Endocrine Grand Rounds: Case Study of Acne and Oily Skin with High Prolactin Level

Endocrine Grand Rounds
By Dr Rahmani And Dr Salehi
complaint : 
Acne & Oily skin
Present Illness : 
The patient is
 a 29 year-old
Girl with 
history of
Acne & Oily skin
2 years
ago (
Due to High Prolactin Level 
referred to Neurologist
The Neurologist 
Requested the “Pituitary MRI with
Contrast “
Although the Pituitary MRI was  
DOSTINEX was started as 
0.5 mg
 twice a week
The Patient took the Drug 
for 2 week 
reduced DOSTINEX  to 
0.25 mg
 twice a week,
Due to drug-side-effect (nausea ,vomiting &
dizziness ).
3 months later 
during drug consumption
prolactin level was repeated.
3 month laters 
during drug consumption
prolactin level was repeated
Due to 
Normal Prolactin level
tapered and discontinued ( in 1396/05)
The Patient was 
neither treated nor F/U 
for 6
(96/05 – 96/10 )
Regarding the 
high prolactin level 
started again ( 
0.25 mg 
twice a week )
“Pituitary MRI with & without Contrast “
requested again .
The Patient was referred to 
Multiple Pituitary microadenoma 
in Brain MRI
Neurosurgeon ,
discontinued DOSTINEX  
requested other additional tests  (hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenal axis)
Tab spironolactone, 50 mg daily 
Due to facial
 The Patient complained of 
missed period
, 5
months ago ( 
for 3 months , from 97/8 to
) treated with 
she has regular period since 2 months ago
The abdominal (ovarian) sonography was
normal .
Not history of : weight gain or weight loss
 Not history of : weakness or fatigue
No complaints of : galactorrhea or hirsutism
Past medical History 
Not significant
Past surgical History : 
Not significant
Habit History : 
 (Smoking ,Alcohol ,opioid or drug
abused )
Gyn. History : 
The onset of menstruation has been
regular  since at 12 years-old 
(except for a three-month-
period that was said)
Familial History : 
2 sister 38 & 39 y/o married  and
without prior history of diseases or medical problem
Drug History : 
spironolactone, 50 mg daily , 
(which does not currently used) , 
 ( as
Constitutional symptoms: 
 Lack of energy, unexplained weight gain or weight
loss, loss of appetite, fever, sweats,
Skin : 
Acne (+) only in face , oily skin (+) 
, hyperhidrosis(-)
Head and neck (and Ears, nose, mouth, throat) : 
frontal bossing   , mandibular
enlargement with prognathism , widened space between the lower incisor teeth  , characteristic
coarse facial features , a large fleshy nose  , 
Difficulty with hearing
 a deep and hollow-
sounding voice
Limbs , back and Joints 
increased hand and foot size, increased heel pad
thickness, increased shoe or glove size , ring tightening , kyphosis )
(Irregular heartbeat,  palpitation, chest pains, swelling of feet
or legs, pain in legs with walking ).
 (Shortness of breath, night sweats, prolonged cough, wheezing,
sputum production, prior tuberculosis, pleurisy, oxygen at home, coughing up blood,
abnormal chest x-ray).
 (Heartburn, constipation, intolerance to certain foods,
diarrhea, abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, nausea, vomiting, blood in stools,
unexplained change in bowel habits, incontinence).
 (Painful urination, frequent urination, urgency, prostate
problems, bladder problems, impotence, regular mensuration from 12 years-old).
Musculoskeletal :
(proximal muscle weakness and fatigue )
 (Persistent rash, itching, new skin lesion, change
in existing skin lesion, hair loss or increase, breast changes).
(weakness, change in sensation, problems with
walking or balance, dizziness, tremor, loss of consciousness, uncontrolled
 (Insomnia, irritability, depression, anxiety, recurrent
bad thoughts, mood swings, hallucinations, compulsions).
 (Intolerance to heat or cold, menstrual irregularities(-
already no), frequent hunger/urination/thirst).
 (Easy bleeding, easy bruising, anemia,
abnormal blood tests, leukemia, unexplained swollen areas).
 (Seasonal allergies, hay fever symptoms,
itching, frequent infections).
29 y/o female who is awake and alert.
BMI=20.6 kg/m2 
,( Height : 154 cm , weight : 49 kg)
VITAL Signs 
 PR: 75/min, BP: 115/70 mmHg, RR: 16/min, oT: 36.3
Facial Acne , 
Hirsutism scoring scale of Ferriman & Gallwey (4-5 )
Head and NECK : 
 (frontal bossing , characteristic coarse facial features ,mandibular
enlargement with prognathism, widened space between the lower incisor teeth, a large fleshy
nose ,moon face, plethora , acanthosis nigricanse, supraclavicular fat pad )
was normal 
size without nodule
Palpable mass in right flank
breathing sound
,S1 & S2 sound ,no murmur
,Soft , without any striae
Extremities  : 
 ( for increased heel pad thickness
         Upper & Lower Limbs : 
 (range of motion , muscle tone , pulses )
Neurologic Exams and muscles  : 
( for  Double vision , episode of
visual loss , Mental status , Cranial nerve and Reflexes was normal  and Babinski
was downward.
fasciculation or atrophy ,
 muscle tone, Force of muscles : 
History of 
Acne and oily skin 
since 2 years ago
Missed periods for 3 months 
(5 months ago) treated with
progesterone and already she has regular period (since 2
months ago)
High IFG-1 and prolactin level 
and normal GH suppression test
within 1-2 hours of an oral glucose load (75 gr)
Normal other biochemical relevant tests
Multiple pituitary microadenoma 
in brain MRI
Thanks for Your Attention
Slide Note

