MPCCF Law Enforcement Certification Program Overview

Law Enforcement
Certification Program
Missouri Police Chiefs
MPCCF Law Enforcement Certification Program Assessor
Components of a Standard:
Standard Statement
Required vs. Recommended Information
Syllabus (continued)
Information Compliance:
Written Directives
Syllabus (continued)
General File Organization
File Format:
Certification Standard Status Report (CSSR)
Written Directives
Syllabus (continued)
Specific Explanations
Memo to File
Time Sensitive Reports
Analysis of Information
Not Applicable by Function
Wet Ink
Waiver from Compliance
Syllabus (continued)
Mock Assessment
Final Assessment
Duties of a Certification Assessor
Components of a Standard
Components of a Standard:
Standard Statement
Components of a Standard
What is a 
Components of a Standard
A standard is a recognized, measurable, and
necessary professional requirement setting a
criteria for a specific process, function, service
or procedure for law enforcement agency
compliance. It establishes necessary provisions
requiring adherence to the standard statement.
Components of a Standard
Proof: SOP governs the use of force by agency personnel and specifies that:
An officer may use deadly force only when the officer “reasonably believes” that the use of deadly
force is in defense of human life, including the officer’s own life, or in the defense of any person in
imminent danger of serious physical injury; the discharge of warning shots is prohibited; and all
sworn officers shall receive documented instruction by certified instructors and shall demonstrate
understanding in these directives prior to being issued or allowed to carry any weapon readily
capable of deadly force, and at least annually thereafter.
Proof: Provides sample of training program.
A written directive governs the use of force by agency personnel and specifies that:
a. An officer may use deadly force only when the officer “reasonably believes” that the use of deadly force
is in defense of human life, including the officer’s own life, or in the defense of any person in imminent
danger of serious physical injury;
b. The discharge of warning shots is prohibited; and
c. All sworn officers shall receive documented instruction by certified instructors and shall demonstrate
understanding in these directives prior to being issued or allowed to carry any weapon readily capable of
deadly force, and at least annually thereafter.
: The purpose of this standard is to provide officers guidance in the use of force in life and
death situations and to prevent unnecessary loss of life. Definitions of "reasonable belief", and "serious
physical injury" should be included in the directive.
Components of a Standard
What is a 
Components of a Standard
A proof is what the agency will provide as
evidence that the agency is in compliance with
the standard statement.
“What does my agency do that I can use as evidence
to show that we comply with the standard ?”
Components of a Standard
 SOP governs the use of force by agency personnel and specifies that:
 SOP governs the use of force by agency personnel and specifies that:
An officer may use deadly force only when the officer “reasonably believes”
An officer may use deadly force only when the officer “reasonably believes”
that the use of deadly force is in defense of human life, including the officer’s
that the use of deadly force is in defense of human life, including the officer’s
own life, or in the defense of any person in imminent danger of serious physical
own life, or in the defense of any person in imminent danger of serious physical
injury; the discharge of warning shots is prohibited; and all sworn officers shall
injury; the discharge of warning shots is prohibited; and all sworn officers shall
receive documented instruction by certified instructors and shall demonstrate
receive documented instruction by certified instructors and shall demonstrate
understanding in these directives prior to being issued or allowed to carry any
understanding in these directives prior to being issued or allowed to carry any
weapon readily capable of deadly force, and at least annually thereafter.
weapon readily capable of deadly force, and at least annually thereafter.
 Provides sample of training program.
 Provides sample of training program.
Components of a Standard
A proof can be:
written documentation.
an observation.
Visual inspection
an interview.
Components of a Standard
Almost all proofs will be 
written documentation
which at least one (1) proof per year of the assessment
cycle shall be provided.
Observations and interviews will usually take a
supporting role to written documentation.
Almost all proofs will require an interview.
Components of a Standard
What is a 
standard statement 
Components of a Standard
Standard Statement
A standard statement is the explanation of what is
required to meet the criteria of the standard.
Components of a Standard
Standard Statement
A written directive governs the use of force by agency personnel and specifies that:
a. An officer may use deadly force only when the officer “reasonably believes” that the
use of deadly force is in defense of human life, including the officer’s own life, or in
