CNS Involvement in Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Syndrome (HLH)

In the name of God
Lymphohistiocytosis  Syndrome(HLH
Bibi Shahin Shamsian
Mofid Children’s Hospital
Shaid Beheshti Universuity of Medical Sciences
ehran. Iran
B.Sh. Shamsian MD, M.T. Arzanian MD, S. Alavi MD, S. Zareifar MD
Iran J Child Neurology Feb. 2007
          Type II
CNS  Involvement
Case Presentation
patient :a 5 months old  girl . 4th child  ,  parents - First cousins.
beginning of disorder ;   at age of 5 month
Presentation : Fever  , hepatosplenomegaly, silvery gray  hair, eyelashes,eyebrows,
 Lab data ; Pancytopenia, ESR 50 mm/hr
Reticulocyte 3.3%,     D&I coombs test :neg.
No giant cytoplasmic granules in peripheral blood smear of leukocytes.
ALT:247 U/L (10-40), AST 227 U/L (10-40)
LDH 1150 U/L (225-400), Total BIL/DBIL:  4/ 2 mg/dl
 TP  6 g/dl      
ALB   in 3gr/dl
PT,& PTT were 24“ (control of 12") &  48" (control of 43“)
Fibrinogen; 92 mg (200-400 mg %) ,           TG:  750 mg/dl (50-200 mg/dl),
 Ferritin :300 ng/ml (6-140 ng/ml
Iran J Child Neurology Feb. 2007
Case Presentation
BMA  and BMB  :   EH &  Hemophagocytosis
 Flowcytometry; CD56 (21), CD11c (26), CD64 (81), CD14 (10), CD45 (82), CD4 (26), CD8 (31) with CD4/CD8 ratio
Hair exam:  irregular agglomerations of pigment in hair shafts.
Diagnosis:   Griscelli  syndrome  type II
No gene analysis
Treatment : Corticosteroied, IVIG 1gr/kg/day for 2 days and  cyclosporine  .
 She  had  good response to treatment
HLA typing;  No Match Donor
After 2  months :she developed neurological symptoms including seizure, Ptosis , facial palsy and left hemiplegia
Brain CT: Brain atrophy
Brain MRI : abnormal enhancement in the white matter
CSF : WBC; 8        increase pr  level                  
No Hemophagocytosis
Treatment: ( Dexa, VP16 ) was not effective and she died because of 
multiorgan failure in the absence of HSCT
B.Sh.shamsain .  Iran J Child Neurology Feb. 2007
Definition of CNS disease in HLH
CNs –HLH:  Important cause of morbidity &mortality in HLH
Definition of CNS disease in HLH has not been standardized, 
there is no
consensus regarding its definition
Most HLH experts :
An Abnormal CSF  or/and   MRI of the brain
 with or without distinct neurological signs or symptoms
Infiltration of activated lymphocytes  and macrophages into the
meninges and brain
Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3
CNS-HLH :one of the most  important  reason  ,long-term sequelae, -motor and cognitive deficits
Early recognition and prompt treatment of CNS disease may prevent irreversible CNS injury
CNS  -HLH  incidnece: 30–73%
presentation : At /or during the course of the disease
Clinical presentation of CNS disease in HLH is highly variable
Occurrence of neurological symptoms is not included as a diagnostic criterion of HLH,
It is important to consider HLH in a child with unexplained neurologic manifestations, especially
one with fever, pancytopenia,  &  hepatosplenomegaly
Michael M. Henry(USA). 2018 . 34th Annual Meeting of the Histiocyte Society lisbon
AnnaCarin Horne, Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3
Gritta E. janka .Hemophagocytic syndromes – an updates. Blood Rev (2014)
CNS  Involvement in HLH  in Adults:
 A Retrospective Analysis of 96 Patients in a Single Center.
96 adult, HLH  -CNS( 2003-2016)
Incidneces; 20.7% (96/463).
Median age of HLH :34 (range: 18–79) years and there were 48 men and48 women.
Most common type of HLH was infection‑associated HLH,
2 case : primary HLH
86 had various CNS symptoms and 33 (38.4%) had already presented symptoms before the
HLH diagnosis was confirmed
23 patients (39.0%): CSF abnormlaity
 50 ( 71.4%  :Imaging changes
Repeated  IT  injection ( 65.4%): improved
EBV infection is a risk factor
Intrathecal injection is a protective factor
Yue Song. Chinese Medical Journal ¦ April 5, 2018 ¦ Volume 131 ¦ Issue 7
Pathophysiology of CNS-HLH
pathogenesis of HLH 
Excessive activation of CD8+ T Cell &
the release of cytokines such as; 
