Insights from Vyasadeva's Meditation and Realization in Srimad Bhagavatam

Srila Vyasadeva’s Meditation and Samadhi
nārāyaṇaḿ namaskṛtya
naraḿ caiva narottamam
devīḿ sarasvatīḿ vyāsaḿ
tato jayam udīrayet
Before reciting this Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, which is the
very means of conquest, one should offer respectful
obeisances unto the Personality of Godhead, Nārāyaṇa,
unto Nara-nārāyaṇa Ṛṣi, the supermost human being,
unto mother Sarasvatī, the goddess of learning, and unto
Śrīla Vyāsadeva, the author.
naṣṭa-prāyeṣv abhadreṣu
nityaḿ bhāgavata-sevayā
bhagavaty uttama-śloke
bhaktir bhavati naiṣṭhikī
By regular attendance in classes on the Bhāgavatam and
by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is
troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed,
and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is
praised with transcendental songs, is established as an
irrevocable fact.
1.7.1-3: Vyasadeva’s meditation
1.7.4-5: Vyasadeva’s realization
1.7.6-7: Vyasadeva’s action
śaunaka uvāca
nirgate nārade sūta
bhagavān bādarāyaṇaḥ
śrutavāḿs tad-abhipretaḿ
tataḥ kim akarod vibhuḥ
Ṛṣi Śaunaka asked: O Sūta, the great and
transcendentally powerful Vyāsadeva heard
everything from Śrī Nārada Muni. So after Nārada's
departure, what did Vyāsadeva do?
Before commencing the great epic Śrīmad-
Bhāgavatam, Śrī Vyāsadeva realized the whole
truth by trance in devotion.
sūta uvāca
brahma-nadyāḿ sarasvatyām
āśramaḥ paścime taṭe
śamyāprāsa iti prokta
ṛṣīṇāḿ satra-vardhanaḥ
Śrī Sūta said: On the western bank of the River Sarasvatī,
which is intimately related with the Vedas, there is a
cottage for meditation at Śamyāprāsa which enlivens the
transcendental activities of the sages.
tasmin sva āśrame vyāso
āsīno 'pa upaspṛśya
praṇidadhyau manaḥ svayam
In that place, Śrīla Vyāsadeva, in his own āśrama, which
was surrounded by berry trees, sat down to meditate after
touching water for purification.
Householders and Āśrama
A place where spiritual culture is always foremost.
Differences in asramas are only a matter of formality on
the strength of renunciation.
Meditated under Narada’s instruction
“Think of the pastimes of the Lord in trance for the
liberation of people in general from material bondage”
(S.B. 1.5.13)
bhakti-yogena manasi
samyak praṇihite 'male
apaśyat puruṣaḿ pūrṇaḿ
māyāḿ ca tad-apāśrayam
Thus he fixed his mind, perfectly engaging it by linking it in
devotional service [bhakti-yoga] without any tinge of
materialism, and thus he saw the Absolute Personality of
Godhead along with His external energy, which was under
full control.
uruṣaḿ pūrṇaḿ
Srila Jiva Goswami says this includes expansions,
energies, avatars, whole spiritual world
Can only be known 
by bhakti-yoga
Māyām tad-apāśrayam
Refutes Mayavada philosophy
Internal energy vs. External energy
Moonlight vs. darkness
Bhakti => function of internal energy
yayā sammohito jīva
ātmānaḿ tri-guṇātmakam
paro 'pi manute 'narthaḿ
tat-kṛtaḿ cābhipadyate
Due to this external energy, the living entity, although
transcendental to the three modes of material nature,
thinks of himself as a material product and thus undergoes
the reactions of material miseries.
Root cause of suffering
Perverted and unnatural thinking, feeling, willing
Solution to illusion
Two-phase implementation by Krsna
Maya’s punishment
Spiritual master’s help
Ultimate perfection
Revive our natural love and affection for the Lord.
anarthopaśamaḿ sākṣād
bhakti-yogam adhokṣaje
lokasyājānato vidvāḿś
cakre sātvata-saḿhitām
The material miseries of the living entity, which are
 to him, can be directly mitigated by the linking
process of devotional service. But the 
mass of people do
not know this
, and therefore the learned Vyāsadeva
this Vedic literature
, which is in relation to the
Supreme Truth.
Artha -> Anartha
Anartha -> Artha
Arising from past sins
Arising from previous pious work
Arising from offenses
Arising from bhakti
Hearing and Chanting
Mitigates superfluous sufferings
Revives love of God only when Lord is pleased
