Council of Governors Workforce Performance Report Update

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The Council of Governors' latest workforce performance report highlights the impact of the Omicron variant on staff absence levels and wellbeing initiatives within the organization. The report discusses challenges faced due to COVID-19, efforts to incentivize staff during peak periods, and preparations for Vaccinations as a Condition of Employment. Updates on HR restructuring and integration of L&D and HR teams are also provided, indicating positive impacts and future directions.

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  1. Council of Governors Workforce Performance Report Meeting: 24 March 2022 Data taken from People and Leadership Committee Report for meeting of 3 February 2022 using December 2021 data. Commentary updated to reflect situation up to end of February 2022. Charmaine De Souza, Chief People Officer Caring, safe and excellent

  2. Workforce Report Overview Executive Summary Omicron variant: The period since the last Council of Governors report and meeting in November 2021 has been dominated by the response required to deal with a new wave of Covid 19 precipitated by the new variant. This has had a considerable impact on staff with significant staff absence related to both Covid and general winter pressures. Absence levels rose peaking at 7.0% in December with 1.45% of staff absent with COVID and 6.82% in December with 2.43% absent due to Covid. This compares to 0.8% absent due to covid in November. Covid absence dropped in February to 1.52% of sickness with a total absence of 5.88% the lowest since June 2021. The focus then has been on ensuring that there is emphasis on wellbeing and doing all we can to provide adequate cover over the Christmas and New year Bank Holidays. A winter incentive scheme designed to incentivise staff to be on call across the Christmas period was implemented, and the Chief Nurse and Chief People Officer are evaluating the impact of this. Wellbeing: In recognition of the extraordinary efforts of everyone in the #oneOHFT team in 2021, the Board of Directors has agreed to give an additional day of paid leave known as a Wellbeing Day to all eligible substantive staff. It is hoped that this symbolic day of thanks and gratitude will be used by staff to focus on themselves and their wellbeing. Initial feedback has been extremely positive. A series of initiatives have been agreed by the Executive team in recognition of their efforts during the Covid pandemic. These will be announced during the forthcoming financial year. Vaccinations as a Condition of Employment: Running in parallel with this was the work to prepare for the implementation of Vaccinations as a Condition of Employment (VCOD). OHFT had already had some exposure to this given that staff were in scope for the earlier November 2021 legislation related to staff who undertook patient care in care home settings and so we were able to build on this albeit the VCOD legislation being more complex and far reaching. The Regulations were paused in early February and a consultation regarding whether they should be revoked was launched. At the beginning of March the Government announced the consultation and its intention to revoke the regulations across all health and social care settings. The legislation has yet to be passed by parliament and further guidance regarding recording of vaccinations, recruitment etc is yet to be provided. The Trust is continuing to encourage all staff to be fully vaccinated. Further guidance from NHS England is also awaited regarding other COVID matters including LFT Testing, management of individuals with Long Covid, pay for individuals with adjustments due to covid etc. Once this guidance is delivered a review of these areas will take place. A considerable amount of HR resource was required to manage this between December and March 2022, which has resulted in a delay to other areas of work. Caring, safe and excellent

  3. Workforce Report Overview Executive Summary Contd. The newHR Structure which went live in November is now starting to embed into new ways of working and initial signs are that this is having a positive impact both within the HR team and upon the work that it is delivering to the wider Trusts. Some roles are still being recruited to and as a result of the restructure some changes are being considered within individual teams. To further strengthen the Trust s people agenda the L&D and HR teams are integrating from 1 April which will provide opportunities for developing a more integrated approach to leadership, workforce planning, career development, OD and systems. 2021 Staff Survey The 2021 response rate increased by 2% from 2020 to 55%. The Staff Survey is now aligned with the 7 elements of the NHS People Promise. The Trust scored higher than average for 3 of the 7 elements; We are compassionate and inclusive, We are recognised and rewarded, and we each have a voice that counts. The Trust score was in line with the average for 3 out of the 7 elements of the People Promise; We are safe and healthy, We are always learning, and we are a team. The Trust score was below the average for one element of the People Promise; we work flexibly. The Trust also scored above the average for Staff Engagement and in line with the average for morale. The OD Team have attended all 6 Directorate SMT's to present their high level 2021 Staff Survey and January 2022 People Pulse results. Each SMT has identified a Lead to work with the OD team to take forward 1 to 2 simple actions in response to their staff survey feedback by September 2022 (when the 2022 Staff Survey commences). Organisational Development - The OD Team are facilitating organisation-wide action on the areas identified as needing particular attention from the 2021 staff survey feedback: Personal Development Review (PDR) will be a Trust wide Quality Improvement Project. The Improving Quality Reducing Agency (IQRA) Board is putting measures in place to support teams capacity. A Flexible Working Project Change Team is in place reporting into the IQRA Retention Workstream. A business case has been agreed by the Executive Management Committee for significant new funding to be made available to the Medical Staffing team. A review of the structure of the team is currently underway and the funding will enable the creation of additional posts in the new structure. The structure will ensure that the team has sufficient resource and is set up to support the Chief Medical Officer to achieve his objectives. Caring, safe and excellent

