Cora Analysis and Its Impact on SEO Practices

Cora Report For
What is Cora analysis and its benefits in SEO?
Cora analysis is a process of extracting all the information from the URL. 
Please bear in mind that if more search terms are targeted; greater will be the SERP visibility. 
All the Cora analysis done by Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm. 
Ideal Value for SEO
Coefficients range from -1 to +1
A value 0 means the data appears random.
A value near -1 means the more of the factor you have the better you tend to rank. A value near +1 means the more of the factor you have the worse you tend to
Working Mechanism
Extract all the tags information from the site.
Repeat above process for 10 competitors.
Make mean values for competitors result.
Check differences between mean value of competitors and landing page.
Calculate coordinate with the help of 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm and make the plot.
Details which we have taken for the optimization / Suggestion
This is the Landing page URL:
This is the Keyword: 
Adult SEO
After running our code as per document, below result
 for this keyword 
Adult SEO
and for
 this URL with the competitors are
Check for H1 tag:
H1 tag is present for MY site =   2
H1 tag is present for Competitor site =  2
H1 tag is present for Competitor site =  1
H1 tag is present for Competitor site =  1
H1 tag is present for Competitor site =  1
H1 tag is present for Competitor site =  1
H1 tag is present for Competitor site =  2
H1 tag is present for Competitor site =  1
H1 tag is present for Competitor site =  4
H1 tag is present for Competitor site =  2
H1 tag is present for Competitor site =  3
Mean value of competitors: 1.8 (2)
Current observation: 
H1 tag is occur in our landing page 2 times. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= -0.002 which satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to
0 that means data appears random. 
After running our code we can how many time H1 use. As per SEO rule every webpage must have only one h1 tag. More than one H1 is the against of SEO rule. 
So we need to 
omit more than one h1 tag
 for our landing page.
Check for H2 tag:
H2 tag is present for MY site =   1
H2 tag is present for Competitor site =  7
H2 tag is present for Competitor site =  23
H2 tag is present for Competitor site =  1
H2 tag is present for Competitor site =  2
H2 tag is present for Competitor site =  6
H2 tag is present for Competitor site =  6
H2 tag is present for Competitor site =  12
H2 tag is present for Competitor site =  16
H2 tag is present for Competitor site =  8
H2 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
Mean values of competitors: 8.1 (8)
Current observation: 
H2 tag is occur in our landing page 1 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0.071 which satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random.
Our landing page use H2 tag: 1
Mean value of competitors H2 tag: 8
After running our code we will 
suggest to add H2 tag 8 times more 
in our landing page.
Check for H3 tag:
H3 tag is present for MY site =   2
 H3 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H3 tag is present for Competitor site =  14
 H3 tag is present for Competitor site =  10
 H3 tag is present for Competitor site =  6
 H3 tag is present for Competitor site =  4
 H3 tag is present for Competitor site =  12
 H3 tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 H3 tag is present for Competitor site =  16
 H3 tag is present for Competitor site =  2
 H3 tag is present for Competitor site =  9
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
H3 tag is occur in our landing page 2 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 
which satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that means data
appears random.
Our landing page use H3 tag: 2
Mean value of competitors H3 tag: 7
After running our code we 
will suggest to add H3 tag 
 times more 
in our landing page.
Check for H4 tag:
H4 tag is present for MY site =   4
 H4 tag is present for Competitor site =  5
 H4 tag is present for Competitor site =  14
 H4 tag is present for Competitor site =  3
 H4 tag is present for Competitor site =  2
 H4 tag is present for Competitor site =  5
 H4 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H4 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H4 tag is present for Competitor site =  2
 H4 tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 H4 tag is present for Competitor site =  6
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
H4 tag is occur in our landing page 
 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 
which satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that means
data appears random.
Our landing page use H4 tag: 
Mean value of competitors H4 tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add H4 tag 
 time more
 in our landing page.
Check for H5 tag:
 H5 tag is present for MY site =   0
 H5 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H5 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H5 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H5 tag is present for Competitor site =  7
 H5 tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 H5 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H5 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H5 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H5 tag is present for Competitor site =  12
 H5 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
H5 tag is occur in our landing page 
 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 
which satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that means data
appears random.
Our landing page use H5 tag: 
Mean value of competitors H5 tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add H5 tag 
 time more 
in our landing page.
Check for H6 tag:
 H6 tag is present for MY site =   0
 H6 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H6 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H6 tag is present for Competitor site =  9
 H6 tag is present for Competitor site =  6
 H6 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H6 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H6 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H6 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H6 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 H6 tag is present for Competitor site =  0
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
H5 tag is occur in our landing page 
 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 
which satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that means data
appears random.
Our landing page use H6 tag: 
Mean value of competitors H6 tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add H6 tag 
 time more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
Span tag is present for MY site =   12
 Span tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 Span tag is present for Competitor site =  27
 Span tag is present for Competitor site =  38
 Span tag is present for Competitor site =  51
 Span tag is present for Competitor site =  54
 Span tag is present for Competitor site =  4
 Span tag is present for Competitor site =  28
 Span tag is present for Competitor site =  88
 Span tag is present for Competitor site =  337
 Span tag is present for Competitor site =  6
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
 tag is occur in our landing page 
 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 
which satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 1 that means
the factor you have the worse you tend to rank
Our landing page use span tag: 
Mean value of competitors 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add span tag 
 time more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
 <i> tag is present for MY site =   0
 <i> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <i> tag is present for Competitor site =  10
 <i> tag is present for Competitor site =  15
 <i> tag is present for Competitor site =  35
 <i> tag is present for Competitor site =  21
 <i> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <i> tag is present for Competitor site =  11
 <i> tag is present for Competitor site =  22
 <i> tag is present for Competitor site =  13
 <i> tag is present for Competitor site =  10
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
 tag is occur in our landing page 
 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 
which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data
appears random.
Our landing page use i tag: 
Mean value of competitors tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add 
 time more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
<em> tag is present for MY site =   0
 <em> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <em> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <em> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <em> tag is present for Competitor site =  4
 <em> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <em> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <em> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <em> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <em> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <em> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
 tag is occur in our landing page 
 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 
which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means
data appears random.
Our landing page use em tag: 0
Mean value of competitors tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add 
 time more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
 <strong> tag is present for MY site =   2
 <strong> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <strong> tag is present for Competitor site =  8
 <strong> tag is present for Competitor site =  15
 <strong> tag is present for Competitor site =  10
 <strong> tag is present for Competitor site =  10
 <strong> tag is present for Competitor site =  3
 <strong> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <strong> tag is present for Competitor site =  15
 <strong> tag is present for Competitor site =  10
 <strong> tag is present for Competitor site =  13
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
 tag is occur in our landing page 2 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 
which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means
data appears random.
Our landing page use strong tag: 0
Mean value of competitors  tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add strong tag 
 time more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
<b> tag is present for MY site =   0
 <b> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <b> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <b> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <b> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <b> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <b> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <b> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <b> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <b> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <b> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