the defense of any person in imminent danger of serious physical injury;
b. The discharge of warning shots is prohibited; and
c. All sworn officers shall receive documented instruction by certified instructors and
shall demonstrate understanding in these directives prior to being issued or allowed to
carry any weapon readily capable of deadly force, and at least annually thereafter.
Components of a Standard
What is an 
Components of a Standard
An analysis of the standard is a narrative that aids
in the processing of the information provided by
the standard statement.  This section is provided
only as guidance regarding the intent of the
standard and does not contain any requirements
to meet the elements of the standard.
Components of a Standard
: The purpose of this standard is to provide officers guidance in the use of
force in life and death situations and to prevent unnecessary loss of life. Definitions of
"reasonable belief", and "serious physical injury" should be included in the directive.
State Certification
Required vs. Recommended
Required vs. Recommended Information
Required Information
Required Information
Direct words such as “
Direct words such as “
” and “
” and “
information compliance.
information compliance.
Mandatory type wording removes any and all compliance
Mandatory type wording removes any and all compliance
Required vs. Recommended Information
Required Information
Agencies are allowed to exceed the standard
requirements.  However, if the agency chooses
to do so, they 
 provide applicable written
directives and proofs to reflect compliance with
their own actions.
Required vs. Recommended Information
Recommended Information
Recommended Information
Indirect words such as “
Indirect words such as “
” and “
” and “
 information compliance.
 information compliance.
Optional type of wording allows compliance discretion.
Optional type of wording allows compliance discretion.
Information Compliance
Information Compliance
What is a 
Information Compliance
A bullet is an itemized listing of multiple components
within a standard statement, in alphabetized form,
containing multiple mandates. Each bullet must stand
alone when establishing compliance with the standard,
with the proofs of compliance identified by every
specific alphabetized requirement.
All bullets 
 information compliance.
Information Compliance
A written directive governs the use of force by agency personnel and specifies that:
A written directive governs the use of force by agency personnel and specifies that:
 An officer may use deadly force only when the officer “reasonably believes” that the
 An officer may use deadly force only when the officer “reasonably believes” that the
use of deadly force is in defense of human life, including the officer’s own life, or in
use of deadly force is in defense of human life, including the officer’s own life, or in
the defense of any person in imminent danger of serious physical injury;
the defense of any person in imminent danger of serious physical injury;
 The discharge of warning shots is prohibited; and
 The discharge of warning shots is prohibited; and
 All sworn officers shall receive documented instruction by certified instructors and
 All sworn officers shall receive documented instruction by certified instructors and
shall demonstrate understanding in these directives prior to being issued or allowed to
shall demonstrate understanding in these directives prior to being issued or allowed to
carry any weapon readily capable of deadly force, and at least annually thereafter.
carry any weapon readily capable of deadly force, and at least annually thereafter.
Information Compliance
What is a 
Information Compliance
A non-bullet is information required by a standard
A non-bullet is information required by a standard
statement where bullets may or may not be
statement where bullets may or may not be
Words, such as “
Words, such as “
” or the use of 
” or the use of 
information compliance.
information compliance.
Information Compliance
A written directive defining the agency's jurisdiction in terms of territory and in scope
of responsibility.
Information Compliance
This standard has two (2) requirements to be met:
This standard has two (2) requirements to be met:
A written directive:
A written directive:
(1) defining the agency's jurisdiction in terms of territory
(1) defining the agency's jurisdiction in terms of territory
(2) in scope of responsibility.
(2) in scope of responsibility.
Information Compliance
A written directive requiring that all personnel, prior to assuming sworn status, take an
oath to enforce the laws under their jurisdiction, the Constitution of the United States,
the Constitution of the State of Missouri and the code or canon of ethics adopted by
the Department.
Information Compliance
This standard has four (4) requirements to be met:
This standard has four (4) requirements to be met:
A written directive requiring that all personnel, prior to assuming
A written directive requiring that all personnel, prior to assuming
sworn status, take an:
sworn status, take an:
(1) an oath to enforce the laws under their jurisdiction
