Kampavata: A Comprehensive Overview of Tremor Disorders in Ayurveda

 Nitin pandey
Dept. Of kayachikitsa
Kampavata is one among vataja nanatmaja vyadhi explined by acharya charka in
sutrasthana  cha.Su 20.
It also is explained in the name of vepathu by various other acharyas for the
disease kampavata.
We don’t find much reference in vedic literature pertaining to kampavata &
vepathu one reference in rigveda that is indra suffered with the disease vepathu and
in atharvaveda we get the reference of  vepathu.
It is mentioned in the charak samhita (ancient classical ayurvedic text )that if vata
dosha becomes imbalance then it produces 80 types of vata nanatmaj vyadhi (
vataja disease).
Vepathu is a one of them which is commonly known as kampavata. Kampavata is
mainly associated with tremor (kampa), rigidity (sthambha ) bradykinesia
Kampa (tremor) is found as symptoms of many disease like vataja jwara, vataja
vatika kustha,vatikapandu ,urustambha etc
Acharya Sushrut has not mentioned Vepathu as a separate
disease. But he mentioned it as a symptom of many disease
conditions and also complication of Ardita (facial paralysis).
As per Astanga Hridaya, kampa is found as a symptom in vata
prakop (vitiation of vata) and 
sarwanga vata. kampa is noted in
raktkshaya, pittakshaya and 
kaphakshya condition according to
Astanga Sangraha
Acharya Madhava has mentioned the disease Vepathu in a
separate chapter in his work “Madhava Nidan” in which he
mentioned that Vepathu is characterized by Sarvang kampa
(tremor all over body) and shirokanpa (tremor in hand).
Basavaraja – Author of this text has explained symptoms of
kampavata, firstly provided diagnostic clue of the symptoms of
Parkinson's disease i.e. “Karpadatale Kampa” (i.e. tremor in
hands and legs), Deha Bhramana (whirling sensation),
Nidrabhanga (sleeplessness) and  Kshinmati (loss of intellect)
If we study the all available literature of Ayurveda the following are
the key observed symptoms of kampavata
Kampa (Tremor)
Sthambha (Rigidity)                                              '
Chestasanga (Slowness Of Movement)
 Vak Vikriti (Speech Disorder)
Avanamana (Flexion Posture )
Kshinamati (Dementia)
 Vivandha (Constipation)
Kampa (tremor) is described to occur many parts of body
including Shirakampa (tremor of the head), Oshtakampa (lip
tremor), Hastakampa (tremor of the hands), Padakampa (tremor
of the legs).
Nidana refers to all the causative factors which are responsible for
the initiation and progress of the disease process. Nidana is defined
“Vyadhi utpatti hetu nidanam”
 That is, nidana is the main cause for
occurrence of the disease.
The etiological factors of vatavyadhi in general have been described
in our classics, but separate nidanas for Kampavata not explained.
Kampavata is one of the vatavyadhi and it is also told that,
Na kampo vayuna vina
 without vata, there is no manifestation of kampa
In Bruhatrayis, Acharya’s not mentioned particular  Nidana for
Vepathu but they stated that all  Vatavyadhi Samanya Nidana are also
responsible for  Vepathu. In Madhavanidan  and  Basavrajiyam, there
are no separate Nidana mentioned by Acharyas. They considered
Samanya Nidana of Vatavyadhi for Kampavata also.
Poorvaroopa is not mentioned in any where in classics  the
Poorvaroopa of Kampavata is considered as Avyakta. As
Acharya Charaka states that, all Vatavyadhi have Avyakata
poorvaroopa because the Samprapti of disease manifests
suddenly due to Ashukaritva of Vayu. Some Acharyas
state that Poorvaroopa is present, these Poorvaroopa are
nothing but these are the Vyadhi Lakshana’s which are
present in very lesser extent and it is difficult to rule out
these Lakshana’s.
Caraka say that Avyakta Laksana are the Purvarupa ofVata
Vyadhi (Ca.Ci.-28/16), following may be considered as.
Purvarupa of Kampavata
Anxiety (Udvega)
Anavasthita Chittatva.
Disorientation (Moha)
Forgetfulness (Smriti hani)
Irritability (Asvasthamana)
Pain (Gatraruka) ache & pain which may be restricted to one side of the
Nervous ness (Avasada) patient felling of tension & restlessness
Paresthesia (Supti)
Sensation of warmth (Ushnapratiti)
Tiredness (Klama)
According to Madhavakara
 Kampa of whole body or it is located in Shirso ( head), it is termed
as Vepathu.
Here the word, Shiraso not only indicates head but instead of that it
presents any part of the body. Therefore, from this we can conclude
that Madhavakara was very much conscious about the clinical
presentations of the patients and he has considered two types of
Kampavata that is Sarvanga Kampavata and Ekanga Kampavata.
According to Basavrajiyam
Hand and feet tremors
difficulty in bodily movements
disturbed sleep and memory loss
these cluster of symptoms are found in Kampavata (Sarvanga
Along with it Bahukampavata is explained by Basavrajiyam as ---
When Tremor is located in one arm, abnormal structural changes
takes place in body, all these symptoms produces difficulty and
person suffers from Hand Tremors through out the day and night.
Certain symptoms like-----
Stambha (Rigidity)
Cestahani (Slowness of the movement)
Vinaman (Flexed posture)
Vakvikriti  (Speech disorders).
Are other symptoms mentioned in some pathological conditions of Vata
vyadhi which can also be grouped under the features of Kampavata
Comparison between Kampavata and Parkinson’s Disease
