Cross-Border Cooperation Project for Sustainable Peace and Social Cohesion
Context: Addressing tensions along the Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire border post-civil crisis and war, a joint review meeting was conducted to enhance cooperation, trust, and security between the border communities. The project, supported by the United Nations and the Peace Building Fund, aimed to promote peace, social cohesion, and conflict resolution through community engagement and cross-border initiatives. The outcomes focused on strengthening security mechanisms, enhancing social cohesion, and fostering peaceful co-existence across the border communities.
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Cross Cross- -Border Cooperation between Liberia and C te Border Cooperation between Liberia and C te d Ivoire for Sustainable Peace and Social Cohesion d Ivoire for Sustainable Peace and Social Cohesion COTE D IVOIRE LIBERIA Project Counties: Tabou & Tai Project Counties: River Gee and Maryland UNDP Core: 150,000 USD Total Budget : 1,500,000 USD Total Budget : 1,650,000 USD
Presentation Outline Context/Background Theory of Change Project Aim & Outcomes Output/Activities Accomplishments Results Challenges Lessons Learnt Recommendations/Way Forward
Context /Background Context /Background After decades of civil crisis and war, and in response to situations of conflict and instability, the United Nations established peacekeeping operations in Liberia and C te d'Ivoire. Tension between indigenous and non-indigenous populations. Missions work closely with United Nations Country Teams through which, significant support has been provided to the people with funding from the Peace Building Fund (PBF). The mission drawdown in both countries, taking into consideration the electoral cycle in both countries and related political tensions, which usually spill over to communities along border between both countries. JCCEM brought together the two Heads of States and traditional leaders of the two countries to discuss and strategize towards addressing the rising cross border tensions. The UN supported the development of the project to address peace and security challenges along the border, with funding from the Peace Building Fund (PBF).
AIM & Expected Outcomes AIM & Expected Outcomes AIM: The project aims to increase cooperation and trust between Ivorian and Liberian border communities by strengthening border and human security, as well as mitigating potential intra- and inter-community conflict escalation and regional destabilization, through community engagement and cross-border socio-cultural contact for peaceful co- existence. Outcome 1: Increased confidence between security forces/agencies and border communities through enhanced capacity of joint local cross border mechanisms, as well as increased intra-/cross-border cooperation. Outcome 2: Improved social cohesion and peaceful co-existence in cross border communities through cross border community dialogues and reinforcing of cooperation between existing local conflict resolution mechanisms strengthened by cross-border cooperative socio-economic stabilization and cultural exchanges.
Theory of Change Theory of Change IF the capacity including the attitude and behavior of security officials are enhanced to function effectively - maintain border security, peace and stability; and if border communities capacity are strengthened to cooperate with all stakeholders towards peaceful co-existence and social cohesion, and to deal with internal, external and cross border disputes amicably; THEN potential for armed conflicts and tensions are minimized, and greater confidence in the peace processes are attained, which contributes to peace, and stability in the C te d Ivoire and Liberia cross border area. BECAUSE the communities and the security forces are better capacitated and committed to prevent and address tensions in a collaborative manner.
OUTCOME 1: Output 1.1 OUTCOME 1: Output 1.1 Local authorities, security forces, border management agents and other key actors in border areas are trained and equipped on relevant issues/topics e.g. human rights, gender equality, child protection, conflict prevention, management and resolution. Activities Activities A1.1.1 Conduct a comprehensive baseline study including capacity and needs assessment of relevant institutions and Points of Entry (PoEs), taking into account the experiences and perceptions of the public and civil society. A1.1.2 Contribute to strengthening operational capacity of key institutions [LNP, LIS, LDEA, NSA / MEMIS, MPD, SCNS etc.] and prioritized border PoEs in the two project border counties. A1.1.3 Conduct training of border management agencies and officials in human rights, gender, child protection, conflict prevention, management and resolution as well as in community border management.
Output 1.2 Output 1.2 Relationship between security forces and communities members, including women, youth (vulnerable groups) are enhanced through regular engagements and awareness campaigns on relevant issues: e.g. relevant laws, human rights, conflict resolution, social cohesion, peaceful coexistence and other relevant topics. Activities Activities A.1.2.1. Organize dialogues between security agencies /forces and communities. A.1.2.2. Organize awareness and advocacy campaigns through radio broadcasts and IEC materials. A.1.2.3. Organize inter-community sports/cultural activities and peace/trust-building campaigns between security agencies/forces and communities.
