E-Way Bill Applicability and Practical Issues in GST

 APRIL 2024
Chartered Accountants
Activating Section for E way Bill is 
Sec 68(1) 
of the CGST Act –Where
the Government may require the person in charge of the conveyance
carrying any consignment of goods of value Exceeding such amount to
carry with him such document. 
Rule 138 
is prescribed.
Movement or Journey is part of transportation and it can
be said that transportation has commenced as soon as the Consignor
hands over the Goods to a carrier to delivery them over to a specified
E Way bill 
is required 
“before” commencement 
transportation regardless of the time of commencement of the Journey.
E Way Bill has to be generated based on the nature of
movement of goods and on the consignment value.
Notification No. 02/2023-C.T./GST brought Intra
State Movement value to Rs 50,000 from Rs 1,00,000 from 1
 Dec 2023.
But later Notification No. 03/2023-C.T./GST dated 18.12.2023
has restored it back to Rs 1,00,000 for Intra State Movements.
It is a document issued by a GTA
against the receipt of Goods for the purpose of transporting the
goods by road in a goods carriage.
Shall be the value determined by Sec
15 of the CGST Act declared in a Tax Invoice, a bill of Supply, or a
Delivery Challan and also includes Central Tax, State or UT Tax,
Integrated Tax and Cess Charged and 
 the value of
exempt supply of goods where the invoice is issued in respect of
both exempt and taxable supplies.
E Waybill is not dependent on supply.
Any transaction, involving movement of goods will require E Waybill. Hence,
supply of 100% pure services will not require E Waybill.
Foods or Drinks though treated as Supply of Service but EWB is required.
Case Study( Example of Car, Car with Laptop)
Reasons for transportation:
 including RCM Supply
Both are Registered, then Principal during Outward and Job Worker
during Return, Job Worker Unregistered- Recipient
Based on the Value of the Product
(Goods are taken in a delivery van in a particular route to effect sales
to all retailers)- Goods are moved under “Recipient Not Known”- On total Value EWB
is to be generated.
The Supplier will generate EWB for personal use of Buyer
Any other case, such as Movement of Goods for provision of service, or any
purpose which involves movement of goods.
RULE 138(14)
Goods as per Annexure- 1. LPG for supply to Household and Non
domestic exempted category (NDEC) Customers
Kerosene Oil Sold under PDS
Postal Baggage transported by Department of Posts
Natural or Cultured Pearls and precious or semi precious stones
precious metal and metals clad with precious metals
Jewellery, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths ware and other articles
Used Personal and Household effects
Coral, Unworked and Worked Coral
RULE 138(14)
Where the goods are transported in a 
non-motorized conveyance
Goods moving from Customs Port, Airport, Air Cargo Complex and
Land Customs Station to an Inland Container Depot or Container
Freight Station for clearance by Customs- 
Port to Port Transfer.
Where there is “No Supply” – Items covered under Schedule III
in respect of movement of 
such goods 
within such areas 
in the
and for values not exceeding such amount 
as the
Commissioner of State tax, may be specified, notify.
where the goods, other than de-oiled cake, being transported are
specified in the Schedule-
Goods exempt from GST also exempt
from EWB
where the goods being transported are 
alcoholic liquor for human
petroleum crude, high speed diesel, motor spirit
(commonly known as petrol), natural gas or aviation turbine
RULE 138(14)
Where the Goods being transported under 
Customs Control
where the goods being transported are transit cargo from or to 
Nepal or
Transport between CSD Canteens and Nuclear Power Corporation
Transport under Ministry of Defence Control/ Formation
Rail Transport by Government or Local Authority
Empty Cargo Containers
Weighment and Back( Less than 20 Kms)- With DC as per Rule 55
Empty LPG Cylinders (other than Supply)
Curd, Lassi, Butter Milk, Milk, Vegetables, Fruits, Unprocessed Tea Leaves
and Unroasted Coffee Beans, Live Animals, Plants and Trees, Meat, Cereals,
Salt and Items of Educational Importance, Unbranded Rice and Wheat Flour
(Notification 2/2017 CT)
(Driving by Dealer, Only Car Driving, Driving with Laptop)
(VST and Sons Pvt Ltd- Range Rover Case)
For Over Dimentional Cargo –
Over Dimensional Cargo refers to Cargo carried as a Single Indivisible Unit which exceeds
the Dimensional Limits specified under the Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989. In simple
terms it means vehicles carrying cars of fuel falling in the category of over dimensional
units of conveyance have to move very slow as compared to other vehicles
 In 2022, the
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways amended Rule 93 to allow rigid vehicles and
trailers to have a maximum of three decks to transport two wheelers, with the load body not
projecting over the driver's cabin.
The Motor Vehicle Rules prescribe the maximum length of the Trailer (transport vehicle) to
not exceed 16 Meters.  If such Trailer is carrying cargo which exceeds 16 Meters then such
cargo would be treated as Over Dimensional Cargo.
78 days
8 days
When the validity is about to expire, the same can be extended by
using the “Extend Validity” Option. 
The eway bill can be extended
only 8 hours before or 8 hours 
after the time of original expiry
of the validity period.
Maximum Km that can be entered
Cancellation of E-way Bill
Where an e-way bill has been generated, but goods are either not
transported or are not transported as per the details furnished in the
e-way bill, the e-way bill may be cancelled electronically on the
common portal, either directly or through a Facilitation Centre