  4. Workforce Report Overview Executive Summary Contd. The Improving Quality and Reducing Agency Programme has several workstreams which aim to improve the quality of our services whilst reducing agency spend. One of the workstreams, Retention, will focus on improving retention which will be supported by the new HR Structure with a greater emphasis on organisational development, culture, development and succession planning. Work is also in progress to review the budgeted establishments across inpatient units this is likely to result in an increase in vacancies. A Workforce Planning role is being recruited to which will support the process to ensure budgets are accurate. A piece of work has been undertaken to map out the workforce requirements for next 5-7 years, this will support future workforce planning decisions. This workforce tool will take into account current committed workforce education programmes such as nurse associate training, top up degrees and advanced clinical practice. The recruitment workstream is undertaking a piece of work to map out the career pathways for clinical registered, non-registered and administrative staff, this will identify any gaps with the training that is available as well as become a tool to facilitate career conversations with both new and existing staff which will feed through to a talent pipeline. The Recruitment Campaign Consultants are in the process of contacting the services that have been identified as hotspot areas for recruitment to discuss their challenges in recruiting and to start the development of campaigns to address these. A clear process has been agreed following the successful landing of international nurses to reduce the Trust s reliance on agency workforce and ending lines of work or negotiating reduced agency pay rates where appropriate. The levels of Mandatory Training, Supervision and PDR s recorded as complete are significantly below target. This is due to a combination of factors including, a reduction in focus due to pressures associated with Covid, a review of training matrices, renewable training courses for previous once only courses and the introduction of a new OTR system in August, two months earlier than anticipated with no testing. This was due to a confirmed cyber attack on the old system. It is believed that these issues have now been predominantly resolved and that performance against targets should improve. The L&D team will continue to monitor the new system and ask for system changes where the system is not behaving as expected but this is now rare. They will also revise the training matrices for the small number of teams that are still outstanding and work with teams and areas where compliance is particularly low to get managers to encourage staff to complete their training. The priority for the next period will be to agree a plan on how mandatory training rates are to be increased, with an assessment of the barriers in relation to implementation so that these can be removed. Caring, safe and excellent

  5. Workforce Report Overview Executive Summary Contd. HR policy development work is slower than the function would like, predominately due to the requirements of VCOD. The Pay Progression Policy was launched at the beginning of March 2022. It will be effective for all employees with a pay step change date of 1 June onwards in line with the changes to NHS Terms and Conditions of employment for staff in Bands 1 9. These changes were due to go live in 2020 but were paused nationally due to COVID. Caring, safe and excellent

  6. WorkForce Overview (Successes, Priorities, Opportunities, Risks and Threats) The following summarises the key successes along with the priorities, opportunities, risks and threats to achievement of the required workforce performance. Successes Reward: Implementation of incentive payments over Christmas period to mitigate against agency costs. VCOD: Management of VCOD and its revocation with minimal upset to staff and patients Medical Staffing: Business case for significant funding into the medical staffing team has been agreed. Engagement: Final annual staff survey response rate reached of 55%, a 2% increase on 2020. There has been a significant increase in number of teams reaching the 11 respondent threshold to bea able to publish team level results. Staffing: Following the HR team restructure a Head of Organisational Development has been appointed and new ways of working are being embedded. Initial signs are that this is having a positive impact both within the HR team and upon the work that it is delivering to the wider Trusts. Reward: Announcement of an extra days annual leave (Wellbeing Day) for eligible staff as a recognition for efforts during Covid and agreement of further initiatives to be launched in 2022/23. Engagement with Staffside: A new organisational change group has been set up to meet on a monthly basis to engage with Staffside on organisational change and ensure that consultation is meaningful and informed. Priorities Medical Staffing: Consultation and Implementation of new Medical HR staffing structure to ensure team can effectively support the Chief Medial Officer s priorities L&D: Improving compliance to Trust Mandatory Training, Supervision and PDR targets. Community Services: Supporting First Contact Care and Primary Care Service and working with external GP federation to set up 2 Urgent Treatment Centres in Oxfordshire. Organisational Change: There are many organisational changes across the Trust particularly in Corporate Services requiring significant input from the HR team.. Staffing: Recruitment of key vacant posts including the Head of Policy, Reward and Projects, Policy and Reward Consultant and Workforce Planning Manager. Systems: Delivery of Phases 1 and 2, new starters and Leavers of the Employee Systems Development programme. Policy: Launch the Pay Progression Policy in early March to implement in line with changes to NHS Terms and Conditions of employment for staff in Bands 1 9. WORKFORCE Caring, safe and excellent

