Programmatic Advertising: Impact of Website Quality on Ad Effectiveness

Slides can be used for teaching
The Risk of Programmatic Advertising: Effects of Website
Quality on Advertising Effectiveness
Edlira Shehu, Copenhagen Business School
Nadia Abou Nabout, WU Vienna
Michel Clement, University of Hamburg
Comics by Lana Lauren
More than 60% of worldwide digital ad
spend in 2019 ($333.25 billion) spent on
programmatic advertising
Programmatic advertising gives marketers limited
control over 
 ads appear
Premium websites:
reputable publishers
high-quality editorial content
superior website design
Nonpremium websites:
user-generated content
content aggregators
gaming platforms
user forums
Advertisers differentiate between premium and
nonpremium websites
Current practice relies on gut feeling: 
 advertise on premium websites
P=premium, NP=nonpremium
Question 1: Which goals do you pursue in case of branding campaigns?
Question 2: Which goals do you pursue in case of performance campaigns?
Question 3: What categorization do you use to differentiate between websites of different quality?
Question 4: Where would you run the following campaigns (premium or nonpremium website)?
Branding campaign of BMW
Branding campaign of Dacia
Performance campaign of BMW
Performance campaign of Dacia
* If advertiser is willing to carry the additional costs.
Current practice relies on gut feeling: 
 advertise on premium websites
P=premium, NP=nonpremium
Question 1: Which goals do you pursue in case of branding campaigns?
Question 2: Which goals do you pursue in case of performance campaigns?
Question 3: What categorization do you use to differentiate between websites of different quality?
Question 4: Where would you run the following campaigns (premium or nonpremium website)?
Branding campaign of BMW
Branding campaign of Dacia
Performance campaign of BMW
Performance campaign of Dacia
* If advertiser is willing to carry the additional costs.
How does advertising on nonpremium websites
affect advertising effectiveness?
Study 1
Study 2
Study 1: Setting
 video sharing platform
Definition of 
premium vs. non-premium
provided by video sharing
Panelists recruited from 
GfK Media
Efficiency Panel
Randomization of ads 
to 5,305
respondents (no targeting)
18 premium & non-premium brands
Real search queries
self-selection bias
respondents’ assignment to
premium/non-premium channels based
on their real searching behavior
Propensity-score matching (PSM) using nearest neighbor algorithm
Variables included in PSM:
sociodemographic characteristics (age, education, and household
usage characteristics on the video platform during the month prior to
our study (time spent online and on the video platform)
interest in the advertised product category
number of total video ad impressions before completing the survey
Various robustness checks regarding the PSM can be found in the paper
Dealing with potential self-selection bias
We do NOT see significant effects on recall
We do see significant effects on attitudes
p < .05
We do see significant effects on attitudes
p < .05
Study 1: Summary
Campaign goal: Brand awareness
Context does 
 seem to matter!
Campaign goal: Attitudes
Premium brands: Ignoring website quality
 in brand
advertising leads to lower attitudes
Non-premium brands: 
not benefit 
from advertising
on premium websites
Study 2
One of the largest ad
exchanges in Europe
7 premium, 7 non-premium
Banking, dating, fashion, lottery and betting,
41 premium, 43 non-
Observation period: 
April 4 – May 3,
Delivered impressions: 
379 million
Real campaign data
endogeneity bias 
due to strategic
advertiser behavior
Variables of interest:
Dependent variable:
Ad performance:
Number of clicks
Independent variables:
Website quality:
Premium vs. non-premium
Brand image:
Premium vs. non-premium
Control variables:
Brand-level intercepts:
Capture differences in media buying behavior
across brands
Decision variable of the online marketer
Banner format:
120 x 600: skyscraper, 160 x 600: wide
skyscraper, 200 x 600: wide skyscraper
alternative, 300 x 250: medium rectangle, 728 x
90: leaderboard
Week + day-of-week fixed
Reverse causal effect
 of clicks on website quality as advertisers may decide
to place their most promising ads on premium websites
Control function approach
1. Step: 
Auxiliary probit model with website quality as dependent
For each brand, number of ads of all other brands
displayed on premium websites on a specific day 
 excluding ads by
the brand itself
2. Step:
 Include residuals from Step 1 in main model with number of
clicks as dependent variable
More details can be found in the paper
Dealing with potential endogeneity
Effect of nonpremium websites on click behavior for
Effect of nonpremium websites on click behavior for
Study 2: Summary
Campaign goal: Clicks & performance
Context matters for both, 
Negative effects are stronger for 
If you have any questions regarding this material, you can contact us at
Thank you
Comics by Lana Lauren
Slide Note