notified by the Commissioner, within 24 hours of generation of the E-
way bill.
The RP who has filled PART A of EWB and assigned the EWB to
the transporter who will be transporting the goods can
subsequently update the Vehicle Details or details of RR or Air
Way Bill or Bill of Lading by using 
shipped in multiple vehicles or any other reason for change of
The same can be corrected and new vehicle details can be mentioned by
using Sub Option “Change to Multi Vehicle” and reason for such change
should be selected with an Updated 
consisting of new vehicle
details and then the EWB will be generated. However, Validity remains from
the date of original EWB.
For regular transaction type outward EWB, the details of the person from where the
goods are supplied are auto populated and the delivery details need to be keyed in by
the person.
In case of inward EWB, the details of the person to whom the goods are to be delivered
will be auto populated and the supplier’s details are to be keyed in.
B of Bihar
K of Kolkata
D of Delhi
D of Delhi
O of Odisha
J of Jharkhand
(Receiver of
Bill To/ Ship To: 
Update Address
Bill From/ Dispatch
 In Update
Place of Despatch: Delhi
Bill To:
 Address of
Ship To:
 Address of
Place of Despatch: Bihar
Bill From: 
Address of
Dispatch From: 
Address of
D of Delhi
O of Odisha
J of Jharkhand
(Receiver of
B of Bihar
Example of Combo transaction:
Bill To/ Ship To &
Bill From/ Dispatch
From: : 
In Update
Place of
Despatch: Bihar
Bill From: 
Dispatch From:
Bill To:
Ship To:
Address of Delhi
Address of Bihar
Address of Odisha
Address of Jharkhand
EWB is assigned to the Transporter 
[Just mention Transporters Name and
Transporter ID]
Transporter will Log In to EWS as a Transporter and select the Option in the main
menu such as “Update” and mention EWB No he can update the vehicle Details
and Generate an Updated EWB.
The Registered Person being Supplier/Recipient will generate EWB Part B also
during Rail, Air or Vessel Movement.
In relation to Supply, for reasons other than Supply, or due to inward supply
from unregistered person shall before commencement of such movement. ( Value
for Other than Supply to be derived from Delivery Challan Details.
Transporter can also fill PART A only on Authorisation received from the RTP
electronically on the common portal.
Courier Agency or E Commerce Operator can prepare part A too.
Job Worker receiving goods from principal for Job Work purpose inter state
irrespective of the value of consignment.
Handicraft Goods transported from one state to other irrespective of value- by
any person who is exempted from the requirement of obtaining registration
under Sec 24(i) and (ii) of CGST Act, e way bill shall be generated by the said
person irrespective of value.
Handicraft Goods- 
Goods predominantly made by hand even though some tools
or machinery may also have been used in the process; such goods are graced with
visual appeal in the nature of ornamentation or in-lay work or some similar work
of a substantial nature; possess distinctive features, which can be aesthetic,
artistic, ethnic or culturally attached and are amply different from mechanically
produced goods of similar utility.
After uploading in PART A of GST EWB 01- a Unique Number is
generated by the system
This is valid for 15 days for updating  Part B of GST EWB 01.
When Goods move within State but pass through another State, E Way
Bill is Required. Cir-47/21/2018 GST dated 8.6.18
Supply of Goods from DTA to SEZ is considered as Inter State Supply.
However if such supply is in same state- e way bill is not required if such
movement has been exempted from provisions by the respective State
(Example of Rs 1 Lakh Goods within State)
EWAY Bill not mandated for Pure Services but if required where
principal supply is that of Works Contract, catering, Pandel, Shamiana.
In such cases Use HSN along with SAC.
If Goods are transported for a Distance of upto 50 kms within the
State/UT from the place of business of consignor to the place of business
of transporter for further transportation, no need to give details of
conveyance in Part B of EWB 1.
Sec 122(1)(xiv) of CGST Act imposes a penalty of Rs 10,000 or
amount of Tax evaded whichever is greater, if without documents.
Sec 129(1) mentions if Goods are in transit in contravention of the
provisions of the Act and Rules, all such goods and conveyance
used as a means of transport shall be liable for detention or
Non Furnishing of PART B of Form GST EWB 01 amounts to
Invalid EWB except in the case where it is travelling within 50
kms from the place of consigner/consignee to the place of
transporter or vice versa.
Circular No 64/38/2018-GST dated 14.09.2018 mentions about some relief if
proper documents along with EWB is present except the following:
Spelling Mistake in the name of the consignor/ consignee but the GSTN is
Error in the PIN CODE but Address of the Consignor and the Consignee is
correct subject to the condition that error do not increase the validity of the
Error in the address of the consignee to the extent that the locality and
other details of the consignee is correct
Error in one or two digits of the document number mentioned in the EWB
Error in 4 or 6 digit level of HSN where the first 2 digits of HSN are correct
and the rate of tax mentioned is correct
Error in one or two digits/characters of the vehicle number
Maximum Penalty of Rs 500 each totalling to Rs 1000 in FORM DRC 07
 129(1) – 
If transportation occurs in contravention of the provisions then
All goods may be liable to detention or seizure and after such
May be released on payment of Penalty
A. 200% of the Tax payable on Such Goods and 
in case of exempted
 amount of 2 % of the value of goods or Rs 25000 whichever is
less when the owner comes forward for payment of such
