Recent Developments in Commercial Law in the EU and Austria

Recent Developments in
Commercial and Corporate
Law in the EU and Austria 
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine 27 September
General Introduction to
Commercial Law in the EU
“Commercial law”
Law reigning commerce and commercial transactions
Principles that guide commercial processes and commercial
Contrast with company law => that area of the law that deals
with the organisation of companies
“Commercial law of the EU”
Supranational law 
 neither national nor international: first
competition law cases before the CJEU (Court of Justice of the
European Union)
Many aspects of European Union law relate to commercial law
Addressees of EU commercial law
Originally: only the Member States (MS) as parties to the
Eg, Article 4(3) TEU: „The Member States shall take any appropriate measure,
general or particular, to ensure fulfilment of the obligations arising out of the
Treaties or resulting from the acts of the institutions of the Union. The
Member States shall facilitate the achievement of the Union’s tasks and
refrain from any measure which could jeopardise the attainment of the
Union’s objectives.”
Many rules in the Treaties directly address companies
Eg, Article 101 TFEU (prohibiting cartels)
Today, individuals are also accepted to be addressees of EU
commercial law
Overview: The legal development of the EU
1951: European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) is founded by
Germany, France, Italy, the Benelux countries
Ended in 2002
1957: European Economic Community (EEC) and European
Atomic Community (EAC) are founded, same six Member States
Common market as a common goal
To be realised until December 1969
1986: Single European Act (SEA)
Used the term single market
Community’s competences were enhanced
1989: Delors-plan to set up an Economic and Monetary Union
(EMU) was introduced
1992: Treaty of Maastricht on the European Union
European Union (EU) was founded
Marks departure from a merely economic towards a more political union
1997: Treaty of Amsterdam
More co-operation between Member States
Role of the European Parliament strengthened
Schengen-Treaty was incorporated into the EU
New numbering of Articles
2001: Treaty of Nice
To prepare for the numerous accessions in 2004 & 2007
Three pillar model
2002: Euro (€) introduced as a common currency
2004: Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe
Signed, but never ratified (negative referenda in France, the Netherlands)
2007: Treaty of Lisbon
European Community and European Union were merged (Article 1 TEU), pillar
structure abandoned
Treaty on European Union  TEU
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union  TFEU (former Treaty on the
European Community, TEC)
Charter of Fundamental Rights  became binding
Internal market remains one of the main goals
Legal sources in the EU
Acquis communautaire
All legal rules that are legally binding for the MS
International Treaties (?)
Rank within the EU‘s legal norm system is disputed
Primary law
Founding Treaties (TEU, TFEU)
Annexes to the Treaties (eg, Protocols)
Changes to the Treaties (eg, Treaty of Lisbon)
Charter of Fundamental Rights
Accession Treaties
General principles of law (eg, common constitutional principles)
Secondary law /1
Law enacted by organs of the EU on the basis of primary law
Article 288 TFEU: Regulations, Directives, Decisions
Directly applicable in all MS, no implementation necessary
Aim at unification
Address the MS only
Implementation into national law necessary – MS can choose the means
Aim at substantive harmonization
Address specific addressees (eg, MS, organs of the EU, individuals)
Binding for the addressees
Secondary law /2
Recommendations, statements
Not legally binding
Commission often calls them Guidelines, Notices, Guidance Papers
Work in progress at the Commission: Staff Working Documents; Green and
White Papers
The legal bases of commercial law in the EU
Article 3(3) TEU: “The Union shall establish an internal market.”
Article 3(4) TEU: “The Union shall establish an economic and
monetary union whose currency is the euro.”
Article 3(1) TFEU: “The Union shall have exclusive competence
in the following areas:
(a) customs union;
(b) the establishing of the competition rules necessary for the functioning of
the internal market;
(c) monetary policy for the Member States whose currency is the euro;
(e) common commercial policy.”
Article 4(2) TFEU: “Shared competence between the Union and
the Member States applies in the following principal areas:
(a) internal market;”
Article 26 TFEU – Internal Market
“1. The Union shall adopt measures with the aim of establishing or ensuring
the functioning of the internal market, in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the Treaties.
2. The internal market shall comprise an area without internal frontiers in
which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in
accordance with the provisions of the Treaties.”
Principles of EU Law applicable
to Commercial Law
Principles of EU Law
Direct applicability of EU law
Case 26/62 van Gend & Loos [1963] ECR 3
ECJ held that Community (now: Union) law was autonomous and therefore
directly applicable
Supremacy of EU law
Case 6/64 Costa/ENEL [1964] ECR 1253
ECJ stated that Community (now: Union) law has priority over any national law
Principles of EU Law
Subsidiarity of EU law
Article 4(1) TEU: “[C]ompetences not conferred upon the Union in the Treaties
remain with the Member States.”
Single market objective
Eg, Article 3 TEU
Important for interpretative purposes
Duty of loyalty
Article 4(3) TEU: Member States have a duty of loyalty to the EU
Important in EU commercial law, eg for state-owned companies
Principles of EU Law
Narrow interpretation of exceptions and derogations
Case C-234/89 Delimitis [1992] ECR I-935
Are to be interpreted strictly and narrowly
Protection of fundamental rights
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Important for interpreting EU commercial law
Purposive interpretation of the Treaties
Eg, Article 3 TEU and Articles 3 to 6 TFEU
Treaties are usually given a purposive, teleological interpretation by the court
– in the light of the objectives of the Treaties
General Introduction to
Company Law
Terminology /1
Company = Product of legal imagination: existence assumed by
always formed according to the laws of a state
enjoys nationality of the state according to whose laws it was formed
acting in another jurisdiction is dependent on recognition by that state