29-year-old female patient presented with a history of acne and oily skin. High prolactin levels led to neurologist referral and initiation of DOSTINEX treatment. Despite side effects, treatment was tapered and discontinued with normalization of prolactin levels. Subsequent reoccurrence of high prolactin levels prompted restart of DOSTINEX and further imaging studies.

  • Endocrine
  • Case Study
  • High Prolactin
  • Acne
  • Oily Skin

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Endocrine Grand Rounds By Dr Rahmani And Dr Salehi

  2. Endocrine Grand Rounds Chief complaint : Acne & Oily skin Present Illness : The patient is a 29 year-old Girl with history of Acne & Oily skin ,2 years ago (95/12/14)

  3. Present Illness ( continued.) Due to High Prolactin Level -> referred to Neurologist The Neurologist -> Requested the Pituitary MRI with Contrast

  4. Present Illness ( continued.) Although the Pituitary MRI was Normal DOSTINEX was started as 0.5 mg twice a week Normal -> The Patient took the Drug for 2 week reduced DOSTINEX to 0.25 mg twice a week, Due to drug-side-effect (nausea ,vomiting & dizziness ). for 2 week ->

  5. Present Illness ( continued.) 3 3 months later months later - during drug consumption -The prolactin level was repeated.

  6. Present Illness ( continued.) 3 3 month month laters prolactin level was repeated laters - during drug consumption -The

  7. Present Illness ( continued.) Due to Normal Prolactin level Normal Prolactin level -> DOSTINEX was tapered and discontinued ( in 1396/05) The Patient was neither treated nor F/U for 6 months (96/05 96/10 )

  8. Present Illness ( continued.) Regarding the high prolactin level high prolactin level -> DOSTINEX was started again ( 0.25 mg twice a week ) AND Pituitary MRI with & without Contrast Pituitary MRI with & without Contrast was requested again .

  9. Present Illness ( continued.) The Patient was referred to neurosurgeon Due to Multiple Pituitary microadenoma Multiple Pituitary microadenoma in Brain MRI Neurosurgeon ,discontinued DOSTINEX and requested other additional tests (hypothalamic- pituitary-adrenal axis)

  10. Present Illness ( continued.) Tab spironolactone, 50 mg daily Due to facial acne (97/6/21) The Patient complained of missed period, 5 months ago ( for 3 months , from 97/8 to 97/11 ) treated with Progesterone Progesterone and already she has regular period since 2 months ago. The abdominal (ovarian) sonography was normal .