TNF -α, IL-1β, IL-6,IL-8,IF –γ
CNS-HLH:Neuroinflammatory markers such as
Neopterin,CXCL 13
Massive hyper-inflammation leading to destruction of brain tissue
 So Reduce inflammatory HLH activity: to prevent CNS injury
Maria F. Ibarra
Clin Vaccine Immunol
. 2011 Apr; 18(4): 609–614
Gritta E. janka .Hemophagocytic syndromes – an updates. Blood Rev (2014)
AnnaCarin Horne, Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3
Evaluation or possible CNS –HLH
3  specific areas of investigation:
presence of neurological signs/symptoms 
(2/3 of all
HLH patients)
Evaluation of CSF
Neuroimaging abnormalities
Neurological symptoms and CSF abnormalities ;
prognostic marker
, reducing 
5-year survival
67 to 40%
Deiva. Neurology 78 April 10, 2012. France.
Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 
Neurologic symptoms
Children( 2012 France) / (China 2018)
Seizures  33-83%
Impaired consciousness 31-47%
Meningismus 1/3-P
Motor deficit (hemiparesis,
Cranial nerve palsy
Disturbance of consciousness
Psychiatric symptoms
Meningeal irritation
Cranial nerve palsies
Neurological symptoms at diagnosis and their relation to abnormal CSF in 193
children with HLH.
Horn . BJH. 2007
“Abnormal CSF”: 16–76% of HLH cases
CSF abnormalities : may be  with or  without neurological symptoms
LP:  routinely  should  be performed in all children in  suspicion of HLH and
where no contraindications are present
LP: Cells, protein, glucose, lactate, and microbiology , 
CSF pleocytosis is seen in 10–47%, sometimes ; late sign and repeat LP  may be
of value
Increased protein levels, :11–41%
oderately elevated (between 500 and 1000 mg/L,
If > 2500mg/L = stage 3
Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3
Horn . BJH. 2007
(CNS) involvement is a critical prognostic factor for HLH  
1983 –Janka etal : CSF abnormalities in 17 /33 patients and Neurological
symptoms in 10%  of the patients.
1991- Henter etal :CSF abnormalities in 4 of 7 patients, with neurological
symptoms in 3 of them.
1996 Arico etal  :CSF abnormalities at the time of diagnosis for 55/ 94 patients
2012 Korean. neurological manifestations ; 46 % patients
Strong association between CNS involvement and 
Familial forms of HLH 
yung-Mi Kim. VOLUME 47
December 2012 .korean
Neurologic complications:  HLH 2004 
; duo to  
administration of cyclosporine
(Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome PRES).
Bergsten E .
Blood.2017 Dec 21;130(25):2728-2738
Hemophagocytosis –HLH : 25%-100%
1-10 hemophagocytes / 500 cells
BM  ;92%
Brain  Biopsies,Mostly 
located in the 
91% :
CSF  :  (39%)
Less commonly seen in the of pediatric
Relation  between hemophagocytosis in the CSF and
duration and severity of disease(in brain tissue is ) not
Michael B. JordanBLOOD, 13 OCTOBER 2011  VOLUME 118, NUMBER 15.
Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3
Post-mortem pathological diagnosis of primary B-cell lymphoma of
the CNS 
(A and B) &  intravascular lymphoma (C and D).
A) Numerous macrophages with ingested lymphocytic cells
(H&E ×1000 acrophages are CD68 positive) .
MRI of the brain with gadolinium :modality of choice in CNS-HLH
CT scan
MRI  with contrast is  beneficial  
 Multifocal and  bilateral abnormalities seen on
T2-weighted imaging
primary HLH (89%), with a high rate of symmetric involvement (53%),
Atrophy &  calcifications
CNS hemorrhage
K. Deiva. Neurology 78 April 10, 2012. France.
. Deiva. Neurology 78 April 10, 2012. France.
(A)  22 mo old  boy - Chediak-Higashi syndrome 
multiple lobes
 B ) 8-month-old boy - FHLH /
left  frontal fuzzy lesion in large area
C) 2 year old boy with Griscelli syndrome type 2 with 
R in   large area
D) 3y old boy - X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome, 
isolated left frontal
(E) 4 y old boy with FHLH, showing a  
Cerebellar lesion
.( 2012 France
Central Nervous System Imaging Findings of  Hemophagocytic Syndrome.Tara
L. Anderson. Journal of Clinical . 2015
Left picture ;normal MRI .
Right picture ; enhanced MRI .
Leptomeninges are enhanced
