The Purpose and Levels of Accreditation in Catholic Schools

CECV Accreditation Policy and
Teacher Accreditation Platform
In recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s
spiritual and cultural connection to 
 we acknowledge
the traditional custodians of the lands on which we meet and
educate our children.
We recognise the continued care of the lands and waterways
passed from generation to generation, wisdom that is shared,
and life that is celebrated in harmony with the natural
We honour the Elders past and present who have laid the
foundations, traditions, and culture for emerging Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander peoples and we commit to working
together for reconciliation and justice.
Acknowledgment of Country
Bunjil the Spirit Creator
Archie, Year 3
Sacred Heart School, Sandringham
As we gather today, we pray in solidarity
As we gather today, we pray in solidarity
with all who work in our Catholic schools,
with all who work in our Catholic schools,
that we might become communities which truly …
that we might become communities which truly …
- honour the sacred dignity of each person -
- honour the sacred dignity of each person -
- search for truth -
- search for truth -
- embrace difference and diversity -
- embrace difference and diversity -
- build a culture of learning together -
- build a culture of learning together -
- engage with the deep questions of life -
- engage with the deep questions of life -
- honour equitable access and opportunity for all -
- honour equitable access and opportunity for all -
- commit to achieving the highest standards possible -
- commit to achieving the highest standards possible -
- make a difference in the world -
- make a difference in the world -
Leaders and teachers in Catholic schools are central in ensuring that students
experience an education which is truly Catholic in its understanding and
Our Catholic faith calls us to embrace the contemporary world with a Catholic imagination,
and a particular hope-filled view of the human person and all of creation. Catholic
educators invite students to make sense of their world and their lives within a faith
community that is faithful to the mission of Jesus. 
(Horizons of Hope, Vision & Mission, p9)
If that is the case, leaders and teachers need ongoing formation through
professional learning in Catholic thought and practice.
Why do we have an accreditation policy?
Why do we have an accreditation policy?
The accreditation process aims to:
support leaders and teachers who are entering or continuing
their service in Catholic education to develop their knowledge
and appreciation of the Catholic faith and tradition
enable leaders and teachers to place their ministry in the
specific Catholic context of our schools.
There are two levels of accreditation in recognition of the different
roles that leaders and teachers undertake:
Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School
Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic
Each level must firstly be 
, as with the previous policy, but then
must be 
Levels of Accreditation
Levels of Accreditation
The following categories apply to gaining and maintaining 
levels of
The aims and objectives of the Catholic school
Catholic curriculum, Religious Education and faith
Catholic identity, culture, tradition and theology (including
prayer, liturgy, scripture and Catholic social teaching).
‘Catholic Curriculum’ refers to the Catholic context and teachings related to
learning areas other than Religious Education 
(e.g. Catholic teaching on bio-ethics
in relation to the Science curriculum)
Categories for Accreditation activities
Categories for Accreditation activities
All teachers 
All teachers 
are required to gain and maintain 
Level 1
Level 1
Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School
Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School
Teachers entering Catholic education without 
Accreditation to
Accreditation to
Teach in a Catholic School 
Teach in a Catholic School 
are granted a five-year period from
the commencement of employment to secure their
Level 1 Requirements
Level 1 Requirements
Requirements for gaining and maintaining
Requirements for gaining and maintaining
Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School (Level 1)
Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School (Level 1)
teachers of Religious Education 
teachers of Religious Education 
Catholic school leaders
Catholic school leaders
are required to gain and maintain 
Level 2
Level 2
Accreditation to
Accreditation to
Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School
Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School
The policy specifically refers to ‘leaders’ as those holding Principal or
Deputy Principal roles, but it is highly recommended that those in other
senior leadership positions in schools work towards attaining this level of
Level 2 Requirements
Level 2 Requirements
Requirements for gaining and maintaining Accreditation to
Requirements for gaining and maintaining Accreditation to
Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School (Level 2)
Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School (Level 2)
The following practice is already common in many schools and will fulfill in an
on-going way the policy requirements for staff to gain and maintain
Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School.
One in-school PL Day for staff related to Catholic Mission and
Identity and approved for accreditation which covers a broad range
of the categories needed in the policy. (5hrs)
5hrs per year x 5 years = 25hrs
A baseline for school accreditation programs
A baseline for school accreditation programs
Once teachers have completed the course-work necessary to gain Accreditation
to Teach R.E. or Lead in a Catholic School, a common way that many maintain that
accreditation is by participating in:
A school PL Day for staff related to Catholic Mission and Identity and
approved for accreditation (5hrs)
Another 5hr day PL, or 5hrs worth of separate PLs, which are approved for
accreditation. This may be offered in-school, as part of the MACS PL
program, or by other providers.
5hrs + 5hrs per year x 5 years = 50hrs
Maintaining the next level of accreditation
Maintaining the next level of accreditation
The online 
Teacher Accreditation Platform (TAP) 
Teacher Accreditation Platform (TAP) 
has been
developed to assist schools to implement the CECV teacher
accreditation policy.
In the short-term, TAP will enable schools to more easily …
Apply for in-school professional learning to be approved for
Allow teachers to apply for accreditation online
Generate their own reports related to accreditation for a range
of purposes.
Over the next few years, as school generated data becomes
more substantial on TAP …
School reports related to accreditation will become more
substantial and accurate
Teachers will be able to access information to track their
standing in regards to gaining or maintaining accreditation
It is recommended that each school designates a staff member/s
to become ‘expert’ in how to use the site and to coordinate their
present school accreditation process and records with the
requirements of the site.
Principals will need to give administrative access to the staff
members involved.
Management of TAP at school level
Management of TAP at school level
A range of resources have been prepared to assist schools
and external providers to understand and work with the
These include how-to videos, manuals and FAQ resources.
Resources are available on CEVN.
Resources related to TAP
Resources related to TAP
Slide Note