  11. Present Illness ( continued.) Not history of : weight gain or weight loss Not history of : weakness or fatigue No complaints of : galactorrhea or hirsutism

  12. Past medical History Past medical History : Not significant Past surgical History : Past surgical History : Not significant Habit History : Habit History : Negative (Smoking ,Alcohol ,opioid or drug abused ) Gyn. History : Gyn. History : The onset of menstruation has been regular since at 12 years-old (except for a three-month- period that was said) Familial History : Familial History : 2 sister 38 & 39 y/o married and without prior history of diseases or medical problem Drug History : Drug History : spironolactone, 50 mg daily , DOSTINEX (which does not currently used) , progesterone ( as above)

  13. Review of Systems Constitutional symptoms: Constitutional symptoms: Negative( Lack of energy, unexplained weight gain or weight loss, loss of appetite, fever, sweats, Skin : Skin : Acne (+) only in face , oily skin (+) Acne (+) only in face , oily skin (+) , hyperhidrosis(-) Head and neck (and Ears, nose, mouth, throat) : Head and neck (and Ears, nose, mouth, throat) : Negative ( frontal bossing , mandibular enlargement with prognathism , widened space between the lower incisor teeth , characteristic coarse facial features , a large fleshy nose , Difficulty with hearing a deep and hollow- sounding voice) Limbs , back and Joints Limbs , back and Joints : : : Negative (increased hand and foot size, increased heel pad thickness, increased shoe or glove size , ring tightening , kyphosis ) Cardiovascular: Cardiovascular: Negative(Irregular heartbeat, palpitation, chest pains, swelling of feet or legs, pain in legs with walking ). Respiratory: Respiratory: Negative (Shortness of breath, night sweats, prolonged cough, wheezing, sputum production, prior tuberculosis, pleurisy, oxygen at home, coughing up blood, abnormal chest x-ray). Gastrointestinal: Gastrointestinal: Negative (Heartburn, constipation, intolerance to certain foods, diarrhea, abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, nausea, vomiting, blood in stools, unexplained change in bowel habits, incontinence). Genitourinary: Genitourinary: Negative (Painful urination, frequent urination, urgency, prostate problems, bladder problems, impotence, regular mensuration from 12 years-old).

  14. Review of Systems Musculoskeletal : Musculoskeletal : Negative (proximal muscle weakness and fatigue ) Integumentary: Integumentary: Negative (Persistent rash, itching, new skin lesion, change in existing skin lesion, hair loss or increase, breast changes). Neurological: Neurological: Negative(weakness, change in sensation, problems with walking or balance, dizziness, tremor, loss of consciousness, uncontrolled motions). Psychiatric: Psychiatric: Negative (Insomnia, irritability, depression, anxiety, recurrent bad thoughts, mood swings, hallucinations, compulsions). Endocrine: Endocrine: Negative (Intolerance to heat or cold, menstrual irregularities(- already no), frequent hunger/urination/thirst). Hematologic/Lymphatic: Hematologic/Lymphatic: Negative (Easy bleeding, easy bruising, anemia, abnormal blood tests, leukemia, unexplained swollen areas). Allergic/Immunologic: Allergic/Immunologic: Negative (Seasonal allergies, hay fever symptoms, itching, frequent infections).

  15. Physical Examination GENERAL APPEARANCE: GENERAL APPEARANCE: 29 y/o female who is awake and alert. BMI= BMI=20.6 20.6 kg/m kg/m2 2 ,( Height : 154 cm , weight : 49 kg) VITAL Signs VITAL Signs PR: 75/min, BP: 115/70 mmHg, RR: 16/min, oT: 36.3 SKIN : SKIN : Facial Acne , Hirsutism scoring scale of Ferriman & Gallwey (4-5 ) HEENT : HEENT : Normal Head and NECK : Head and NECK : Negative (frontal bossing , characteristic coarse facial features ,mandibular enlargement with prognathism, widened space between the lower incisor teeth, a large fleshy nose ,moon face, plethora , acanthosis nigricanse, supraclavicular fat pad ) Thyroid Thyroid was normal size without nodule BREASTS BREASTS : : Normal THORAX & BACK : THORAX & BACK :Normal , , Palpable mass in right flank LUNGS : LUNGS : Normal breathing sound HEART : HEART : Normal ,S1 & S2 sound ,no murmur ABDOMEN ABDOMEN : : Normal ,Soft , without any striae

