Comprehensive Guide to Medical Terminology Course and Word Elements
Study medical terminology with the Medical Terminology Course by Dr. Ghassan Adnan Hasan to enhance your understanding of basic medical terms, word roots, and suffixes. Learn about word elements like roots, prefixes, and suffixes, and explore examples to grasp the essentials of medical terminology effectively.
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Medical Terminology Course Dr. Ghassan Adnan Hasan 1 1
Course Description: studied medical terminology or for those who want to improve their knowledge in this area. Medical Terminology Course is ideal for students who have never the College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, College of Pharmacy, and College of Applied Science. This course is strongly recommended for anyone who is studying in 2
Course Objectives: At the end of Medical Terminology Course students will be able to: Define the meaning of medical terminology word roots, suffixes, and prefixes Recognize and understand basic medical terms Spell and pronounce basic medical terminology List the divisions of the back. Identify three planes of the body. 3
A Hay House Osteoarthritis Nephrectomy Cephalic Dermatitis Hematoma Hay House Psychosis Biopsy Arthralgia Renal Thrombocyte Arthrogram Iron Door Nephrosis Pelvic Hypoglycemia Transurethral Necrosis Esophageal Spinal Arteriosclerosis Myalgia Rhinorrhea 4
The Longest Medical Term English Word Antidisestablishmentarianism Medical Word Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 5
Medical Word Elements (Parts) A medical word consists of: Root: gives the essential meaning of the term. Suffix: is the word ending. Prefix: is a small part added to the beginning of a term. Combining form: is the combination of the root and the combining vowel. Combining vowel: connects roots to suffixes and roots to other roots. 6
Examples of Word Roots Root: gives the essential meaning of the term. Greek or Latin Word Word root Nephros (Gr) Oris (L) Renes (L) Dermatos (Gr) Meaning Kidney Mouth Kidney Skin Nephr Or Ren Derm 7
Examples of Suffixes Suffix: is the word ending. Combining form Gastr/o (stomach) Suffix Medical Word Meaning -itis (inflammation) Gastritis Inflammation of the stomach Enlargement of the stomach Tumor of the stomach -megaly (enlargement) Gastromegaly -oma (tumor) Gastroma 8
Examples of Prefixes Prefix: is a small part added to the beginning of a term. Prefix Word Root Therm (heat) Suffix Medical Word Meaning Hyper- (above normal) -ia (condition) Hyperthermia Condition of excessive heat Within the muscle Intra- (in, within) Muscul (muscle) -ar (pertainiing to) Intramuscular 9
Examples of Combining Forms Combining form: is the combination of the root and the combining vowel. Word Root Vowel Combining form Meaning Gastr O Gastr/o Hepat O Hepat/o Immun O Immun/o Oste O Oste/o Stomach Liver Immune, safe Bone 10
Basic Rules Defining Medical Words Rule #1 Define the suffixor last part of the word Rule #2 Define the first part of the word Rule #3 Define the middle parts of the word 11
Example of Defining Rules Gastroenteritis Combining form Middle Gastr /o Stomach Rule 2 Suffix -itis Enter/o Intestines inflammation Rule 3 Rule 1 Definition Inflammation of the stomach and intestines 12
Basic Rules Building Medical Words Rule #1 A word root links a suffix that begins with a vowel Example Hepat/o + -itis = hepatitis Inflammation of the liver Rule #2 A combining form links a suffix that begins with a consonant Example Hepat/o + -cyte = hepatocyte Liver cell 13
Building Medical Words Rule #3 Use a combining form to link a root to another root to form a compound word Example Oste/o + chondr/o + -itis = osteochondritis Inflammation of bone and cartilage 14
Hemat/o/logy root combining suffix Vowel (blood) (study of) 15
Electr/o/cardi/o/gram root combining root combining suffix vowel vowel (electricity) (heart) (record) 16
Gastr/o/enter/o/logy root combining root combining suffix vowel vowel (stomach) (intestines) (study of) 17
Gastr/o/scope combining suffix form (stomach) (instrument to visually examine) 18
Gastr/ic root (stomach) (pertaining to) suffix 19
Cardi/ac root (heart) (pertaining to) suffix 20
Enter/itis root (intestines) (inflammation) suffix 21
Gastr/o/enter/itis root combining root suffix vowel (stomach) (intestines) (inflammation) 22
Sub/gastr/ic prefix (below) 23
Trans/gastr/ic prefix (across) 24
Retro/gastr/ic prefix (behind) 25
REMEMBER Some important rules to remember are: Read the meaning of medical words from the suffix to the beginning of the word and then across. 2 1 Example: gastroenterology 3 Drop the combining vowel before a suffix that starts with a vowel. Example: gastric gastr/o -ic Keep the combining vowel between word root, even if the second root begins with a vowel. Example: gastroenterology 26