Explore the use of slides for teaching the risks and effects of programmatic advertising based on website quality. Identify premium vs. nonpremium websites, campaign strategies, and goals for branding and performance. Improve decision-making by categorizing website quality and targeting campaigns effectively.

  • programmatic advertising
  • website quality
  • advertising effectiveness
  • premium websites
  • nonpremium websites

Uploaded on Jul 17, 2024 | 0 Views

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Slides can be used for teaching The Risk of Programmatic Advertising: Effects of Website Quality on Advertising Effectiveness Edlira Shehu, Copenhagen Business School Nadia Abou Nabout, WU Vienna Michel Clement, University of Hamburg Paper available at: Comics by Lana Lauren

  2. More than 60% of worldwide digital ad spend in 2019 ($333.25 billion) spent on programmatic advertising 2

  3. Programmatic advertising gives marketers limited control over where ads appear 3

  4. Advertisers differentiate between premium and nonpremium websites Premium websites: reputable publishers high-quality editorial content superior website design Nonpremium websites: user-generated content content aggregators gaming platforms user forums Examples: Examples: 4

  5. Current practice relies on gut feeling: PREMIUM BRANDS advertise on premium websites Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Advertising strategy for: Branding campaign/ Premium brand Branding campaign/ Nonpremium brand Annual sales in EUR Perfor-mance goals Website quality Performance campaign/ Premium brand Position Branding goals Performance campaign/ Nonpremium brand Clicks, purchase 1) CEO > 29m Awareness, attitudes P vs NP P NP P NP Clicks, purchase 2) Media director > 26m Awareness, attitudes P vs NP P P NP NP 3) Digital venture capital investor Clicks, purchase Unknown Awareness, attitudes P vs NP P P NP NP 4) Head of online advertising >140m Awareness Clicks P vs NP P NP P* NP Awareness, video completion Clicks, purchase 5) Managing partner > 60m P vs NP P NP P NP Notes: P=premium, NP=nonpremium Question 1: Which goals do you pursue in case of branding campaigns? Question 2: Which goals do you pursue in case of performance campaigns? Question 3: What categorization do you use to differentiate between websites of different quality? Question 4: Where would you run the following campaigns (premium or nonpremium website)? Branding campaign of BMW Branding campaign of Dacia Performance campaign of BMW Performance campaign of Dacia 5 * If advertiser is willing to carry the additional costs.

  6. Current practice relies on gut feeling: BRANDING CAMPAIGNS advertise on premium websites Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Advertising strategy for: Branding campaign/ Premium brand Branding campaign/ Nonpremium brand Annual sales in EUR Perfor-mance goals Website quality Performance campaign/ Premium brand Position Branding goals Performance campaign/ Nonpremium brand Clicks, purchase 1) CEO > 29m Awareness, attitudes P vs NP P NP P NP Clicks, purchase 2) Media director > 26m Awareness, attitudes P vs NP P P NP NP 3) Digital venture capital investor Clicks, purchase Unknown Awareness, attitudes P vs NP P P NP NP 4) Head of online advertising >140m Awareness Clicks P vs NP P NP P* NP Awareness, video completion Clicks, purchase 5) Managing partner > 60m P vs NP P NP P NP Notes: P=premium, NP=nonpremium Question 1: Which goals do you pursue in case of branding campaigns? Question 2: Which goals do you pursue in case of performance campaigns? Question 3: What categorization do you use to differentiate between websites of different quality? Question 4: Where would you run the following campaigns (premium or nonpremium website)? Branding campaign of BMW Branding campaign of Dacia Performance campaign of BMW Performance campaign of Dacia 6 * If advertiser is willing to carry the additional costs.

