Colonialism and Imperialism in Modern History

Shri Amrita Haldar
Assistant Professor in History
B.B. College,Asansol
If we are discuss the international relation ‘Colonialism’
and ‘Imperialism’ this two ward always come in this
discuss. When we are discuss the historiography of
western modern history personal property, democracy-
those are come in this discuss and trade also include in
this way. In the nineteenth century the newly country of
Europe took the military expedition in various country of
Asia and Africa continent, this process is continued 1880-
1914. Great Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands- those
country are contributed as a leading role in this process.
In the other side the United State is to non reactive about  the
imperialism theory, for that except Canada there are many
democratic country have seen in Caribbean Island and South
America. But those country also depend on develop state about
they economical consequence. So that imperialism is like a
in this way the ‘Non- European’ country are
establish in the lower side and capital country are upper side of
the pyramid. This situation divide the world into two parts,
Immanuel walstain discuss this situation with the ‘Core-
Periphery’ theory. Core or colonialism country are pressured
the ‘Periphery’ country about economic, political. In this
situation Lenin has said that undeveloped country not to export
the commodities and also the capital.
Struggle Against Colonialism
In the middle half of 20
 century the third world
countries has to captured by various imperialism
power. The western countries has to treat the  colonial
countries as a supply of raw materials and minerals, for
that the imperialist power, colonial power and half
colonial power’s economical difference has to create
extreme. In the help of western administration,
productive commodities the western culture and
nationalism are scattered in the various colonial
country. The peoples of Asia and African continent
they are very concern about their political aim, for that
educated class of colonial power has to start the
Struggle against the imperial power. From the various
incidents the nationalist movement has to develop in
various colony. Hence in the last half of the nineteenth
century the light against the colonial power has to seen
but the extreme position has to seen in the before the
First World War. Nationalist movement of India its a
very important chapter in the international history.
India has to bump against the economical
exploitation, political right, and social inequality. In he
leadership of Indian National Congress(1885)the
struggle against the colonial rule is to very extreme. In
the first half of the Indian National Congress the
leadership is come from the ‘Elite’ and educated
society of the country, the main aim of this leadership
is to economic development and administrative
reformation, un educated and illiterate people are out
of this struggle. The Indian Nation Congress first to
demand ‘Swaraj’ in the year of 1906. For the impact of
first world war and October revolution of Russia the
waves of nationalist movement has to scattered. In
Egypt the leadership of a political party known as
‘Wafd’ the nationalist movement has to  scattered. In
India the nationalist movement has to extreme with
the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, but main reason is
to focus the Jalianwalabag Massacre. But his main aim
 to with the help  and cooperation of Indians the
demand of ‘Swraj’ is to exposed into British Govt’. For
that after this incidents some time the British Govt’
have to very tense about that matter, the struggle has
scattered in all over India. The British Govt’ was
awaking about the feature of India. Second democratic
movement will start in 1930,for that the British Govt
has to approved the Indian administration law in
1935.In various colonial area the democratic movement
has to extreme.  The democratic movement In Islamic
colonies of France have to modernise. In the other side
the movement is to growth in Indonesia.
In the mean time in Africa continent the movement
against the colonial power is to growth. The educated
young generation promoting in the news paper against
the colonial rule, main aim of their movement is to
Kenya, Nigerian people have to inspire to ‘Black
Movement’ of America.  It has seen  that before the
second World war the last stage of colonialism. Britain
has to continuous his process 1940 to 1950, after that
Britain have to accept the independent of
Commonwealth country those are colony of Britain.
America, Latin America, and Philippines are follow the
same route.
The Duchess role in Indonesia are to be attacking but
in the end they are defeat. France have to a last chance
attacked with the help of England and America, but
France have failure in this time. In the mean time in
Iran and with the leadership of Nasser in Egypt the
struggle against the colonial movement is to extreme.
In this way in Syria, Iraq the movement will developed,
France and Britain  have to defeat in this way.
From the middle half of the 20
 century  in various
place of third world the capitalist country have to
change their policy for the pressure of nationalist
movement. In this discussion we have to see that in
Asia continent with India and various colony of Africa
continent the nationalist movement is to extreme. But
Britain did not gave a unique India, for the divided of
India  the birth  country Pakistan is to establish.
Britain have to transfer the power to Srilanka, Barma,
and Palesthein in the year of 1948. In the mean time
Japan has to surrender to America in 1945. In 1957
Malay has to independent.
There are two reason for de colonization first is
economically it is very expensive and there is rear
chance to stopped this nationalist movement by
colonial power. Apart from that the colonial power has
to establish their own power beside the political power.
United Nations has to leading role to establish the de-
colonization. For that de-colonization has to establish
in 1980 with out any movement. There are many
independent country in Asia continent is to establish.
Among them there are many country is a member of
United Nations.  International friendship is a very
important part of today's world, in this process United
Nations leading a vital role.
In this  topic we have to discuss about the time of
colonial rule in various third world country have to
struggle against the imperialism power and we also
discuss what are reason is behind in this struggle.
Educated people how to influence to general people
for this struggle against colonialism. Various country
of Africa, Asia continent- how they inspired by other
           Books & References
1)  Szieing Lawrence: An Introduction to Asian
2)Frankle. J. The Making of Foreign Policy.
3) Sumit Sarkar: Modern India
4) Sumit Sarkar : Swadeshi Movement In Bengal:1903-
                            Proposed Question
1) Explain the different phases of decolonisation in the
Post-Second World War period.
2) How would you explain the role of the
decolonisation in international politics since 1945 ?
3) Evaluate the role of the United Nations
Organisation in maintaining ‘world peace’
Slide Note

The discussion revolves around the impact of colonialism and imperialism on international relations, focusing on the historical context, economic consequences, and nationalist movements against colonial powers. Highlighting key players such as Great Britain, France, and Germany during the 19th century, it addresses the core-periphery theory and struggles faced by third world countries. The narrative also delves into the Indian National Congress's role in challenging colonial rule and advocating for political and social rights.