Output 1.3 Output 1.3 Cross border security is enhanced through regular dialogues, relevant information sharing among appropriate institutions, and joint patrols by relevant institutions. Activities Activities A.1.3.1. Stakeholders' Engagement, Dialogue and Coordination in collaboration with relevant counterparts on each side of the border, through cross-border dialogues/meeting among community leaders, security agencies and relevant entities will be organized, alternating between Liberia and Cote D'Ivoire. A1.3.2. Establish channels for regular information-sharing between relevant agencies in each country, especially along the borders. A.1.3.3: Organize periodic joint patrols along the border between the two countries, while agreeing on how available resources and support will be harnessed to the mutual benefit of the two countries.
Outcome 2 Output Output 2 2. .1 1 Local level and cross-border conflict prevention and conflict resolution joint mechanisms strengthened to ensure effective institutional responsiveness, peaceful co-existence and stability at community level. Activities Activities A.2.1.1. Identify and strengthen the existing community and conflict prevention and resolution mechanism. A.2.1.2. Facilitate data/information collection and sharing between communities and relevant government agencies.
Output 2.2. Output 2.2. Cross-border community stabilization and cohesion strengthened through joint socio- cultural activities. Activities Activities A.2.2.1. Set up of a joint committee to organize cross-border activities. A.2.2.2. Organize cross-border trade fairs, in collaboration with the Mano River Union Committee, local media and other relevant national and regional bodies, to explore business and other related local economic development opportunities. A.2.2.3. Support CBOs to organize cross-border cultural exchanges and sporting activities for law enforcement officials and communities. A.2.2.4. Organize biannual joint visits and review meetings (one in Liberia and C te d Ivoire) to assess progress of work.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS OUTPUT 1.1: Local authorities, security forces, border management agents and other key actors in border areas are trained and equipped on relevant issues/topics e.g. human rights, gender equality, child protection, conflict prevention, management and resolution. COTE D IVOIRE LIBERIA Un tat des lieux a t r alis avec tous les acteurs de la s curit afin d actualiser les besoins r els; Mise disposition de 15 motos, de 4 laptops et de mat riels de s curit au profit des forces de s curit bas es la fronti re; Installation de 2 amplificateurs de r seaux t l phoniques aux postes frontaliers de Tabou et de Ta afin d y am liorer la communication; R habilitation et quipement du poste frontalier de Tabou, y compris la r habilitation de la pompe hydraulique; Acquisition de pr fabriqu s installer au poste frontalier de Ta ; 341 membres des autorit s locales, des forces de s curit et des agents de gestion des fronti res et des OSC de Ta et de Tabou ont t form s sur les droits de l'homme, le genre, la protection des enfants, la pr vention et la gestion des conflits, la gestion humanitaire des fronti res Joint needs assessment for the twelve Points of Entry (PoEs) in the two project counties. Rehabilitation of three POEs (Fishtown, Duokudi and Kablaken). Two sets of trainings on topics such as Human Rights, Gender-Based Violence, Immigration Laws, Land rights and Conflict Prevention and Resolution organised for 184 border officials in the two counties. Logistical support of 36 motor bikes provided to LNP, LIS & LDEA national institutions in the two project counties to enhance their operational support. 76 pieces of hand-held radios provided to LIS and LNP to enhance communication. Procurement of 4400 watts Solar panel for Pedebo POE LIS, LNP, LDEA supported with 7 Laptops, 5 Desktops, 5 printers, 6 Solar units, 48 metal detectors and other logistics to support their efficient functioning.
OUTPUT 1.2: Relationship between security forces and communities members, including women, youth (vulnerable groups) are enhanced through regular engagements and awareness campaigns on relevant issues: e.g. relevant laws, human rights, conflict resolution, social cohesion, peaceful coexistence and other relevant topics. COTE D IVOIRE LIBERIA 02 Comit s Civilo-militaires ont t mis en place Tabou et Ta et quip s, 02 forums publics transfrontaliers r alis s entre FDS et populations Tabou et Ta . Formation 310 agents des FDS et de communaut s membres des CCM. (en civisme et citoyennet , protection, DH, diagnostic socio-s curitaire, ). 2000 personnes sensibilis es au cours de 2 forums publics initi s par les CCM et 16 panneaux avec des messages de paix et de coh sion sociale. Mise disposition d quipements techniques complets pour la remise en marche de la radio de Ta et renforcement des capacit s mat rielles de la radio de Tabou; Facilitated 6 cross-border sporting, cultural and trade fair activities between Liberia and Cote d Ivoire Carried out 2 awareness raising campaigns through various channels (e.g. 2-month radios programmes; 4 sensitization bill boards) in county capitals and at selected border communities in Maryland & River Gee, reaching about 200,000 inhabitants. 12 Peace Protection Committees established and meeting fortnightly. Six 7-member cross border committees, three per county has been established in the two project counties.