National company law 
 different conditions and formations 
different terminology
Terminology /2
Company in EU law:
„every entity engaged in an economic activity, 
regardless of
the legal status of the 
entity and the way 
in which it is
(ECJ, C-41/90, Höfner/Elser, E.C.R. 1991, I-1979, 
Terminology /3
Company in EU law: Art 54 TFEU:
Companies or firms 
formed in accordance with the law of a
Member State
 and having their 
registered office,
or principal place of business 
within the
Union shall, for the purposes of this Chapter, be treated in
the same way as natural persons who are nationals of
Member States. ‘Companies or firms’ means companies or
firms constituted     under civil or commercial law, including
cooperative societies, and other legal persons governed by
public or private law, 
save for those which are non-profit-
Terminology /4
2 requirements to be considered as a company:
Formed in accordance with the law of a member state
(MS) & registered office/administration/business in
the EU &
legal personality
Terminology /5
Registered office = Presence of a company in a state‘s territory
business register
Real seat = Location of the companies main administration
Terminology /6
No legal personality
No statutory registered office / central administration / principal place of
business in the EU
Distinct from parent company
Statutory registered office of principal place of business in the EU
What is covered by company law ?
Formation of companies
Dissolution of companies
Restructuring of companies
Reporting standards
Corporate governance
Tax law
3 pillars of EU company law
1. National company law and its compatibility with the
internal market
2. Harmonisation of national company law
3. Supranational company law
National discretion of MS
 1. The internal market and national company law /1
The internal market: Article 26 TFEU
1. The Union shall adopt measures with the aim of establishing or
ensuring the functioning of the internal market, in accordance
with the relevant provisions of the 
2. The internal market shall comprise an area without
internal frontiers in which the free movement of goods,
persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with the
provisions of the Treaties.
1. The internal market and national company law /2
Primary law and case law
Check compatibility of national company law with the provisions of
the Treaty
Aim: Enhance cross-border mobility
Principle: Mutual recognition of companies from another MS
 1. The internal market and national company law /3
4 freedoms:
Freedom of goods (Art 28 ff TFEU)
Freedom of establishment (Art 45 ff TFEU)
Freedom of services (Art 56 TFEU)
Freedom of capital (Art 63 ff TFEU)
1. The internal market and national company law /4
Freedom of establishment
To allow an EU national to participate, on a stable and continuing basis, in the
economic life of a MS other than his state of origin
no situations that are purely internal to a MS!
Art 49 and 54 TFEU
 1. The internal market and national company law /5
Freedom of services
To provide services to people living in another MS
no situations that are purely internal to a MS!
Art 56 TFEU
2. Harmonisation of national company law /1
Based on internal market
Secondary law: Regulations and Directives
Principle of minimal harmonisation 
 national discretion
National act required to implement secondary law into national
Still huge differences in national company laws
2. Harmonisation of national company law /2
„Company law directives“
Takeover Directive
Directive on Cross-border mergers
Directive on Divisions
Directive on Company Accounts etc
Important regulations:
European Insolvency Regulation
3. Supranational company law /1
Based on internal market
Alternatively to national company law
Legal instrument: Regulation
 to ensure uniform regime
Lack of trust in certain foreign company forms (e.g. ltd)
Enhance cross-border activity
3. Supranational company law /2
EU company formations:
European Economic Interest Group (EEIG)
European Cooperative Society (SCE)
European Public Company (SE)
European Private Company (SPE)
European Foundation (FE)
European Association (EA)
3. Supranational company law /3
Hardly accepted
In contrast to harmonisation national law is largely untouched
Regulations leave potential for national discretion  national act
required to transform regulation into national law
e.g.: Austria: SE-Gesetz
Company Law and the Internal
Company Law and the Internal
Freedom of establishment
Establishment of companies
Freedom of services
Their interactions
Company Law and the Internal
General remarks /1
Aim: enhance and remove obstacles to cross-border mobility
Freedom of establishment / services
Long term:
„the actual pursuit of
an economic activity
through a fixed
establishment in
another MS for an
indefinite period“
Short term
Subordinate to
freedom of
Company Law and the Internal
General remarks /2
ECJ, C-55/94, Gebhard [1990] ECR I-5165: difference
between freedom of establishment and services has to be
determined by
Duration of the provision of services
Some form of infrastructure of provider (e.g. office or consulting rooms)
in host state does not imply establishment!
Company Law and the Internal
General remarks /3
No applicability to activities related to the exercise of official
Official authority = the power of enjoying prerogatives outside the general
law, privileges of official power, and powers of coercion over citizens
Narrow interpretation
E.g. the activites of notaries are not connected with the exercise of official
Company Law and the Internal
Art 49 TFEU: Freedom of establishment /1
Within the framework of the provisions set out below,
restrictions on the 
freedom of establishment 
of nationals of a
Member State 
in the territory of another Member State 
be prohibited. Such prohibition shall also apply to restrictions
on the 
setting-up of agencies, branches or subsidiaries 
nationals of any Member State established in the territory of
any Member State.
Freedom of establishment shall include the right to take up
and pursue activities as 
 persons and 
to set up
and manage undertakings, in particular companies or firms
within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 54,
under the conditions laid down for its own nationals by the
law of the country where such establishment is effected
subject to the provisions of the Chapter relating to capital.
Company Law and the Internal
Freedom of establishment /2
Abolition of restrictions
Primary establishment
Secondary establishment