Lakshanas of Kampavata
Symptoms of Parkinson’s
Postural changes
Flexed posture in Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease patient
Pathogenesis of Kamp Vata
samprapti for Kampavata is not explained separately, so the general samprapti of
vatavyadhi can be considered here
                                                          RAKTHADI DHATU KASHYA                    DHATU KSHAYA
                                    DOSHA DUSHAYA SAMMURCHANA
 Avarana and Dhatukshaya are the two basic processes which incite
Vata while discussing the Samprapti. It was concluded that the Avarana
condition also responsible for Kampavata- Kaphavritta Vyana, exhibits
as Gatisanga, Daurbalyata, Gurugatrata, Chesta Stambha (Su. Ni.–1/39)
and Vagbhata mentioned that Skhalita Gati (A.S.Ni. - 16/50).
 Kaphavritta Udana manifests as Vak Svara Graha, Gurugatrata
(Ch.Chi.-28/224,225) and Kampanam.
Dhatukshaya is another important phenomenon which is constantly
involves in the Samprapti of the disease. Mainly Rasakshaya,
Shukrakshaya Majjakshaya and Ojokshaya were contemplated as the
pathological process in Kampavata Avarana manifests as Ekdeshe
Vriddhi i.e. increased function at one site and decrease in other sites
such phenomena is evident in Kampavata, as increased fine movement
(tremor) and slowness of the movement (bradykinesia) is the hall mark
of Parkinson’s disease
Prognosis and principle of management
Most of our acharyas consider shuddha vataja vyadhi are asadhya or
krichrasadhya. So Kampavata being one of the shuddha vata vyadhi,
is  also  krichrasadhya / asadhya for chikitsa.
Kampavata being one of the Vatavyadhi, general line of treatment
which is explained for vatavyadhi can be adopted by considering
specific etiology.
For better understanding these principles of treatment are explained
under 3 headings.
 Other Measures
Acharya Vangasena has described specific therapies for the treatment of
Kampavata. These specific line of treatment for Kampavata can be
summarized here.
Anuvasana basti
Niruha basti
Sneha can be administered in both ways – External and Internal
Abhyantara Snehas are – Bhojana, Pana, Nasya and Basti
Bahya Sneha are – Abhyanga, Mardana, Lepa, Moordhni taila etc…
Charaka opines, Snehana is the first line of treatment for all
Vatavayadhis, Snehana does Balavardhana, Agnivardhana and
nourishes shushka dhatus.
In the context of vatavyadhi swedanakarma like nadisweda,
pindasweda, awagahasweda are mentioned which alleviate vitiated vata
Acharya  Charaka mentioned Virechana as a shodhana karma for the
treatment  of Vatavyadhis. Especially for Kampavata no drugs have
been mentioned. Mridu virechana with snehasamyukta oushadhis is
advised in all sorts of Vatavyadhis.For Sneha Virechana Eranda taila
can be given with milk.Virechana gives bala  to  indriyas, does
agnideepana and koshtashuddhi
Acharya Vagbhata has stated 
“nasa hi shiraso dwaram” 
i.e. nose is  the
easiest and closest opening for conveying the potency of medicines to
the cranial cavity. The drugs administered will reach the shringataka
marma and spread through the opening of siras of eye, ear and throat
etc., and to the head. Acharya Chakradatta and Acharya Vangasena
have indicated Nasya karma in Kampavata
All of our Acharyas  have considered Basti as best treatment for
Vatavyadhi.  Due to its vast action, it has been considered as the
complete or half of the treatment.The appropriate adoption of Bastikarma
facilitates expulsion of pureesha,  shleshma,  pitta, adhovata and mootra
and accomplishes strength.
The snehas which are used for Anuvasana basti destroys the rooksha,
laghu and sheeta gunas of Vata, by their snigdha, guru and ushna
properties. Niruha basti causes elimination of malas and doshas from all
the srotases. Basti relives sankocha and stabdhata etc…
Shamana Chikitsa
Some of shamana yogas are described for Kampavata are as follows.
Nakula taila(B.R)       Vijaya bhairava taila(B.R)          Rasna taila(Bh. S)
Sahacharadi taila(S.Y)  Ksheerabala taila(A.H)          Varuni taila(Sha. S
Triguna rasa(S.Y)                          Vatarakshasa rasa(R.Y.S. II)
 Kanaka sundara rasa(R.Y.S. I)      Kalavidhanasano rasa(R.Y.S. I)
Gandharva rasa(R.Y.S. I)               Chaturbhuja rasa(R.Y.S. I)
Other Measures
These modalities include---
Education - 
Education about disease, its management and progression
to  patient and their family.
- There are many support organizations like American
Parkinson’s Disease Association, National Parkinson’s Foundation, and
Local Hospitals etc. Parkinson’s disease patients can take help of these
organizations by discussing their problems and struggles through the
– Exercise is an important factor in the medical and
psychological well being   of patients. Exercise increases the patients
overall health and functionality. It has a positive impact on mood and
energy levels. All these factors are important in treating chronic
– Patients with Parkinson’s disease have decreased muscle
mass and more weight loss than healthy control subjects, patients
should be  instructed  to  eat  healthy diet and to take multiple
vitamins with calcium if needed.
Yoga and Meditation 
Yoga and meditation help to build the
resistance and immunity in the body.They also help in the regulation
and balance functioning of central nervous system
Slide Note