 on the right
(white arrow
 Deep white matter of the brain with 
multiple spotted abnormal signals 
arrow), and high signal on diffusion‑weighted image (black arrow)
Neuroradiological MRI findings in HLH
-T2w image showing bilateral 
lesions in the cerebellum.
B- T2w image with 
hyperintense signal and
edema in the left posterior hemisphere
C-weighted  imaging of the same region as
in b with lesions imitating 
cerebral infarction
CNs  Imaging Findings of  Hemophagocytic
Syndrome.Tara L. Anderson. Journal of Clinical . 2015
CNS- Imaging Findings of HLH
& Differntial Diagnosis
Neuroimaging presentation of HLH is nonspecific.Some times  ,
inflammation of the  CNS may be the 
primary and only 
clinical presentation
of HLH .
 DD of MRI finding ;
 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
Multifocal infarction
To narrow differential diagnosis and diagnosis of  HLh ,Correlation  of:
Clinical findings  ,Laboratory data, pathology findings
Tara L Anderson, MD. Clinical Imaging.2015
CNS involvement at the onset of Primary HLH 
1994- 2010
primary HLH
, neurologic evaluation
within 2 weeks, MRI within 6 months of diagnosis
 Comparison :
44 children with acute disseminated
encephalomyelitis (ADEM).
primary HLH :Symmetric &  periventricular lesions
Conclusion: In cases of abnormal brain MRI, the
observed lesions differ from those of ADEM.
K. Deiva. Neurology 78 April 10, 2012. France
Staging  / CNS-HLH
Imaging presentations 
a strong 
 with the
brain tissue biopsies in CNS‑HLH 
CNS disease has been divided into 3  neuropathological
stage I with leptomeningeal inflammation
stage II with perivascular infiltration
stage III with massive tissue infiltration, blood vessel
destruction, and tissue necrosis
Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3
December 2012
Treatment of CNS- HLH
No consensus on treatment directed at CNS involvement in HLH
protocols of HLH-94 and HLH-2004
 HLH 94 : First line
CNS symptoms improve with systemic therapy alone in most cases, and
data are insuffi cient to determine whether additional It therapy can further
improve CNS inflammation. 
[Strong Consensus]
Stephan Ehl, MD.
 HLH-94: 2018 consensus recommendations. 
-Anna Carin
Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3
Stephan Ehl, MD * Etal7 collegues  :J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT
HLH-94: 2018 consensus recommendations
IT(MTX) therapy is recommended for patients with CNS involvement 
during systemic HLH-94 therapy
In  patients with neurological signs or symptoms persisting 
after 2 weeks of
systemic therapy
 3-4 doses prior to re-evaluation preferably until all  (CSF) indices and CNS
symptoms normalize
It  MTX alone is recommended
In HLh 2004 protocol  prednison was added , 
No additional benefit
HLH-94 therapy can be indicated in patients with primary HLH who present
with isolated CNS disease. [Strong Consensus]
More often allo‑HSCT is required
CNS-HLH : cure by initiation of HSCT soon after onset
may prevent both  CNS disease progression & reactivartion
Improve the prognosis
Prolonged the survival times
Lounder DT 
Biol Blood Marrow Transplant.
Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3
if HLH is still active
, an 
early transplant 
should be
considered.,  as the risk 
of late effects 
is more severe than the
risk of transplantation
Reactivation of CNS disease may occur after HSCT.
If CNS HLH recurs/worsens after HSCT, as indicated by clinical
findings or CSF, additional 
IT and system therapy should be
Biol Blood Marrow Transplant.
 Lounder DT
Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3
Incidence of HLH CNS Relapse after  Treatment with RIC  HSCT
 Rebecca Marsh
, Dana Lounder, Bibi Shahin shamsian .
 Annual Meeting of the Histiocyte Society .Dublin, Ireland October 17–19, 2016
Lounder DT 
Biol Blood Marrow Transplant
 Retrospective Study / 94 patients
Alemtuzumab, Fludarabine, and& Melphalan
Incidence of CNS relapse and/or continued CNS disease after RIC HSCT