(1) an oath to enforce the laws under their jurisdiction
(2) the Constitution of the United States
(2) the Constitution of the United States
(3) the Constitution of the State of Missouri 
(3) the Constitution of the State of Missouri 
(4) the code or canon of ethics adopted by the Department.
(4) the code or canon of ethics adopted by the Department.
Written Directives
Written Directive
Written Directive
Only highlight what is applicable:
Only highlight what is applicable:
Key words
Key words
 highlight the entire document!
 highlight the entire document!
Written Directive
Written Directive
A written directive requiring that all personnel, prior to assuming sworn
A written directive requiring that all personnel, prior to assuming sworn
take an oath to enforce the laws under their jurisdiction, the
take an oath to enforce the laws under their jurisdiction, the
Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Missouri
Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Missouri
and the code or canon of ethics adopted by the Department.
and the code or canon of ethics adopted by the Department.
Written Directive
Written Directive
This standard has four (4) requirements to be met:
This standard has four (4) requirements to be met:
A written directive requiring that all personnel, prior to assuming
A written directive requiring that all personnel, prior to assuming
sworn status, take:
sworn status, take:
(1) an oath to enforce the laws under their jurisdiction
(1) an oath to enforce the laws under their jurisdiction
(2) the Constitution of the United States
(2) the Constitution of the United States
(3) the Constitution of the State of Missouri 
(3) the Constitution of the State of Missouri 
(4) the code or canon of ethics adopted by the Department.
(4) the code or canon of ethics adopted by the Department.
Written Directive
Written Directive
Implemented 08/01/2003
Implemented 08/01/2003
Revised 08/02/2006
Revised 08/02/2006
Access to the records are restricted to those persons legally entitled to review these records.  The files
are stored in 
locked file cabinets.
Oath of Office  for Sworn Personnel.
  Prior to assuming sworn status, all officers will take an subsequently
abide by the following Oath of Office:
“I, ___________, the undersigned do solemnly swear that I will support the 
Constitution of the
United States and of 
the State of Missouri, the provision of  all laws of this State affecting cities of this class
and the ordinances of this City,
the law enforcement Code of Ethics,
 and that I will faithfully perform all
duties of my commission to which I have been 
appointed as set forth in the City of  Bellefontaine Neighbors,
Department Serial Numbers .
  Each full-time employee and part-time employee of this department, upon
appointment, is assigned a Department Serial Number (DSN).  The employee’s DSN shall accompany his
signature on all official documents and reports submitted by the employee.  This number is retired upon the
employee leaving the department.
Only highlight what is applicable:
Only highlight what is applicable:
Key words, phrases, and/or titles
Key words, phrases, and/or titles
Any other brief information required by the standard
Any other brief information required by the standard
 highlight the entire document!
 highlight the entire document!
The agency's 
The agency's 
unusual occurrence plans are reviewed annually and updated as
unusual occurrence plans are reviewed annually and updated as
This standard has two (2) requirements to be met:
This standard has two (2) requirements to be met:
The agency’s:
The agency’s:
(1) unusual occurrence plans are reviewed annually
(1) unusual occurrence plans are reviewed annually
(2) updated as necessary.
(2) updated as necessary.
Implemented 03/27/2001
Implemented 03/27/2001
Revised 08/02/2006
Revised 08/02/2006
K.  Annual Reports
K.  Annual Reports
Annual Recruitment Report -  The recruitment objectives, as well as demographic data for  the
department and the community, will be evaluated annually by the BFO Commander to determine
the success of the department’s efforts.  The analysis will be forwarded to the 
Chief of Police.  If
necessary, the plan will be revised and reissued.
Annual Review of Disaster/Unusual Occurrence Plans
 -  The BFO Commander, assigned by the
Chief of Police, is responsible for planning for response to disasters and unusual occurrences.    The
BFO Commander, in concert with the BOI Commander, will review  this plan annually, and update it
as necessary.
Annual Review of Complaint Allegations - All complaint allegations shall be analyzed at least
annually by the BOI Commander to identify trends or patterns developing within the department or
with individual officers that may require additional training or corrective action.
To:  Chief of Police
To:  Chief of Police
From: BFO/BOI Commanders
From: BFO/BOI Commanders
Annual Review of Disaster/Unusual Occurrence Plans 2008
Annual Review of Disaster/Unusual Occurrence Plans 2008
We have reviewed the agency’s Emergency Operations Plan and no changes are recommended at this time.
We have reviewed the agency’s Emergency Operations Plan and no changes are recommended at this time.
BFO Commander