Catholic schools have an accreditation policy to ensure leaders and teachers uphold the Catholic faith while educating students. Through ongoing professional development, educators are equipped to serve within the specific Catholic context of schools. The accreditation process aims to support educators in developing their knowledge of the Catholic faith and tradition. There are two levels of accreditation: one for teaching in a Catholic school and another for teaching religious education or taking on leadership roles.

  • Catholic schools
  • Accreditation policy
  • Teachers
  • Catholic education
  • Professional development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CECV Accreditation Policy and Teacher Accreditation Platform

  2. Acknowledgment of Country In recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people s spiritual and cultural connection to Country, we acknowledge the traditional custodians of the lands on which we meet and educate our children. We recognise the continued care of the lands and waterways passed from generation to generation, wisdom that is shared, and life that is celebrated in harmony with the natural environment. We honour the Elders past and present who have laid the foundations, traditions, and culture for emerging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and we commit to working together for reconciliation and justice. Bunjil the Spirit Creator Archie, Year 3 Sacred Heart School, Sandringham 2

  3. As we gather today, we pray in solidarity with all who work in our Catholic schools, that we might become communities which truly - honour the sacred dignity of each person - - search for truth - - embrace difference and diversity - - build a culture of learning together - - engage with the deep questions of life - - honour equitable access and opportunity for all - - commit to achieving the highest standards possible - and - make a difference in the world - Amen HORIZONS OF HOPE PRAYER 3

  4. Why do we have an accreditation policy? Leaders and teachers in Catholic schools are central in ensuring that students experience an education which is truly Catholic in its understanding and intent. Our Catholic faith calls us to embrace the contemporary world with a Catholic imagination, and a particular hope-filled view of the human person and all of creation. Catholic educators invite students to make sense of their world and their lives within a faith community that is faithful to the mission of Jesus. (Horizons of Hope, Vision & Mission, p9) If that is the case, leaders and teachers need ongoing formation through professional learning in Catholic thought and practice. 4

  5. The accreditation process aims to: support leaders and teachers who are entering or continuing their service in Catholic education to develop their knowledge and appreciation of the Catholic faith and tradition enable leaders and teachers to place their ministry in the specific Catholic context of our schools. 5

  6. Levels of Accreditation There are two levels of accreditation in recognition of the different roles that leaders and teachers undertake: Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School Each level must firstly be GAINED, as with the previous policy, but then must be MAINTAINED. 6