B. 50% of the Value of Goods/200% of the tax payable on such
goods whichever is higher and 
in case of exempted goods 
payment of amount equal to 5% of the value or Rs 25000 whichever
is less- where the owner does not come forward.
Furnishing of Security/Bond.
E Way Bill required during the following:
Sending Material Inter State for Job Work in another state
Handicrafts goods transported inter state ( Turnover is below 20
lakhs and enjoying exemption as per 32/2017 CT dated 15.9.17
third and fourth proviso to Rule 138(1) of CGST Rules)
Transporter or RTP have an option to generate e Way bill even if
the value is less than 50,000.
In case of Exempt and Taxable Supply of Goods in a single Invoice-
Value of Exempt supply may be excluded.
In case of Job Work- Value will include Value of Goods also.
SC in case of KAY PAN FRAGRANCE Pvt Ltd has specifically
mentioned that Release of Goods 
should be strictly as per
provisions of Section 67 of CGST Act and relevant Rules.
High Court should not give any relaxation in these requirements.
Distance erroneously typed as 20 Kms instead of 2000 kms due to
which validity calculated as one Day. 
For Typographical
Mistake Penalty cannot be imposed.
Godrej Consumers
Products Ltd- Kerala HC.
Penalty of Rs 16.28 crore was imposed when Truck Number could
not be changed due to poor connectivity. Truck Number Corrected
within 2 hours 
This is procedural Lapse Minor Penalty of Rs
Integrated Constructive Solutions ( AA GST HP)
Non Updation of Vehicle Number in E Way Bill is not a mere
technical defect therefore it can be a ground of Detention
In a consignment of Marbles, granite slabs and tiles in the
EWB Vehicle Details were not uploaded as mandated
Petitioner pleaded that defect is a technical one
Honble Court held that EWB is a mandatory document, the petitioner
cannot say that a minor defect in a mandatory document cannot be a
ground of detention.
Appeal dismissed and was asked to furnish BG and take release
Whether the Petitioner is entitled to the custody of the vehicle to be released by
the Revenue Department after furnishing of bond and security by the Assessee?
 Sec  67(2)- Seizure of secreted documents, books or things
(ii) u/s 129 – Detention, Seizure, and release of goods and conveyance in transit and (iii) u/s
67(11) – Spot Seizure of accounts, registers or documents.
: a)
 The Honorable Kerala High Court held that as the Petitioner is
willing to furnish bond and security for the release of the vehicle confiscated by the
Respondent, the Court directed the Respondent authority to release the vehicle confiscated as
per its own discretion after the bond and security are furnished by the Petitioner, in
accordance with law.
There is no reason for the department to withhold seized goods, articles, books, or things
upon furnishing a bank guarantee when the law expressly provides for such facility.
The goods during its movement can be detained and confiscated only if the
PO has reason to believe that such movement is with an intention to evade
payment of taxes. Detention of goods on the grounds that the EWB is not
accompanied without questioning the other documents during the movement
would not be lawful.-
Indus towers ltd vs ASTO- kerala HC
Detention of goods merely for infraction of procedural rules in transactions
which do not amount to taxable supply is without jurisdiction. – 
Parameswaran Pillai – Kerala HC.
Mere Non Generation of Part B of EWB cannot be a  ground for interception-
Goods intercepted during movement from place of Consignor to the place of
Transporter. In Defense, mentioned Not-12/2018 where PART B is not
required for distance upto 50 kms in this case. Appeal disposed by All HC in
favour of Dealer- Mere non mentioning of the vehicle no in Part B cannot be
a ground of seizure- 
VSL Alloy India Pvt Ltd.
Reverse Order in case of 
Gati Kintetsu Express Pvt Ltd- MP HC- 
Part B
not filled whereas distance travelling was 1200 to 1300 km.
The Honble high court of Allahabad in the case of 
Shamhu Saran
Agarwal & Co V Add Commissioner Grade 2-31.01.2024
the writ petition and held that goods cannot be detained and penalty
cannot be imposed under sec 129 when goods are undervalued.
The Honble Allahabad HC in the case of 
Precision Tools India V
State of UP- Jan 29,2024
 held that Non Filing of Part B of the E
Way Bill on technical difficulties and without any intention to evade
tax would not lead to imposition. of Penalty
File GST EWB 05 before the Jurisdictional Tax Official
He may submit upto 4 documents
Application will be auto populated to dashboard of Official
Official may issue notice for personal hearing and reply may be
Tax Officer to Issue an Order  in Form EWB 06 approving/rejecting
for restoration with conditions
If rejected then the Registered person have to file all the pending
returns as mentioned earlier
VAHAN provides for validation of Vehicle Details.
FASTAG provides data from automated toll plazas on movement of
Movement of Vehicles can be checked on the maps using mobile
Mode of Transport as Ship/Road cum Ship so that the user may enter
Vehicle Number in case goods move from Road initially and for
movement by ship, the bill of lading Number and date may be entered.
For Temporarily Registered Vehicles, enter the Temporary Number
starting with TR.
In case of Job Work, the nature of Supply becomes Service. Hence for
Generation of Eway Bill, minimum one HSN Code belonging to goods is
mandatory. Instruction dated 17.3.21.
Invoice or Bill of Supply or Delivery Challan
A copy of the EWB in physical form orE way Bill in electronic form
In case of Import, a copy of Bill of entry is also required and
indication of Number and date of BOE must be indicated in Part A
In case of E Invoice, physical copy may not be required.
Slide Note

