Unveiling The Matrix: Deconstructing Cultural References and Critical Analysis

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Explore the intricate layers of cultural references, vocabulary, literary allusions, and critical evaluation within "The Matrix" through an in-depth analysis. Delve into the film's visuals, themes, and characters to unravel its cinematic and philosophical excellence.

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  2. The MATRIX DECONTSTRUCTING THE REAL : /building FICTION SE SSION 5 RE A D IN G C OM PRE H E N SION E V A L U A TION G RID W A R M -U P 1. V OC A B U L A RY SPOT TE ST Find the term described by these definitions (V OC A B U L A RY B L OC K A ). kyutychutuddgdgYourtexthere C. A term for the collection of performers in a film. A. A shot taken from an incredibly close distance to the subject. B. An alternate name, or pseudonym, used to disguise a programmer s identity. D. The opposite of a background. Any action or object closest to the camera. E. The illumination present within a scene. The manipulation of said illumination to alter shadows and brightness.

  3. The MATRIX DECONTSTRUCTING THE REAL : /building FICTION SE SSION 5 RE A D IN G C OM PRE H E N SION E V A L U A TION G RID W A R M -U P 2. L ITE R A RY RE FE RE N C E S W hich literary references can be found in The M atrix? Identify elem ents of these im ages that help explain the nature of the texts. kyutychutuddgdgYourtexthere

  4. The MATRIX DECONTSTRUCTING THE REAL : /building FICTION SE SSION 5 RE A D IN G A N TIC IP A TION 1. W ork in team s. Select a docum ent according to your confidence in reading. 2. Individually now : look at the docum ent. W hat do you think it w ill be about? Scan the docum ent: how is it organized? W hat elem ents stand out and do you understand? N ow try to read it. A re your hypotheses correct? C an you use context or deduction to understand difficult elem ents? A ns w er the questions. 3. D iscuss question 4/5 in team s. kyutychutuddgdgYourtexthere E XTR A C T A E XTR A C T C E XTR A C T B

  5. The MATRIX DECONTSTRUCTING THE REAL : /Building FICTION SE SSION 5 RE A D IN G E V A L U A TION G RID kyutychutuddgdgYourtexthere

  6. SESSION 6 How to write a film review

  7. The MATRIX DECONTSTRUCTING THE REAL : /building FICTION H OWTO C RE A TE A C RITIC A L RE VIE W SE SSION 6 W A RM -U P 1. IF you w ere w riting your critical review based on The M atrix, w hat are the various thrusts or axes that your analysis could take? W hat elem ents, com ponents or opinions could you use to illustrate or support your argum ents? STORY -PL OT C H A R A C TE RS SE TTIN G kyutychutuddgdgYourtexthere L ITE R A RY/FIL M RE FE RE N C E S C U L TU R A L RE FE RE N C E S C IN E M A TOG R A PH IC A L TE C H N IQ U E PH IL OSPH IC A L RE FE R E N C E S M OTIFS/TH E M E S ID E N TIFY som e of these elem ents.

  8. The MATRIX DECONTSTRUCTING THE REAL : /building FICTION H OWTO C RE A TE A C RITIC A L RE VIE W SE SSION 6 C OM PON E N TS OF A FIL M RE VIE W 2. L ook at the article opposite. SPRE A D H E A D L IN E B YL IN E D E C K IN TRO/L E A D H OOK B OD Y PU L L Q U OTE IM A G E + C A PTION kyutychutuddgdgYourtexthere 3. A ssociate the com ponents of the article w ith the parts of their respective parts. 4. W hat are the functions of each part?

  9. The MATRIX DECONTSTRUCTING THE REAL : /building FICTION H OWTO C RE A TE A C RITIC A L RE VIE W SE SSION 6 TIPS FOR W RITIN G W ork in team s. Scan the Q R -C ode to access the site. A ll read the first paragraph. R ead 1 tip per person. Share w hat you have learned. kyutychutuddgdgYourtexthere https://view.genial.ly/61d5aa43019bb20de6e669eb/interactive-content-the-matrix-deconstructing-the-real-building-fiction

  10. The MATRIX DECONTSTRUCTING THE REAL : /building FICTION H OWTO C RE A TE A C RITIC A L RE VIE W SE SSION 6 FROM TIPS TO B E ST PR A C TIC E W ork in pairs L ook at the article. C om pare the construction of the article w ith the tips you have learned. D oes it have a hook ? Identify the introduction, sum m ary, and developm ent elem ents of the article. Is the conclusion clear and effective? Is the article w ell-constructed? kyutychutuddgdgYourtexthere

  11. The MATRIX DECONTSTRUCTING THE REAL : /building FICTION H OWTO C RE A TE A C RITIC A L RE VIE W SE SSION 6 FROM TIPS TO B E ST PR A C TIC E W ork in pairs W atch the A vatar 2 trailer. Im agine you are a reviever. W rite the TITL E and Subtitle and H OOK for an article. kyutychutuddgdgYourtexthere

  12. SESSION 7 Putting it all together

  13. The MATRIX DECONTSTRUCTING THE REAL : /building FICTION PRO JE C T PR E SE N TA TION A XE 5 RE A L ITE & FIC TION real and the unreal in The M atrix? H ow did the W achow skis represent the FIN A LTA SK 1 You are participating in the 2022 A rthur C C larke A w ard science fiction w riting contest. You m ust subm it a short science fiction story (no m ore than 300 w ords) w ithin in the them e Fiction & R eality . kyutychutuddgdgYourtexthere FIN A LTA SK 2 You are a film critic w orking for W IRE D , a B ritish technology m agazine. To celebrate the release of the 4th installm ent of the The M atrix franchise, M atrix R essurections, you have been asked to w rite a critique of the original film .

  14. The MATRIX DECONTSTRUCTING THE REAL : /Building FICTION TE STIN G & RE M E D IA TION TA SK 1 -V OC A B U L A RY Find the term s that correspond w ith these definitions (10 definitions from blocks 1 & 2) TA SK 2 A N A L YSIN G L ITE R A TU RE U se appropriate term s to introduce, link or discuss literary w orks or film s. kyutychutuddgdgYourtexthere TA SK 3 A RTIC L E W RITIN G TIPS In your ow n w ords, w rite a short sum m ary of w hat is necessary to w rite an effective film review and m ention the com ponents of a review . TA SK 4 PU TTIN G IT A L L TOG E TH E R W ork in team s. W atch this short clip. Together, w rite a very short article as though you are review ing the film .

  15. SESSION 8 Final task

  16. The MATRIX DECONTSTRUCTING THE REAL : /Building FICTION FIN A L TA SK E V A L U A TION G RID kyutychutuddgdgYourtexthere

  17. The MATRIX DECONTSTRUCTING THE REAL : /building FICTION FIN A L TA SKD E B RIE FIN G 1 D oes w hat you have learned in this project change your opinion or perception of The M atrix and other film s or books in the genre? kyutychutuddgdgYourtexthere 2 W e have learned that The M atrix uses m any cultural references, m otifs and allusions to construct its fictional universe. W hy do you think the directors did this? H ow does this process enrich the film and our experience w atching it? 3 W hat other science fiction, fantasy or adventurefilm s or books do you know that could also be analysed using the A ctantial m odel? 4 W hy do you think the film has achieved cult status? 5 D id you enjoy this project? W hat w ould you change or add?

  18. The end? Or a new beginning

  19. A b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


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