Explore the concept of Kampavata, a type of Vata disorder characterized by tremors, rigidity, and slowness of movement in Ayurveda. Learn about its symptoms, etiological factors, and insights from ancient Ayurvedic texts. Understanding Kampavata sheds light on the traditional approach to diagnosing and managing tremor-related conditions.

  • Ayurveda
  • Kampavata
  • Vata disorder
  • Tremors
  • Ayurvedic medicine

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dr. Nitin pandey Dept. Of kayachikitsa

  2. Kampavata is one among vataja nanatmaja vyadhi explined by acharya charka in sutrasthana cha.Su 20. It also is explained in the name of vepathu by various other acharyas for the disease kampavata. We don t find much reference in vedic literature pertaining to kampavata & vepathu one reference in rigveda that is indra suffered with the disease vepathu and in atharvaveda we get the reference of vepathu. It is mentioned in the charak samhita (ancient classical ayurvedic text )that if vata dosha becomes imbalance then it produces 80 types of vata nanatmaj vyadhi ( vataja disease). Vepathu is a one of them which is commonly known as kampavata. Kampavata is mainly associated with tremor (kampa), rigidity (sthambha ) bradykinesia (chestasanga). Kampa (tremor) is found as symptoms of many disease like vataja jwara, vataja unmanda,vatika kustha,vatikapandu ,urustambha etc

  3. Contd........... Acharya Sushrut has not mentioned Vepathu as a separate disease. But he mentioned it as a symptom of many disease conditions and also complication ofArdita (facial paralysis). As per Astanga Hridaya, kampa is found as a symptom in vata prakop (vitiation of vata) and sarwanga vata. kampa is noted in raktkshaya, pittakshaya and kaphakshya condition according to Astanga Sangraha Acharya Madhava has mentioned the disease Vepathu in a separate chapter in his work Madhava Nidan in which he mentioned that Vepathu is characterized by Sarvang kampa (tremor all over body) and shirokanpa (tremor in hand). Basavaraja Author of this text has explained symptoms of kampavata, firstly provided diagnostic clue of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease i.e. Karpadatale Kampa (i.e. tremor in hands and legs), Deha Nidrabhanga (sleeplessness) and Kshinmati (loss of intellect) Bhramana (whirling sensation),