 tag is occur in our landing page 
 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 
which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data
appears random.
Our landing page use b tag: 0
Mean value of competitors tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add 
 time more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
<li> tag is present for MY site =   17
 <li> tag is present for Competitor site =  17
 <li> tag is present for Competitor site =  71
 <li> tag is present for Competitor site =  63
 <li> tag is present for Competitor site =  61
 <li> tag is present for Competitor site =  230
 <li> tag is present for Competitor site =  53
 <li> tag is present for Competitor site =  36
 <li> tag is present for Competitor site =  135
 <li> tag is present for Competitor site =  27
 <li> tag is present for Competitor site =  62
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
 tag is occur in our landing page 
 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 
which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 1
that means 
the factor you have the worse you tend to rank
Our landing page use li tag: 
Mean value of competitors tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add 
 time more 
in our landing page.
Check for ol tag:
 <ol> tag is present for MY site =   0
 <ol> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <ol> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <ol> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <ol> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <ol> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <ol> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <ol> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <ol> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <ol> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <ol> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
ol tag is occur in our landing page 0 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0.002 which satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0
that means data appears random. 
Our landing page use ol tag: 
Mean value of competitors tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add 
 time more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
l tag:
  <ul> tag is present for MY site =   3
 <ul> tag is present for Competitor site =  3
 <ul> tag is present for Competitor site =  24
 <ul> tag is present for Competitor site =  14
 <ul> tag is present for Competitor site =  11
 <ul> tag is present for Competitor site =  77
 <ul> tag is present for Competitor site =  13
 <ul> tag is present for Competitor site =  3
 <ul> tag is present for Competitor site =  36
 <ul> tag is present for Competitor site =  7
 <ul> tag is present for Competitor site =  12
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
ul tag is occur in our landing page 3 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0.17 which satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0
that means data appears random. 
Our landing page use 
l tag: 
Mean value of competitors tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add 
 time more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
 <option> tag is present for MY site =   8
 <option> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <option> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <option> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <option> tag is present for Competitor site =  6
 <option> tag is present for Competitor site =  17
 <option> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <option> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <option> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <option> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <option> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
option tag is occur in our landing page 8 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= -0.057 which satisfy the algorithm condition.
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
Our landing page use 
Mean value of competitors tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest don’t need to add or remove anything. It is already in good position 
in our landing page.
Check for 
 <p> tag is present for MY site =   10
 <p> tag is present for Competitor site =  16
 <p> tag is present for Competitor site =  65
 <p> tag is present for Competitor site =  37
 <p> tag is present for Competitor site =  52
 <p> tag is present for Competitor site =  47
 <p> tag is present for Competitor site =  31
 <p> tag is present for Competitor site =  43
 <p> tag is present for Competitor site =  34
 <p> tag is present for Competitor site =  9
 <p> tag is present for Competitor site =  20
values of competitors: 
Current observation: 
p tag is occur in our landing page 10 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0.254which satisfy the algorithm condition. It is
too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
Our landing page use 
Mean value of competitors tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add p tag 26 time more 
in our landing page.
Check for body tag:
<body> tag is present for MY site =   1
 <body> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <body> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <body> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <body> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <body> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <body> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <body> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <body> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <body> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <body> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
values of competitors:1
Current observation: 
body tag is occur in our landing page 1 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0which satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too
closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
Our landing page use body tag: 
Mean value of competitors tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest no need to add or remove body tag 
in our landing page.
Check for 
 <div> tag is present for MY site =   127
 <div> tag is present for Competitor site =  50
 <div> tag is present for Competitor site =  394
 <div> tag is present for Competitor site =  462
 <div> tag is present for Competitor site =  115
 <div> tag is present for Competitor site =  283
 <div> tag is present for Competitor site =  132
 <div> tag is present for Competitor site =  293
 <div> tag is present for Competitor site =  377
 <div> tag is present for Competitor site =  360
 <div> tag is present for Competitor site =  78
values of competitors:254.4(254)
Current observation: 
div tag is occur in our landing page 127 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 1.274which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
is too closer to 1 that means 
the factor you have the worse you tend to rank
Our landing page use div tag: 
Mean value of competitors tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add div tag 128 time more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
 <article> tag is present for MY site =   0
 <article> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <article> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <article> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <article> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <article> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <article> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <article> tag is present for Competitor site =  1
 <article> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <article> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
 <article> tag is present for Competitor site =  0
values of competitors:0.2(0)
Current observation: 
div tag is occur in our landing page 0 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0.002which satisfy the algorithm condition. It is
too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
Our landing page use div tag: 
Mean value of competitors tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest to add div tag 1 time more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
 1 . My site title tag length:52
 2 . Competitor  site title length:  90
3 . Competitor  site title length:  82
 4 . Competitor  site title length:  59
 5 . Competitor  site title length:  96
6 . Competitor  site title length:  62
7 . Competitor  site title length:  94
8 . Competitor  site title length:  67
9 . Competitor  site title length:  92
 10 . Competitor  site title length:  74
11 . Competitor  site title length:  91
values of competitors:80.7(81)
Current observation: 
OnPageTitleLength is occur in our landing page 52 time. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0.807which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 1
that means 
the factor you have the worse you tend to rank
Our landing page 
use OnPageTitleLength: 52
Mean value of competitors tag: 
After running our code we will 
suggest no need to optimize more 
in our landing page.
As per SEO rule title maximum length should be between 60 character.
Check for 
Current observation: 
OnPageLiMatches is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate=
0.051which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
After running our code we will 
suggest no need to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
1 . My site:-  There has no Matches.
 2 . Competitor site:-  There has no Matches.
 3 . Competitor site:-  There has no Matches.
 4 . Competitor site:-  There has no Matches.
 5 . Competitor site:-  There has no Matches.
 6 . Competitor site:-  There has no Matches.
 7 . Competitor site:-  There has no Matches.
 8 . Competitor site:-  There has no Matches.
 9 . Competitor site:-  There has no Matches.
 10 . Competitor site:-  There has no Matches.
 11 . Competitor site:-  There has no Matches.
Current observation: 
OnPageLiTagExactMatches is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate=
0which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
After running our code we will 
suggest no need to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
 1 . My site Description length is:-  144
 2 . Competitor site Description length is:-  225
 3 . Competitor site Description length is:-  138
 4 . Competitor site Description length is:-  103
 5 . Competitor site Description length is:-  129
 6 . Competitor site Description length is:-  150
 7 . Competitor site Description length is:-  153
 8 . Competitor site Description length is:-  147
 9 . Competitor site Description length is:-  148
 10 . Competitor site Description length is:-  12
 11 . Competitor site Description length is:-  145
Current observation: 
OnPageMetaDescriptionLength is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will
generate= -0.09which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
After running our code we will 
suggest no need to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
