Sustainable Cultivation Strategies for EU Crops

WP3: Sustainable cultivation
Myrsini Christou
: Months: 1-54
Work breakdown:
Task 3.1
: Geographic allocation of crops (M1-54) (
Task 3.2
: Screening trials (M1–M54) (
Task 3.3
: Sowing dates/strategies (M12–M48) (
Task 3.4
: Irrigation/fertilisation trials (M12–M54) (
, UWM)
Task 3.5
: Sustainable crop rotation strategies (M12–54) (
Task 3.6
: Large fields tests under real operational conditions (M25–M54)
Task 3.7
: Scenarios for selected, industry-oriented, raw materials supply
chains (M36–M54) (
: Months: 1-54
Work breakdown:
Task 3.1
: Geographic allocation of crops (M1-54) (
Task 3.2
: Screening trials (M1–M54) (
Task 3.3
: Sowing dates/strategies (M12–M48) (
Task 3.4
: Irrigation/fertilisation trials (M12–M54) (
, UWM)
Task 3.5
: Sustainable crop rotation strategies (M12–54) (
Task 3.6
: Large fields tests under real operational conditions (M25–M54)
Task 3.7
: Scenarios for selected, industry-oriented, raw materials supply
chains (M36–M54) (
        Task 3.1: Geographic allocation of crops
: Months: 1-54
The objective is to identify suitable climatic zones for the cultivation of the
selected crops. The analysis of land availability will be based on spatial agro-
climate data and performed in GIS software (global positioning system type).
Databases like Corine Land Cover, Soil Geographical Database, etc. will be
used in order to identify the land conditions
Climatic datasets
 are available for downloading at the website of the European
Climate Assessment & Dataset project. After selection, the following data are included
in the downloaded dataset
Daily Precipitation
Daily Temperature (Average , Minimum, Maximum)
Land use and land cover data 
derived from EEA’s database and Eurostat.
EEA’s Corine Land Cover programme provides dataset about land cover in Europe,
classified in specific classes.
The Eurostat’s LUCAS (Land Use/Cover Area frame Statistical survey) dataset
provides information about cover/land use and agro-environmental and soil data.
Land elevation:
ETOPO1 (Minute Gridded Global Relief Data) is a 1 arc-minute global relief model
of Earth's surface developed by the National Geophysical Data Center of the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the US. In the further
process only land topography data will be used.
        Suitability of crambe for the several EU
Task 3.2 Screening trials
Partners: UNIBO
10 entries of camelina and crambe presenting the most interesting
agronomical traits coming from WP2 tests will be grown in all sites (
Italy, Poland and Netherlands
) for screening purposes.
10 entries of camelina were provided by Linnaeus and 10 entries of
crambe by DLO
Experimental design: randomised complete plot in 3 or 4 blocks
Plot sizes:  9 m
Seeding distances: Rows 0,15 m apart
Reference oil crops like rapeseed or sunflower and cereals.
Experimental plots and blocks for
crambe and camelina
Experimental plots and blocks for
crambe and camelina
Proposed by: WUR
Modified by: UNIBO
Experimental plots and blocks for
crambe and camelina
Proposed by: WUR
Modified by: UNIBO
Sowing protocol for camelina:
seeding date
Seeding date: 
Spring or fall/winter
Spring seeding:  
Prior to other spring-type Brassica crops. Seedlings not only frost
tolerant but also tolerate several cycles of freeze – thawing. If adverse weather
prevents early spring seeding, camelina can also be seeded later (into mid-to late
June) without a significant yield penalty due to its early maturity.
Fall/winter seeding: 
Seeded in fall or on frozen ground from late October to early
January (winter/dormant seeding), which makes it unique among spring-type
oilseeds. Winter-sown camelina starts to germinate early in spring at
temperatures around 1°C and emerges before any significant weed flushes: a
feature that increases the competitiveness of the crop.
Currently, it is debated whether spring or fall/winter seeding is superior.
Source: Linnaeus
Sowing protocol for camelina:
seeding rate
Seeding rate:
Optimum plant densities range from 
114 to 172 plants/m
Based on this, we recommend a seeding rate of 550 – 700 seeds/m
 since this rate will
provide targeted plant densities, even if only 25% of the seeds emerge. These rates
correspond to 
5.5 to 7.0 kg/ha
. Higher plant stands can hasten the maturity of
camelina plants by as much as 7 days.
Because the size of camelina seeds is rather small (about 1/3 of canola seed, TKW: 1.0
– 1.2 gr), it is essential to 
seed at shallow depth 
(no deeper than 1.25 cm) and that
there is 
adequate soil compaction 
good seed-soil contact
. Conventional drills and