Equal treatment of nationals and non-nationals
Company Law and the Internal
Freedom of establishment /3
Justification of restriction: Art 52 para 1 TFEU
The provisions of this Chapter and measures taken in
pursuance thereof shall not prejudice the applicability of
provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative
action providing for special treatment for foreign nationals on
grounds of 
public policy, public security or public health.
Company Law and the Internal
Freedom of establishment /4
Further justifications (Case law):
Consumer protection
Preventing crime
Company Law and the Internal
Art 54 TFEU: Establishment of companies /1
Companies or firms 
formed in accordance with the law 
of a
Member State 
and having 
their registered office,
central administration or principal place of business
within the Union shall, for the purposes of this Chapter, 
treated in the same way as natural persons who are
nationals of Member States.
‘Companies or firms’ means companies or firms 
under civil or commercial law, including 
cooperative societies,
and other legal persons governed by public or private law,
save for those which are non-profit-making.
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /2
Freedom of establishment applies to
Establishment by companies
Establishment of subsidiaries
Even subsidiaries of foreign companies provided that subsidiaries are formed in
accordance with law of a MS
No application to branches!  specific provisions (e.g. insurance sector or
capital market)
Removal of discrimination
„under the conditions laid down for its own nationals“
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /3
Problem of recognition of companies formed in another EU
member state
Pseudo-foreign companies
Incorporation and actual activity in different MS to avoid stricter domestic
Definition of foreign company
2 Theories:
The Incorporation Theory
The Real Seat Theory
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /4
Definition of a foreign company / 1
The Incorporation Theory:
Law of a state where company has been incorporated and is registered
„contracting out“
Divergence between registered office and administration
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /4
Definition of a foreign company /2
2. The Real Seat Theory:
Law of a state where company has its real seat of administration
No divergence between registered office and administration
Hinders cross-border mobility
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /5
Case Law / 1: Daily Mail 1988
Transfer of real seat to Netherlands to avoid taxation in UK
UK: approval of government necessary to move real seat  no authorisation
Company exists only within legal framework of „home state“
i.e. If the home law provides that a company ceases to exist if it leaves the country
without authorisation, it loses ist legal personality
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /6
Case Law / 1: Daily Mail 1988
Thus it can not longer invoke freedom of establishment
National company law enjoys priority over the freedom of establishment
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /7
Case Law / 2: Centros 1998
Centros ltd. incorporated in UK, registration of branch in Denmark
No economic activity in UK  registration has been denied by danish
authorities (pseudo-foreign company to circumvent danish minimum capital
Pseudo-foreign companies compatible with freedom of establishment
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /8
Case Law / 2: Centros 1998
No justification on grounds of creditor protection or public interest
 creditors would not be protected if Centros had been doing business in the UK
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /9
Case Law / 2: Centros 1998
Companies may choose MS with least restrictive company law
Such behaviour does not constitute abuse of freedom of establishment!
Controversial: the judgement in Centros was described as „a
judicial willingness to break down the remaining constraints to
the free movement of companies"
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /10
Case Law /3: Überseering 2002
De facto relocation of the real seat from the Netherlands to Germany
German courts: company ceased to exist
Any company established under the laws of a MS must be accepted, irrespective of
its real seat
no denial of legal capacity of foreign companies
real seat theory can not longer be upheld!
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /11
Case Law /4: Inspire Art 2003
Pseudo-foreign companies were accepted by Netherlands but additional
domestic requirements were imposed (de facto compliance with domestic
minimum capital)  violation of secondary establishment
Confirmation of Überseering and Centros
Foreign companies cannot be subjected to domestic requirements („defence
If requirements suffice in country of origin it must suffice in another MS as well
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /12
Case Law / 5: Cartesio (2008)
Transfer of seat of Hungarian company to Italy was not permitted by
Hungarian authorities
Daily Mail: home state restrictions allowed
General Advocate: MS do not enjoy an absolute freedom to determine the
„life and death“ of a company formed under their domestic law
ECJ: confirmation of Daily Mail
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /13
Distinguish between restrictions on moving in and moving out
Moving out 
 restrictions imposed by home state
Primacy of law of origin
Restrictions under real seat theory allowed
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /14
Moving in 
 restrictions imposed by host state:
ECJ in favour of incorporation theory
Legal personality of companies incorporated in one MS must be accepted in all
MS irrespective of real seat
Acceptance of pseudo-foreign companies
Justification in comparison to „real“ companies
No defence legislation
Company Law and the Internal
Establishment of companies /15
Restrictions on freedom of establishment of companies
Different taxation rules (appropriate circumstances)
Vessel registration requirements
Company Law and the Internal
Art 56 TFEU: Freedom to provide services /1
Within the framework of the provisions set out below,
restrictions on freedom to provide services within the Union
shall be prohibited in respect of nationals of Member States
who are established in a Member State 
other than that of the
person for whom the services are intended.
Art 62 TFEU:
The provisions of Articles 51 to 54 shall apply to the
matters covered by this Chapter.
