Eschatology: The Study of Last Things and Christ's Return
Delve into the fascinating realm of eschatology, exploring the Bible's teachings on the final days and events surrounding the second coming of Jesus Christ. Uncover the significance of terms like Advent, Parousia, Church Age, and the Tribulation Period, gaining insight into key concepts such as the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Engage with detailed imagery and descriptions that elucidate these profound theological concepts.
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Week One Week One 8 April 2020 8 April 2020
Introduction Introduction
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Eschatology The study of the Bible s teachings about the last things and events leading up to the second coming of Jesus. Greek: eschatos (final) + logos (word or idea). That is, a word about the last things or last days or end times or end of days
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY First Coming of Christ The earthly life and ministry of Jesus Christ, about 4 BC AD 32. Second Coming of Christ The bodily return of Jesus to earth to reign as king. (Date: known only by God.)
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Advent Latin: adventus = arrival or coming. Parousia Greek: para = present + einai = to be. That is, appearance or second coming.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Church Age The time period from the beginning of the church at Pentecost (AD 32) until Jesus Christ returns for everyone who has trusted in Him. Consider the promise in John 14:3 > And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Tribulation Period The future seven-year period of God s wrath on earth after the Church, Bride of Christ, has been taken out of the earth (Rapture). Here, God judges an unbelieving world and His disobedient people, Israel. Divided into two phases: First 3-1/2 years (42 months) Tribulation Second 3-1/2 years Great Tribulation
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Tribulation Period The time when great disasters will occur upon the earth to non-believers who will suffer intense persecution. The Time of Jacob s Trouble: The period of time representing the final week or the 70th week of Daniel vision.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Pre-Tribulation Rapture The catching up of born again believers to heaven before the Tribulation period. Mid-Tribulation Rapture The catching up of born again believers to heaven midway or 42 months into the Tribulation period. Post-Tribulation Rapture The catching up of born again believers to heaven after the Tribulation period.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Millennium The thousand-year reign of Jesus and believers on earth after the Tribulation period. Latin: mille = thousand + annus = year. The thousand years as described in Revelation 20:1-6. Consider v4c > And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Pre-millennium The belief that Jesus return (Second Coming) to earth before (pre-) the millennium. In this view, the millennium is a future event (not yet)!
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Post-millennium The belief that Jesus will return to earth after (post-) the millennium. In this view, the millennium is an age of peace and righteousness on earth brought about by the progress of the gospel and the growth of the Church, i.e. right now! A time in which most of the world submits to Jesus, a time when peace and justice reign.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Amillennium The belief that there will be nothousand-year reign of Jesus on earth prior to judgment. Latin: a = no. In this view, the millennium is a symbol of Christ s present reign among His people. This view is often accused of improperly spiritualizing the meaning of the Bible.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Premillennialists: They place the Great Tribulation near the end of the seven years. Dispensational Premillennialists: They typically believe that the Tribulation period will last exactly seven years.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Historical Premillennialists: They view the reference to seven years as a symbol of the completeness of God s dealings with the world as the end of time approaches. Amillennialists and Postmillennialists: They too view the Tribulation as a symbol of calamities and persecutions occurring throughout church history, believing that the Great Tribulation occurred between AD 63 and 70, during the Jewish-Roman War.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Rapture From Latin: raptus= caught up or carry away The event described in 1Thess 4:15-17, when Jesus Christ returns in the air (not to earth) and the sudden catching up of the Church to be with Him. Dispensational premillennialists (Baptist) believe that the rapture and the second coming of Jesus are twoseparateevents.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Rapture Dispensational premillennialists place the rapture before the Tribulation and the second coming after the Tribulation. Historical premillennialists, amillennialists, and postmillennialists understand the Second Coming of Jesus and the Rapture in 1Thess 4:13-17 as the same event.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Preterism Latin: praeter = beyond or after.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Preterism This viewpoint suggests that some, if not all, end times prophecies refer to specific events that happened in the first century. Some interpretations include: The antichrist refers to Emperor Nero Tribulation refers to the Jewish-Roman War and the destruction of the Temple in AD 70.
Dispensationalism Dispensationalism
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Dispensationalism A system of theology recognizing the different economy / stewardship of mankind under God. Latin: dispensatio = dispensing or ordering Greek: oikonomia = economy or system 1) consistent literal interpretation; 2) clear distinction between Israel and the Church; and 3)the glory of God as God s ultimate purpose in the world.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Dispensation or Dispense: 1) The stewardship, administering, oversight, or management of the property of others. (Charles Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today) 2) A period of time during which mankind is tested with respect to obedience to some special revelation of the will of God. (The Scofield Bible)
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY In each dispensation we will find: God s revelation God discloses his terms and purpose. Mankind s responsibility God tests mankind s obedience. Mankind s refusal Man s failure and sin. The end result God s judgment.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Three principles in understanding dispensation: 1) The act of dealing out or distributing the named system. 2) The act of administering, giving, and receiving orders, or managing a system. 3) The requirements, responsibility, and judgment.
ESCHATOLOGY TERMINOLOGY Oikonomia or stewardship: To manage, regulate, administer, and plan the affairs of others. Luke 16:2 > So he called him and said to him, What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your stewardship, for you can no longer be steward. (NKJV) That is, the world is a household ran by God, and in this household-world, God dispenses His affairs according to His will.
The Seven The Seven Dispensations Dispensations of Time of Time
FIRST DISPENSATION Innocence (Freedom) TIME: Gen 2:7 3:6 (Creation of Adam to The Fall) TEST: The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil RESULTS: Sin: The Fall (eating the Fruit) JUDGMENT: Expulsion from Eden
SECOND DISPENSATION Conscience (Self-Determination) TIME: Gen 4:1 7:6 (Altar of Adam to The Flood) TEST: Stewardship of Moral Responsibility RESULTS: Sin: wickedness / evil continuous JUDGMENT: The Flood
THIRD DISPENSATION Human Government TIME: Gen 8:21 11:9 (Rainbow to The Tower of Babel) TEST: Govern by God s Rules RESULTS: Sin: failed to scatter and repopulate the earth JUDGMENT: Language confused / Dispersion
FOURTH DISPENSATION Promise (Patriarchal Rule) TIME: Gen 11:29 Exod 1:8 (Call of Abraham to Death of Joseph) TEST: Faith in the Promise Land RESULTS: Sin: lack of faith JUDGMENT: Bondage in Egypt
FIFTH DISPENSATION Law (Legal) TIME: Exod 20:1 Acts 1:26 (Giving of The Law to Pentecost) TEST: Obedience to the Mosaic Law RESULTS: Sin: failure to obey God s word JUDGMENT: The Assyrian captivity; the Babylonian exile; the Diaspora, and the Crucifixion of Christ
SIXTH DISPENSATION Grace (Church Age) TIME: Acts 2:1 1Thes 4:17 (Pentecost to Rapture) TEST: Faith in Jesus as Messiah (Christ) RESULTS: Sin: failure to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior JUDGMENT: The Tribulation Period and The Battle of Armageddon
SEVENTH DISPENSATION Millennium (Messianic Age) TIME: Rev 20:4 Rev 20:7 (Wedding Feast to Lake of Fire) TEST: Obedience to Christ The King RESULTS: Ends of all dispensations JUDGMENT: The New Heaven for believers, and The Lake of Fire for unbelievers