  4. Contd..... If we study the all available literature of Ayurveda the following are the key observed symptoms of kampavata Kampa (Tremor) Sthambha (Rigidity) Chestasanga (Slowness Of Movement) Vak Vikriti (Speech Disorder) Avanamana (Flexion Posture ) Kshinamati (Dementia) Smritihani(LossOfMemory) Vivandha (Constipation) Kampa (tremor) is described to occur many parts of body including Shirakampa (tremor of the head), Oshtakampa (lip tremor), Hastakampa (tremor of the hands), Padakampa (tremor of the legs). '

  5. ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS Nidana refers to all the causative factors which are responsible for the initiation and progress of the disease process. Nidana is defined as; Vyadhi utpatti hetu nidanam That is, nidana is the main cause for occurrence of the disease. The etiological factors of vatavyadhi in general have been described in our classics, but separate nidanas for Kampavata not explained. Kampavata is one of the vatavyadhi and it is also told that, Na kampo vayuna vina without vata, there is no manifestation of kampa In Bruhatrayis, Acharya s not mentioned particular Vepathu but they stated that all Vatavyadhi Samanya Nidana are also responsible for Vepathu. In Madhavanidan and Basavrajiyam, there are no separate Nidana mentioned by Acharyas. They considered Samanya Nidana of Vatavyadhi for Kampavata also. Nidana for

  6. PRODROMAL SYMPTOMS Poorvaroopa is not mentioned in any where in classics the Poorvaroopa of Kampavata is considered as Avyakta. As Acharya Charaka states that, all Vatavyadhi have Avyakata poorvaroopa because the Samprapti of disease manifests suddenly due to Ashukaritva of Vayu. Some Acharyas state that Poorvaroopa is present, these Poorvaroopa are nothing but these are the Vyadhi Lakshana s which are present in very lesser extent and it is difficult to rule out these Lakshana s. Caraka say that Avyakta Laksana are the Purvarupa ofVata Vyadhi (Ca.Ci.-28/16), following may be considered as. Purvarupa of Kampavata

  7. Contd........ Angamarda Anxiety (Udvega) Anavasthita Chittatva. Disorientation (Moha) Forgetfulness (Smriti hani) Irritability (Asvasthamana) Pain (Gatraruka) ache & pain which may be restricted to one side of the body Nervous ness (Avasada) patient felling of tension & restlessness Paresthesia (Supti) Sensation of warmth (Ushnapratiti) Tiredness (Klama)

  8. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS According to Madhavakara Kampa of whole body or it is located in Shirso ( head), it is termed as Vepathu. Here the word, Shiraso not only indicates head but instead of that it presents any part of the body. Therefore, from this we can conclude that Madhavakara was very much conscious about the clinical presentations of the patients and he has considered two types of Kampavata that is Sarvanga Kampavata and Ekanga Kampavata. According to Basavrajiyam Hand and feet tremors difficulty in bodily movements disturbed sleep and memory loss these cluster of symptoms are found in Kampavata (Sarvanga Kampavata).

  9. Contd........ Along with it Bahukampavata is explained by Basavrajiyam as --- When Tremor is located in one arm, abnormal structural changes takes place in body, all these symptoms produces difficulty and person suffers from Hand Tremors through out the day and night. Certain symptoms like----- Stambha (Rigidity) Cestahani (Slowness of the movement) Vinaman (Flexed posture) Vakvikriti (Speech disorders). Are other symptoms mentioned in some pathological conditions of Vata vyadhi which can also be grouped under the features of Kampavata

  10. Comparison between Kampavata and Parkinsons Disease Lakshanas of Kampavata disease Symptoms of Parkinson s Kampa Matiksheena Vibandh Dehabhramana Nidrabhanga Tremor Dementia Constipation Postural changes Insomnia

  11. PICTURES SHOWING C/ F Flexed posture in Parkinson s disease Parkinson s disease patient


  13. Contd...... Avarana and Dhatukshaya are the two basic processes which incite Vata while discussing the Samprapti. It was concluded that the Avarana condition also responsible for Kampavata- Kaphavritta Vyana, exhibits as Gatisanga, Daurbalyata, Gurugatrata, Chesta Stambha (Su. Ni. 1/39) and Vagbhata mentioned that Skhalita Gati (A.S.Ni. - 16/50). Kaphavritta Udana manifests as Vak Svara Graha, Gurugatrata (Ch.Chi.-28/224,225) and Kampanam. Dhatukshaya is another important phenomenon which is constantly involves in the Samprapti of the disease. Mainly Rasakshaya, Shukrakshaya Majjakshaya and Ojokshaya were contemplated as the pathological process in Kampavata Avarana manifests as Ekdeshe Vriddhi i.e. increased function at one site and decrease in other sites such phenomena is evident in Kampavata, as increased fine movement (tremor) and slowness of the movement (bradykinesia) is the hall mark of Parkinson s disease