  7. How does advertising on nonpremium websites affect advertising effectiveness? Study 1 Study 2 7

  8. Study 1: Setting Global video sharing platform Definition of premium vs. non-premium channel provided by video sharing platform Panelists recruited from GfK Media Efficiency Panel Randomization of ads to 5,305 respondents (no targeting) 18 premium & non-premium brands Real search queries Potential self-selection bias of respondents assignment to premium/non-premium channels based on their real searching behavior 8

  9. Dealing with potential self-selection bias Propensity-score matching (PSM) using nearest neighbor algorithm Variables included in PSM: sociodemographic characteristics (age, education, and household status) usage characteristics on the video platform during the month prior to our study (time spent online and on the video platform) interest in the advertised product category number of total video ad impressions before completing the survey Various robustness checks regarding the PSM can be found in the paper 9

  10. We do NOT see significant effects on recall Recall 0.4 0.36 0.32 0.32 0.28 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Premium brand Non-premium brand Premium channel Non-premium channel 10

  11. We do see significant effects on attitudes Ad liking 3.8 3.7 3.7 p < .05 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.1 Premium brand Non-premium brand Premium channel Non-premium channel 11

  12. We do see significant effects on attitudes Brand liking 3.8 3.7 3.7 p < .05 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.1 Premium brand Non-premium brand Premium channel Non-premium channel 12

  13. Study 1: Summary Campaign goal: Brand awareness Context does not seem to matter! Campaign goal: Attitudes Premium brands: Ignoring website quality in brand advertising leads to lower attitudes Non-premium brands: Do not benefit from advertising on premium websites 13

  14. Study 2 Data source: One of the largest ad exchanges in Europe Brands: 7 premium, 7 non-premium Banking, dating, fashion, lottery and betting, travel Websites: 41 premium, 43 non- premium Observation period: April 4 May 3, 2015 Delivered impressions: 379 million Real campaign data Potential endogeneity bias due to strategic advertiser behavior 14

  15. Setting Variables of interest: Dependent variable: Ad performance: Number of clicks Control variables: Brand-level intercepts: Capture differences in media buying behavior across brands Impressions: Decision variable of the online marketer Banner format: 120 x 600: skyscraper, 160 x 600: wide skyscraper, 200 x 600: wide skyscraper alternative, 300 x 250: medium rectangle, 728 x 90: leaderboard Week + day-of-week fixed effects Independent variables: Website quality: Premium vs. non-premium Brand image: Premium vs. non-premium 15

  16. Dealing with potential endogeneity Reverse causal effect of clicks on website quality as advertisers may decide to place their most promising ads on premium websites Control function approach 1. Step: Auxiliary probit model with website quality as dependent variable Instrument: For each brand, number of ads of all other brands displayed on premium websites on a specific day t excluding ads by the brand itself 2. Step: Include residuals from Step 1 in main model with number of clicks as dependent variable More details can be found in the paper 16

  17. Effect of nonpremium websites on click behavior for PREMIUM brands 2.926 64% fewer clicks when on nonpremium websites 1.727 1.193 1.060 17

  18. Effect of nonpremium websites on click behavior for NONPREMIUM brands 2.926 31% fewer clicks when on nonpremium websites 1.727 1.193 1.060 18

  19. Study 2: Summary Campaign goal: Clicks & performance Context matters for both, premium and non-premium brands Negative effects are stronger for premium brands 19

  20. Implications Premium brand Nonpremium brand Website quality relevant No programmatic Depending on strategy, some managers consider website quality relevant, others not Mixed use of programmatic* Website quality not relevant Programmatic Current industry practice Branding campaigns Website quality effects depend on campaign goal: Attitudes No programmatic Recall Programmatic Depending on strategy, some managers consider website quality relevant, others not Mixed use of programmatic* Website quality relevant Programmatic, only if cost advantage outweighs negative click effect Our advice based on empirical evidence Website quality not relevant Programmatic Current industry practice Performance campaigns Website quality relevant Programmatic, only if cost advantage outweighs negative click effect Our advice based on empirical evidence 20

  21. Thank you If you have any questions regarding this material, you can contact us at Comics by Lana Lauren 21

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