 for patients with 
CNS relapse 
or continued CNS disease was
50%, compared to 75% 
for patients 
without CNS disease 
(p = 0.079).
Risk factors 
Active CNS disease at the time of transplant
Low level donor chimerism
All patients : good response :IT Hydrocortisone &MTX   and/or IV  dexa
Treatment of 
CNS-Restricted Familial 
HLH with 
Allogeneic HSCT
FHL mutations and CNS-restricted inflammation
, as well as their subsequent treatment with
Allo- HCT.( Perf1 , MUNc 13-4)
HSCT ( MSD , MUD , miss match UD  8/10-B,C
):  4 patients
RIC Conditiong : FLU, Mel, Alemtuzumab
Glucocorticoids & cyclosporine as prophylaxis
All patients: enhancement on brain MRI, and 3 of 4 had symptoms of CNS
       Inflammation, including seizures, cognitive decline, dystonia, ataxia, and hemorrhagic
Duration of symptoms 
prior to FHL diagnosis 
ranged from 
2 to 6 years
Elevated Neopterin levels in CSF  of both Prf1
All had initial MRI responses after receiving dexamethasone, and the 2 Prf1patients also
received  IT MTX  &  hydrocortisone
No  clinically acute or chronic GVHD
All patients are currently alive 
and without clinical evidence of disease progression,
Boston, MA. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 23 (2017) S18–S391
Rituximab, CNS-HLH
Rituximab: systemic , It
Thiotepa: IV, IT ???( refractory HLH, CNS-HLH)
ATG Rabbit   and Methyl-P ,followed by
cyclosporine A, which is given until  (HSCT), +  iT
MTX & corticosteroids
NEW Treatments
 CNs-HLH ???
Hybrid immunotherapy for HLH (HIT-HLH, NCT01104025) USA &
Euro-HIT,2 clinical trials utilizing 
ATG, Etoposide, &
dexamethasone ;
additive or synergistic effects
Results ???
Alemtuzumab, methylprednisone, and cyclosporine
IL-1 receptor antagonists
monoclonal antibody NI-0501 (NCT01818492)
JAK1/2 inhibitor (Ruxolitinib)
Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3
Novel Targeted Approach to the Treatment of (HLH) with an Anti-Interferon
Gamma (IFNγ) Monoclonal Antibody (mAb), NI-0501. First Results from a Pilot
Phase 2 Study in Children with Primary 
13 patients 1.0y (range 2.5mo-13y) , USA  and europe An open-label Phase 2
 safety and efficacy In confirmed or suspected p HLH.
Initial dose of 
1 mg/kg every 3 days
, with possible dose increase guided by PK
data and/or clinical response in each patient, on initial background dexa dose
of 5-10 mg/m
Treatment duration ; 4 to 8 weeks.
Sharp decrease in 
, a 
chemokine exquisitely IFNγ-induced
CNS signs and symptoms resolved in the 2 evaluable patients
Conclusion: safe and effective therapeutic option in patients with pHLH who
have demonstrated unsatisfactory response, or are intolerant, to conventional
Michael Jordan. Blood 2015 126:LBA-3
Therapeutic effect of JAK1/2 blockade on the manifestations of HLH 9
including (CNS –HLH) in mice.
TOXICITY(marrow and liver ???)
Murine models of primary HLH, 
 In vivo, ruxolitinib JAK1/2 inhibitor :  
suppressed STAT1 activation
Downstream of the receptors for IFN-γ and other inflammatory cytokines (such as IL2 and IL6)
JAK1/2 inhibitor therapy in mice is effective on survival, cytopaenia, inflammatory syndrome,
CNS involvement 
and liver tissue repair.
In Rab27a -/-  mice, central nervous system involvement was significantly reduced by
ruxolitinib  therapy.
2016 American Society of Hematology. Sophia Maschalidi. France
Michael Jordan.2018. 3 4th Annual Meeting of the Histiocyte Society
work up ; CNS disease  in HLH
Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3
Stephan Ehl, MD * Etal7 collegues  :J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT
HLH-94: 2018 consensus recommendations
Stephan Ehl, MD * Etal7 collegues  :J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT
HLH-94: 2018 consensus recommendations.
First step towards optimal treatment of
prompt and accurate
 All patients should receive 
a brain MRI
and lumbar puncture,
Treatment : 
should be 
started in all HLH
neurological symptoms even if
a LP or MRI have not been obtained or
results are still pending
Thank You
Slide Note

Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Syndrome (HLH) is a rare and life-threatening disorder characterized by excessive immune activation. Central Nervous System (CNS) involvement in HLH, although not well standardized in definition, presents a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Early recognition and treatment of CNS manifestations are crucial in preventing long-term sequelae and irreversible damage. This case study highlights the challenges in managing HLH with CNS involvement, emphasizing the importance of prompt intervention to improve outcomes.

  • HLH
  • Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis
  • CNS involvement
  • Neurological complications
  • Pediatrics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. In the name of God CNS INVOLVEMENT IN Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Syndrome(HLH) Bibi Shahin Shamsian Mofid Children s Hospital Shaid Beheshti Universuity of Medical Sciences Tehran. Iran

  2. B.Sh. Shamsian MD, M.T. Arzanian MD, S. Alavi MD, S. Zareifar MD Iran J Child Neurology Feb. 2007 Type2 GRISCELLI SYNDROME GRISCELLI SYNDROME Type II & CNS Involvement Hair with giant melanin in granules

  3. Case Presentation patient :a 5 months old girl . 4th child , parents - First cousins. beginning of disorder ; at age of 5 month Presentation : Fever , hepatosplenomegaly, silvery gray hair, eyelashes,eyebrows, Lab data ; Pancytopenia, ESR 50 mm/hr Reticulocyte 3.3%, D&I coombs test :neg. No giant cytoplasmic granules in peripheral blood smear of leukocytes. ALT:247 U/L (10-40), AST 227 U/L (10-40) LDH 1150 U/L (225-400), Total BIL/DBIL: 4/ 2 mg/dl TP 6 g/dl ALB in 3gr/dl PT,& PTT were 24 (control of 12") & 48" (control of 43 ) Fibrinogen; 92 mg (200-400 mg %) , TG: 750 mg/dl (50-200 mg/dl), Ferritin :300 ng/ml (6-140 ng/ml) B.Sh.shamsain . Iran J Child Neurology Feb. 2007 .

  4. Case Presentation BMA and BMB : EH & Hemophagocytosis Flowcytometry; CD56 (21), CD11c (26), CD64 (81), CD14 (10), CD45 (82), CD4 (26), CD8 (31) with CD4/CD8 ratio of0.83 Hair exam: irregular agglomerations of pigment in hair shafts. Diagnosis: Griscelli syndrome type II No gene analysis. Treatment : Corticosteroied, IVIG 1gr/kg/day for 2 days and cyclosporine . She had good response to treatment HLA typing; No Match Donor After 2 months :she developed neurological symptoms including seizure, Ptosis , facial palsy and left hemiplegia. Brain CT: Brain atrophy Brain MRI : abnormal enhancement in the white matter CSF : WBC; 8 increase pr level No Hemophagocytosis Treatment: ( Dexa, VP16 ) was not effective and she died because of multiorgan failure in the absence of HSCT B.Sh.shamsain . Iran J Child Neurology Feb. 2007

  5. Definition of CNS disease in HLH CNs HLH: Important cause of morbidity &mortality in HLH Definition of CNS disease in HLH has not been standardized, there is no consensus regarding its definition Most HLH experts : An Abnormal CSF or/and MRI of the brain with or without distinct neurological signs or symptoms Infiltration of activated lymphocytes and macrophages into the meninges and brain Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3 .

  6. CNS-HLH CNS-HLH :one of the most important reason ,long-term sequelae, -motor and cognitive deficits. Early recognition and prompt treatment of CNS disease may prevent irreversible CNS injury CNS -HLH incidnece: 30 73% presentation : At /or during the course of the disease Clinical presentation of CNS disease in HLH is highly variable Occurrence of neurological symptoms is not included as a diagnostic criterion of HLH, It is important to consider HLH in a child with unexplained neurologic manifestations, especially one with fever, pancytopenia, & hepatosplenomegaly Michael M. Henry(USA). 2018 . 34th Annual Meeting of the Histiocyte Society lisbon AnnaCarin Horne, Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3 Gritta E. janka .Hemophagocytic syndromes an updates. Blood Rev (2014)

  7. CNS Involvement in HLH in Adults: A Retrospective Analysis of 96 Patients in a Single Center. 96 adult, HLH -CNS( 2003-2016) Incidneces; 20.7% (96/463). Median age of HLH :34 (range: 18 79) years and there were 48 men and48 women. Most common type of HLH was infection-associated HLH, 2 case : primary HLH 86 had various CNS symptoms and 33 (38.4%) had already presented symptoms before the HLH diagnosis was confirmed 23 patients (39.0%): CSF abnormlaity 50 ( 71.4% :Imaging changes Repeated IT injection ( 65.4%): improved EBV infection is a risk factor Intrathecal injection is a protective factor Yue Song. Chinese Medical Journal April 5, 2018 Volume 131 Issue 7

