughput, or lean pathways and work for solutions as part of an interprofessional team. Provide documentation of interprofessional team (meeting minutes, emails) and organizational changes (SOP, policy). EP-9 RN3 or RN4 RN4: Recognize a population or systemic problem related to continuity of care, workload, process improvements, throughput, or lean pathways and develop a solution as part of interprofessional team.
EP EP- -10 10 Standard Details Evidence Examples ANA Retention Strategies Nurse Retention and Engagement RN3: Actively participatein the planning or implementation of at least one local or VUMC activity aimed at staff retention and/or engagement. RN3: 1. EP-10 Submit evidence of activity via formal email or letterhead from leader. RN3 or RN4 RN4: In addition: 1. Include documentation of leadership role in activity. RN4: Leadwork in the planning or implementation of at least one local or VUMC activity aimed at staff retention and/or engagement.
EP EP- -11 11 Standard Details Evidence Examples EP-11 Recruitment Activity Participate in at least one Vanderbilt Health recruitmentactivity. Submit evidence of activity via formal email or letterhead from leader. Participation in Recruitment Committee RN3 Only Contribution to area website Participation in recruitment event