Sadhana => Lord is satisfied => Mercy => Devotional
To educate and save the world
yasyāḿ vai śrūyamāṇāyāḿ
kṛṣṇe parama-pūruṣe
bhaktir utpadyate puḿsaḥ
Simply by giving aural reception to this Vedic literature,
the feeling for loving devotional service to Lord Kṛṣṇa,
the Supreme Personality of Godhead, sprouts up at once
to extinguish the fire of lamentation, illusion and
Only word to properly describe relationship of Krsna and
Lack of peace is due to lamentation and illusion
Politicians' peace conferences cannot help
Srimad Bhagavatam can - by producing love of God
The conclusion is that simply by hearing the Vedic
literature Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, one can have direct
connection with the Supreme Personality of Godhead Śrī
Kṛṣṇa, and thereby one can attain the highest perfection
of life by transcending worldly miseries, illusion and
fearfulness. These are practical tests for one who has
actually given a submissive hearing to the readings of
the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.
Vyasadeva’s realized the complete Absolute Truth
which is the Lord and His energies
Krsna provides the material illusion to rectify us
Krsna helps us as the spiritual master within and
Our sufferings are superfluous
Vyasadeva compiled the Srimad Bhagavatam to
mitigate our miseries by helping us develop love for
Srila Prabhupada’s lecture transcriptions
Srila Romapada Maharaja’s lectures
Sri Bhurijana Prabhu’s lectures
Unveiling His Lotus Feet
Sri Bhurijana Prabhu’s Detailed Overview
The present perverted way of thinking,
feeling and willing, under material conditions
Not natural for the jiva.
The Lord does not desire that a living being be
illusioned by external energy.
The external energy is aware of this fact, but
still she accepts a thankless task of keeping
the forgotten soul under illusion by her
bewildering influence.
The Lord does not interfere with her tasks
because they are necessary for reformation of
the conditioned soul.
E.g  Father treating a disobedient child.
But the all-affectionate Almighty Father at
the same time desires relief for the
conditioned soul, relief from the clutches of
the illusory energy.
E.g. King and prisoners.
Relief is in the form of instructions of
Bhagavad-gītā, (7.14)
Surrender -> Association -> Service -> Taste for Hearing ->
Respect for the Lord -> Devotion -> Attachment.
This means that the conditioned souls are being reclaimed by the
Lord both ways, namely by the process of punishment by the
external energy of the Lord, and by Himself as the spiritual
master within and without.
Within the heart of every living being the Lord Himself as the
Supersoul (Paramātmā) becomes the spiritual master, and from
without He becomes the spiritual master in the shape of
scriptures, saints and the initiator spiritual master.
Refutation of Mayavada philosophy
Lord cannot fall into illusion, because maya is under full
control of Krsna.
Jiva is controlled, Krsna is the controller. If both are
same, jiva should have no distress
The relationship between the Lord and the living
being is eternal and transcendental
Otherwise the Lord would not have taken the trouble to
reclaim the conditioned souls from the clutches of māyā.
Our ultimate perfection
Revive our natural love and affection for the Lord.
The five topics of Gita are in this verse
Misidentification is due to false ego
False ego is the first element that comes out of
pradhan and the last element to disappear
False ego produces all other elements by mixing
with the modes of nature
Material disease: Everyone is full of lamentation at
every moment, he is after the mirage of illusory
things, and he is always afraid of his supposed
Srimad Bhagavatam removes this disease by
producing love of God
Love is the only word that can be properly used to
indicate the relation between Lord Kṛṣṇa and the
living entities.
The politicians' peace conferences cannot remove
illusion and fearfulness and thus cannot bring
about peace in society.
Slide Note