Company Law and the Internal
Freedom of services /2
Art 57 TFEU:
Services shall in particular include:
activities of an industrial character
activities of a commercial character
activities of craftsmen
activities of the professions
Broad interpretation
As far as services are not governed by other freedoms
Company Law and the Internal
Freedom of services /3
Protection of provider of services
Protection of recipient of services
 i.e. provider and receiver are protected
Removal of discrimination
Company Law and the Internal
Freedom of services /4
Services need to be provided for renumeration
Economic nature of activity
Non-profit making enterprises
Sporting nature
Company Law and the Internal
Freedom of services /5
Application to companies:
E.g. the right of a British television company to travel to Spain to make a
television serial
Company Law and the Internal
Freedom of services /6
Justification of restriction: Art 52 para 1 TFEU
The provisions of this Chapter and measures taken in
pursuance thereof shall not prejudice the applicability of
provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative
action providing for special treatment for foreign
nationals on grounds of public policy, public security or 
Company Law and the Internal
Freedom of services /7
Further restrictions (case law):
Consumer protection
Protection of fundamental rights
Protection of national cultural policy
Test for justification
Legitimate public interest
Applied without discrimination
Respect fundamental rights
Company Law and the Internal
Freedom of services /8
Directive 2006/123 on services in the internal market
Services supplied by service providers established in a MS (Art 2)
Excluded services (Art 2)
Restrictions of service activities only justified by public interest and no less
restrictive alternative (Art 9)
Company Law and the Internal
Freedom of services /9
Before: „double-track approach“:
Some sectors have been subject to specific internal market legislation
ECJ: „catch-all“ legal regime
Services directive is generally applicable to all kind of services
(some exclusions, e.g. social services)
Sources of Law in
the European Union
EU Insolvency Regulations (Recast 2015), ABl L 2015/141, 19
effective as of June 26, 2017
governs the procedural aspects of cross border company
EU Insolvency Regulations (Recast 2015), ABl L 2015/141, 19
Original regulations bifurated main proceedings from
secondary proceedings with separate Annex A and Annex B.
Secondary proceedings were mainly winding up
EU Insolvency Regulations (Recast 2015), ABl L 2015/141, 19
Recast regulations maintain bifurcation between main and
secondary proceedings.
However, secondary proceedings may now include the types
of proceedings listed in Annex A.
EU Insolvency Regulations (Recast 2015), ABl L 2015/141, 19
For example, in the case of Austria, bankruptcy proceedings,
restructuring proceedings with debtor not in possession and
restructuring proceedings with debtor in possession are now
listed in Annex A.
EU Insolvency Regulations (Recast 2015), ABl L 2015/141, 19
As such, each is defined as „insolvency proceedings“ under Art.
2(4) of the recast Regulations.
As a defined „insolvency proceeding“, such proceedings may be
a main proceeding under Art.3(1) or a secondary proceeding
under Art.3(2) and Art.3(3).
Current EU Capital Markets Union Project /1
In 2015, the Commission published an Action Plan on
Building a Capital Markets Union (COM(2015) 468 final)
Its goal is to provide investment in the long term by building
stronger capital markets.  This would „provide new sources
of funding for business, help increase options for savers and
make the economy more resilient.“
Current EU Capital Markets Union Project /2
Higher degree of harmonization of insolvency laws in the EU
member countries is part of the Capital Markets Union
It is thought that further harmonization would be one
component of improving the capital markets in the EU
because it would make investments easier across borders.
Current EU Capital Markets Union Project /3
In 2016, a directive was proposed for preventive
restructuring framework (COM(2016) 723 final) which
sought to complement the EU Insolvency Regulations by
„requiring Member States to ensure that their national
preventive restructuring procedures comply with the
minimum principles of effectiveness
Current EU Capital Markets Union Project /4
On June 20, 2019, this directive was adopted by the
European Parliament and the Council of the European Union
(Directive (EU) 2019/1023).
As such, member states will now be required to adopt
measures which will implement the directive in their
respective jurisdictions.
Sources of Law
Insolvency Act 
amended in 2010 and effective as of July 
1, 2010
most recent amendment in 2017, effective as of June 26, 2017
and November 1, 2017 and further amended, 2019, effective as
of May 23, 2019, BGBl I 38/2019
Insolvency Act 
legislative intention for the 2010 amendment
revise a system that was perceived as too stringent and lacking
business perspective
encourage entrepreneutial risk taking
Insolvency Act 
under the 2010 revisions two insolvency proceedings are now
Bankruptcy-type Proceedings (
Konkursverfahren or Konkurs
) (§ 180 IO)
Reorganization Proceedings (
(§§ 166 ff IO)
Insolvency Act 
Bankruptcy-type Proceedings (
Konkursverfahren or
) (§ 180 IO)
may be filed by debtor or creditor ( §§ 69, 70 IO)
may result in successful completion of restructuring 
scheme or
liquidation of the debtor
Reorganization Proceedings (
may only be filed by a debtor (§ 69 IO, § 167 (1) Z 1 IO)
debtor not in possession (with bankruptcy receiver)  (§§ 166 – 168 IO)
debtor in possession (§§ 169 – 179 IO)
Insolvency Act 
Bankruptcy-type Proceedings (§ 180 IO) /1
Commencement of insolvency proceedings is compulsory if debtor fulfills
certain criteria of insolvency:  over-indebtedness (§ 67 IO)  (
and illiquidity (§ 66 IO) (
Failure to do so by debtor without „culpable“ delay may expose debtor to
claims by creditors and the administrator, as well as potential criminal liability.
(§ 69 Abs 2 IO)
Creditors of the debtor may also file for bankruptcy proceedings against the
debtor. (§ 70 IO)
Insolvency Act 
Bankruptcy-type Proceedings (§ 180 IO) /2
Over-indebtedness (
) comprises a two factor test
(§ 67 IO) :
negative equity 
(Lehre, stRsp)
calculatory over-indebtedness (
rechnerische Überschuldung
) which
means the value of the debtor´s assets is less than its liabilities 
Insolvency Act 
Bankruptcy-type Proceedings (§ 180 IO) /3
