UNIGASTRO Digestive Diseases 2022-2025 Edition: Comprehensive Guide by National Academic Committee in Gastroenterology
Discover the latest edition of "UNIGASTRO Digestive Diseases 2022-2025," a comprehensive textbook focusing on gastroenterology. With 51 chapters covering a range of topics from nutrition to emergencies, this edition provides essential knowledge for students transitioning to clinical practice. The book features a mix of traditional paper format and multimedia content accessible through an inner cover code. Readers can explore diagnostic procedures, clinical cases, extra contents like pregnancy-related issues, and self-assessment questions to enhance their learning experience.
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DIGESTIVE DISEASES 2022-2025 Edition UNIGAST R O CoordinamentoNazionale DocentiUniversitari diGastroenterologia A D E D I T R I C EGASTROENTEROLOGICAITALIANA
TRIMSIZE19,5x26,5 EXTENT440PAGES PAPERBACK ISBN978-88-214-5635-0 60 $75 60 FULLCOLOR - E
UNIGASTRO DIGESTIVE D I S E A S E S 2022-2025Edition UNIGASTRO (National Academic Committee in Gastroenterology) is an associationfocusedonpromotinghigh-levelteachinginGastroenterology. Over the last 25 years UNIGASTRO has been working on a textbook thoughtforthe studentswho attend the classesof Gastroenterology in the different integrated courses of the Medicine and Surgery degree, published by Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana every three years. Thenew edition offersstudentsa textbook that takesinto account the continuous growth of scientific research and provides the necessary knowledge for a correct transitionfrom theory to clinical practice.
DIGESTIV E D I S E A S E S 2022-2025Edition CONTENTS Thevolumeiscomposedof51chapters,organizedin6sections: The first section (chapters 1-4) presents introductory topics, with a special focusonnutrition, malnutrition,microbiotaandNewT echnologies; The second section (chapters 5-14) discusses oesophagus, stomach, and duodenumdiseases; Thethirdsection(chapters15-26)describessmallbowelandcolondiseases. Thefourthsection(chapters27-38)focusesonliverdiseases; Thefifthsection(chapters39-48)iscentredaroundthebiliarytractand pancreasdiseases; Thesixthsection(chapters49-51)discussestheemergenciesin Gastroenterology.
MATERIALS DIGESTIV E D I S E A S E S 2022-2025Edition Asforthepreviouseditions, thehandbookis made upofboth a paper bookand a completely renewed multimediacontent thatareaccessible directlythrougha code printed ontheinnercover . Studentsgain access to: ONLINE CLINICALCASES 1.Chronic AbdominalPain 2.Acute Abdominal Pain3.Pyrosisand Epigastralgia 4.DigestiveBleeding5.Disordersof theBowelHabits6.Hypertransaminasemia 7.Anemia8.Jaundice 9.Dysphagia10.Ascite DIAGNOSTICPROCEDURES 1.BreathTest2.Esophageal manometry,pH-and pH-Impedancemonitoring 3.Paracentesis4.Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy(PEG) 5.Esophagogastroduodenoscopy 6.Colonscopy 7.Endoscopic RetrogradeCholangiopancreatography 8.Endoscopic Ultrasound9.Enteroscopy10.Abdominal Ultrasonography 11.Liver Biopsy 12.CT and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 13.Endoscopic TherapeuticProcedures14.InterventionalRadiology EXTRACONTENTS 1.Pregnancy and Gastroenterological Diseases2.Skinand OralLesions InGastroenterological Disorders3.IntestinalMucosal Immunity 4.Covid-19 and DigestiveDiseases SELF-ASSESSMENTS Multiple Choice QuestionsbyChapter
E D U C A T I O N A L DIGESTIV E D I S E A S E S 2022-2025Edition TOOLS Each chapter of the volume displays its learning objectives summarised inthefirstpage, givingthestudenta guide fortheirpreparation.Essential key concepts and up-to-date references are indicated at the end of each chapter . LEARNINGOBJECTIVES Toprovide the epidemiology, anatomiclinical characteristics, clinical outcome, course, and complicationsof Crohn s disease. To understand difficulties in diagnosis and indications for diagnostic techniques in Crohn s disease. Tolearn the indications formedical and surgical treatments forCrohn s disease. KEYCONCEPTS Crohn s Disease isa chronic inflammatory disease of unknown aetiology, characterized by recurrent phases of remission and relapse of symptoms, mainly diarrhoea, abdominal pain, weight loss, fever. Intestinal lesionsin Crohn s Disease may Involveany area of the gastrointestinal tract, although more frequently the terminal Ileum and the colon. Typical features include transmural Inflammation, focal and patchy lesions,and fibrostricturing, fistulizingornon-penetrating non-fistulizingbehavior. Thediagnosismay be difficult,as there isno a gold standard diagnostic approach. Endoscopic and radiological findingsmayhelpto support diagnosis,to define diseaseactivityand complications, and forassessing itscourse.
E D U C A T I O N A L DIGESTIV E D I S E A S E S 2022-2025Edition Thisnew editionprovidesto the studentsa user-friendlymanual,up todate with the most recent researchand richof fullcolor illustrationsand photographs. TOOLS NSAIDs SYSTEMIC TOPICAL COX Phospholipid binding dependent Mesenteric T apeworm Antimesenteric Tapeworm VMucusviscosity COX-1 COX-2 V ascular structure Mucosa permeability VPGE2-PGI2-TXA2 V Prostaglandins H+back diffusion VMucosa protection V Blood Flow Mucosa damage Mucosa damage