Current observation: 
is occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest no need to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
1 . My site is not matches.
 2 . Search term Matches in competitor site
 3 . Search term Matches in competitor site
 4 . Search term Matches in competitor site
 5 . Search term Matches in competitor site
 6 . Search term Matches in competitor site
 7 . Search term Matches in competitor site
 8 . Search term Matches in competitor site
 9 . Search term Matches in competitor site
 10 . Competitor site is not matches.
 11 . Search term Matches in competitor site
Current observation: 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add serach term to optimize more
in our landing page.
Check for 
 1 . My site is not matches to keywords.
 2 . Competitor site is not matches to keywords.
 3 . Competitor site is not matches to keywords.
 4 . Competitor site is not matches to keywords.
 5 . Competitor site is matches to keywords.
 6 . Competitor site is not matches to keywords.
 7 . Competitor site is not matches to keywords.
 8 . Competitor site is not matches to keywords.
 9 . Competitor site is not matches to keywords.
 10 . Competitor site is not matches to keywords.
 11 . Competitor site is not matches to keywords.
Current observation: 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add keyword to optimize more 
in our landing
Check for 
 1 . My site is not Matches.
 2 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 3 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 4 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 5 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 6 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 7 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 8 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 9 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 10 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 11 . Competitor site is not Matches.
Current observation: 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add  optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
 1 . 1 . My site is not Matches.
 2 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 3 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 4 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 5 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 6 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 7 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 8 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 9 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 10 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 11 . Competitor site is not Matches.
Current observation: 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add  optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
1 . My site is not Matches.
 2 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 3 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 4 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 5 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 6 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 7 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 8 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 9 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 10 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 11 . Competitor site is not Matches.
Current observation: 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add word to optimize more 
in our landing
Check for 
 1 . My site is not Matches.
 2 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 3 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 4 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 5 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 6 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 7 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 8 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 9 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 10 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 11 . Competitor site is not Matches.
Current observation: 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add word to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
 1 . My site is not Matches.
 2 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 3 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 4 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 5 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 6 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 7 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 8 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 9 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 10 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 11 . Competitor site is not Matches.
Current observation:
OnPageASearchTermMatches is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate=
0.062which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add word to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
 1 . My site is not Matches.
 2 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 3 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 4 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 5 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 6 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 7 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 8 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 9 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 10 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 11 . Competitor site is not Matches.
Current observation:
OnPageAMatches is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0.062which
satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add word to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
  1 . My site is not Matches.
 2 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 3 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 4 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 5 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 6 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 7 . Competitor site is Matches.
 8 . Competitor site is Matches.
 9 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 10 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 11 . Competitor site is not Matches.
Current observation:
OnPageBMatches is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0which satisfy
the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add word to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
1 . My site is not Matches.
 2 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 3 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 4 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 5 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 6 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 7 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 8 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 9 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 10 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 11 . Competitor site is not Matches.
Current observation:
OnPageCiteMatches is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0which
satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add word to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
 1 . My site is not Matches.
 2 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 3 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 4 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 5 . Competitor site is Matches.
 6 . Competitor site is Matches.
 7 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 8 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 9 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 10 . Competitor site is not Matches.
 11 . Competitor site is not Matches.
Current observation:
OnPageEmMatches is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0which satisfy
the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add word to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
H1 not matches for C1
H1 not matches for C2
H1 not matches for C3
H1 not matches for C4
H1 not matches for C5
H1 not matches for C6
H1 not matches for C7
H1 not matches for C8
H1 not matches for C9
H1 not matches for C10
Current observation:
OnPageH1ExactMatches is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0which satisfy the algorithm
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add word to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
H1 not matches for C1
H1 not matches for C2
H1 not matches for C3
H1 not matches for C4
H1 not matches for C5
H1 not matches for C6
H1 not matches for C7
H1 not matches for C8
H1 not matches for C9
H1 not matches for C10
Current observation:
OnPageH1ExactSearchTermMatches is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0which satisfy the
algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add word to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for 
1 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in our site.
 2 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site.
 3 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site.
 4 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site.
 5 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site.
 6 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site.
 7 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site.
 8 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site.
 9 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site.
 10 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site.
 11 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site.
Current observation:
OnPageH1ToH3ExactMatches is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0 which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
is not occur in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add word to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Check for o
1 . My site canonical tag is present.
 2 . Competitor site canonical tag is present.
 3 . Competitor site canonical tag is present.
 4 . Competitor site canonical tag is present.
 5 . Competitor site canonical tag is present.
 6 . Competitor site canonical tag is present.
 7 . Competitor canonical tag is not present.
 8 . Competitor site canonical tag is present.
 9 . Competitor site canonical tag is present.
 10 . Competitor site canonical tag is present.
 11 . Competitor site canonical tag is present.
Current observation:
onPageHasCanonicalUrl is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= -0.001
which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random. 
in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add to optimize more 
in our landing page.
for anchor text 
1 . My site Anchor text is present.
 2 . Competitor Anchor text is present.
 3 . Competitor Anchor text is present.
 4 . Competitor Anchor text is present.
 5 . Competitor Anchor text is present.
 6 . Competitor Anchor text is present.
 7 . Competitor Anchor text is present.
 8 . Competitor Anchor text is present.
 9 . Competitor Anchor text is present.