BFO Commander
BOI Commander
BOI Commander
File Organization
 General File Organization
General File Organization
Each standard will be filed in a separate folder.
Each folder will be marked or labeled with the standard
number and standard title.
Markers will be used to divide individual sections within
each file that readily identify file components.
General File Organization
Proofs will directly accompany written directives.
Bullet A Written Directive
Bullet A Proof
Bullet B Written Directive
Bullet B Proof
Bullet C Written Directive
Bullet C Proof
 file proofs separate from written directives.
File Format:
Certification Standard Status Report (CSSR)
Written Directives
File Format
 document placed in the file.
Used as a source for immediate reference to compare
against the required contents of the file.
File Format
 document placed in the file.
Marked time sensitive (TS) as it applies
Serves as the file index that lists:
Written Directives
Written Documentation
File Format
Written Directives
 document placed in the file.
Sources for written directives may be:
General Orders, Standard Operating Procedures, etc.
Federal, State, County, City, Village, etc.
Written orders
Command staff memorandums, etc.
Any documentation giving personnel direction
File Format
 document placed in the file.
Sources for proofs may be documented by:
Police reports
Financial reports
Disciplinary action
Memos to File
Specific Explanations
Memo to File
Time Sensitive Reports
Analysis of Information
Not Applicable by Function
Wet Ink
Waiver from Compliance
Specific Explanations
Memo to File
A ‘memo to file’ used to add information to the file to
provide an explanation where written directives and
proofs appear confusing or in contrast as compared to
the requirements of the standard statement and general
program compliance.
Depending on the purpose of the information, a ‘memo
to file’ may be placed in the file after the CSSR or per
bullet in front of the written directive.
Specific Explanations
Memo to File
Specific clarifications may include:
NA by Function
Missing proofs
Wet ink
Time Sensitive Reports
A time sensitive report is documentation which is
mandated by certain standards and the agency’s
discretionary practices that are conducted in
conjunction with revolving time periods.
The program has twenty-five (25) time sensitive reports.  This
number may be 
 as a result of the agency’s discretionary
Analysis of Information
An analysis of information is the examination and
interpretation of the raw data being analyzed.
Certain standards require analysis of information.
Presentation of
raw data is 
 an analysis!
Specific Explanations
Not Applicable by Function
An agency may declare ‘not applicable by function’ status
for standards that involve functions that the agency
This is can 
 be declared for all standards as only a certain few
may apply.
Specific Explanations
Not Applicable by Function
Memo to File
Certification Manager
22.6 K-9 Units
Not Applicable by Function.
This agency does not perform the function as described by the standard.
Specific Explanations
Wet Ink
‘Wet ink’ is the term used to describe a circumstance in
which an agency implements a standard requirement
after the assessment cycle has began where proof of the
same is minimal or not available.
It is 
 that the agency familiarize themselves with the entire
program in the preliminary stages to avoid this circumstance.
Specific Explanations
Wet Ink
Memo to File
Certification Manager
7.2 Line Inspections
Wet ink.
This agency recently implemented the written directive associated with the
standard to meet requirements.  Proof is only available for one (1) year of the
assessment cycle.
Specific Explanations
Waiver from Compliance
A ‘Waiver from Compliance’ request may be applied for
by agencies that cannot comply with a given standard to
the MPCCF Certification Committee.  Awarded
waivers are inserted into the affected standard and are
permanent, as it concerns future assessment cycles,
unless the agency implements the function or program
requirements are amended.
Assessment Process
Mock Assessment
Final Assessment
Duties of a Certification Assessor
Mock Assessment
Cursory audit of agency information.
Identify deficiencies and make recommendations for
achieving compliance.
Agency to remedy problems revealed at this stage.
Agency to schedule final assessment 
 when the
agency is prepared to do so.
Final Assessment
Complete and thorough audit of all agency information.
Final summary report will be compiled and forwarded
to the oversight committee with a recommendation
concerning the certification of the agency.
Oversight committee is responsible for final review and
final disposition concerning the certification of the
Duties of a Certification Assessor
Required to verify agency compliance with standards:
Review and research all agency information
Conduct interviews and spend time with agency employees
Observe agency performance, equipment, facility, etc.
Aid in direction of resolving compliance issues.
Conduct assessments in a timely and cost effective
Law Enforcement
Certification Program
Missouri Police Chiefs
MPCCF Law Enforcement Certification Program Assessor
Slide Note