  • Colonialism
  • Imperialism
  • International Relations
  • Modern History

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Shri Amrita Haldar Assistant Professor in History B.B. College,Asansol

  2. Colonialism If we are discuss the international relation Colonialism and Imperialism this two ward always come in this discuss. When we are discuss the historiography of western modern history personal property, democracy- those are come in this discuss and trade also include in this way. In the nineteenth century the newly country of Europe took the military expedition in various country of Asia and Africa continent, this process is continued 1880- 1914. Great Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands- those country are contributed as a leading role in this process.

  3. In the other side the United State is to non reactive about the imperialism theory, for that except Canada there are many democratic country have seen in Caribbean Island and South America. But those country also depend on develop state about they economical consequence. So that imperialism is like a Pyramid, in this way the Non- European country are establish in the lower side and capital country are upper side of the pyramid. This situation divide the world into two parts, Immanuel walstain discuss this situation with the Core- Periphery theory. Core or colonialism country are pressured the Periphery country about economic, political. In this situation Lenin has said that undeveloped country not to export the commodities and also the capital.

  4. Struggle Against Colonialism In the middle half of 20thcentury the third world countries has to captured by various imperialism power. The western countries has to treat the colonial countries as a supply of raw materials and minerals, for that the imperialist power, colonial power and half colonial power s economical difference has to create extreme. In the help of western administration, productive commodities the western culture and nationalism are scattered in the various colonial country. The peoples of Asia and African continent they are very concern about their political aim, for that educated classof colonial power has to start the

  5. Struggle against the imperial power. From the various incidents the nationalist movement has to develop in various colony. Hence in the last half of the nineteenth century the light against the colonial power has to seen but the extreme position has to seen in the before the First World War. Nationalist movement of India its a very important chapter in the international history. India has to bump exploitation, political right, and social inequality. In he leadership of Indian National struggle against the colonial rule is to very extreme. In the first half of the Indian National Congress the against the economical Congress(1885)the

  6. leadership is come from the Elite and educated society of the country, the main aim of this leadership is to economic development and administrative reformation, un educated and illiterate people are out of this struggle. The Indian Nation Congress first to demand Swaraj in the year of 1906. For the impact of first world war and October revolution of Russia the waves of nationalist movement has to scattered. In Egypt the leadership of a political party known as Wafd the nationalist movement has to scattered. In India the nationalist movement has to extreme with the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, but main reason is to focus the Jalianwalabag Massacre. But his main aim

  7. to with the help demand of Swraj is to exposed into British Govt . For that after this incidents some time the British Govt have to very tense about that matter, the struggle has scattered in all over India. The British Govt was awaking about the feature of India. Second democratic movement will start in 1930,for that the British Govt has to approved the Indian administration law in 1935.In various colonial area the democratic movement has to extreme. The democratic movement In Islamic colonies of France have to modernise. In the other side the movement is togrowth in Indonesia. and cooperation of Indians the

  8. In the mean time in Africa continent the movement against the colonial power is to growth. The educated young generation promoting in the news paper against the colonial rule, main aim of their movement is to attackpolice,administration,economicbackwardness. Kenya, Nigerian people have to inspire to Black Movement of America. It has seen that before the second World war the last stage of colonialism. Britain has to continuous his process 1940 to 1950, after that Britain have to accept Commonwealth country those are colony of Britain. America, Latin America, and Philippines are follow the same route. the independent of

  9. The Duchess role in Indonesia are to be attacking but in the end they are defeat. France have to a last chance attacked with the help of England and America, but France have failure in this time. In the mean time in Iran and with the leadership of Nasser in Egypt the struggle against the colonial movement is to extreme. In this way in Syria, Iraq the movement will developed, France and Britain have todefeat in this way.

  10. De-Colonization From the middle half of the 20thcentury in various place of third world the capitalist country have to change their policy for the pressure of nationalist movement. In this discussion we have to see that in Asia continent with India and various colony of Africa continent the nationalist movement is to extreme. But Britain did not gave a unique India, for the divided of India the birth country Pakistan is to establish. Britain have to transfer the power to Srilanka, Barma, and Palesthein in the year of 1948. In the mean time Japan has to surrender to America in 1945. In 1957 Malay has to independent.

  11. There are two reason for de colonization first is economically it is very expensive and there is rear chance to stopped this nationalist movement by colonial power. Apart from that the colonial power has to establish their own power beside the political power. United Nations has to leading role to establish the de- colonization. For that de-colonization has to establish in 1980 with out any movement. There are many independent country in Asia continent is to establish. Among them there are many country is a member of United Nations. International friendship is a very important part of today's world, in this process United Nations leading avital role.

  12. Summary In this colonial rule in various third world country have to struggle against the imperialism power and we also discuss what are reason is behind in this struggle. Educated people how to influence to general people for this struggle against colonialism. Various country of Africa, Asia continent- how they inspired by other country. topic we have to discuss about the time of

  13. Books & References 1) Szieing Lawrence: An Introduction to Asian Politics. 2)Frankle. J. The Making of Foreign Policy. 3) Sumit Sarkar: Modern India 4) Sumit Sarkar : Swadeshi Movement In Bengal:1903- 1908.

  14. Proposed Question 1) Explain the different phases of decolonisation in the Post-Second World War period. 2) How would you explain decolonisation in international politics since 1945 ? 3) Evaluate the role Organisation in maintaining world peace the role of the of the United Nations


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