air drills work well for seeding; when seeding with an air drill, we recommend
increasing the seeding rate to 7.0 kg/ha. Camelina can also be seeded by broadcasting
with a Valmar, followed by heavy harrowing and rolling. It has also been successfully
air-seeded on wet soils.
Source: Linnaeus
Seeding rates for camelina
TKW: Thousand Seed Weight
Source: Linnaeus
Sowing protocol for camelina: inputs
Choice of land: 
Because of the limited weed control options in camelina, only fields
with known limited weed pressure should be chosen. The history of herbicide use on a
particular field needs to be reviewed to avoid crop failure due to herbicide damage.
Camelina is susceptible to residual SU and IMI herbicides. If it is not recommended to
plant a Brassica crop such as canola or mustards the year after a certain herbicide has
been applied, camelina should not be planted as well.
Fertiliser requirements:  
The nutrient requirements of camelina have been shown to
be similar to those of B. rapa. For maximum yield, about 
90-112 kg/ha applied N 
required and little less for lighter soils). The S and P requirements of camelina are not
yet known; we therefore recommend amounts sufficient for canola production.
Water requirements
. Camelina’s drought tolerance is a well-documented fact. Total
evapotranspiration for camelina, which equals to the minimum water requirement of
the crop, has been shown to be between 
332 and 371 mm
, which is significantly less
than that of grain crops and canola (600-655 mm).
Source: Linnaeus
Sowing protocol for camelina: inputs
Weed control
. Herbicide options in camelina are currently limited. The grassy
Assure II 
has Minor Use Registration in camelina. In trials, good pre-
emergence broadleaf weed control was achieved with 
. We are currently working
on Minor Use Registration. Once Edge is registered in camelina, it can be applied in the
fall prior to dormant seeding or spring seeding or it can be applied in the spring prior
to spring seeding. The use of Edge will offer farmers an option to rotate their
chemicals. Post-emergence broadleaf herbicides will be available for use in camelina in
the not too distant future.
Pests and Diseases
. One of the agronomic advantages of camelina is its resistance to
flea beetles, blackleg and blackspot. Insecticide and fungicide treatment of the seed as
well as lateseason insecticide sprays are not necessary. The only pathogen of potential
economic importance in camelina is downy mildew, which mainly occurs under cool
and moist weather conditions.
Source: Linnaeus
Camelina harvest
Pod shattering is not an issue in camelina
; therefore, it can be 
directly combined
However, in fields with high weed pressure, we recommend to swath and combine.
Swathing should be done when 75% of the crop has turned yellow. Direct combining
can occur when seed moisture reaches 8% 
using a canola setting on your moisture
tester. Conventional combines used to harvest other Brassica oilseeds can be used to
harvest camelina. If possible, a small seed kit should be fitted in. Combine settings
need to be adjusted to account for the small seed size. We recommend starting with
the following settings, checking for seed loss, and then modifying accordingly:
Ground speed: 4 – 5 MPH; Fan speed: 500 – 800 RPM; Cylinder speed: 800 – 1000
RPM; Concave space: 1”; Top chaffer sieve number: 1/8” – 3/16” (JD, CASE IH, NH
Holes in combines, grain trailers, and bins should be sealed to prevent the loss of seed.
Camelina stems turn woody when they mature, similar to flax. However, camelina is
easy to combine, the straw spreads nicely and degrades more readily than flax straw. It
can be used as bedding material for cattle and horses.
Source: Linnaeus
Sowing protocol for crambe:
seeding date
Seeding date:
Sowing time depends on location and climatic conditions, bus as a general
rule advanced sowing favors higher yields . 
In temperate climates it could be
sown from September to November 
like rape whereas in 
colder climates it is
advised to be sown as spring crop sown in late April or May
. Under
favourable conditions two crambe crops could be harvested in the same year,
if the first crop is sown in early spring and the second about mid-July [Laghetti
et al, 1995].
Source: Literature review
Sowing protocol for crambe:
seeding rate
Seeding rate:
In literature, 
75 -200 plants/m² 
is advisable for high yields, corresponding to 
15-20 kg
of seeds/ha
. Seeding rate of 
17 kg/ha in rows 16 cm apart, if germination is 80-90%,
thus giving about 126 plants /m
is recommended fro achieving satisfactory yields.
Lower seeding rates resulted in lower plant densities but better yields due to