The seminar discusses key topics related to E-Way Bill in GST, including its applicability, notification changes, case studies, consignment note, and scenarios requiring E-Way Bill generation. Various aspects such as transportation, movement, and document requirements are covered to provide clarity on E-Way Bill compliance in different situations.

  • GST
  • E-Way Bill
  • Practical Issues
  • Compliance
  • GST Seminar

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GST KEY TOPICS GST SEMINAR EIRC 3RDAPRIL 2024 INDRANIL DAS F.C.A, DISA ca.indranildas@gmail.com/9831171826 DAS DAS & Co Chartered Accountants


  3. APPLICABILITYOFEWAYBILL Activating Section for E way Bill is Sec 68(1) of the CGST Act Where the Government may require the person in charge of the conveyance carrying any consignment of goods of value Exceeding such amount to carry with him such document. Rule 138 is prescribed. TRANSPORT- Movement or Journey is part of transportation and it can be said that transportation has commenced as soon as the Consignor hands over the Goods to a carrier to delivery them over to a specified consignee. E Way bill is required before commencement of transportation regardless of the time of commencement of the Journey. MOVEMENT- E Way Bill has to be generated based on the nature of movement of goods and on the consignment value. NOTIFICATION- Notification No. 02/2023-C.T./GST brought Intra State Movement value to Rs 50,000 from Rs 1,00,000 from 1st Dec 2023. But later Notification No. 03/2023-C.T./GST has restored it back to Rs 1,00,000 for Intra State Movements. dated 18.12.2023

  4. CASESTUDIES 1. Transportation of Goods for a consignment value of Rs 65000 from Mr S of Siliguri to Mr F of Falta which is unit located in SEZ. Is Generation of EWB is mandatory? Answer: The nature of Supply in this case as per sec 7 is inter state Supply, however the movement is Intra State Movement. Limit to Generate EWB for Intra State Movement is Rs 1,00,000 as per WBGST Rules 2017. Hence EWB is not Mandatory here.

  5. APPLICABILITYOFEWAYBILL CONSIGNMENT NOTE- It is a document issued by a GTA against the receipt of Goods for the purpose of transporting the goods by road in a goods carriage. CONSIGNMENT VALUE- Shall be the value determined by Sec 15 of the CGST Act declared in a Tax Invoice, a bill of Supply, or a Delivery Challan and also includes Central Tax, State or UT Tax, Integrated Tax and Cess Charged and EXCLUDES the value of exempt supply of goods where the invoice is issued in respect of both exempt and taxable supplies.

  6. APPLICABILITYOFEWAYBILL E Waybill is not dependent on supply. Any transaction, involving movement of goods will require E Waybill. Hence, supply of 100% pure services will not require E Waybill. Foods or Drinks though treated as Supply of Service but EWB is required. Case Study( Example of Car, Car with Laptop) Reasons for transportation: SUPPLY including RCM Supply IMPORT/ EXPORT JOB WORK- Both are Registered, then Principal during Outward and Job Worker during Return, Job Worker Unregistered- Recipient SKD/ CKD- Based on the Value of the Product LINE SALES (Goods are taken in a delivery van in a particular route to effect sales to all retailers)- Goods are moved under Recipient Not Known - On total Value EWB is to be generated. SALES RETURN EXHIBITION AND FAIRS FOR OWN USE- The Supplier will generate EWB for personal use of Buyer OTHERS- Any other case, such as Movement of Goods for provision of service, or any purpose which involves movement of goods.