Explore Vyasadeva's profound meditation, realization, and actions as depicted in Srimad Bhagavatam. Delve into the teachings shared in the sacred text, highlighting the significance of devotion, service, and transcendental knowledge in spiritual practice.

  • Vyasadeva
  • Meditation
  • Realization
  • Srimad Bhagavatam
  • Spiritual Teachings

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Srimad Bhagavatam 1.7.1 - 1.7.7 Srila Vyasadeva s Meditation and Samadhi

  2. S.B. 1.2.4 n r yan am namaskr tya naram caiva narottamam dev m sarasvat m vy sam tato jayam ud rayet Before reciting this r mad-Bh gavatam, which is the very means of conquest, one should offer respectful obeisances unto the Personality of Godhead, N r yan a, unto Nara-n r yan a R s i, the supermost human being, unto mother Sarasvat , the goddess of learning, and unto r la Vy sadeva, the author.

  3. S.B. 1.2.18 nas t a-pr yes v abhadres u nityam bh gavata-sevay bhagavaty uttama- loke bhaktir bhavati nais t hik By regular attendance in classes on the Bh gavatam and by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact.

  4. S.B. 1.7.1-1.7.7: Outline 1.7.1-3: Vyasadeva s meditation 1.7.4-5: Vyasadeva s realization 1.7.6-7: Vyasadeva s action

  5. S.B. 1.7.1 aunaka uv ca nirgate n rade s ta bhagav n b dar yan ah rutav m s tad-abhipretam tatah kim akarod vibhuh R s i transcendentally everything from r N rada Muni. So after N rada's departure, what did Vy sadeva do? aunaka asked: O S ta, the great and powerful Vy sadeva heard

  6. Nectar from S.B. 1.7.1 purport Before commencing the great epic r mad- Bh gavatam, r Vy sadeva realized the whole truth by trance in devotion.

  7. S.B. 1.7.2 s ta uv ca brahma-nady m sarasvaty m ramah pa cime tat e amy pr sa iti prokta r s n m satra-vardhanah r S ta said: On the western bank of the River Sarasvat , which is intimately related with the Vedas, there is a cottage for meditation at amy pr sa which enlivens the transcendental activities of the sages.

  8. S.B. 1.7.3 tasmin sva rame vy so badar -s an d a-man d ite s no 'pa upaspr ya pran idadhyau manah svayam In that place, r la Vy sadeva, in his own rama, which was surrounded by berry trees, sat down to meditate after touching water for purification.

  9. Nectar from S.B. 1.7.2-3 purports Householders and rama A place where spiritual culture is always foremost. Differences in asramas are only a matter of formality on the strength of renunciation. Meditated under Narada s instruction Think of the pastimes of the Lord in trance for the liberation of people in general from material bondage (S.B. 1.5.13)

  10. S.B. 1.7.4 bhakti-yogena manasi samyak pran ihite 'male apa yat purus am p rn am m y m ca tad-ap rayam Thus he fixed his mind, perfectly engaging it by linking it in devotional service [bhakti-yoga] without any tinge of materialism, and thus he saw the Absolute Personality of Godhead along with His external energy, which was under full control.

  11. Nectar from S.B. 1.7.4 purport Purus am p rn am Srila Jiva Goswami says this includes expansions, energies, avatars, whole spiritual world Can only be known completely by bhakti-yoga M y m tad-ap rayam Refutes Mayavada philosophy Internal energy vs. External energy Moonlight vs. darkness Bhakti => function of internal energy

  12. S.B. 1.7.5 yay sammohito j va tm nam tri-gun tmakam paro 'pi manute 'nartham tat-kr tam c bhipadyate Due to this external energy, the living entity, although transcendental to the three modes of material nature, thinks of himself as a material product and thus undergoes the reactions of material miseries.

  13. Nectar from S.B. 1.7.5 purport Root cause of suffering Perverted and unnatural thinking, feeling, willing Solution to illusion Surrender Two-phase implementation by Krsna Maya s punishment Spiritual master s help Ultimate perfection Revive our natural love and affection for the Lord.

  14. S.B. 1.7.6 anarthopa amam s ks d bhakti-yogam adhoks aje lokasy j nato vidv m cakre s tvata-sam hit m The material miseries of the living entity, which are superfluous to him, can be directly mitigated by the linking process of devotional service. But the mass of people do not know this, and therefore the learned Vy sadeva compiled this Vedic literature, which is in relation to the Supreme Truth.