increased plant branching and extended flowering period.
Sowing could be done with mechanical broadcasting or in rows 
15-35 cm apart in
irrigated areas where weeds are not a problem and 45-60 cm apart in drier areas
In the large field of crambe in Poland, seeds at 15 kg/ha were sown by drill and the
inter-rows were 12.5 cm.
Planting depth is a critical factor in obtaining good crambe yields. Seed should be
0.6 cm deep in humid regions and up to  2.54 cm deep in drier areas
Source: Linnaeus
In spring 2013, a commercial field
of crambe (Crambe abyssinica)
was established in the north-east
of Poland, at the Didactic and
Research Station in Łężany
(5335’ N, 2036’ E), which is a
unit of the University of Warmia
and Mazury in Olsztyn
The soil was prepared according
to good agricultural practice. The
following procedures were
conducted before sowing in the
spring 2013: ploughing to a 20-cm
depth, harrowing and cultivating
(shortly before sowing). Crambe
was sown on a total area of 10
Sowing protocol for crambe: inputs
Choice of land: 
as in camelina.
Fertiliser requirements:  
Fertilizer requirements are similar to other spring oilseed
crops; best results may be achieved with around 150 kg/ha applied to seedbeds
(IENICA). Reports of fertilizer trials on Crambe are rare, other than to establish
whether or not fertilizers are necessary, and application levels, types and timing must
be locally determined. Crambe can be deep-rooted, and thus draw on soil nutrients at
depth (Weiss, 1983).
In the large field of crambe established in Poland
, before the experiments were set
up, phosphorus as triple superphosphate was applied at 
40 kg P
, potassium as
potassium chloride at 
60 kg K
and nitrogen as ammonium nitrate at 
40 kg
. Subsequently, another dose of the same nitrogen fertiliser was applied as
top dressing at 
60 kg NH
Source: Literature, UWM
Sowing protocol for crambe: inputs
Weed control
. Crambe has been found to be susceptible to 
Alternaria and sclerotinia
and a well-timed fungicide application at the mid-flowering stage has had a yield
response (up to 1t/ha) and may also improve oil content. Fungicide dressed seed may
also beneficial. Some of the weeds that may cause difficulties are 
pigweed, foxtail,
smartweed, lambsquarter, ragweed, and kochia
A uniform, thick stand of crambe is an effective means of weed control. Early planting
also increases crambe's ability to compete with weeds, which require a higher soil
temperature for germination. However, as crambe approaches maturity, weeds may
emerge through the crop canopy, posing problems with harvest and increasing the
moisture of harvested crambe seed. No herbicides have been registered for use on
crambe in the U.S. Crambe is very susceptible to injury from 2,4-D drift and the
residual effects of atrazine.
In the large field of crambe in Poland 
spraying with 
glyphosate at 5 l/ha 
was applied
before the crambe plantation was set up. Subsequently, immediately after sowing, the
soil-applied herbicide 
Butisan Star 416 SC was applied at 2.7 l/ha
Source: Literature,  UWM
Crambe harvest
After flowering, crambe matures rapidly in one to two weeks. Timely harvest is
important to avoid high shattering losses. During warm dry weather the crop should
be frequently monitored (daily or every other day) to determine correct harvest stage.
Crambe is physiologically mature when 50% of the seeds have turned brown.
According to Weiss 1983 crambe is ready to be harvested when the majority of leaves
have fallen,  the upper part of the stem is yellow, and at least 75% of the capsules have
turned yellow. This is usually some 90-100 days after planting. Extensive branching is
considered to be a disadvantage for mechanical harvesting, and although branching
may increase individual plant yield, it may also increase the number of harvested
immature seeds.
Crambe can be swathed to dry in the field, but most growers prefer to harvest Crambe
direct with combine headers commonly used with wheat.
Source: Literature
Crambe harvest
In the large field of crambe in Poland, desiccation of the plants was performed before
seeds of crambe were harvested with Klinik 360 SL at 4 l·ha-1 to ensure uniform
ripening of plants. The harvest was performed with a combine harvester in the fourth
week of August 2013. The straw after harvest was left in the field to enrich soil with
organic carbon.
Source: UWM
Emergence date and rate
Flowering date and rate
Final height
Number of branches/m
Seed yields
Oil profile
Fresh and dry matter yields of field residues
Moisture content of field residues at harvest.
Slide Note