  7. CASES WHERE NO E WAYBILL IS REQUIRED- RULE 138(14) 1. SPECIFIED IN ANNEXURE Goods as per Annexure- 1. LPG for supply to Household and Non domestic exempted category (NDEC) Customers Kerosene Oil Sold under PDS Postal Baggage transported by Department of Posts Natural or Cultured Pearls and precious or semi precious stones precious metal and metals clad with precious metals Jewellery, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths ware and other articles Currency Used Personal and Household effects Coral, Unworked and Worked Coral

  8. CASES WHERE NO E WAYBILL IS REQUIRED- RULE 138(14) Where the goods are transported in a non-motorized conveyance Goods moving from Customs Port, Airport, Air Cargo Complex and Land Customs Station to an Inland Container Depot or Container Freight Station for clearance by Customs- Port to Port Transfer. Where there is NoSupply Items covered under Schedule III in respect of movement of such goods and within such areas in the State and for values not exceeding such amount as the Commissioner of State tax, may be specified, notify. where the goods, other than de-oiled cake, being transported are specified in the Schedule-Goods exempt from GST also exempt from EWB where the goods being transported are alcoholic liquor for human consumption, petroleum crude, high speed diesel, motor spirit (commonly known as petrol), natural gas or aviation turbine fuel;

  9. CASES WHERE NO E WAYBILL IS REQUIRED- RULE 138(14) Where the Goods being transported under Customs Control where the goods being transported are transit cargo from or to Nepal or Bhutan Transport between CSD Canteens and Nuclear Power Corporation Transport under Ministry of Defence Control/ Formation Rail Transport by Government or Local Authority Empty Cargo Containers Weighment and Back( Less than 20 Kms)- With DC as per Rule 55 Empty LPG Cylinders (other than Supply) Curd, Lassi, Butter Milk, Milk, Vegetables, Fruits, Unprocessed Tea Leaves and Unroasted Coffee Beans, Live Animals, Plants and Trees, Meat, Cereals, Salt and Items of Educational Importance, Unbranded Rice and Wheat Flour (Notification 2/2017 CT) (Driving by Dealer, Only Car Driving, Driving with Laptop) (VST and Sons Pvt Ltd- Range Rover Case)

  10. VALIDITY OFEWAYBILL DISTANCE SERIAL NO VALIDITY PERIOD 1 Up to 200 Kms 1 Day other Than Over Dimensional Cargo 2 For Every 200 kms or Part Thereof 1 Additional Day other than over dimensional Cargo 3 Up to 20 Kms 1 Day Distance of Additional 20 Kms For Over Dimentional Cargo Over Dimensional Cargo refers to Cargo carried as a Single Indivisible Unit which exceeds the Dimensional Limits specified under the Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989. In simple terms it means vehicles carrying cars of fuel falling in the category of over dimensional units of conveyance have to move very slow as compared to other vehicles. In 2022, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways amended Rule 93 to allow rigid vehicles and trailers to have a maximum of three decks to transport two wheelers, with the load body not projecting over the driver's cabin. The Motor Vehicle Rules prescribe the maximum length of the Trailer (transport vehicle) to not exceed 16 Meters. If such Trailer is carrying cargo which exceeds 16 Meters then such cargo would be treated as Over Dimensional Cargo. 4 Additional 1 Day each

  11. VALIDITY OF E WAYBILL Over Dimensional Cargo Over loaded Truck Runs Slow Eg: Kolkata to Delhi KM- 1560 No. of Days- Other Goods Vehicles Normal loaded truck Eg: Kolkata to Delhi KM- 1560 No. of Days 78 days 8 days

  12. VALIDITYOFEWAYBILL (CONTINUED..) When the validity is about to expire, the same can be extended by using the Extend Validity Option. The eway bill can be extended only 8 hours before or 8 hours after the time of original expiry of the validity period. Maximum Km that can be entered 3000. Cancellation of E-way Bill: Where an e-way bill has been generated, but goods are either not transported or are not transported as per the details furnished in the e-way bill, the e-way bill may be cancelled electronically on the common portal, either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner, within 24 hours of generation of the E- way bill.

  13. CASESTUDIES ABC Transporters are transporting goods from Mumbai to Delhi (Distance 1,420 Kms approx.) The Eway bill was generated on 5th April 2023 at around 7 p.m. Considering the distance to be covered, this eway bill is valid for 7 days computed from 6th April 2023, i.e., 13th April 2023 midnight. the transport conveyance breaks down on 12th April 2023 at jaipur and it would take minimum two days to repair the vehicle.When can be this EWB Extended? Answer: The validity period cannot be extended on the date of breakdown itself. The validity period can be extended by entering the above details after 8 p.m. on 14th April 2023 or before 4 a.m. of 15th April 2023..