Cross Cross- -border peace and security meeting, cultural, Sporting and trade fair border peace and security meeting, cultural, Sporting and trade fair activities between the two sister countries activities between the two sister countries Doukudi Doukudi/ /Polloro Polloro
Cross Cross- -border peace and security meeting, cultural, Sporting and border peace and security meeting, cultural, Sporting and trade fair activities between the two sister countries trade fair activities between the two sister countries- -Nyaaken Nyaaken
OUTPUT 1.3: Cross border security is enhanced through regular dialogues, relevant information sharing among appropriate institutions, and joint patrols by relevant institutions. COTE D IVOIRE LIBERIA 206 participants involved in two Joint security dialogues facilitated to discuss improved collaboration and coordination between security personnel, local authorities and community members. 15 Points Focaux des Cellules de collecte et de consolidation des donn es r gionales et d partementales relatives aux conflits des d partements frontaliers avec le Lib ria sur la collecte, l analyse et l exploitation des donn es relatives aux conflits; 37 members of the Joint Security agencies from Liberia and Cote D Ivoire participated in Joint Patrols between in the two countries Pedebo (Duokudi)- Prolloro- Maryland County/ Cote d Ivoire Nyaaken- Tiboto- River Gee County/ Cote d Ivoire Kablaken- Blieron- Maryland County/ Cote d Ivoire 40 participants participated in a cross-border peace and security dialogue in Gnato, Cote d Ivoire in July 2018. They included security actors, local communities leaders from various border communities in Liberia. 40 participants from Liberia and Cote d Ivoire jointly participated in a cross- border security and peace meeting at Duokudi, Maryland County in July 2018. They included security actors, local authorities, women and youths leaders
OUTPUT 2.1: Local level and cross-border conflict prevention and conflict resolution joint mechanisms strengthened to ensure effective institutional responsiveness, peaceful co-existence and stability at community level COTE D IVOIRE LIBERIA 160 membres de 16 comit s de paix et de protection des villages cibles ont eu leurs capacit s techniques en pr vention et gestion de conflits renforc es; Established and strengthened peace committees in project locations (6 of 7 members each) Data/information collection and sharing between communities and relevant government agencies facilitated. Mise disposition d quipements (b ches, chaises, m gaphones, 12 registres et des stylos aux comit s de paix en vue de poursuivre la sensibilisation et recenser les conflits identifi s et/ou r solus au sein de leurs localit s; 240 individuals benefitted from training activities on various conflict prevention and resolution mechanisms in the project counties.
OUTPUT 2.2 : Cross-border community stabilization and cohesion strengthened through joint socio-cultural activities. COTE D IVOIRE LIBERIA 2 activit s socio-culturelles et sportives transfrontali res organis es Tabou (CI) et Nyaaken (Lib ria) avec la participation de 300 personnes issues des communaut s transfrontali res, des forces de s curit et des autorit s locales des deux pays, et en troite collaboration avec les agences s urs du Lib ria; 70 personnes dont 30 Lib riens ont pris part une rencontre intercommunautaire organis e Tiboto (Tabou) entre les communaut s ivoiriennes et lib riennes ainsi que les forces de s curit des deux pays afin d changes les d fis li s la s curit et la coh sion sociale; 01 activit socio-culturelle et sportive transfrontali re de rapprochement organis e avec la participation de 700 personnes Dahobly, Ponan et Ta ; 2000 personnes ont t sensibilis es travers 10 sensibilisations de masse organis es dans 10 localit s de Ta avec les ONGs partenaires sur la coexistence pacifique, la coh sion sociale, la pr vention et la gestion pacifique des conflits, le foncier. Joint committees set for coordinating cross border activities in project location. Facilitated 6 cross-border sporting and cultural activities between Liberia and Cote d Ivoire in the two counties, involving over 4,000 people security personnel, traditional and local authorities, youth and women groups, etc.. Facilitated 6 cross-border trade fairs between the two countries in collaboration with joint committees of CBOs , local authorities, security personnel etc in River Gee and Maryland Counties. Over 1,000 people were involved.