This project, funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme, aims to develop sustainable cultivation strategies for various crops in the European Union. Tasks include geographic allocation, trials, sowing strategies, irrigation/fertilisation trials, crop rotation, field tests, and scenarios for raw materials supply chains. The focus is on identifying suitable climatic zones for cultivation using GIS software and relevant databases. Climatic datasets such as daily precipitation and temperature, land use data, and land elevation models are utilized to assess crop suitability.

  • Sustainable Cultivation
  • Horizon 2020 Programme
  • EU Crops
  • Geographic Allocation
  • Crop Suitability

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WP3: Sustainable cultivation strategies Myrsini Christou CRES Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union

  2. Organisation Duration: Months: 1-54 Partners: CRES , DLO, LINNAEUS, UNIBO, UWM Work breakdown: Task 3.1: Geographic allocation of crops (M1-54) (CRES, DLO, UNIBO, UWM) Task 3.2: Screening trials (M1 M54) (UNIBO, DLO, CRES, UWM) Task 3.3: Sowing dates/strategies (M12 M48) (CRES, DLO, UNIBO, UWM) Task 3.4: Irrigation/fertilisation trials (M12 M54) (CRES, UWM) Task 3.5: Sustainable crop rotation strategies (M12 54) (UNIBO, CRES, UWM) Task 3.6: Large fields tests under real operational conditions (M25 M54) (UWM, CRES, UNIBO) Task 3.7: Scenarios for selected, industry-oriented, raw materials supply chains (M36 M54) (DLO, CRES, UNIBO, UWM) 2

  3. Organisation Duration: Months: 1-54 Partners: CRES , DLO, LINNAEUS, UNIBO, UWM Work breakdown: Task 3.1: Geographic allocation of crops (M1-54) (CRES, DLO, UNIBO, UWM) Task 3.2: Screening trials (M1 M54) (UNIBO, DLO, CRES, UWM) Task 3.3: Sowing dates/strategies (M12 M48) (CRES, DLO, UNIBO, UWM) Task 3.4: Irrigation/fertilisation trials (M12 M54) (CRES, UWM) Task 3.5: Sustainable crop rotation strategies (M12 54) (UNIBO, CRES, UWM) Task 3.6: Large fields tests under real operational conditions (M25 M54) (UWM, CRES, UNIBO) Task 3.7: Scenarios for selected, industry-oriented, raw materials supply chains (M36 M54) (DLO, CRES, UNIBO, UWM) 3

  4. Task 3.1: Geographic allocation of crops Duration: Months: 1-54 Partners: CRES , DLO, LINNAEUS, UNIBO, UWM The objective is to identify suitable climatic zones for the cultivation of the selected crops. The analysis of land availability will be based on spatial agro- climate data and performed in GIS software (global positioning system type). Databases like Corine Land Cover, Soil Geographical Database, etc. will be used in order to identify the land conditions 4

  5. Datasets Climatic datasets are available for downloading at the website of the European Climate Assessment & Dataset project. After selection, the following data are included in the downloaded dataset Daily Precipitation Daily Temperature (Average , Minimum, Maximum) Land use and land cover data derived from EEA s database and Eurostat. EEA s Corine Land Cover programme provides dataset about land cover in Europe, classified in specific classes. The Eurostat s LUCAS (Land Use/Cover Area frame Statistical survey) dataset provides information about cover/land use and agro-environmental and soil data. Land elevation: ETOPO1 (Minute Gridded Global Relief Data) is a 1 arc-minute global relief model of Earth's surface developed by the National Geophysical Data Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the US. In the further process only land topography data will be used. 5