  8. Pathophysiology of CNS-HLH pathogenesis of HLH : Excessive activation of CD8+ T Cell & the release of cytokines such as; TNF - , IL-1 , IL-6,IL-8,IF CNS-HLH:Neuroinflammatory markers such as Neopterin,CXCL 13 Massive hyper-inflammation leading to destruction of brain tissue o So Reduce inflammatory HLH activity: to prevent CNS injury Maria F. Ibarra, Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2011 Apr; 18(4): 609 614 o Gritta E. janka .Hemophagocytic syndromes an updates. Blood Rev (2014) AnnaCarin Horne, Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3

  9. Diagnosis In CNS-HLH

  10. Evaluation or possible CNS HLH 3 specific areas of investigation: presence of neurological signs/symptoms (2/3 of all HLH patients) Evaluation of CSF Neuroimaging abnormalities Neurological symptoms and CSF abnormalities ;negative prognostic marker, reducing 5-year survival from 67 to 40% K. Deiva. Neurology 78 April 10, 2012. France. Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3

  11. Neurologic symptoms Children( 2012 France) / (China 2018) Children Adults Disturbance of consciousness Headache/dizziness Seizure Psychiatric symptoms Irritability Ataxia Hypotonia Meningeal irritation Cranial nerve palsies Seizures 33-83% Impaired consciousness 31-47% Meningismus 1/3-P Microcephaly Hypotonia Motor deficit (hemiparesis, Tetraparesis) Cranial nerve palsy Ataxia

  12. Neurological symptoms at diagnosis and their relation to abnormal CSF in 193 children with HLH. Horn . BJH. 2007

  13. CSF/ CNS-HLH Abnormal CSF : 16 76% of HLH cases CSF abnormalities : may be with or without neurological symptoms LP: routinely should be performed in all children in suspicion of HLH and where no contraindications are present LP: Cells, protein, glucose, lactate, and microbiology , hemophagocytosis. CSF pleocytosis is seen in 10 47%, sometimes ; late sign and repeat LP may be of value Increased protein levels, :11 41% o Moderately elevated (between 500 and 1000 mg/L, o If > 2500mg/L = stage 3 Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3 Horn . BJH. 2007

  14. (CNS) involvement is a critical prognostic factor for HLH . 1983 Janka etal : CSF abnormalities in 17 /33 patients and Neurological symptoms in 10% of the patients. 1991- Henter etal :CSF abnormalities in 4 of 7 patients, with neurological symptoms in 3 of them. 1996 Arico etal :CSF abnormalities at the time of diagnosis for 55/ 94 patients (58%) 2012 Korean. neurological manifestations ; 46 % patients Strong association between CNS involvement and Familial forms of HLH (P=0.01) yung-Mi Kim. VOLUME 47 NUMBER 4 December 2012 .korean

  15. Neurologic complications: HLH 2004 ; duo to early administration of cyclosporine (Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome PRES). Bergsten E .Blood.2017 Dec 21;130(25):2728-2738

  16. Hemophagocytosis/CNS-HLH Hemophagocytosis HLH : 25%-100% 1-10 hemophagocytes / 500 cells BM ;92% Brain Biopsies,Mostly located in the Meninges-91% : CSF : (39%) Less commonly seen in the of pediatric cases Relation between hemophagocytosis in the CSF and duration and severity of disease(in brain tissue is ) not known?? Michael B. JordanBLOOD, 13 OCTOBER 2011 VOLUME 118, NUMBER 15. Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3

  17. Post-mortem pathological diagnosis of primary B-cell lymphoma of the CNS (A and B) & intravascular lymphoma (C and D). (A) Numerous macrophages with ingested lymphocytic cells (hemophagocytosis) (H&E 1000 acrophages are CD68 positive) .

  18. Neuroimaging MRI of the brain with gadolinium :modality of choice in CNS-HLH CT scan MRI with contrast is beneficial : Multifocal and bilateral abnormalities seen on T2-weighted imaging o primary HLH (89%), with a high rate of symmetric involvement (53%), Atrophy & calcifications CNS hemorrhage K. Deiva. Neurology 78 April 10, 2012. France.