  14. WHO CAN REGISTER AND GENERATE E WAYBILL Who can register under EWB Citizen/ Unregistered Dealer Registered Dealer Transporter of Goods Unregistered Transporter Registered Transporter

  15. GENERATION OF E-WAY BILL The RP who has filled PART A of EWB and assigned the EWB to the transporter who will be transporting the goods can subsequently update the Vehicle Details or details of RR or Air Way Bill or Bill of Lading by using Update Option. IN CASE OF BREAKDOWN OR ACCIDENT OR GOODS shipped in multiple vehicles or any other reason for change of vehicle: The same can be corrected and new vehicle details can be mentioned by using Sub Option Change to Multi Vehicle and reason for such change should be selected with an Updated PARTB consisting of new vehicle details and then the EWB will be generated. However, Validity remains from the date of original EWB.

  16. TRANSACTION TYPE BILL FROM/ DISPATCH FROM BILL TO/ SHIP TO REGULAR COMBO 2 & 3 OUTWARD: Bill FROM_ Address- Auto Populated- BILL TO- Address- [To be Entered] INWARD: Bill FROM_ Address-[To be Entered ]BILL TO- Address- Auto Populated- For regular transaction type outward EWB, the details of the person from where the goods are supplied are auto populated and the delivery details need to be keyed in by the person. In case of inward EWB, the details of the person to whom the goods are to be delivered will be auto populated and the supplier s details are to be keyed in.

  17. MODEL EXAMPLES ON E WAY BILL Bill To/ Ship To: In Update Address Place of Despatch: Delhi Bill To: Address of Odisha Ship To: Address of Jharkhand O of Odisha (Purchaser) Invoice D of Delhi (Supplier) J of Jharkhand (Receiver of goods) Goods Bill From/ Dispatch From: In Update Address D of Delhi (Generates Invoice) Invoice K of Kolkata (Recipient) Place of Despatch: Bihar Bill From: Address of Delhi Dispatch From: Address of Bihar B of Bihar (Dispatcher) Goods

  18. Example of Combo transaction: Bill To/ Ship To & Bill From/ Dispatch From: : In Update Address Invoice O of Odisha (Purchaser) D of Delhi (Supplier) Place of Despatch: Bihar Bill From: J of Jharkhand (Receiver of goods) B of Bihar (Dispatcher) Goods Address of Delhi Dispatch From: Address of Bihar Bill To: Address of Odisha Ship To: Address of Jharkhand

  19. UPDATETRANSPORTDETAILS Road Rail Air Ship Transporter Name + Transporter ID (Vehicle No.) Transporter Document No. & Date RR Number Airway Bill Number Bill of Lading EWB is assigned to the Transporter [Just mention Transporters Name and Transporter ID] Transporter will Log In to EWS as a Transporter and select the Option in the main menu such as Update and mention EWB No he can update the vehicle Details and Generate an Updated EWB. The Registered Person being Supplier/Recipient will generate EWB Part B also during Rail, Air or Vessel Movement.

  20. GENERATION OF E-WAY BILL- CONTD 1 In relation to Supply, for reasons other than Supply, or due to inward supply from unregistered person shall before commencement of such movement. ( Value for Other than Supply to be derived from Delivery Challan Details. Transporter can also fill PART A only on Authorisation received from the RTP electronically on the common portal. Courier Agency or E Commerce Operator can prepare part A too. Job Worker receiving goods from principal for Job Work purpose inter state irrespective of the value of consignment. Handicraft Goods transported from one state to other irrespective of value- by any person who is exempted from the requirement of obtaining registration under Sec 24(i) and (ii) of CGST Act, e way bill shall be generated by the said person irrespective of value. Handicraft Goods- Goods predominantly made by hand even though some tools or machinery may also have been used in the process; such goods are graced with visual appeal in the nature of ornamentation or in-lay work or some similar work of a substantial nature; possess distinctive features, which can be aesthetic, artistic, ethnic or culturally attached and are amply different from mechanically produced goods of similar utility.

  21. GENERATION OF E-WAY BILL- CONTD 2 After uploading in PART A of GST EWB 01- a Unique Number is generated by the system This is valid for 15 days for updating Part B of GST EWB 01. When Goods move within State but pass through another State, E Way Bill is Required. Cir-47/21/2018 GST dated 8.6.18 Supply of Goods from DTA to SEZ is considered as Inter State Supply. However if such supply is in same state- e way bill is not required if such movement has been exempted from provisions by the respective State Governments.(Example of Rs 1 Lakh Goods within State) EWAY Bill not mandated for Pure Services but if required where principal supply is that of Works Contract, catering, Pandel, Shamiana. In such cases Use HSN along with SAC. If Goods are transported for a Distance of upto 50 kms within the State/UT from the place of business of consignor to the place of business of transporter for further transportation, no need to give details of conveyance in Part B of EWB 1.