  6. Suitability of crambe for the several EU regions 6

  7. Task 3.2 Screening trials Duration: M1 M54 Partners: UNIBO, DLO, CRES, UWM 10 entries of camelina and crambe presenting the most interesting agronomical traits coming from WP2 tests will be grown in all sites (Greece, Italy, Poland and Netherlands) for screening purposes. 10 entries of camelina were provided by Linnaeus and 10 entries of crambe by DLO Experimental design: randomised complete plot in 3 or 4 blocks Plot sizes: 9 m2 Seeding distances: Rows 0,15 m apart Reference oil crops like rapeseed or sunflower and cereals. 7

  8. Experimental plots and blocks for crambe and camelina Crambe plots (9 m2) Crambe experimental field (640 m2) Block I 20m 4m 6m Block II Block III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4m 6m 1,5 m 32 m 0,15 m 1,5 m 8

  9. Experimental plots and blocks for crambe and camelina Modified by: UNIBO Proposed by: WUR galactica galactica BL 1 galactica galactica BL2 screening crambe galactica galactica BL 3 galactica galactica BL 4 1.56 m 1.56 m Odd plots: Galactica 1.56 m 16 m 1.56 m 9 Even plots: New lines

  10. Experimental plots and blocks for crambe and camelina Modified by: UNIBO Proposed by: WUR Galactica galactica galactica BL 1 galactica Galactica galactica Bl 2 screening crambe Galactica galactica galactica BL 3 Galactica galactica galactica BL 4 1.56 m 7,8 1,6 7,8 1.56 m Odd plots: Galactica 10 21 m Even plots: New lines

  11. Sowing protocol for camelina: seeding date Seeding date: Spring or fall/winter Spring seeding: Prior to other spring-type Brassica crops. Seedlings not only frost tolerant but also tolerate several cycles of freeze thawing. If adverse weather prevents early spring seeding, camelina can also be seeded later (into mid-to late June) without a significant yield penalty due to its early maturity. Fall/winter seeding: Seeded in fall or on frozen ground from late October to early January (winter/dormant seeding), which makes it unique among spring-type oilseeds. Winter-sown camelina starts to germinate early in spring at temperatures around 1 C and emerges before any significant weed flushes: a feature that increases the competitiveness of the crop. Currently, it is debated whether spring or fall/winter seeding is superior. Source: Linnaeus 11

  12. Sowing protocol for camelina: seeding rate Seeding rate: Optimum plant densities range from 114 to 172 plants/m2. Based on this, we recommend a seeding rate of 550 700 seeds/m2since this rate will provide targeted plant densities, even if only 25% of the seeds emerge. These rates correspond to 5.5 to 7.0 kg/ha. Higher plant stands can hasten the maturity of camelina plants by as much as 7 days. Because the size of camelina seeds is rather small (about 1/3 of canola seed, TKW: 1.0 1.2 gr), it is essential to seed at shallow depth (no deeper than 1.25 cm) and that there is adequate soil compaction and good seed-soil contact. Conventional drills and air drills work well for seeding; when seeding with an air drill, we recommend increasing the seeding rate to 7.0 kg/ha. Camelina can also be seeded by broadcasting with a Valmar, followed by heavy harrowing and rolling. It has also been successfully air-seeded on wet soils. Source: Linnaeus 12

  13. Seeding rates for camelina plot length (m) plot width (m) seeded area (m2) Targeted seeds (/m2) TKW Germ Mort Seeding Rate no entry seed source (g) (%) (%) kg/ha g/plot g/row g/location g/trial 15CS0947 + 15CS0948 + 15CS0949 (mix of 13CS0787- 02, -03, -04) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 500 500 500 500 500 500 1,31 0,95 0,05 1,36 0,95 0,05 1,93 0,95 0,05 10,72 1,77 0,95 0,05 1,29 0,95 0,05 1,41 0,95 0,05 7,28 7,56 6,55 6,80 9,65 8,85 6,45 7,05 0,27 0,28 0,40 0,37 0,27 0,29 26,20 27,20 38,60 35,40 25,80 28,20 104,80 108,80 154,40 141,60 103,20 112,80 1 14CS0886 15CS0950 2 13CS0787-05 15CS0951 3 13CS0787-06 9,83 7,17 7,83 15CS0953 4 14CS0787-08 15CS0954 5 13CS0787-09 15CS0960 15CS0964 + 15CS0965 + 15CS0966 (mix of 13CS0788- 01, -02, -03) 6 13CS0787-15 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 500 500 500 1,32 0,95 0,05 1,27 0,95 0,05 1,04 0,95 0,05 7,33 7,06 5,78 6,60 6,35 5,20 0,28 0,26 0,22 26,40 25,40 20,80 105,60 101,60 83,20 7 14CS0887 15CS0970 8 13CS0789-02 14CS0865 9 Midas 10 WUR TKW: Thousand Seed Weight Source: Linnaeus 13