  7. Categories for Accreditation activities The following categories apply to gaining and maintaining BOTH levels of accreditation. A. The aims and objectives of the Catholic school B. Catholic curriculum, Religious Education and faith development C. Catholic identity, culture, tradition and theology (including prayer, liturgy, scripture and Catholic social teaching). Catholic Curriculum refers to the Catholic context and teachings related to learning areas other than Religious Education (e.g. Catholic teaching on bio-ethics in relation to the Science curriculum). 7

  8. Level 1 Requirements All teachers are required to gain and maintain Level 1 Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School. Teachers entering Catholic education without Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School are granted a five-year period from the commencement of employment to secure their accreditation. 8

  9. Requirements for gaining and maintaining Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School (Level 1) Gaining Accreditation is gained by : Maintaining Accreditation is maintained by: 25 hours of professional learning or formation balanced across the three categories in each five-year period following the initial gaining of Level 1 accreditation. 25 hours of professional learning balanced across the three categories within five years of being employed. 9

  10. Level 2 Requirements All teachers of Religious Education and Catholic school leaders are required to gain and maintain Level 2Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School. The policy specifically refers to leaders as those holding Principal or Deputy Principal roles, but it is highly recommended that those in other senior leadership positions in schools work towards attaining this level of accreditation. 10

  11. Requirements for gaining and maintaining Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School (Level 2) Gaining Maintaining Accreditation is gained by : Accreditation is maintained by: Formal, assessed study in Religious Education/ Theology/ Catholic Leadership within five years of being employed (courses are approved by agreement of the diocesan Heads of Religious Education). 50 hours of professional learning or formation balanced across the three categories in each five- year period following the initial gaining of Level 2 accreditation. A qualification in Catholic Leadership (e.g. a master s degree) must include four units of Religious Education or Theology (or equivalent). 11

  12. OLD POLICY NEW POLICY 2 Policies: 1.6 Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School 1.7 Accreditation to Teach RE in a Catholic School 1 Policy, two levels: Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School Accreditation to Teach RE or Lead in a Catholic School Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School - 50 hours of professional learning Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School - 25 hours of professional learning (and then 25 hours each subsequent 5 years) No formal requirement to maintain either Accreditation Formal requirement to maintain Accreditation at both levels 12

  13. A baseline for school accreditation programs The following practice is already common in many schools and will fulfill in an on-going way the policy requirements for staff to gain and maintain Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School. One in-school PL Day for staff related to Catholic Mission and Identity and approved for accreditation which covers a broad range of the categories needed in the policy. (5hrs) 5hrs per year x 5 years = 25hrs 13

  14. Maintaining the next level of accreditation Once teachers have completed the course-work necessary to gain Accreditation to Teach R.E. or Lead in a Catholic School, a common way that many maintain that accreditation is by participating in: A school PL Day for staff related to Catholic Mission and Identity and approved for accreditation (5hrs) Another 5hr day PL, or 5hrs worth of separate PLs, which are approved for accreditation. This may be offered in-school, as part of the MACS PL program, or by other providers. 5hrs + 5hrs per year x 5 years = 50hrs 14

  15. TEACHER ACCREDITATION PLATFORM The online Teacher Accreditation Platform (TAP) has been developed to assist schools to implement the CECV teacher accreditation policy. 15

  16. TEACHER ACCREDITATION PLATFORM In the short-term, TAP will enable schools to more easily Apply for in-school professional learning to be approved for accreditation Allow teachers to apply for accreditation online Generate their own reports related to accreditation for a range of purposes. 16

  17. TEACHER ACCREDITATION PLATFORM Over the next few years, as school generated data becomes more substantial on TAP School reports related to accreditation will become more substantial and accurate Teachers will be able to access information to track their standing in regards to gaining or maintaining accreditation 17

  18. Management of TAP at school level It is recommended that each school designates a staff member/s to become expert in how to use the site and to coordinate their present school accreditation process and records with the requirements of the site. Principals will need to give administrative access to the staff members involved. 18

  19. Resources related to TAP A range of resources have been prepared to assist schools and external providers to understand and work with the platform. These include how-to videos, manuals and FAQ resources. Resources are available on CEVN. 19

  20. James Goold House, 228 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002 T: +61 3 9267 0228 E:

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