  19. K. Deiva. Neurology 78 April 10, 2012. France. (A) 22 mo old boy - Chediak-Higashi syndrome multiple lobes B ) 8-month-old boy - FHLH /left frontal fuzzy lesion in large area. C) 2 year old boy with Griscelli syndrome type 2 with periventriculaR in large area D) 3y old boy - X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome, isolated left frontal (E) 4 y old boy with FHLH, showing a Cerebellar lesion.( 2012 France)

  20. Central Nervous System Imaging Findings of Hemophagocytic Syndrome.Tara L. Anderson. Journal of Clinical . 2015 Left picture ;normal MRI . Right picture ; enhanced MRI .Leptomeninges are enhanced on the right picture (white arrow) Deep white matter of the brain with multiple spotted abnormal signals (white arrow), and high signal on diffusion-weighted image (black arrow)

  21. Neuroradiological MRI findings in HLH -T2w image showing bilateral hyperintense lesions in the cerebellum. B- T2w image with hyperintense signal and edema in the left posterior hemisphere C-weighted imaging of the same region as in b with lesions imitating cerebral infarction CNs Imaging Findings of Hemophagocytic Syndrome.Tara L. Anderson. Journal of Clinical . 2015

  22. CNS- Imaging Findings of HLH & Differntial Diagnosis o Neuroimaging presentation of HLH is nonspecific.Some times , inflammation of the CNS may be the primary and only clinical presentation of HLH . o DD of MRI finding ; o Vasculitis Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) o Multifocal infarction o Infection To narrow differential diagnosis and diagnosis of HLh ,Correlation of: neuroimaging, Clinical findings ,Laboratory data, pathology findings Tara L Anderson, MD. Clinical Imaging.2015 o

  23. CNS involvement at the onset of Primary HLH . 1994- 2010 46 children with primary HLH, neurologic evaluation within 2 weeks, MRI within 6 months of diagnosis Comparison :44 children with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). primary HLH :Symmetric & periventricular lesions Conclusion: In cases of abnormal brain MRI, the observed lesions differ from those of ADEM. K. Deiva. Neurology 78 April 10, 2012. France

  24. Staging / CNS-HLH Imaging presentations had a strong correlation with the brain tissue biopsies in CNS-HLH patients CNS disease has been divided into 3 neuropathological stages: o stage I with leptomeningeal inflammation o stage II with perivascular infiltration o stage III with massive tissue infiltration, blood vessel destruction, and tissue necrosis Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3 Myung-Mi Kim.THE KOREAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY.VOLUME 47 NUMBER 4 December 2012

  25. Treatment IN CNS- HLH

  26. Treatment of CNS- HLH No consensus on treatment directed at CNS involvement in HLH protocols of HLH-94 and HLH-2004 HLH 94 : First line CNS symptoms improve with systemic therapy alone in most cases, and data are insuffi cient to determine whether additional It therapy can further improve CNS inflammation. [Strong Consensus] Stephan Ehl, MD. HLH-94: 2018 consensus recommendations. -Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3

  27. Stephan Ehl, MD * Etal7 collegues :J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT VOLUME -, NUMBER -. HLH-94: 2018 consensus recommendations. IT(MTX) therapy is recommended for patients with CNS involvement not improving during systemic HLH-94 therapy In patients with neurological signs or symptoms persisting after 2 weeks of systemic therapy 3-4 doses prior to re-evaluation preferably until all (CSF) indices and CNS symptoms normalize It MTX alone is recommended In HLh 2004 protocol prednison was added , No additional benefit HLH-94 therapy can be indicated in patients with primary HLH who present with isolated CNS disease. [Strong Consensus]

  28. HSCT/CNS-HLH More often allo-HSCT is required. CNS-HLH : cure by initiation of HSCT soon after onset HSCT : may prevent both CNS disease progression & reactivartion o Improve the prognosis o Prolonged the survival times Lounder DT .Biol Blood Marrow Transplant.. 2017 Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3

  29. HSCT/CNS-HLH Even if HLH is still active, an early transplant should be considered., as the risk of late effects is more severe than the risk of transplantation Reactivation of CNS disease may occur after HSCT. If CNS HLH recurs/worsens after HSCT, as indicated by clinical findings or CSF, additional IT and system therapy should be considered. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. Lounder DT. 2017 Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3

  30. Incidence of HLH CNS Relapse after Treatment with RIC HSCT. Rebecca Marsh, Dana Lounder, Bibi Shahin shamsian . 32ndAnnual Meeting of the Histiocyte Society .Dublin, Ireland October 17 19, 2016 Lounder DT .Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2017 Retrospective Study / 94 patients RIC - HSCT : Alemtuzumab, Fludarabine, and& Melphalan Incidence of CNS relapse and/or continued CNS disease after RIC HSCT ;approximately 8% Overall survival for patients with CNS relapse or continued CNS disease was 50%, compared to 75% for patients without CNS disease (p = 0.079). Risk factors : Active CNS disease at the time of transplant o Low level donor chimerism o All patients : good response :IT Hydrocortisone &MTX and/or IV dexa