Title page


This content provides detailed information about the MPCCF Law Enforcement Certification Program in Missouri, covering topics such as standard components, assessment criteria, use of firearms/deadly force protocols, and general file organization. The syllabus outlines the requirements, assessments, and duties of a certification assessor, emphasizing the importance of compliance and adherence to professional standards in law enforcement agencies.

  • Law Enforcement
  • Certification Program
  • Missouri Police Chiefs
  • Assessment Criteria
  • Compliance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MPCCF Law Enforcement Certification Program Missouri Police Chiefs MPCCF Law Enforcement Certification Program Assessor 573-636-5444

  2. Syllabus Components of a Standard: Proof Standard Statement Analysis Required vs. Recommended Information

  3. Syllabus (continued) Information Compliance: Bullets Non-bullets Highlighting: Written Directives Proofs

  4. Syllabus (continued) General File Organization File Format: Standard Certification Standard Status Report (CSSR) Written Directives Proofs

  5. Syllabus (continued) Specific Explanations Memo to File Time Sensitive Reports Analysis of Information Not Applicable by Function Wet Ink Waiver from Compliance

  6. Syllabus (continued) Assessment Mock Assessment Final Assessment Duties of a Certification Assessor

  7. Components of a Standard Components of a Standard: Proof Standard Statement Analysis

  8. Components of a Standard What is a standard ?

  9. Components of a Standard Standard A standard is a recognized, measurable, and necessary professional requirement setting a criteria for a specific process, function, service or procedure for law enforcement agency compliance. It establishes necessary provisions requiring adherence to the standard statement.

  10. Components of a Standard 9.1 USE OF FIREARMS/DEADLY FORCE Proof: SOP governs the use of force by agency personnel and specifies that: An officer may use deadly force only when the officer reasonably believes that the use of deadly force is in defense of human life, including the officer s own life, or in the defense of any person in imminent danger of serious physical injury; the discharge of warning shots is prohibited; and all sworn officers shall receive documented instruction by certified instructors and shall demonstrate understanding in these directives prior to being issued or allowed to carry any weapon readily capable of deadly force, and at least annually thereafter. Proof: Provides sample of training program. A written directive governs the use of force by agency personnel and specifies that: a. An officer may use deadly force only when the officer reasonably believes that the use of deadly force is in defense of human life, including the officer s own life, or in the defense of any person in imminent danger of serious physical injury; b. The discharge of warning shots is prohibited; and c. All sworn officers shall receive documented instruction by certified instructors and shall demonstrate understanding in these directives prior to being issued or allowed to carry any weapon readily capable of deadly force, and at least annually thereafter. ANALYSIS: The purpose of this standard is to provide officers guidance in the use of force in life and death situations and to prevent unnecessary loss of life. Definitions of "reasonable belief", and "serious physical injury" should be included in the directive.

  11. Components of a Standard What is a proof ?

  12. Components of a Standard Proof A proof is what the agency will provide as evidence that the agency is in compliance with the standard statement. What does my agency do that I can use as evidence to show that we comply with the standard ?

  13. Components of a Standard Proof 9.1 USE OF FIREARMS/DEADLY FORCE Proof: SOP governs the use of force by agency personnel and specifies that: An officer may use deadly force only when the officer reasonably believes that the use of deadly force is in defense of human life, including the officer s own life, or in the defense of any person in imminent danger of serious physical injury; the discharge of warning shots is prohibited; and all sworn officers shall receive documented instruction by certified instructors and shall demonstrate understanding in these directives prior to being issued or allowed to carry any weapon readily capable of deadly force, and at least annually thereafter. Proof: Provides sample of training program.