 10 . Competitor Anchor text is present.
 11 . Competitor Anchor text is present.
Current observation:
anchor text is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0.624 which satisfy
the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 1 that means 
the more of the factor you have the worse you tend to rank
anchor text
 is occur 
in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add to optimize more 
in our landing page.
for Total no. of nofollow tag 
 1 . My site Nofollow tag is not present.
 2 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present.
 3 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present.
 4 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present.
 5 . Competitor site Nofollow tag is present.
 6 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present.
 7 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present.
 8 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present.
 9 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present.
 10 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present.
 11 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present.
Current observation:
Total no. of nofollow tag occur in our landing page
for blockquote tag 
 1 . Blockquote teg is not present in my site.
 2 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site.
 3 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site.
 4 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site.
 5 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site.
 6 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site.
 7 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site.
 8 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site.
 9 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site.
 10 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site.
 11 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site.
Current observation:
blockquote tag is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0 which satisfy the
algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random.
blockquote tag 
is occur 
in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add tag to optimize more 
in our landing page.
for OnPageHasGoogleVerify 
 1 . Google verify code is present in my site.
 2 . Google verify code is present in competitor site.
 3 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site.
 4 . Google verify code is present in competitor site.
 5 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site.
 6 . Google verify code is present in competitor site.
 7 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site.
 8 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site.
 9 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site.
 10 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site.
 11 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site.
Current observation:
OnPageHasGoogleVerify is occur in our landing page.
for OnPageHasMetaAuthor 
 1 . My site author tag is not presents.
 2 . Competitor site author tag is not presents.
 3 . Competitor site author tag is not presents.
 4 . Competitor site author tag is not presents.
 5 . Competitor site author tag is not presents.
 6 . Competitor site author tag is not presents.
 7 . Competitor site author tag is not presents.
 8 . Competitor site author tag is not presents.
 9 . Competitor site author tag is not presents.
 10 . Competitor site author tag is not presents.
 11 . Competitor site author tag is not presents.
Current observation:
OnPageHasMetaAuthor is not occur in our landing page.
for OnPageHasMetaDescription 
 1 . Meta description is Present in my site.
 2 . Meta description is present in competitor site.
 3 . Meta description is present in competitor site.
 4 . Meta description is present in competitor site.
 5 . Meta description is present in competitor site.
 6 . Meta description is present in competitor site.
 7 . Meta description is present in competitor site.
 8 . Meta description is present in competitor site.
 9 . Meta description is present in competitor site.
 10 . Meta description is not present in competitor site.
 11 . Meta description is present in competitor site.
Current observation:
OnPageHasMetaDescription is occur in our landing page.
for OnPageHasMetaKeywords 
 1 .  Meta Keyword is Present in my site.
 2 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site.
 3 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site.
 4 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site.
 5 . Meta Keyword is present in competitor site.
 6 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site.
 7 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site.
 8 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site.
 9 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site.
 10 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site.
 11 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site.
Current observation:
OnPageHasMetaKeywords occur in our landing page.
for OnPageHasMetaRobots 
 1 . Robots attribute is Present in my site.
 2 . Robots attribute is not present in competitor site.
 3 . Robots attribute is not present in competitor site.
 4 . Robots attribute is present in competitor site.
 5 . Robots attribute is not present in competitor site.
 6 . Robots attribute is present in competitor site.
 7 . Robots attribute is not present in competitor site.
 8 . Robots attribute is present in competitor site.
 9 . Robots attribute is present in competitor site.
 10 . Robots attribute is not present in competitor site.
 11 . Robots attribute is present in competitor site.
Current observation:
OnPageHasMetaRobots occur in our landing page.
for OnPageHasMetaViewport 
 1 . Viewport attribute is Present in my site.
 2 . Viewport attribute is present in competitor site.
 3 . Viewport attribute is present in competitor site.
 4 . Viewport attribute is present in competitor site.
 5 . Viewport attribute is present in competitor site.
 6 . Viewport attribute is present in competitor site.
 7 . Viewport attribute is present in competitor site.
 8 . Viewport attribute is present in competitor site.
 9 . Viewport attribute is present in competitor site.
 10 . Viewport attribute is present in competitor site.
 11 . Viewport attribute is present in competitor site.
Current observation:
OnPageHasMetaViewport occur in our landing page.
for OnPageHasOgImage 
 1 . og:image tag is Present in my site.
 2 . og:image tag is present in competitor site.
 3 . og:image tag is not present in competitor site.
 4 . og:image tag is present in competitor site.
 5 . og:image tag is present in competitor site.
 6 . og:image tag is present in competitor site.
 7 . og:image tag is not present in competitor site.
 8 . og:image tag is present in competitor site.
 9 . og:image tag is present in competitor site.
 10 . og:image tag is not present in competitor site.
 11 . og:image tag is not present in competitor site.
Current observation:
OnPageHasOgImage occur in our landing page.
for OnPageHasWordpressGeneratorTag 
 1 . Generator tag is not present in my site.
 2 . Generator tag is present in competitor site.
 3 . Generator tag is present in competitor site.
 4 . Generator tag is not present in competitor site.
 5 . Generator tag is not present in competitor site.
 6 . Generator tag is not present in competitor site.
 7 . Generator tag is not present in competitor site.
 8 . Generator tag is present in competitor site.
 9 . Generator tag is not present in competitor site.
 10 . Generator tag is present in competitor site.
 11 . Generator tag is present in competitor site.
Current observation:
OnPageHasWordpressGeneratorTag is not occur in our landing page.
for OnPageHasOgType 
 1 . og:type is Present in my site.
 2 . og:type is present in competitor site.
 3 . og:type is present in competitor site.
 4 . og:type is present in competitor site.
 5 . og:type is not present in competitor site.
 6 . og:type is present in competitor site.
 7 . og:type is not present in competitor site.
 8 . og:type is present in competitor site.
 9 . og:type is present in competitor site.
 10 . og:type is not present in competitor site.
 11 . og:type is present in competitor site.
Current observation:
OnPageHasOgType is occur in our landing page.
for OnPageITagExactMatches
1 . I tag is not exact Match in my site.
 2 . I tag is not exact Match in competitor site.
 3 . I tag is not exact Match in competitor site.
 4 . I tag is not exact Match in competitor site.
 5 . I tag is not exact Match in competitor site.
 6 . I tag is not exact Match in competitor site.
 7 . I tag is not exact Match in competitor site.
 8 . I tag is not exact Match in competitor site.
 9 . I tag is not exact Match in competitor site.
 10 . I tag is not exact Match in competitor site.
 11 . I tag is not exact Match in competitor site.
Current observation:
OnPageITagExactMatches tag is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0
which satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random.
OnPageITagExactMatches tag 
is occur 
in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add tag to optimize more 
in our landing page.
for section tag
1 . Section tag is Present in my site.
 2 . Section tag is present in competitor site.
 3 . Section tag is present in competitor site.
 4 . Section tag is not present in competitor site.
 5 . Section tag is present in competitor site.
 6 . Section tag is present in competitor site.
 7 . Section tag is not present in competitor site.
 8 . Section tag is present in competitor site.
 9 . Section tag is present in competitor site.
 10 . Section tag is present in competitor site.
 11 . Section tag is not present in competitor site.
Current observation:
section tag tag is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= -0.033 which
satisfy the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random.
section tag tag 
is occur 
in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add tag to optimize more 
in our landing page.
for missing image alt tag
1 . Image alt tag missing for landing page=1
 2 . Image alt tag missing for competitor1 =14
 3 . Image alt tag missing for competitor2 =16
 4 . Image alt tag missing for competitor3 =0
 5 . Image alt tag missing for competitor4 =7
 6 . Image alt tag missing for competitor5 =51
 7 . Image alt tag missing for competitor6 =14
 8 . Image alt tag missing for competitor7 =0
 9 . Image alt tag missing for competitor8 =18
 10 . Image alt tag missing for competitor9 =59
 11 . Image alt tag missing for competitor10 =11
Current observation:
image alt tag is occur in our landing page. Calculating 
Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithm
 through our AI code coordinate will generate= 0.184which satisfy
the algorithm condition. 
It is too closer to 0 that means data appears random.
image alt tag 
is occur 
in our landing page, after
 running our code we will 
suggest to add tag to optimize more 
in our landing page.
Final Observation
After cora analysis, we have fixed our landing page
 with the
available suggestion’s.
And the End result is that now we Rank #1 for any competitive “Adult SEO” related or exact match
keyword itself.
Slide Note