However, even if the debtor suffers from calculatory indebtedness,
it may still abstain from filing for bankruptcy if it can show that it
qualifies for a positive Going-concern Prognosis
).  This is in essence a conservative plan
business that shows more likely than not that the debtor will
return to solvency in the short term and achieve a turn-around in
the long term.
(Lehre, stRsp)
Insolvency Act 
Bankruptcy-type Proceedings (§ 180 IO) /4
Illiquidity (§ 66 IO)
inability of the debtor to pay ist debts as they fall due 
(Lehre, stRsp)
Insolvency Act 
Bankruptcy-type Proceedingsmay be converted to a
restructuring scheme (§§ 140, 167 Abs 1 Z 2 IO)
Insolvency Act 
Restructuring Scheme (§§ 140 ff IO) /1
A debtor may apply to the court to convert its bankruptcy
proceedings to a restructuring scheme
(§ 140 Abs 1 IO, § 167 Abs 1 IO)
The scheme forms a part of the bankruptcy proceedings because it
is filed once the bankruptcy proceedings have commenced.
Insolvency Act 
Restructuring Scheme – criteria for the debtor´s proposal /2
repayment of at least 20% of all indebtedness within two years
(§ 141 Abs 1 IO)
demonstrable capability of fulfilling proposal
(§ 141 Abs 1 IO)
Insolvency Act 
Restructuring Scheme (§§ 140 ff IO) /3
If the court does not dismiss the proposal on preliminary, formal
grounds (§ 141 IO, § 142 IO) , the proposal is submitted to a
creditors´vote.  The creditors may accept the proposal by a simple
majority of those at the hearing and by a simple majority of the
creditors measured by the value of their claims. (§ 147 Abs 1 IO)
Insolvency Act 
Restructuring Scheme (§§ 140 ff IO) /4
Creditors may accept the statutory repayment of 20% of all
indebtedness over a two year period or may negotiate for a higher
percentage with a different repayment period before they accept
the debtor´s proposal.
(§§ 141 Abs 1, 147 Abs 1 IO)
Insolvency Act 
Restructuring Scheme (§§ 140 ff IO) /5
Once the proposal is accepted by the creditors, the court may
confirm the proposal barring any grounds for refusal.  These
grounds may be unlawfulness in commencement of the
bankruptcy proceedings or serious procedural mistakes.
(§§ 152, 152 a, 153, 154 IO)
Insolvency Act 
Restructuring Scheme (§§ 140 ff IO) /6
Once the court confirms the proposal, it will issue an order
confirming the terms of the agreement and the amount of debt to
be repaid by the debtor.  If the debtor fulfills the terms of this
order, including, of course, the repayment, the court will confirm
that the restructuring scheme has been implemented and all debt
discharged (
). This discharge is also effective
against non-participating creditors.
(§ 156 IO)
Insolvency Act 
Restructuring Scheme (§§ 140 ff IO) /7
In practice, it has been noted that the statutory minimum of 20%
repayment of all indebtedness acts as a bar to debtors being able
to avail themselves of the restructuring scheme once they are in
bankruptcy proceedings.
Insolvency Act 
Restructuring Scheme (§§ 140 ff IO) /8
Furthermore, if the proposal is not accepted by the creditors, the
court proceeds with the bankruptcy which typically means the
liquidation of the debtor. (§ 142 Z 3 IO)
Or, the debtor must be liquidated if continuing the restructuring
scheme would lead to further losses by the creditors.
Insolvency Act 
Restructuring Proceedings (§§ 166 ff IO) (
Under the 2010 amendment to the Insolvency Act, debtors may
also apply for restructuring proceedings, instead of bankruptcy
proceedings.  Creditors may not file for restructuring proceedings
against the debtor.(§§ 69, 167 IO)
Not available to private individual debtors.   Only available to
debtors that are entrepreneurs, corporate entities, partnerships or
legal estates. (§ 166 IO)
Insolvency Act 
Restructuring Proceedings – two types (§§ 166 IO) /2
Debtor not in possession and a bankruptcy receiver is appointed
(§§ 166 – 168 IO)  (
Sanierungsverfahren ohne Eigenverwaltung
Debtor in possession (§§ 169 – 179 IO) (
Sanierungsverfahren mit
Insolvency Act 
Debtor not in possession (§§ 166-168 IO) 
ohne Eigenverwaltung
Debtor submits a proposal which contains a minimum satisfaction
of 20% of all indebtedness within two years.
(§ 147 Abs 1 IO)
Follows the same procedure as the restructuring scheme
described previously.
The difference is that the debtor avoids the term „bankruptcy“
and cannot be liquidated for 90 days. (§ 168 Abs 2 IO)
Insolvency Act 
Debtor in possession (§§ 169 - 179 IO)(
Sanierungsverfahren mit
Debtor submits a proposal which contains a minimum satisfaction
of 30% of all indebtedness within two years.
(§ 169 IO)
Debtor remains in place, but the court appoints a restructuring
receiver (
) who supervises the debtor and
consents to certain material actions. (§§ 80 ff , 169 IO)
Insolvency Act 
Debtor in possession (§§ 169 - 179 IO) (
Sanierungsverfahren mit
Under certain situations (for example, the plan is not approved
within 90 days from the beginning of the proceedings), the court
may withdraw the right of possession and convert the proceedings
to a restructuring proceeding with a bankruptcy receiver. (§ 170
Abs 1 IO)
If the restructuring fails, then the proceedings will be converted to
a bankruptcy proceeding with the view of liquidating the debtor.
(§ 170 IO)
Business Reorganization Act of 1997
In practice, seldom used
Available only to solvent debtors that engage in entrepreneurial
activities, i.e. companies, partnerships, etc (§§ 1, 2 URG)
Only the debtor can file a reorganization plan
(§ 1 Abs 1 URG)
Other criticism include „strict access conditions“ such as obtaining
an expert certificate or proof of the approval of a high majority of
creditors. (See, for example, Evaluation of the Implementation of
the Commission Recommendation of 12.3.2014 on a New
Approach to Business Failure and Insolvency, §2.1)
Out of Court Settlement 
(außergerichtlicher Ausgleich, stiller
Out of court settlement between the debtor and its
Out of Court Settlement 
(außergerichtlicher Ausgleich,
stiller Ausgleich)
private (for example, no negative publicity)
 can be quicker (for example, no 90 day non-liquidation period as in the
case of the S
anierungsverfahren ohne Eigenverwaltung
 and less expensive than a court proceeding (for example, no need to put
up a EUR 4,000 deposit as in the case of the 
agreement must be with all of the debtor´s creditors, leading to potential
hold-out by dissenting creditors
in the background lurks the statutory requirement (60 
days) on debtor to
file for insolvency when it is insolvent, leaving little time to negotiate a
Slide Note