  31. Treatment of CNS-Restricted Familial HLH with Allogeneic HSCT FHL mutations and CNS-restricted inflammation, as well as their subsequent treatment with Allo- HCT.( Perf1 , MUNc 13-4) HSCT ( MSD , MUD , miss match UD 8/10-B,C): 4 patients RIC Conditiong : FLU, Mel, Alemtuzumab Glucocorticoids & cyclosporine as prophylaxis All patients: enhancement on brain MRI, and 3 of 4 had symptoms of CNS Inflammation, including seizures, cognitive decline, dystonia, ataxia, and hemorrhagic stroke Duration of symptoms prior to FHL diagnosis ranged from 2 to 6 years. Elevated Neopterin levels in CSF of both Prf1 All had initial MRI responses after receiving dexamethasone, and the 2 Prf1patients also received IT MTX & hydrocortisone No clinically acute or chronic GVHD All patients are currently alive and without clinical evidence of disease progression, Boston, MA. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 23 (2017) S18 S391

  32. Rituximab, CNS-HLH Rituximab: systemic , It Thiotepa: IV, IT ???( refractory HLH, CNS-HLH) ATG Rabbit and Methyl-P ,followed by cyclosporine A, which is given until (HSCT), + iT MTX & corticosteroids

  33. NEW Treatments CNs-HLH ??? Hybrid immunotherapy for HLH (HIT-HLH, NCT01104025) USA & Euro-HIT,2 clinical trials utilizing ATG, Etoposide, & dexamethasone ;additive or synergistic effects Results ??? Alemtuzumab, methylprednisone, and cyclosporine (NCT02472054), Result??? IL-1 receptor antagonists Anti-IFN monoclonal antibody NI-0501 (NCT01818492) JAK1/2 inhibitor (Ruxolitinib) Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3

  34. Novel Targeted Approach to the Treatment of (HLH) with an Anti-Interferon Gamma (IFN ) Monoclonal Antibody (mAb), NI-0501. First Results from a Pilot Phase 2 Study in Children with Primary HLH. 13 patients 1.0y (range 2.5mo-13y) , USA and europe An open-label Phase 2 study safety and efficacy In confirmed or suspected p HLH. Initial dose of 1 mg/kg every 3 days, with possible dose increase guided by PK data and/or clinical response in each patient, on initial background dexa dose of 5-10 mg/m2. Treatment duration ; 4 to 8 weeks. Sharp decrease in CXCL9, a chemokine exquisitely IFN -induced. CNS signs and symptoms resolved in the 2 evaluable patients Conclusion: safe and effective therapeutic option in patients with pHLH who have demonstrated unsatisfactory response, or are intolerant, to conventional therapy Michael Jordan. Blood 2015 126:LBA-3

  35. Therapeutic effect of JAK1/2 blockade on the manifestations of HLH 9 including (CNS HLH) in mice. JAK INHIBITION IN MURINE HLH: CAREFUL REEXAMINATION REVEALS SIGNIFICANT TOXICITY(marrow and liver ???) Murine models of primary HLH, In vivo, ruxolitinib JAK1/2 inhibitor : suppressed STAT1 activation Downstream of the receptors for IFN- and other inflammatory cytokines (such as IL2 and IL6) JAK1/2 inhibitor therapy in mice is effective on survival, cytopaenia, inflammatory syndrome, CNS involvement and liver tissue repair. In Rab27a -/- mice, central nervous system involvement was significantly reduced by ruxolitinib therapy. 2016 American Society of Hematology. Sophia Maschalidi. France Michael Jordan.2018. 3 4th Annual Meeting of the Histiocyte Society Lisbon

  36. work up ; CNS disease in HLH Anna Carin Horne., Curr Treat Options Neurol (2017) 19: 3

  37. Stephan Ehl, MD * Etal7 collegues :J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT VOLUME -, NUMBER -. HLH-94: 2018 consensus recommendations.

  38. Stephan Ehl, MD * Etal7 collegues :J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL PRACT VOLUME -, NUMBER -. HLH-94: 2018 consensus recommendations.

  39. First step towards optimal treatment of CNS-HLH is prompt and accurate Diagnosis All patients should receive a brain MRI and lumbar puncture, Treatment : should be started in all HLH cases with neurological symptoms even if a LP or MRI have not been obtained or results are still pending. Summery

  40. Thank You


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