  14. Sowing protocol for camelina: inputs Choice of land: Because of the limited weed control options in camelina, only fields with known limited weed pressure should be chosen. The history of herbicide use on a particular field needs to be reviewed to avoid crop failure due to herbicide damage. Camelina is susceptible to residual SU and IMI herbicides. If it is not recommended to plant a Brassica crop such as canola or mustards the year after a certain herbicide has been applied, camelina should not be planted as well. Fertiliser requirements: The nutrient requirements of camelina have been shown to be similar to those of B. rapa. For maximum yield, about 90-112 kg/ha applied N is required and little less for lighter soils). The S and P requirements of camelina are not yet known; we therefore recommend amounts sufficient for canola production. Water requirements. Camelina s drought tolerance is a well-documented fact. Total evapotranspiration for camelina, which equals to the minimum water requirement of the crop, has been shown to be between 332 and 371 mm, which is significantly less than that of grain crops and canola (600-655 mm). Source: Linnaeus 14

  15. Sowing protocol for camelina: inputs Weed control. Herbicide options in camelina are currently limited. The grassy herbicide Assure II has Minor Use Registration in camelina. In trials, good pre- emergence broadleaf weed control was achieved with Edge. We are currently working on Minor Use Registration. Once Edge is registered in camelina, it can be applied in the fall prior to dormant seeding or spring seeding or it can be applied in the spring prior to spring seeding. The use of Edge will offer farmers an option to rotate their chemicals. Post-emergence broadleaf herbicides will be available for use in camelina in the not too distant future. Pests and Diseases. One of the agronomic advantages of camelina is its resistance to flea beetles, blackleg and blackspot. Insecticide and fungicide treatment of the seed as well as lateseason insecticide sprays are not necessary. The only pathogen of potential economic importance in camelina is downy mildew, which mainly occurs under cool and moist weather conditions. Source: Linnaeus 15

  16. Camelina harvest Pod shattering is not an issue in camelina; therefore, it can be directly combined. However, in fields with high weed pressure, we recommend to swath and combine. Swathing should be done when 75% of the crop has turned yellow. Direct combining can occur when seed moisture reaches 8% using a canola setting on your moisture tester. Conventional combines used to harvest other Brassica oilseeds can be used to harvest camelina. If possible, a small seed kit should be fitted in. Combine settings need to be adjusted to account for the small seed size. We recommend starting with the following settings, checking for seed loss, and then modifying accordingly: Ground speed: 4 5 MPH; Fan speed: 500 800 RPM; Cylinder speed: 800 1000 RPM; Concave space: 1 ; Top chaffer sieve number: 1/8 3/16 (JD, CASE IH, NH series). Holes in combines, grain trailers, and bins should be sealed to prevent the loss of seed. Camelina stems turn woody when they mature, similar to flax. However, camelina is easy to combine, the straw spreads nicely and degrades more readily than flax straw. It can be used as bedding material for cattle and horses. Source: Linnaeus 16

  17. Sowing protocol for crambe: seeding date Seeding date: Sowing time depends on location and climatic conditions, bus as a general rule advanced sowing favors higher yields . In temperate climates it could be sown from September to November like rape whereas in colder climates it is advised to be sown as spring crop sown in late April or May. Under favourable conditions two crambe crops could be harvested in the same year, if the first crop is sown in early spring and the second about mid-July [Laghetti et al, 1995]. Source: Literature review 17