FORMATION OF PLURALS 1. Words ending in a, retain the a and add e: vertebra bursa vertebrae bursae Backbones Sacs of fluid near a joint 2. Words ending in is, drop the is and add es: diagnosis psychosis diagnoses psychoses Determination of the nature and cause of disease Abnormal conditions of the mind 3. Words ending in ex or ix, drop the ex or ix, and add ices: apex cortex varix apices cortices varices Pointed ends of organs Outer parts of organs Enlarged, swollen veins 4. Words ending in on, drop the on and add a: ganglion ganglia Group of nerve cells, benign cysts near a joint 5. Words ending in um, drop the um and add a: bacterium ovum bacteria ova Types of one-celled organisms Egg cells 6. Words ending in us, drop the us and add i: bronchus calculus bronchi calculi Tubes leading from the windpipe to the lungs Stones 27
PRONUNCIATION OF TERMS The capitalized letters in BOLDFACE represent the accented syllable. -oma -itis AdeNItis AdeNOma ArTHRItis CarciNOma EnteRItis HemaTOma HepaTItis HepaTOma PleuRItis MyosarCOma DermaTItis MyeLOma OsteItis OsteOma 28
PRONUNCIATION OF TERMS The capitalized letters in BOLDFACE represent the accented syllable. -logy -osis / -sis CardiOLogy DiagNOsis PaTHOLogy ProgNOsis BiOLogy PsyCHOsis NeuROLogy ThromBOsis GyneCOLogy DermaTOsis NePHROLogy NePHROsis GastroenteROLogy NeCROsis 29
PRONUNCIATION OF TERMS The capitalized letters in BOLDFACE represent the accented syllable. -scopy -scope GAStroscope GasTROScopy CYStoscope CysTOScopy ARthroscope ArTHROScopy OphTHALmoscope OphthalMOScopy LAParoscope LapaROScopy BRONchoscope BronCHOScopy 30
PRONUNCIATION OF TERMS The capitalized letters in BOLDFACE represent the accented syllable. -sis -osis Diagnosis Psychosis Prognosis Nephrosis Necrosis Thrombosis Dermatosis 31
Latin and Greek Latin Greek Latin root is used with AL, meaning pertaining to Greek root is used to describe abnormal conditions and procedures Examples Examples Renal Dermal Nephrectomy Dermatitis 32
Combining Forms, Suffixes, and Prefixes Combining Forms Medical Term Meaning Tumor of the gland Adenoma Inflammation of the gland Adenitis Arthritis Inflammation of the joint Biology Study of life Biopsy To view life Mass of cancer, cancerous tumor Carcinoma Study of the heart Cardiology Pertaining to the head Cephalic Pertaining to cerebrum Cerebral Cerebrovascular Pertaining to blood vessels 33
Combining Forms Medical Term Meaning An instrument to visually examine the urinary bladder Cystoscope Study of cell Cytology Pertaining to skin Dermal Dermatitis Inflammation of skin Electrocardiogram Record of electricity of the heart Electroencephalogram Record of electricity of the brain Enteritis Inflammation of intestines Erythrocyte Cell of red color, red cell Process of visual examination of the stomach Gastroscopy State of complete knowledge Diagnosis 34
Combining Forms Medical Term Meaning State of before knowledge Prognosis Study of woman Gynecology Hemoglobin Protein of blood Hematoma Mass of blood Hepatitis Inflammation of liver Laparotomy Incision of the abdomen Cell of white color, white cell Leukocyte Excision of kidney Nephrectomy Study of nerve Neurology Oncologist Specialist in the study of tumor 35
Combining Forms Medical Term Meaning An instrument to visually examine the eye Ophthalmoscope Inflammation of bone and joint Osteoarthritis Specialist in the study of disease Pathologist Psychosis Abnormal condition of mind Renal Pertaining to kidney Inflammation of nose Rhinitis Tumor, mass of flesh Sarcoma Cell of clotting, platelet Thrombocyte Abnormal condition of clotting Thrombosis 36
Suffixes Medical Term Meaning Pertaining to the nerve Neural Pain of the joint Arthralgia Cell of white, white cell Leukocyte Gastrectomy Excision of the stomach Leukemia Blood condition of white cell Hemoglobin Protein of the blood Record X-ray of the joint Arthrogram Pain, condition of pain of the head Cephalgia Pertaining to the stomach Gastric Condition of excessive hormone called thyroxine Hyperthyroidism 37
Suffixes Medical Term Meaning Inflammation of the stomach and intestines Gastroenteritis Specialist in the study of the nerve Neurologist Study of the kidney Nephrology Hepatoma Tumor of the liver Biopsy To view life Abnormal condition of the kidney Nephrosis An instrument to visually examine the stomach Gastroscope Process of visual examination of the abdomen Laparoscopy Process of visual examination of the joint Arthroscopy Prognosis State of before knowledge Neurotomy Incision of the nerve 38
Prefixes Medical Term Meaning Condition of no blood Anemia To view self a dead body with one s eyes Autopsy State of complete knowledge Diagnosis Diameter To measure through Dysentery Condition of painful intestines Endocrine gland To secrete within Structure of the heart Endocardium To secrete outside Exocrine gland Condition of high level of sugar in blood Hyperglycemia Hypoglycemia Condition of low level of sugar in blood 39
Prefixes Medical Term Meaning Stands in front Prostate gland Cutting into an organ back Resection Pertaining to behind the stomach Retrogastric Subhepatic Pertaining to below the liver Transdermal Pertaining to across, through skin Pertaining to across, through urethra Transurethral 40