Cora analysis involves extracting information from URLs to enhance SEO visibility. By leveraging Spearman & Pearson correlation algorithms, one can identify ranking factors. This analysis compares competitor data to improve SEO strategies. Recommendations may include optimizing H1 tag usage for better search engine ranking.

  • Cora Analysis
  • SEO
  • URL Optimization
  • Competitor Analysis
  • H1 Tag Optimization

Uploaded on Jul 11, 2024 | 0 Views

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cora Report For

  2. W hat is Cora analysis and its benefits in SE O? Cora analysis is a process of extracting all the inform ation from the U RL . Please bear in m ind that if m ore search term s are targeted; greater w ill be the SE RP visibility. A ll the Cora analysis done by Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm . Ideal Value for SE O C oefficients range from -1 to +1 A value 0 m eans the data appears random . A value near -1 m eans the m ore of the factor you have the better you tend to rank. A value near +1 m eans the m ore of the factor you have the w orse you tend to rank. W orking M echanism E xtract all the tags inform ation from the site. Repeat above process for 10 com petitors. M ake m ean values for com petitors result. C heck differences betw een m ean value of com petitors and landing page. C alculate coordinate w ith the help of Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm and m ake the plot.

  3. D etails w hich w e have taken for the optim ization / Suggestion This is the Landing page URL: https://thatw This is the Keyword: A dult SE O Output: Output: A fter running our code as per docum ent, below result, for this keyw ord A dult SE O and for https://thatw this U RL w ith the com petitors are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

  4. Check for H 1 tag: H 1 tag is present for M Y site = 2 H 1 tag is present for C om petitor site = 2 H 1 tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 H 1 tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 H 1 tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 H 1 tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 H 1 tag is present for C om petitor site = 2 H 1 tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 H 1 tag is present for C om petitor site = 4 H 1 tag is present for C om petitor site = 2 H 1 tag is present for C om petitor site = 3 M ean value of com petitors: 1.8 (2) C urrent observation: H 1 tag is occur in our landing page 2 tim es. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= -0.002 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . A fter running our code w e can how m any tim e H 1 use. A s per SE O rule every w ebpage m ust have only one h1 tag. M ore than one H 1 is the against of SE O rule. So w e need to om it m ore than one h1 tag for our landing page.

  5. Check for H 2 tag: H 2 tag is present for M Y site = 1 H 2 tag is present for C om petitor site = 7 H 2 tag is present for C om petitor site = 23 H 2 tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 H 2 tag is present for C om petitor site = 2 H 2 tag is present for C om petitor site = 6 H 2 tag is present for C om petitor site = 6 H 2 tag is present for C om petitor site = 12 H 2 tag is present for C om petitor site = 16 H 2 tag is present for C om petitor site = 8 H 2 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 M ean values of com petitors: 8.1 (8) C urrent observation: H 2 tag is occur in our landing page 1 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.071 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use H 2 tag: 1 M ean value of com petitors H 2 tag: 8 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add H 2 tag 8 tim es m ore in our landing page.

  6. Check for H 3 tag: H 3 tag is present for M Y site = 2 H 3 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 3 tag is present for C om petitor site = 14 H 3 tag is present for C om petitor site = 10 H 3 tag is present for C om petitor site = 6 H 3 tag is present for C om petitor site = 4 H 3 tag is present for C om petitor site = 12 H 3 tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 H 3 tag is present for C om petitor site = 16 H 3 tag is present for C om petitor site = 2 H 3 tag is present for C om petitor site = 9 M ean values of com petitors: 7.4 (7) C urrent observation: H 3 tag is occur in our landing page 2 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.054 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use H 3 tag: 2 M ean value of com petitors H 3 tag: 7 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add H 3 tag 6 tim es m ore in our landing page.