  18. Sowing protocol for crambe: seeding rate Seeding rate: In literature, 75 -200 plants/m is advisable for high yields, corresponding to 15-20 kg of seeds/ha. Seeding rate of 17 kg/ha in rows 16 cm apart, if germination is 80-90%, thus giving about 126 plants /m2is recommended fro achieving satisfactory yields. Lower seeding rates resulted in lower plant densities but better yields due to increased plant branching and extended flowering period. Sowing could be done with mechanical broadcasting or in rows 15-35 cm apart in irrigated areas where weeds are not a problem and 45-60 cm apart in drier areas. In the large field of crambe in Poland, seeds at 15 kg/ha were sown by drill and the inter-rows were 12.5 cm. Planting depth is a critical factor in obtaining good crambe yields. Seed should be planted 0.6 cm deep in humid regions and up to 2.54 cm deep in drier areas. Source: Linnaeus 18

  19. In spring 2013, a commercial field of crambe (Crambe abyssinica) was established in the north-east of Poland, at the Didactic and Research Station (53 35 N, 20 36 E), which is a unit of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn in any The soil was prepared according to good agricultural practice. The following procedures conducted before sowing in the spring 2013: ploughing to a 20-cm depth, harrowing and cultivating (shortly before sowing). Crambe was sown on a total area of 10 ha. were 19

  20. Sowing protocol for crambe: inputs Choice of land: as in camelina. Fertiliser requirements: Fertilizer requirements are similar to other spring oilseed crops; best results may be achieved with around 150 kg/ha applied to seedbeds (IENICA). Reports of fertilizer trials on Crambe are rare, other than to establish whether or not fertilizers are necessary, and application levels, types and timing must be locally determined. Crambe can be deep-rooted, and thus draw on soil nutrients at depth (Weiss, 1983). In the large field of crambe established in Poland, before the experiments were set up, phosphorus as triple superphosphate was applied at 40 kg P2O5/ha, potassium as potassium chloride at 60 kg K2O/ha and nitrogen as ammonium nitrate at 40 kg NH4NO3/ha. Subsequently, another dose of the same nitrogen fertiliser was applied as top dressing at 60 kg NH4NO3/ha. Source: Literature, UWM 20

  21. Sowing protocol for crambe: inputs Weed control. Crambe has been found to be susceptible to Alternaria and sclerotinia and a well-timed fungicide application at the mid-flowering stage has had a yield response (up to 1t/ha) and may also improve oil content. Fungicide dressed seed may also beneficial. Some of the weeds that may cause difficulties are pigweed, foxtail, smartweed, lambsquarter, ragweed, and kochia. A uniform, thick stand of crambe is an effective means of weed control. Early planting also increases crambe's ability to compete with weeds, which require a higher soil temperature for germination. However, as crambe approaches maturity, weeds may emerge through the crop canopy, posing problems with harvest and increasing the moisture of harvested crambe seed. No herbicides have been registered for use on crambe in the U.S. Crambe is very susceptible to injury from 2,4-D drift and the residual effects of atrazine. In the large field of crambe in Poland spraying with glyphosate at 5 l/ha was applied before the crambe plantation was set up. Subsequently, immediately after sowing, the soil-applied herbicide Butisan Star 416 SC was applied at 2.7 l/ha. Source: Literature, UWM 21

  22. Crambe harvest After flowering, crambe matures rapidly in one to two weeks. Timely harvest is important to avoid high shattering losses. During warm dry weather the crop should be frequently monitored (daily or every other day) to determine correct harvest stage. Crambe is physiologically mature when 50% of the seeds have turned brown. According to Weiss 1983 crambe is ready to be harvested when the majority of leaves have fallen, the upper part of the stem is yellow, and at least 75% of the capsules have turned yellow. This is usually some 90-100 days after planting. Extensive branching is considered to be a disadvantage for mechanical harvesting, and although branching may increase individual plant yield, it may also increase the number of harvested immature seeds. Crambe can be swathed to dry in the field, but most growers prefer to harvest Crambe direct with combine headers commonly used with wheat. Source: Literature 22

  23. Crambe harvest In the large field of crambe in Poland, desiccation of the plants was performed before seeds of crambe were harvested with Klinik 360 SL at 4 l ha-1 to ensure uniform ripening of plants. The harvest was performed with a combine harvester in the fourth week of August 2013. The straw after harvest was left in the field to enrich soil with organic carbon. Source: UWM 23

  24. Measurements Emergence date and rate Flowering date and rate Final height Number of branches/m2 Seed yields Oil profile Fresh and dry matter yields of field residues Moisture content of field residues at harvest. 24


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