Explore the evolution and key principles of commercial law in the European Union with a focus on Austria. Learn about the legal framework governing commercial transactions, the relationship between commercial and company law, and the supranational aspect of EU commercial law. Delve into the historical timeline of EU legal developments from the European Coal and Steel Community to the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997.

  • Commercial law
  • EU
  • Austria
  • Legal developments
  • European Union

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Recent Commercial Law in the EU and Austria Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine 27 September 2019 Developments and in Corporate

  2. General Introduction to Commercial Law in the EU 2

  3. Introduction Commercial law Law reigning commerce and commercial transactions Principles that guide commercial processes and commercial actors Contrast with company law => that area of the law that deals with the organisation of companies Commercial law of the EU Supranational law neither national nor international: first competition law cases before the CJEU (Court of Justice of the European Union) Many aspects of European Union law relate to commercial law 3

  4. Introduction Addressees of EU commercial law Originally: only the Member States (MS) as parties to the Treaties Eg, Article 4(3) TEU: The Member States shall take any appropriate measure, general or particular, to ensure fulfilment of the obligations arising out of the Treaties or resulting from the acts of the institutions of the Union. The Member States shall facilitate the achievement of the Union s tasks and refrain from any measure which could jeopardise the attainment of the Union s objectives. Many rules in the Treaties directly address companies Eg, Article 101 TFEU (prohibiting cartels) Today, individuals are also accepted to be addressees of EU commercial law 4

  5. Introduction 5

  6. Introduction Overview: The legal development of the EU 1951: European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) is founded by Germany, France, Italy, the Benelux countries Ended in 2002 1957: European Economic Community (EEC) and European Atomic Community (EAC) are founded, same six Member States Common market as a common goal To be realised until December 1969 1986: Single European Act (SEA) Used the term single market Community s competences were enhanced 6

  7. Introduction 1989: Delors-plan to set up an Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) was introduced 1992: Treaty of Maastricht on the European Union European Union (EU) was founded Marks departure from a merely economic towards a more political union 1997: Treaty of Amsterdam More co-operation between Member States Role of the European Parliament strengthened Schengen-Treaty was incorporated into the EU New numbering of Articles 7

  8. Introduction 2001: Treaty of Nice To prepare for the numerous accessions in 2004 & 2007 Three pillar model 8

  9. Introduction 2002: Euro ( ) introduced as a common currency 2004: Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe Signed, but never ratified (negative referenda in France, the Netherlands) 2007: Treaty of Lisbon European Community and European Union were merged (Article 1 TEU), pillar structure abandoned Treaty on European Union TEU Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union TFEU (former Treaty on the European Community, TEC) Charter of Fundamental Rights became binding Internal market remains one of the main goals 9