  7. Check for H 4 tag: H 4 tag is present for M Y site = 4 H 4 tag is present for C om petitor site = 5 H 4 tag is present for C om petitor site = 14 H 4 tag is present for C om petitor site = 3 H 4 tag is present for C om petitor site = 2 H 4 tag is present for C om petitor site = 5 H 4 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 4 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 4 tag is present for C om petitor site = 2 H 4 tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 H 4 tag is present for C om petitor site = 6 M ean values of com petitors: 3.8 (4) C urrent observation: H 4 tag is occur in our landing page 4 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= -0.002 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use H 4 tag: 4 M ean value of com petitors H 4 tag: 4 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add H 4 tag 1 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  8. Check for H 5 tag: H 5 tag is present for M Y site = 0 H 5 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 5 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 5 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 5 tag is present for C om petitor site = 7 H 5 tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 H 5 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 5 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 5 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 5 tag is present for C om petitor site = 12 H 5 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 M ean values of com petitors: 2 (4) C urrent observation: H 5 tag is occur in our landing page 0 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.02 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use H 5 tag: 0 M ean value of com petitors H 5 tag: 2 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add H 5 tag 3 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  9. Check for H 6 tag: H 6 tag is present for M Y site = 0 H 6 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 6 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 6 tag is present for C om petitor site = 9 H 6 tag is present for C om petitor site = 6 H 6 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 6 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 6 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 6 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 6 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 H 6 tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 M ean values of com petitors: 1.5 (2) C urrent observation: H 5 tag is occur in our landing page 0 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.015 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use H 6 tag: 0 M ean value of com petitors H 6 tag: 2 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add H 6 tag 3 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  10. Check for span tag: Span tag is present for M Y site = 12 Span tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 Span tag is present for C om petitor site = 27 Span tag is present for C om petitor site = 38 Span tag is present for C om petitor site = 51 Span tag is present for C om petitor site = 54 Span tag is present for C om petitor site = 4 Span tag is present for C om petitor site = 28 Span tag is present for C om petitor site = 88 Span tag is present for C om petitor site = 337 Span tag is present for C om petitor site = 6 M ean values of com petitors: 63.4 (63) C urrent observation: span tag is occur in our landing page 12 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.514 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 1 that m eans the factor you have the w orse you tend to rank. Our landing page use span tag: 12 M ean value of com petitors span tag: 63 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add span tag 52 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  11. Check for i tag: <i> tag is present for M Y site = 0 <i> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <i> tag is present for C om petitor site = 10 <i> tag is present for C om petitor site = 15 <i> tag is present for C om petitor site = 35 <i> tag is present for C om petitor site = 21 <i> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <i> tag is present for C om petitor site = 11 <i> tag is present for C om petitor site = 22 <i> tag is present for C om petitor site = 13 <i> tag is present for C om petitor site = 10 M ean values of com petitors: 13.8 (14) C urrent observation: i tag is occur in our landing page 0 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.138 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use i tag: 0 M ean value of com petitors tag: 14 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add i tag 15 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  12. Check for em tag: <em > tag is present for M Y site = 0 <em > tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <em > tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <em > tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <em > tag is present for C om petitor site = 4 <em > tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <em > tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <em > tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <em > tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <em > tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <em > tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 M ean values of com petitors: 0.5 (1) C urrent observation: em tag is occur in our landing page 12 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.005 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use em tag: 0 M ean value of com petitors tag: 1 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add em tag 2 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  13. Check for strong tag: <strong> tag is present for M Y site = 2 <strong> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <strong> tag is present for C om petitor site = 8 <strong> tag is present for C om petitor site = 15 <strong> tag is present for C om petitor site = 10 <strong> tag is present for C om petitor site = 10 <strong> tag is present for C om petitor site = 3 <strong> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <strong> tag is present for C om petitor site = 15 <strong> tag is present for C om petitor site = 10 <strong> tag is present for C om petitor site = 13 M ean values of com petitors: 8.4 (8) C urrent observation: strong tag is occur in our landing page 2 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.064 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use strong tag: 0 M ean value of com petitors tag: 8 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add strong tag 7 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  14. Check for b tag: <b> tag is present for M Y site = 0 <b> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <b> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <b> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <b> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <b> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <b> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <b> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <b> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <b> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <b> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 M ean values of com petitors: 0.2 (0) C urrent observation: b tag is occur in our landing page 0 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.002 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use b tag: 0 M ean value of com petitors tag: 0 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add b tag 1 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  15. Check for li tag: <li> tag is present for M Y site = 17 <li> tag is present for C om petitor site = 17 <li> tag is present for C om petitor site = 71 <li> tag is present for C om petitor site = 63 <li> tag is present for C om petitor site = 61 <li> tag is present for C om petitor site = 230 <li> tag is present for C om petitor site = 53 <li> tag is present for C om petitor site = 36 <li> tag is present for C om petitor site = 135 <li> tag is present for C om petitor site = 27 <li> tag is present for C om petitor site = 62 M ean values of com petitors: 75.5 (76) C urrent observation: li tag is occur in our landing page 17 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.585 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 1 that m eans the factor you have the w orse you tend to rank. Our landing page use li tag: 17 M ean value of com petitors tag: 76 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add li tag 60 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  16. Check for ol tag: <ol> tag is present for M Y site = 0 <ol> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <ol> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <ol> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <ol> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <ol> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <ol> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <ol> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <ol> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <ol> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <ol> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 M ean values of com petitors: 0.2 (0) C urrent observation: ol tag is occur in our landing page 0 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.002 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use ol tag: 0 M ean value of com petitors tag: 0 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add ol tag 1 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  17. Check for ul tag: <ul> tag is present for M Y site = 3 <ul> tag is present for C om petitor site = 3 <ul> tag is present for C om petitor site = 24 <ul> tag is present for C om petitor site = 14 <ul> tag is present for C om petitor site = 11 <ul> tag is present for C om petitor site = 77 <ul> tag is present for C om petitor site = 13 <ul> tag is present for C om petitor site = 3 <ul> tag is present for C om petitor site = 36 <ul> tag is present for C om petitor site = 7 <ul> tag is present for C om petitor site = 12 M ean values of com petitors: 20 (20) C urrent observation: ul tag is occur in our landing page 3 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.17 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use ul tag: 3 M ean value of com petitors tag: 20 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add ul tag 18 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  18. Check for option tag: <option> tag is present for M Y site = 8 <option> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <option> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <option> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <option> tag is present for C om petitor site = 6 <option> tag is present for C om petitor site = 17 <option> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <option> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <option> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <option> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <option> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 M ean values of com petitors: 2.3 (2) C urrent observation: option tag is occur in our landing page 8 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= -0.057 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use option tag: 8 M ean value of com petitors tag: 2 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest don t need to add or rem ove anything. It is already in good position in our landing page.

  19. Check for p tag: <p> tag is present for M Y site = 10 <p> tag is present for C om petitor site = 16 <p> tag is present for C om petitor site = 65 <p> tag is present for C om petitor site = 37 <p> tag is present for C om petitor site = 52 <p> tag is present for C om petitor site = 47 <p> tag is present for C om petitor site = 31 <p> tag is present for C om petitor site = 43 <p> tag is present for C om petitor site = 34 <p> tag is present for C om petitor site = 9 <p> tag is present for C om petitor site = 20 M ean values of com petitors: 35.4 (35) C urrent observation: p tag is occur in our landing page 10 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.254w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use p tag: 10 M ean value of com petitors tag: 35 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add p tag 26 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  20. Check for body tag: <body> tag is present for M Y site = 1 <body> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <body> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <body> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <body> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <body> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <body> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <body> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <body> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <body> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <body> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 M ean values of com petitors:1 C urrent observation: body tag is occur in our landing page 1 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use body tag: 1 M ean value of com petitors tag: 1 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest no need to add or rem ove body tag in our landing page.

  21. Check for div tag: <div> tag is present for M Y site = 127 <div> tag is present for C om petitor site = 50 <div> tag is present for C om petitor site = 394 <div> tag is present for C om petitor site = 462 <div> tag is present for C om petitor site = 115 <div> tag is present for C om petitor site = 283 <div> tag is present for C om petitor site = 132 <div> tag is present for C om petitor site = 293 <div> tag is present for C om petitor site = 377 <div> tag is present for C om petitor site = 360 <div> tag is present for C om petitor site = 78 M ean values of com petitors:254.4(254) C urrent observation: div tag is occur in our landing page 127 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 1.274w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 1 that m eans the factor you have the w orse you tend to rank. Our landing page use div tag: 127 M ean value of com petitors tag: 254 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add div tag 128 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  22. Check for article tag: <article> tag is present for M Y site = 0 <article> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <article> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <article> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <article> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <article> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <article> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <article> tag is present for C om petitor site = 1 <article> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <article> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 <article> tag is present for C om petitor site = 0 M ean values of com petitors:0.2(0) C urrent observation: div tag is occur in our landing page 0 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.002w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . Our landing page use div tag: 0 M ean value of com petitors tag: 0 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest to add div tag 1 tim e m ore in our landing page.