  7. WorkForce Overview (Successes, Priorities, Opportunities, Risks and Threats) The following summarises the key successes along with the priorities, opportunities, risks and threats to achievement of the required workforce performance. Opportunities Temporary Staffing: Re-modelling & streamlining of the bank team to improve effectiveness will provide the foundation to increase bank usage and reduce agency usage. Organisational Structure: Joining of L&D and HR in March provide opportunities for developing a more integrated approach to leadership, workforce planning, career development, OD, Systems Recruitment: Focus on recruitment campaigns to plug gaps in services. L&D: A new clinical and management supervision and PDR dashboard launched in OTR allowing staff to upload supervision notes and interactive PDR recording dat L&D:A new revalidation dashboard in OTR has been designed that will allow staff and managers to track, upload and create their revalidation portfolio for submission to the NMC Risks and Threats Staffing: Recruitment gaps in Policy, Projects and Reward team result in delays to progress work in this area Workforce Planning: The Trust has been unable to recruit to the Workforce Planning Consultant role following 3 rounds of advertising, this is preventing progress with taking the Workforce Planning Agenda forward. The role has been reviewed prior to re-advertisement to try to ensure success. HR Systems A paper has been presented to the Executive Management Committee to update them on the progress of the Employee Systems Development Programme. The paper makes proposals to undertake a strategic review of all HR systems and whilst this occurs to carry out a programme of work to improve data quality and lay the foundations for further work. WORKFORCE Caring, safe and excellent

  8. Workforce Performance Indicators (excl Covid spend) Caring, safe and excellent

  9. Focus on Recruitment Key priorities for the IQRA Recruitment workstream: Increasing the number and calibre of candidates applying for roles Optimising the recruitment process Extend and develop the Trust s grow our own workforce programmes Next steps Scoping meetings to take place with employability scheme providers, such as the Princes Trust and Jobcentre Plus Refresh and relaunch of the Recommend a Friend scheme Evaluate the impact of the various advertising channels Map out career development opportunities for both clinical and non-clinical roles Develop talent pipelines/opportunity for career conversations Promotion of Return to Practice opportunities within the Trust Development of an annual recruitment planner linking to national awareness days and weeks Review and develop opportunities to hold recruitment/career opportunity events Explore opportunities to hold live career chat forums Review of staff survey results to highlight any hotspot areas/common themes Caring, safe and excellent

  10. Focus on International recruitment Stage 1 - Recruit 74 nurses by 30th April 2022 Of the 45 international nurses who have commenced employment with the Trust: 4 are awaiting their NMC PINS, 2 are awaiting OSCE resit exams 7 will be starting their transition/OSCE training programme w/c 7th March Group type Commenced employment In pre- employment check process Cleared to start awaiting CoS/visas Adult nurses 37 6 15 Mental health nurses 7 11 4 Community nurses 1 10 1 Of the 27 nurses who are going through pre- employment checks: 9 are expected to be cleared and have received their CoS by w/c 28/03/2022 Total 45 27 20 92 Stage 2 - Recruit 70 nurses for inpatient and community teams by 31 December 2022 45 mental health nurses and 25 adult nurses International nurses are sourced from direct applications and through Sanctuary, a specialist recruitment agency. Prior to arrival in the UK the International Recruitment team are in constant contact with the nurses who are provided with a welcome pack with useful information that will assist in their transition to the UK. Accommodation is arranged for the nurses in the UK. The first 12 weeks accommodation is paid for by the Trust, delivery of two food shops, a UK SIM card with credit and data allowance is provided and a laptop. Upon arrival they are given two further Welcome packs with more useful information about the local area. The nurses are taken to work using local transport and shown around the area. Support is provided to open UK bank accounts and register with GP s. The team provide training to support nurses to pass the OSCE examinations that are required to gain NMC registration to practice in the UK and arrange for them to attend the exams. Further support is provided to look for permanent accommodation and a new networking group for international staffing is being created to offer a forum for all international staff to meet and share their experiences. Caring, safe and excellent

  11. Focus on Retention A review of leaving data is currently underway with an initial focus on employees leaving within the first 2 years of employment. A QI approach is being applied to this programme of work. Key Priorities for the IQRA Retention Workstream Ensure staff feel fully supported when they start in a new role Understand why people leave the Trust with less than 2 and 5 years service Understand why people below the age of 30 and staff from a BAME background leave the Trust in much higher number than other groups. Next steps Process mapping to ensure people new into the Trust have an excellent recruitment, induction, training and local induction experience and feel fully supported in their new roles. Review of leaving data to highlight any hotspot teams/directorates Review of staff survey results Ensure focus on equality and diversity throughout the programme to ensure processes are improved from a number of different angles QI project to improve the PDR experience for staff to ensure people have high quality appraisals and meaningful conversations with their managers Further development and increase in adoption of Flexible Working opportunities Mitigations and action plans developed Review of employees leaving within 5 years of employment Caring, safe and excellent


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