  16. Physical Examination Extremities : Negative ( for increased heel pad thickness Upper & Lower Limbs : Normal (range of motion , muscle tone , pulses ) Neurologic Exams and muscles : Negative ( for Double vision , episode of visual loss , Mental status , Cranial nerve and Reflexes was normal and Babinski was downward. No fasciculation or atrophy ,Normal muscle tone, Force of muscles : 5/5

  17. Lab. Data ( summary ) - - 96/12/20 394 394 (115-340 ng/ml ) 97/3/12 242 242 (108 247 ng/ml) 1.4 1.4 (0.10-6.88 ng/ml) 97/6/15 280 280 (108 247 ng/ml) 1.6 1.6 (0.10-6.88 ng/ml) 97/8/22 339 339 (108 247 ng/ml) 0.62 0.62 (0.10-6.88 ng/ml) 98/1/20 239 239 (108 247 ng/ml) IGF IGF- -1 1 GH (basal) GH (basal) - - - 60 min 0.11 0.11 ng/ml - 0.06 0.06 ng/ml - GH/GTT GH/GTT - 120 min 0.07 0.07 ng/ml - 0.06 0.06 ng/ml - FBS 87 mg/dl - 82 mg/dl - - GTT GTT 60 min 123 mg/dl - 71 mg/dl - - 120 min 110 mg/dl - 64 mg/dl - -

  18. Lab. Data ( summary ) - - 96/12/20 394 394 (115-340 ng/ml ) 97/3/12 242 242 (108 247 ng/ml) 1.4 1.4 (0.10-6.88 ng/ml) 97/6/15 280 280 (108 247 ng/ml) 1.6 1.6 (0.10-6.88 ng/ml) 97/8/22 339 339 (108 247 ng/ml) 0.62 0.62 (0.10-6.88 ng/ml) 98/1/20 239 239 (108 247 ng/ml) IGF IGF- -1 1 GH (basal) GH (basal) - - - 60 min 0.11 0.11 ng/ml - 0.06 0.06 ng/ml - GH/GTT GH/GTT - 120 min 0.07 0.07 ng/ml - 0.06 0.06 ng/ml - FBS 87 mg/dl - 82 mg/dl - - GTT GTT 60 min 123 mg/dl - 71 mg/dl - - 120 min 110 mg/dl - 64 mg/dl - -

  19. Lab. Data ( summary ) - - 96/12/20 394 394 (115-340 ng/ml ) 97/3/12 242 242 (108 247 ng/ml) 1.4 1.4 (0.10-6.88 ng/ml) 97/6/15 280 280 (108 247 ng/ml) 1.6 1.6 (0.10-6.88 ng/ml) 97/8/22 339 339 (108 247 ng/ml) 0.62 0.62 (0.10-6.88 ng/ml) 98/1/20 239 239 (108 247 ng/ml) IGF IGF- -1 1 GH (basal) GH (basal) - - - 60 min 0.11 0.11 ng/ml - 0.06 0.06 ng/ml - GH/GTT GH/GTT - 120 min 0.07 0.07 ng/ml - 0.06 0.06 ng/ml - FBS 87 mg/dl - 82 mg/dl - - GTT GTT 60 min 123 mg/dl - 71 mg/dl - - 120 min 110 mg/dl - 64 mg/dl - -

  20. Problem list Problem list History of Acne and oily skin Acne and oily skin since 2 years ago Missed periods for Missed periods for 3 3 months months (5 months ago) treated with progesterone and already she has regular period (since 2 months ago) High IFG High IFG- -1 1 and prolactin level and prolactin level and normal GH suppression test within 1-2 hours of an oral glucose load (75 gr) Normal other biochemical relevant tests Multiple pituitary Multiple pituitary microadenoma microadenoma in brain MRI

  21. Thanks for Your Attention Thanks for Your Attention

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