  14. Components of a Standard Proof A proof can be: written documentation. an observation. Photographs Visual inspection an interview.

  15. Components of a Standard Proof Almost all proofs will be written documentation to which at least one (1) proof per year of the assessment cycle shall be provided. Observations and interviews will usually take a supporting role to written documentation. Almost all proofs will require an interview.

  16. Components of a Standard What is a standard statement ?

  17. Components of a Standard Standard Statement A standard statement is the explanation of what is required to meet the criteria of the standard.

  18. Components of a Standard Standard Statement 9.1 USE OF FIREARMS/DEADLY FORCE A written directive governs the use of force by agency personnel and specifies that: a. An officer may use deadly force only when the officer reasonably believes that the use of deadly force is in defense of human life, including the officer s own life, or in the defense of any person in imminent danger of serious physical injury; b. The discharge of warning shots is prohibited; and c. All sworn officers shall receive documented instruction by certified instructors and shall demonstrate understanding in these directives prior to being issued or allowed to carry any weapon readily capable of deadly force, and at least annually thereafter.

  19. Components of a Standard What is an analysis ?

  20. Components of a Standard Analysis An analysis of the standard is a narrative that aids in the processing of the information provided by the standard statement. This section is provided only as guidance regarding the intent of the standard and does not contain any requirements to meet the elements of the standard.

  21. Components of a Standard Analysis 9.1 USE OF FIREARMS/DEADLY FORCE ANALYSIS: The purpose of this standard is to provide officers guidance in the use of force in life and death situations and to prevent unnecessary loss of life. Definitions of "reasonable belief", and "serious physical injury" should be included in the directive.

  22. State Certification Required vs. Recommended Information

  23. Required vs. Recommended Information Required Information Direct words such as shall and will require information compliance. Mandatory type wording removes any and all compliance discretion.

  24. Required vs. Recommended Information Required Information Agencies are allowed to exceed the standard requirements. However, if the agency chooses to do so, they shall provide applicable written directives and proofs to reflect compliance with their own actions.

  25. Required vs. Recommended Information Recommended Information Indirect words such as may and should recommend information compliance. Optional type of wording allows compliance discretion.

  26. Bullets Information Compliance Bullets Non-bullets

  27. Information Compliance What is a bullet ?

  28. Information Compliance Bullet A bullet is an itemized listing of multiple components within a standard statement, in alphabetized form, containing multiple mandates. Each bullet must stand alone when establishing compliance with the standard, with the proofs of compliance identified by every specific alphabetized requirement. All bullets mandate information compliance.

  29. Information Compliance Bullet 9.1 USE OF FIREARMS/DEADLY FORCE A written directive governs the use of force by agency personnel and specifies that: a. An officer may use deadly force only when the officer reasonably believes that the use of deadly force is in defense of human life, including the officer s own life, or in the defense of any person in imminent danger of serious physical injury; b. The discharge of warning shots is prohibited; and c. All sworn officers shall receive documented instruction by certified instructors and shall demonstrate understanding in these directives prior to being issued or allowed to carry any weapon readily capable of deadly force, and at least annually thereafter.

  30. Information Compliance What is a non-bullet ?

  31. Information Compliance Non-bullet A non-bullet is information required by a standard statement where bullets may or may not be found. Words, such as and or the use of commas, require information compliance.

  32. Information Compliance Non-bullet 1.2 DEPARTMENT JURISDICTION A written directive defining the agency's jurisdiction in terms of territory and in scope of responsibility.

  33. Information Compliance Non-bullet This standard has two (2) requirements to be met: A written directive: (1) defining the agency's jurisdiction in terms of territory and (2) in scope of responsibility.

  34. Information Compliance Non-bullet 1.1 DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY A written directive requiring that all personnel, prior to assuming sworn status, take an oath to enforce the laws under their jurisdiction, the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Missouri and the code or canon of ethics adopted by the Department.