  10. Introduction Legal sources in the EU Acquis communautaire All legal rules that are legally binding for the MS International Treaties (?) Rank within the EU s legal norm system is disputed Primary law Founding Treaties (TEU, TFEU) Annexes to the Treaties (eg, Protocols) Changes to the Treaties (eg, Treaty of Lisbon) Charter of Fundamental Rights Accession Treaties General principles of law (eg, common constitutional principles) 10

  11. Introduction Secondary law /1 Law enacted by organs of the EU on the basis of primary law Article 288 TFEU: Regulations, Directives, Decisions Regulations Directly applicable in all MS, no implementation necessary Aim at unification Directives Address the MS only Implementation into national law necessary MS can choose the means Aim at substantive harmonization Decisions Address specific addressees (eg, MS, organs of the EU, individuals) Binding for the addressees 11

  12. Introduction Secondary law /2 Recommendations, statements Not legally binding Commission often calls them Guidelines, Notices, Guidance Papers Work in progress at the Commission: Staff Working Documents; Green and White Papers 12

  13. Introduction 13

  14. Introduction The legal bases of commercial law in the EU Article 3(3) TEU: The Union shall establish an internal market. Article 3(4) TEU: The Union shall establish an economic and monetary union whose currency is the euro. Article 3(1) TFEU: The Union shall have exclusive competence in the following areas: (a) customs union; (b) the establishing of the competition rules necessary for the functioning of the internal market; (c) monetary policy for the Member States whose currency is the euro; (e) common commercial policy. 14

  15. Introduction Article 4(2) TFEU: Shared competence between the Union and the Member States applies in the following principal areas: (a) internal market; Article 26 TFEU Internal Market 1. The Union shall adopt measures with the aim of establishing or ensuring the functioning of the internal market, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaties. 2. The internal market shall comprise an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with the provisions of the Treaties. 15

  16. Principles of EU Law applicable to Commercial Law 16

  17. Principles of EU Law Direct applicability of EU law Case 26/62 van Gend & Loos [1963] ECR 3 ECJ held that Community (now: Union) law was autonomous and therefore directly applicable Supremacy of EU law Case 6/64 Costa/ENEL [1964] ECR 1253 ECJ stated that Community (now: Union) law has priority over any national law 17

  18. Principles of EU Law Subsidiarity of EU law Article 4(1) TEU: [C]ompetences not conferred upon the Union in the Treaties remain with the Member States. Single market objective Eg, Article 3 TEU Important for interpretative purposes Duty of loyalty Article 4(3) TEU: Member States have a duty of loyalty to the EU Important in EU commercial law, eg for state-owned companies 18

  19. Principles of EU Law Narrow interpretation of exceptions and derogations Case C-234/89 Delimitis [1992] ECR I-935 Are to be interpreted strictly and narrowly Protection of fundamental rights Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union Important for interpreting EU commercial law Purposive interpretation of the Treaties Eg, Article 3 TEU and Articles 3 to 6 TFEU Treaties are usually given a purposive, teleological interpretation by the court in the light of the objectives of the Treaties 19

  20. General Introduction to Company Law 20

  21. Introduction Terminology /1 Company = Product of legal imagination: existence assumed by law always formed according to the laws of a state enjoys nationality of the state according to whose laws it was formed acting in another jurisdiction is dependent on recognition by that state National company law different conditions and formations different terminology 21

  22. Introduction Terminology /2 Company in EU law: every entity engaged in an economic activity, the legal status of the financed regardless of in which it is entity and the way (ECJ, C-41/90, H fner/Elser, E.C.R. 1991, I-1979, para 21) 22

  23. Introduction Terminology /3 Company in EU law: Art 54 TFEU: Companies or firms formed in accordance with the law of a Member State and having their registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the Union shall, for the purposes of this Chapter, be treated in the same way as natural persons who are nationals of Member States. Companies or firms means companies or firms constituted under civil or commercial law, including cooperative societies, and other legal persons governed by public or private law, save for those which are non-profit- making. 23

  24. Introduction Terminology /4 2 requirements to be considered as a company: 1. Formed in accordance with the law of a member state (MS) & registered office/administration/business in the EU & legal personality Profit-making 2. 24

  25. Introduction Terminology /5 Registered office = Presence of a company in a state s territory business register Real seat = Location of the companies main administration 25

  26. Introduction Terminology /6 Branch No legal personality No statutory registered office / central administration / principal place of business in the EU Subsidiary Distinct from parent company Statutory registered office of principal place of business in the EU 26

  27. Introduction What is covered by company law ? Formation of companies Dissolution of companies Restructuring of companies Shareholders-rights Reporting standards Corporate governance Tax law 27

  28. Introduction 3 pillars of EU company law 1. National company law and its compatibility with the internal market 2. Harmonisation of national company law 3. Supranational company law National discretion of MS 28

  29. Introduction 1. The internal market and national company law /1 The internal market: Article 26 TFEU 1. The Union shall adopt measures with the aim of establishing or ensuring the functioning of the internal market, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaties. 2. The internal market shall comprise an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with the provisions of the Treaties. 29