  23. Check for OnPageTitleL ength : 1 . M y site title tag length:52 2 . C om petitor site title length: 90 3 . C om petitor site title length: 82 4 . C om petitor site title length: 59 5 . C om petitor site title length: 96 6 . C om petitor site title length: 62 7 . C om petitor site title length: 94 8 . C om petitor site title length: 67 9 . C om petitor site title length: 92 10 . C om petitor site title length: 74 11 . C om petitor site title length: 91 M ean values of com petitors:80.7(81) C urrent observation: OnPageTitleL ength is occur in our landing page 52 tim e. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.807w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 1 that m eans the factor you have the w orse you tend to rank. Our landing page use OnPageTitleL ength: 52 M ean value of com petitors tag: 81 A fter running our code w e w ill suggest no need to optim ize m ore in our landing page. A s per SE O rule title m axim um length should be betw een 60 character.

  24. Check for OnPageL iM atches : C urrent observation: OnPageL iM atches is occur in our landing page. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.051w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . A fter running our code w e w ill suggest no need to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  25. Check for OnPageL iTagE xactM atches : 1 . M y site:- There has no M atches. 2 . C om petitor site:- There has no M atches. 3 . C om petitor site:- There has no M atches. 4 . C om petitor site:- There has no M atches. 5 . C om petitor site:- There has no M atches. 6 . C om petitor site:- There has no M atches. 7 . C om petitor site:- There has no M atches. 8 . C om petitor site:- There has no M atches. 9 . C om petitor site:- There has no M atches. 10 . C om petitor site:- There has no M atches. 11 . C om petitor site:- There has no M atches. C urrent observation: OnPageL iTagE xactM atches is occur in our landing page. Calculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . A fter running our code w e w ill suggest no need to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  26. Check for OnPageM etaD escriptionL ength : 1 . M y site D escription length is:- 144 2 . C om petitor site D escription length is:- 225 3 . C om petitor site D escription length is:- 138 4 . C om petitor site D escription length is:- 103 5 . C om petitor site D escription length is:- 129 6 . C om petitor site D escription length is:- 150 7 . C om petitor site D escription length is:- 153 8 . C om petitor site D escription length is:- 147 9 . C om petitor site D escription length is:- 148 10 . C om petitor site D escription length is:- 12 11 . C om petitor site D escription length is:- 145 C urrent observation: OnPageM etaD escriptionL ength is occur in our landing page. Calculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= -0.09w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . A fter running our code w e w ill suggest no need to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  27. Check for OnPageM etaD escriptionM atches: C urrent observation: OnPageM etaD escriptionM atches is occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest no need to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  28. Check for OnPageM etaD escriptionSearchTerm M atches : 1 . M y site is not m atches. 2 . Search term M atches in com petitor site 3 . Search term M atches in com petitor site 4 . Search term M atches in com petitor site 5 . Search term M atches in com petitor site 6 . Search term M atches in com petitor site 7 . Search term M atches in com petitor site 8 . Search term M atches in com petitor site 9 . Search term M atches in com petitor site 10 . C om petitor site is not m atches. 11 . Search term M atches in com petitor site C urrent observation: OnPageM etaD escriptionSearchTerm M atches is not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add serach term to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  29. Check for OnPageM etaK eyw ordsM atches : 1 . M y site is not m atches to keyw ords. 2 . Com petitor site is not m atches to keyw ords. 3 . C om petitor site is not m atches to keyw ords. 4 . Com petitor site is not m atches to keyw ords. 5 . Com petitor site is m atches to keyw ords. 6 . Com petitor site is not m atches to keyw ords. 7 . Com petitor site is not m atches to keyw ords. 8 . Com petitor site is not m atches to keyw ords. 9 . Com petitor site is not m atches to keyw ords. 10 . C om petitor site is not m atches to keyw ords. 11 . Com petitor site is not m atches to keyw ords. C urrent observation: OnPageM etaK eyw ordsM atches is not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add keyw ord to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  30. Check for OnPageM etaOG D escriptionM atches : 1 . M y site is not M atches. 2 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 3 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 4 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 5 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 6 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 7 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 8 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 9 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 10 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 11 . Com petitor site is not M atches. C urrent observation: OnPageM etaOG D escriptionM atches is not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  31. Check for OnPageM etaOG TitleM atches : 1 . 1 . M y site is not M atches. 2 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 3 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 4 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 5 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 6 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 7 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 8 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 9 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 10 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 11 . Com petitor site is not M atches. C urrent observation: OnPageM etaOG TitleM atches is not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  32. Check for OnPageM etaTw itterD escriptionM atches : 1 . M y site is not M atches. 2 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 3 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 4 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 5 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 6 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 7 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 8 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 9 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 10 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 11 . Com petitor site is not M atches. C urrent observation: OnPageM etaTw itterD escriptionM atchesis not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add w ord to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  33. Check for OnPageM etaTw itterTitleM atches : 1 . M y site is not M atches. 2 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 3 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 4 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 5 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 6 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 7 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 8 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 9 . Com petitor site is not M atches. 10 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 11 . Com petitor site is not M atches. C urrent observation: OnPageM etaTw itterTitleM atchesis not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add w ord to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  34. Check for OnPageA SearchTerm M atches : 1 . M y site is not M atches. 2 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 3 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 4 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 5 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 6 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 7 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 8 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 9 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 10 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 11 . C om petitor site is not M atches. C urrent observation: OnPageA SearchTerm M atches is occur in our landing page. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.062w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . OnPageA SearchTerm M atchesis not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add w ord to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  35. Check for OnPageA M atches : 1 . M y site is not M atches. 2 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 3 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 4 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 5 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 6 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 7 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 8 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 9 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 10 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 11 . C om petitor site is not M atches. C urrent observation: OnPageA M atches is occur in our landing page. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.062w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . OnPageA SearchTerm M atchesis not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add w ord to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  36. Check for OnPageB M atches : 1 . M y site is not M atches. 2 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 3 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 4 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 5 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 6 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 7 . C om petitor site is M atches. 8 . C om petitor site is M atches. 9 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 10 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 11 . C om petitor site is not M atches. C urrent observation: OnPageB M atches is occur in our landing page. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . OnPageB SearchTerm M atchesis not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add w ord to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  37. Check for OnPageCiteM atches : 1 . M y site is not M atches. 2 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 3 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 4 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 5 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 6 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 7 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 8 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 9 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 10 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 11 . C om petitor site is not M atches. C urrent observation: OnPageC iteM atches is occur in our landing page. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . OnPageC iteM atchesis not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add w ord to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  38. Check for OnPageE m M atches : 1 . M y site is not M atches. 2 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 3 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 4 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 5 . C om petitor site is M atches. 6 . C om petitor site is M atches. 7 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 8 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 9 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 10 . C om petitor site is not M atches. 11 . C om petitor site is not M atches. C urrent observation: OnPageE m M atches is occur in our landing page. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . OnPageE m M atchesis not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add w ord to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  39. Check for OnPageH 1E xactM atches : H 1 not m atches for C 1 1. 2. H 1 not m atches for C 2 3. H 1 not m atches for C 3 4. H 1 not m atches for C 4 5. H 1 not m atches for C 5 6. H 1 not m atches for C 6 7. H 1 not m atches for C 7 8. H 1 not m atches for C 8 9. H 1 not m atches for C 9 10. H 1 not m atches for C 10 C urrent observation: O nPageH 1E xactM atches is occur in our landing page. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . OnPageH 1E xactM atchesis not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add w ord to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  40. Check for OnPageH 1E xactSearchTerm M atches : H 1 not m atches for C 1 1. 2. H 1 not m atches for C 2 3. H 1 not m atches for C 3 4. H 1 not m atches for C 4 5. H 1 not m atches for C 5 6. H 1 not m atches for C 6 7. H 1 not m atches for C 7 8. H 1 not m atches for C 8 9. H 1 not m atches for C 9 10. H 1 not m atches for C 10 C urrent observation: O nPageH 1E xactSearchTerm M atches is occur in our landing page. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . OnPageH 1E xactSearchTerm M atchesis not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add w ord to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  41. Check for OnPageH 1ToH 3E xactM atches : 1 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in our site. 2 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site. 3 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site. 4 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site. 5 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site. 6 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site. 7 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site. 8 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site. 9 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site. 10 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site. 11 . There are no exact match keywords in h2 tags in competitor site. C urrent observation: OnPageH 1ToH 3E xactM atches is occur in our landing page. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . OnPageH 1ToH 3E xactM atchesis not occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add w ord to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  42. Check for onPageH asC anonicalU rl : 1 . My site canonical tag is present. 2 . Competitor site canonical tag is present. 3 . Competitor site canonical tag is present. 4 . Competitor site canonical tag is present. 5 . Competitor site canonical tag is present. 6 . Competitor site canonical tag is present. 7 . Competitor canonical tag is not present. 8 . Competitor site canonical tag is present. 9 . Competitor site canonical tag is present. 10 . Competitor site canonical tag is present. 11 . Competitor site canonical tag is present. C urrent observation: onPageH asC anonicalU rl is occur in our landing page. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= -0.001 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . onPageH asC anonicalU rlin our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  43. Check for anchor text : 1 . My site Anchor text is present. 2 . Competitor Anchor text is present. 3 . Competitor Anchor text is present. 4 . Competitor Anchor text is present. 5 . Competitor Anchor text is present. 6 . Competitor Anchor text is present. 7 . Competitor Anchor text is present. 8 . Competitor Anchor text is present. 9 . Competitor Anchor text is present. 10 . Competitor Anchor text is present. 11 . Competitor Anchor text is present. C urrent observation: anchor text is occur in our landing page. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0.624 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 1 that m eans the m ore of the factor you have the w orse you tend to rank. anchor text is occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  44. Check for Total no. of nofollow tag : 1 . My site Nofollow tag is not present. 2 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present. 3 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present. 4 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present. 5 . Competitor site Nofollow tag is present. 6 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present. 7 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present. 8 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present. 9 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present. 10 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present. 11 . Competitor Nofollow tag is not present. C urrent observation: Total no. of nofollow tag occur in our landing page