  14. Prognosis and principle of management Most of our acharyas consider shuddha vataja vyadhi are asadhya or krichrasadhya. So Kampavata being one of the shuddha vata vyadhi, is also krichrasadhya / asadhya for chikitsa. Kampavata being one of the Vatavyadhi, general line of treatment which is explained for vatavyadhi can be adopted by considering specific etiology. For better understanding these principles of treatment are explained under 3 headings. Shodhana Shamana Other Measures

  15. Contd........ Acharya Vangasena has described specific therapies for the treatment of Kampavata. These specific line of treatment for Kampavata can be summarized here. Abhyanga Swedana Virechana Anuvasana basti Niruha basti Shirobasti Sneha can be administered in both ways External and Internal Abhyantara Snehas are Bhojana, Pana, Nasya and Basti Bahya Sneha are Abhyanga, Mardana, Lepa, Moordhni taila etc Charaka opines, Snehana is the first line of treatment for all Vatavayadhis, Snehana does Balavardhana, Agnivardhana and nourishes shushka dhatus.

  16. Contd........ In the context of vatavyadhi swedanakarma like nadisweda, pindasweda, awagahasweda are mentioned which alleviate vitiated vata dosha Acharya Charaka mentioned Virechana as a shodhana karma for the treatment of Vatavyadhis. Especially for Kampavata no drugs have been mentioned. Mridu virechana with snehasamyukta oushadhis is advised in all sorts of Vatavyadhis.For Sneha Virechana Eranda taila can be given with milk.Virechana gives bala to indriyas, does agnideepana and koshtashuddhi Acharya Vagbhata has stated nasa hi shiraso dwaram i.e. nose is the easiest and closest opening for conveying the potency of medicines to the cranial cavity. The drugs administered will reach the shringataka marma and spread through the opening of siras of eye, ear and throat etc., and to the head. Acharya Chakradatta and Acharya Vangasena have indicated Nasya karma in Kampavata

  17. Contd........ All of our Acharyas have considered Basti as best treatment for Vatavyadhi. Due to its vast action, it has been considered as the complete or half of the treatment.The appropriate adoption of Bastikarma facilitates expulsion of pureesha, shleshma, pitta, adhovata and mootra and accomplishes strength. The snehas which are used for Anuvasana basti destroys the rooksha, laghu and sheeta gunas of Vata, by their snigdha, guru and ushna properties. Niruha basti causes elimination of malas and doshas from all the srotases. Basti relives sankocha and stabdhata etc Shamana Chikitsa Some of shamana yogas are described for Kampavata are as follows. TAILA--- Nakula taila(B.R) Vijaya bhairava taila(B.R) Rasna taila(Bh. S) Sahacharadi taila(S.Y) Ksheerabala taila(A.H) Varuni taila(Sha. S)

  18. Contd... RASAYOGAS Triguna rasa(S.Y) Vatarakshasa rasa(R.Y.S. II) Kanaka sundara rasa(R.Y.S. I) Kalavidhanasano rasa(R.Y.S. I) Gandharva rasa(R.Y.S. I) Chaturbhuja rasa(R.Y.S. I) Other Measures These modalities include--- Education - Education about disease, its management and progression to patient and their family. Support - There are many support organizations like American Parkinson s Disease Association, National Parkinson s Foundation, and Local Hospitals etc. Parkinson s disease patients can take help of these organizations by discussing their problems and struggles through the internet.

  19. Contd...... Exercise Exercise is an important factor in the medical and psychological well being of patients. Exercise increases the patients overall health and functionality. It has a positive impact on mood and energy levels. All these factors are important in treating chronic disease. Nutrition Patients with Parkinson s disease have decreased muscle mass and more weight loss than healthy control subjects, patients should be instructed to eat healthy diet and to take multiple vitamins with calcium if needed. Yoga and Meditation -Yoga and meditation help to build the resistance and immunity in the body.They also help in the regulation and balance functioning of central nervous system

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