  30. Introduction 1. The internal market and national company law /2 Primary law and case law Check compatibility of national company law with the provisions of the Treaty Aim: Enhance cross-border mobility Principle: Mutual recognition of companies from another MS 30

  31. Introduction 1. The internal market and national company law /3 4 freedoms: Freedom of goods (Art 28 ff TFEU) Freedom of establishment (Art 45 ff TFEU) Freedom of services (Art 56 TFEU) Freedom of capital (Art 63 ff TFEU) 31

  32. Introduction 1. The internal market and national company law /4 Freedom of establishment To allow an EU national to participate, on a stable and continuing basis, in the economic life of a MS other than his state of origin no situations that are purely internal to a MS! Art 49 and 54 TFEU 32

  33. Introduction 1. The internal market and national company law /5 Freedom of services To provide services to people living in another MS no situations that are purely internal to a MS! Art 56 TFEU 33

  34. Introduction 2. Harmonisation of national company law /1 Based on internal market Secondary law: Regulations and Directives Principle of minimal harmonisation national discretion National act required to implement secondary law into national law Still huge differences in national company laws 34

  35. Introduction 2. Harmonisation of national company law /2 Company law directives e.g.: Takeover Directive Directive on Cross-border mergers Directive on Divisions Directive on Company Accounts etc Important regulations: IAS-Regulation European Insolvency Regulation 35

  36. Introduction 3. Supranational company law /1 Based on internal market Alternatively to national company law Legal instrument: Regulation to ensure uniform regime Background: Lack of trust in certain foreign company forms (e.g. ltd) Enhance cross-border activity 36

  37. Introduction 3. Supranational company law /2 EU company formations: European Economic Interest Group (EEIG) European Cooperative Society (SCE) European Public Company (SE) European Private Company (SPE) European Foundation (FE) European Association (EA) 37

  38. Introduction 3. Supranational company law /3 Hardly accepted In contrast to harmonisation national law is largely untouched Regulations leave potential for national discretion national act required to transform regulation into national law e.g.: Austria: SE-Gesetz 38

  39. Company Law and the Internal Market 39

  40. Company Law and the Internal Market Freedom of establishment Establishment of companies Freedom of services Their interactions 40

  41. Company Law and the Internal Market General remarks /1 Aim: enhance and remove obstacles to cross-border mobility Freedom of establishment / services Short term Subordinate to freedom of establishment Long term: the actual pursuit of an economic activity through a fixed establishment in another MS for an indefinite period 41

  42. Company Law and the Internal Market General remarks /2 ECJ, C-55/94, Gebhard [1990] ECR I-5165: difference between freedom of establishment and services has to be determined by Duration of the provision of services o Regularity o Periodicity o Continuity Some form of infrastructure of provider (e.g. office or consulting rooms) in host state does not imply establishment! 42

  43. Company Law and the Internal Market General remarks /3 No applicability to activities related to the exercise of official authority Official authority = the power of enjoying prerogatives outside the general law, privileges of official power, and powers of coercion over citizens Narrow interpretation o E.g. the activites of notaries are not connected with the exercise of official authority 43

  44. Company Law and the Internal Market Art 49 TFEU: Freedom of establishment /1 Within the framework of the provisions set out below, restrictions on the freedom of establishment of nationals of a Member State in the territory of another Member State shall be prohibited. Such prohibition shall also apply to restrictions on the setting-up of agencies, branches or subsidiaries by nationals of any Member State established in the territory of any Member State. Freedom of establishment shall include the right to take up and pursue activities as self-employed persons and to set up and manage undertakings, in particular companies or firms within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 54, under the conditions laid down for its own nationals by the law of the country where such establishment is effected, subject to the provisions of the Chapter relating to capital. 44

  45. Company Law and the Internal Market Freedom of establishment /2 Abolition of restrictions Primary establishment Secondary establishment Equal treatment of nationals and non-nationals 45

  46. Company Law and the Internal Market Freedom of establishment /3 Justification of restriction: Art 52 para 1 TFEU The provisions of this Chapter and measures taken in pursuance thereof shall not prejudice the applicability of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action providing for special treatment for foreign nationals on grounds of public policy, public security or public health. 46

  47. Company Law and the Internal Market Freedom of establishment /4 Further justifications (Case law): Consumer protection Preventing crime 47

  48. Company Law and the Internal Market Art 54 TFEU: Establishment of companies /1 Companies or firms formed in accordance with the law of Member State and having central administration or within the Union shall, for the purposes of this Chapter, be treated in the same way as natural persons who are nationals of Member States. Companies or firms means companies or firms constituted under civil or commercial law, including cooperative societies, and other legal persons governed by public or private law, save for those which are non-profit-making. a their registered office, principal place of business 48

  49. Company Law and the Internal Market Establishment of companies /2 Freedom of establishment applies to Establishment by companies Establishment of subsidiaries o Even subsidiaries of foreign companies provided that subsidiaries are formed in accordance with law of a MS No application to branches! specific provisions (e.g. insurance sector or capital market) Removal of discrimination under the conditions laid down for its own nationals 49

  50. Company Law and the Internal Market Establishment of companies /3 Problem of recognition of companies formed in another EU member state Pseudo-foreign companies o Incorporation and actual activity in different MS to avoid stricter domestic requirements Definition of foreign company o 2 Theories: The Incorporation Theory The Real Seat Theory 50


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