  15. Anarthas Sufferings Body Mind Universe Artha -> Anartha Possessions Work Ego Anartha -> Artha Yukta-vairagya

  16. Four types of Anarthas Arising from past sins Arising from previous pious work Arising from offenses Arising from bhakti

  17. Nectar from S.B. 1.7.6 purport Hearing and Chanting Mitigates superfluous sufferings Revives love of God only when Lord is pleased Sadhana => Lord is satisfied => Mercy => Devotional Service Preaching To educate and save the world

  18. S.B. 1.7.7 yasy m vai r yam n y m kr s n e parama-p rus e bhaktir utpadyate pum sah oka-moha-bhay pah Simply by giving aural reception to this Vedic literature, the feeling for loving devotional service to Lord Kr s n a, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, sprouts up at once to extinguish the fire of lamentation, illusion and fearfulness.

  19. Nectar from S.B. 1.7.7 purport Love Only word to properly describe relationship of Krsna and jiva Peace Lack of peace is due to lamentation and illusion Politicians' peace conferences cannot help Srimad Bhagavatam can - by producing love of God

  20. Conclusion The conclusion is that simply by hearing the Vedic literature r mad-Bh gavatam, one can have direct connection with the Supreme Personality of Godhead r Kr s n a, and thereby one can attain the highest perfection of life by transcending worldly miseries, illusion and fearfulness. These are practical tests for one who has actually given a submissive hearing to the readings of the r mad- Bh gavatam.

  21. Summary Vyasadeva s realized the complete Absolute Truth which is the Lord and His energies Krsna provides the material illusion to rectify us Krsna helps us as the spiritual master within and without Our sufferings are superfluous Vyasadeva compiled the Srimad Bhagavatam to mitigate our miseries by helping us develop love for Krsna

  22. References Srila Prabhupada s lecture transcriptions Srila Romapada Maharaja s lectures Sri Bhurijana Prabhu s lectures Unveiling His Lotus Feet Sri Bhurijana Prabhu s Detailed Overview

  23. Appendix

  24. 1.7.5: Root cause of suffering The present perverted way of thinking, feeling and willing, under material conditions Not natural for the jiva.

  25. 1.7.5: Recovery method #1 through external energy The Lord does not desire that a living being be illusioned by external energy. The external energy is aware of this fact, but still she accepts a thankless task of keeping the forgotten soul bewildering influence. The Lord does not interfere with her tasks because they are necessary for reformation of the conditioned soul. E.g Father treating a disobedient child. under illusion by her

  26. 1.7.5: Surrender: The solution to illusion But the all-affectionate Almighty Father at the same time desires relief for the conditioned soul, relief from the clutches of the illusory energy. E.g. King and prisoners. Relief is in the form of instructions of Bhagavad-g t , (7.14)

  27. 1.7.5: Recovery method #2 through His role as spiritual master Surrender -> Association -> Service -> Taste for Hearing -> Respect for the Lord -> Devotion -> Attachment. This means that the conditioned souls are being reclaimed by the Lord both ways, namely by the process of punishment by the external energy of the Lord, and by Himself as the spiritual master within and without. Within the heart of every living being the Lord Himself as the Supersoul (Param tm ) becomes the spiritual master, and from without He becomes the spiritual master in the shape of scriptures, saints and the initiator spiritual master.

  28. Other nectar from 1.7.5 purport Refutation of Mayavada philosophy Lord cannot fall into illusion, because maya is under full control of Krsna. Jiva is controlled, Krsna is the controller. If both are same, jiva should have no distress The relationship between the Lord and the living being is eternal and transcendental Otherwise the Lord would not have taken the trouble to reclaim the conditioned souls from the clutches of m y . Our ultimate perfection Revive our natural love and affection for the Lord.

  29. More nectar on S.B. 1.7.5 The five topics of Gita are in this verse Sammohitam Misidentification is due to false ego False ego is the first element that comes out of pradhan and the last element to disappear False ego produces all other elements by mixing with the modes of nature

  30. Nectar from S.B. 1.7.7 purport Material disease: Everyone is full of lamentation at every moment, he is after the mirage of illusory things, and he is always afraid of his supposed enemy. Srimad Bhagavatam removes this disease by producing love of God Love is the only word that can be properly used to indicate the relation between Lord Kr s n a and the living entities. The politicians' peace conferences cannot remove illusion and fearfulness and thus cannot bring about peace in society.


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