Results Results Outcome 1: Increased confidence between security forces/agencies and border communities through enhanced capacity of joint local cross border mechanisms, as well as increased intra-/cross-border cooperation. Community members are currently collaborating more closely with the security agencies - reporting criminal activities, such as rape cases, illegal crossings and others that could cause insecurity along the border. Adjoining and mirroring border communities are co-habiting peacefully and are more engaged in cross border trade and social activities Increased patrols and response rate to even hard to reach borders communities, as well as enhanced communication amongst security agencies have boosted the confidence of the community members in the security apparatus. Working conditions and morale of border security personnel improved following rehabilitation and equipping of POEs (Cote d Ivoire) Community information sharing and sensitization have been boosted through support to local radio stations. Women's interest and engagement in security issues have increased due to their active involvement in project activities.
Results Results Outcome 2:Improved social cohesion and peaceful co-existence in cross border communities through cross border community dialogues and reinforcing of cooperation between existing local conflict resolution mechanisms strengthened by cross-border cooperative socio- economic stabilization and cultural exchanges. Cross-border communities are living peacefully with each other and cooperating through periodic meetings to discuss and address mutual security and other social concerns/issues. Trust and confidence between communities and securities apparatus have improved and is imparting positively on security, which is creating congenial atmosphere for peace and development in the border areas. Project has contributed to increased community confidence in national security following strengthening of the capacity of national security apparatus as UNOCI/ UNMIL exit. Capacity of selected youth and women in entrepreneurial and business management enhanced for livelihood development and social cohesion through skills training and trade fairs. Rehabilitation of water pumps in selected communities has contributed to reduced tension and improved social cohesion.
Challenges Challenges Bad road, rough terrain and lack of access to some remote communities. Communication challenges due to language barrier (French/English). Alignment of joint project activities due to conflicting programmes in respective countries. Long and delayed procurement processes. Emerging Issues Emerging Issues Low manpower in the counties/inadequate security officers in some border communities. Due to insufficient number of official points of entry (12 Liberia and 2 Cote d Ivoire), attendance of Ivorian security personnel during joint cross-border meetings and activities is irregular. Disagreements between traders and security personnel over the exchange rates of the two countries currencies (CFA and the USD/Liberian dollar [Liberty]). Absence and/or inadequate application of approved custom fees at border crossing points.
Emerging Issues Cont. Emerging Issues Cont. The absence of Liberian custom and health officers at some border crossing points. Mounting of illegal barriers and extortion of people especially traders by locals of some border communities where there are no officials point of entry. This is creating retribution on both side of the border and has the potential to create tension and needs to be addressed. Regular reports of extortion at crossing points by security personnel. No issuance of receipts by border officials for payment made for charges and documents issued.
LESSONS LEARNT LESSONS LEARNT Involvement and good relationship with stakeholders at all levels strengthens project ownership and potential for sustainability Regular communication and information sharing among project staff and stakeholders facilitates effective implementation and management of cross border projects, since activities in the two countries may conflict at certain points and a lot of flexibility needs to be exercised Though the two countries are members of ECOWAS, knowledge and appreciation of ECOWAS free movement of citizens protocols is limited and hardly adhered to, hence challenges at crossing points. Due to challenging road conditions, it became expedient to combine different project activities over a long period.
FINANCIAL UPDATES LIBERIA FUND SOURCE BUDGET EXPENDITURE COMMITMENT BALANCE DELIVERY (%) UNDP 899,976.90 600,023.00 150,000.00 1,049,977 1,650,000 IOM UNDP 709,051 63,492 772,543 IOM 414,175.00 UNDP 3,488 IOM UNDP IOM 185,283.00 UNDP 79% IOM 69% PBF TRAC TOTAL 565 187,437.10 42% 187,438 600,023 1,186,718.00 414,175 3,488 4,053 565 185,283 372,720.52 72% GRAND TOTAL COTE D'IVOIRE FUND SOURCE BUDGET EXPENDITURE COMMITMENT BALANCE DELIVERY (%) UNDP 896,873.10 603,126.54 896,873 IOM UNDP 516,508 516,508 IOM 232,882.68 232,883 UNDP 157,166 157,166 IOM 180980.59 223,198.93 180,981 UNDP IOM 189,263.27 189,263 UNDP IOM PBF TOTAL 603,127 223,199 75% 69% 1,500,000 749,390.68 338,147 412,462.20 73% GRAND TOTAL
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