  35. Information Compliance Non-bullet This standard has four (4) requirements to be met: A written directive requiring that all personnel, prior to assuming sworn status, take an: (1) an oath to enforce the laws under their jurisdiction, (2) the Constitution of the United States, (3) the Constitution of the State of Missouri and (4) the code or canon of ethics adopted by the Department.

  36. Highlighting Highlighting: Written Directives Proofs

  37. Highlighting Written Directive Only highlight what is applicable: Dates Key words Phrases Titles Do not highlight the entire document!

  38. Highlighting Written Directive 1.1 DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY A written directive requiring that all personnel, prior to assuming sworn status, take an oath to enforce the laws under their jurisdiction, the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Missouri and the code or canon of ethics adopted by the Department.

  39. Highlighting Written Directive This standard has four (4) requirements to be met: A written directive requiring that all personnel, prior to assuming sworn status, take: (1) an oath to enforce the laws under their jurisdiction, (2) the Constitution of the United States, (3) the Constitution of the State of Missouri and (4) the code or canon of ethics adopted by the Department.

  40. Highlighting Written Directive GENERAL ORDER Implemented 08/01/2003 Revised 08/02/2006 4. Access to the records are restricted to those persons legally entitled to review these records. The files are stored in locked file cabinets. F. Oath of Office for Sworn Personnel. Prior to assuming sworn status, all officers will take an subsequently abide by the following Oath of Office: I, ___________, the undersigned do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Missouri, the provision of all laws of this State affecting cities of this class and the ordinances of this City, the law enforcement Code of Ethics, and that I will faithfully perform all duties of my commission to which I have been appointed as set forth in the City of Bellefontaine Neighbors, Missouri. G. Department Serial Numbers . Each full-time employee and part-time employee of this department, upon appointment, is assigned a Department Serial Number (DSN). The employee s DSN shall accompany his signature on all official documents and reports submitted by the employee. This number is retired upon the employee leaving the department.

  41. Highlighting Proof Only highlight what is applicable: Dates Key words, phrases, and/or titles Signatures Any other brief information required by the standard Do not highlight the entire document!

  42. Highlighting Proof 26.3 ANNUAL REVIEW The agency's unusual occurrence plans are reviewed annually and updated as necessary.

  43. Highlighting Proof This standard has two (2) requirements to be met: The agency s: (1) unusual occurrence plans are reviewed annually and (2) updated as necessary.

  44. Highlighting Proof GENERAL ORDER Implemented 03/27/2001 Revised 08/02/2006 K. Annual Reports 7. Annual Recruitment Report - The recruitment objectives, as well as demographic data for the department and the community, will be evaluated annually by the BFO Commander to determine the success of the department s efforts. The analysis will be forwarded to the Chief of Police. If necessary, the plan will be revised and reissued. 8. Annual Review of Disaster/Unusual Occurrence Plans - The BFO Commander, assigned by the Chief of Police, is responsible for planning for response to disasters and unusual occurrences. The BFO Commander, in concert with the BOI Commander, will review this plan annually, and update it as necessary. 9. Annual Review of Complaint Allegations - All complaint allegations shall be analyzed at least annually by the BOI Commander to identify trends or patterns developing within the department or with individual officers that may require additional training or corrective action.

  45. Highlighting Proof Memorandum Date: 01/17/2008 To: Chief of Police From: BFO/BOI Commanders Reference: Annual Review of Disaster/Unusual Occurrence Plans 2008 We have reviewed the agency s Emergency Operations Plan and no changes are recommended at this time. Respectfully, (Signature)______ BFO Commander (Signature)_____ BOI Commander

  46. File Organization General File Organization

  47. General File Organization Each standard will be filed in a separate folder. Each folder will be marked or labeled with the standard number and standard title. Markers will be used to divide individual sections within each file that readily identify file components.

  48. General File Organization Proofs will directly accompany written directives. Bullet A Written Directive Bullet A Proof Bullet B Written Directive Bullet B Proof Bullet C Written Directive Bullet C Proof Do not file proofs separate from written directives.

  49. Format File Format: Standard Certification Standard Status Report (CSSR) Written Directives Proofs

  50. File Format Standard 1stdocument placed in the file. Used as a source for immediate reference to compare against the required contents of the file.


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