  22. PENALTYFORNONGENERATION Sec 122(1)(xiv) of CGST Act imposes a penalty of Rs 10,000 or amount of Tax evaded whichever is greater, if without documents. Sec 129(1) mentions if Goods are in transit in contravention of the provisions of the Act and Rules, all such goods and conveyance used as a means of transport shall be liable for detention or seizure. Non Furnishing of PART B of Form GST EWB 01 amounts to Invalid EWB except in the case where it is travelling within 50 kms from the place of consigner/consignee to the place of transporter or vice versa.

  23. PENALTYFORNONGENERATION- CONTD Circular No 64/38/2018-GST dated 14.09.2018 mentions about some relief if proper documents along with EWB is present except the following: Spelling Mistake in the name of the consignor/ consignee but the GSTN is correct Error in the PIN CODE but Address of the Consignor and the Consignee is correct subject to the condition that error do not increase the validity of the EWB Error in the address of the consignee to the extent that the locality and other details of the consignee is correct Error in one or two digits of the document number mentioned in the EWB Error in 4 or 6 digit level of HSN where the first 2 digits of HSN are correct and the rate of tax mentioned is correct Error in one or two digits/characters of the vehicle number Maximum Penalty of Rs 500 each totalling to Rs 1000 in FORM DRC 07 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

  24. INSPECTION VERIFICATION AND DETENTION MOV 4 Physical Verification Report by Proper Officer MOV 1 Statement of Owner, Driver or Person in Charge of the Vehicle MOV 3 Order of Extension of Time beyond 3 days MOV 2 Order for Physical Verification and Inspection of Goods/Veh/D ocs MOV 5 Release Order MOV 6 Detention

  25. INSPECTION VERIFICATION AND DETENTION MOV 6 Detention MOV 10 Notice for Confiscation of Goods MOV 11 Order of Confiscation and Demand of Tax MOV 7 Notice Specifying Tax and Penalty MOV 8 Bond for Provisional Release of Goods or Conveyance MOV 9 Order for Demand of Tax and penalty MOV 5 Release Order

  26. PROCEDURE Fails to Produce Any Document Or PO Intends to Undertake an Inspection RECORD Statement of the Person in Charge Order for Inspection Require to station the Conveyance as Ordered Within 24 Hours Issue this Form and Report in Part A of EWB 03 Within 3 days complete Inspection or Ask for Extension in written from the Commissioner Order of Extension serve to Person in Charge Physical Verification Report and Serve to Person in Charge Final Report of Inspection in PART B of EWB 03 within 3 days MOV 1 MOV 2 MOV 3 MOV 4

  27. PROCEDURE When No Discrepancy is found in Inspection Or Tax and Penalty Paid Pass release Order MOV 5 If PO opines that Goods need to be detained Order of Detention MOV 6 A Notice specifying the Tax and Penalty Payable Served to Person in Charge of Conveyance MOV 7 Owner comes forward to pay the Tax and Penalty-129(1)(a) Owner does not come forward to pay the Tax and Penalty-129(1)(b) After Payment or MOV 9/ MOV 8 Pass Release Order REPEAT MOV 5

  28. PROCEDURE Order uploaded and demand will be added to Elec Liability Register(NO OBJECTION CASE) Payment to be credited by from Cash L or ECL Pass MOV 5 MOV 9 Owners provides a Bond as per 129(1)(c) equal to 129(1)(a) and (b) Pass MOV 5 If Proposed Tax not paid within 14 days from MOV 6, Serve this Notice proposing Confiscation of Goods and Conveyance. Directly Issue this Notice if Opines Evasion Order of Confiscation of Goods Taking into account Objections filed Title of Goods stand with Govt Maximum 3 months will be given and MOV 9 to be withdrawn MOV 8 MOV 10 MOV 11

  29. SEC 129(1) PENALTYIMPOSED If transportation occurs in contravention of the provisions then All goods may be liable to detention or seizure and after such May be released on payment of Penalty A. 200% of the Tax payable on Such Goods and in case of exempted goods amount of 2 % of the value of goods or Rs 25000 whichever is less when the owner comes forward for payment of such B. 50% of the Value of Goods/200% of the tax payable on such goods whichever is higher and in case of exempted goods on payment of amount equal to 5% of the value or Rs 25000 whichever is less- where the owner does not come forward. Furnishing of Security/Bond.

  30. VALUEOFCONSIGNMENTISBELOW 50,000/1,00,000 E Way Bill required during the following: Sending Material Inter State for Job Work in another state Handicrafts goods transported inter state ( Turnover is below 20 lakhs and enjoying exemption as per 32/2017 CT dated 15.9.17 third and fourth proviso to Rule 138(1) of CGST Rules) Transporter or RTP have an option to generate e Way bill even if the value is less than 50,000. In case of Exempt and Taxable Supply of Goods in a single Invoice- Value of Exempt supply may be excluded. In case of Job Work- Value will include Value of Goods also.