  45. Check for blockquote tag : 1 . Blockquote teg is not present in my site. 2 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site. 3 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site. 4 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site. 5 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site. 6 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site. 7 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site. 8 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site. 9 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site. 10 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site. 11 . Blockquote teg is not present in competitor site. C urrent observation: blockquote tag is occur in our landing page. C alculating Spearm an & Pearson correlation algorithm through our A I code coordinate w ill generate= 0 w hich satisfy the algorithm condition. It is too closer to 0 that m eans data appears random . blockquote tag is occur in our landing page, after running our code w e w ill suggest to add tag to optim ize m ore in our landing page.

  46. Check for OnPageH asG oogleVerify : 1 . Google verify code is present in my site. 2 . Google verify code is present in competitor site. 3 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site. 4 . Google verify code is present in competitor site. 5 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site. 6 . Google verify code is present in competitor site. 7 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site. 8 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site. 9 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site. 10 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site. 11 . Google verify code is not present in competitor site. C urrent observation: OnPageH asG oogleVerify is occur in our landing page.

  47. Check for OnPageH asM etaA uthor : 1 . My site author tag is not presents. 2 . Competitor site author tag is not presents. 3 . Competitor site author tag is not presents. 4 . Competitor site author tag is not presents. 5 . Competitor site author tag is not presents. 6 . Competitor site author tag is not presents. 7 . Competitor site author tag is not presents. 8 . Competitor site author tag is not presents. 9 . Competitor site author tag is not presents. 10 . Competitor site author tag is not presents. 11 . Competitor site author tag is not presents. C urrent observation: OnPageH asM etaA uthor is not occur in our landing page.

  48. Check for OnPageH asM etaD escription : 1 . Meta description is Present in my site. 2 . Meta description is present in competitor site. 3 . Meta description is present in competitor site. 4 . Meta description is present in competitor site. 5 . Meta description is present in competitor site. 6 . Meta description is present in competitor site. 7 . Meta description is present in competitor site. 8 . Meta description is present in competitor site. 9 . Meta description is present in competitor site. 10 . Meta description is not present in competitor site. 11 . Meta description is present in competitor site. C urrent observation: OnPageH asM etaD escription is occur in our landing page.

  49. Check for OnPageH asM etaK eyw ords : 1 . Meta Keyword is Present in my site. 2 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site. 3 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site. 4 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site. 5 . Meta Keyword is present in competitor site. 6 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site. 7 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site. 8 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site. 9 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site. 10 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site. 11 . Meta Keyword is not present in competitor site. C urrent observation: OnPageH asM etaK eyw ords occur in our landing page.

  50. Check for OnPageH asM etaRobots : 1 . Robots attribute is Present in my site. 2 . Robots attribute is not present in competitor site. 3 . Robots attribute is not present in competitor site. 4 . Robots attribute is present in competitor site. 5 . Robots attribute is not present in competitor site. 6 . Robots attribute is present in competitor site. 7 . Robots attribute is not present in competitor site. 8 . Robots attribute is present in competitor site. 9 . Robots attribute is present in competitor site. 10 . Robots attribute is not present in competitor site. 11 . Robots attribute is present in competitor site. C urrent observation: OnPageH asM etaRobots occur in our landing page.

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