  31. GOODSFOUNDWITHOUTE-WAYBILL- NOW WHAT? SC in case of KAY PAN FRAGRANCE Pvt Ltd has specifically mentioned that Release of Goods should be strictly as per provisions of Section 67 of CGST Act and relevant Rules. High Court should not give any relaxation in these requirements. Distance erroneously typed as 20 Kms instead of 2000 kms due to which validity calculated as one Day. For Typographical Mistake Penalty cannot be imposed.Godrej Consumers Products Ltd- Kerala HC. Penalty of Rs 16.28 crore was imposed when Truck Number could not be changed due to poor connectivity. Truck Number Corrected within 2 hours This is procedural Lapse Minor Penalty of Rs 10,000.Integrated Constructive Solutions ( AA GST HP)

  32. KAIRALI GRANITES 15.05.2018-KERALA HC ISSUE- Non Updation of Vehicle Number in E Way Bill is not a mere technical defect therefore it can be a ground of Detention VERDICT- In a consignment of Marbles, granite slabs and tiles in the EWB Vehicle Details were not uploaded as mandated Petitioner pleaded that defect is a technical one Honble Court held that EWB is a mandatory document, the petitioner cannot say that a minor defect in a mandatory document cannot be a ground of detention. Appeal dismissed and was asked to furnish BG and take release

  33. BIJU VT VS SENIOR ENFORCMENT OFFICER ERNAKULAM, NOV 16 2023-KERALA HC ISSUE: Whether the Petitioner is entitled to the custody of the vehicle to be released by the Revenue Department after furnishing of bond and security by the Assessee? RELEVANT SECTIONS: Sec 67(2)- Seizure of secreted documents, books or things (ii) u/s 129 Detention, Seizure, and release of goods and conveyance in transit and (iii) u/s 67(11) Spot Seizure of accounts, registers or documents. VERDICT: a) The Honorable Kerala High Court held that as the Petitioner is willing to furnish bond and security for the release of the vehicle confiscated by the Respondent, the Court directed the Respondent authority to release the vehicle confiscated as per its own discretion after the bond and security are furnished by the Petitioner, in accordance with law. b) There is no reason for the department to withhold seized goods, articles, books, or things upon furnishing a bank guarantee when the law expressly provides for such facility.

  34. OTHERCASESTUDIES The goods during its movement can be detained and confiscated only if the PO has reason to believe that such movement is with an intention to evade payment of taxes. Detention of goods on the grounds that the EWB is not accompanied without questioning the other documents during the movement would not be lawful.-Indus towers ltd vs ASTO- kerala HC Detention of goods merely for infraction of procedural rules in transactions which do not amount to taxable supply is without jurisdiction. Ravi Parameswaran Pillai Kerala HC. Mere Non Generation of Part B of EWB cannot be a ground for interception- Goods intercepted during movement from place of Consignor to the place of Transporter. In Defense, mentioned Not-12/2018 where PART B is not required for distance upto 50 kms in this case. Appeal disposed by All HC in favour of Dealer- Mere non mentioning of the vehicle no in Part B cannot be a ground of seizure- VSL Alloy India Pvt Ltd. Reverse Order in case of Gati Kintetsu Express Pvt Ltd- MP HC- Part B not filled whereas distance travelling was 1200 to 1300 km.

  35. OTHERCASESTUDIES The Honble high court of Allahabad in the case of Shamhu Saran Agarwal & Co V Add Commissioner Grade 2-31.01.2024 allowed the writ petition and held that goods cannot be detained and penalty cannot be imposed under sec 129 when goods are undervalued. The Honble Allahabad HC in the case of Precision Tools India V State of UP- Jan 29,2024 held that Non Filing of Part B of the E Way Bill on technical difficulties and without any intention to evade tax would not lead to imposition. of Penalty

  36. UNBLOCKINGOFEWAYBILLGENERATION File GST EWB 05 before the Jurisdictional Tax Official He may submit upto 4 documents Application will be auto populated to dashboard of Official Official may issue notice for personal hearing and reply may be done Tax Officer to Issue an Order in Form EWB 06 approving/rejecting for restoration with conditions If rejected then the Registered person have to file all the pending returns as mentioned earlier

  37. INTEGRATIONWITH NEW FEATURES VAHAN provides for validation of Vehicle Details. FASTAG provides data from automated toll plazas on movement of vehicles. Movement of Vehicles can be checked on the maps using mobile Applications Mode of Transport as Ship/Road cum Ship so that the user may enter Vehicle Number in case goods move from Road initially and for movement by ship, the bill of lading Number and date may be entered. For Temporarily Registered Vehicles, enter the Temporary Number starting with TR. In case of Job Work, the nature of Supply becomes Service. Hence for Generation of Eway Bill, minimum one HSN Code belonging to goods is mandatory. Instruction dated 17.3.21.

  38. DOCUMENTS TO BE CARRIED Invoice or Bill of Supply or Delivery Challan A copy of the EWB in physical form orE way Bill in electronic form In case of Import, a copy of Bill of entry is also required and indication of Number and date of BOE must be indicated in Part A In case of E Invoice, physical copy may not be required.


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