Chinook Monitoring and Evaluation Update for Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office

LSRCP Spring/Summer Chinook
Monitoring and Evaluation Update and Priorties
M&E Update
ISRP review highlights
Current performance and
programmatic changes for
AOP discussions on
performance from ISRP
M&E Priority Project List
Future items
Reporting not complete for 2021
2010 ISRP
2010 ISRP
2022 ISRP
2022 ISRP
Table 3.  Allocation of compensation (adults) by State as suggested by Columbia Basin Fisheries Technical Committee
(reproduced from WDFW 1974).  This allocation was not to be used as a specific indicator of release sites.
Large shift in production
from Salmon to Clearwater
Further refinements of
programs to achieve
cooperator desires, ESA.
Fishing, flexibility.
Since last review (2010),
approximately 2.815 M
smolt production has been
added to address goals.
Clearwater Pipeline would
increase additional 3.0 M to
existing infrastructure.
Increasing Costs ($)
Increased Brood Need (and Reduced Fisheries)
Spring/Summer Chinook Example
Low Densities
Better release
Good homing
Releases that
are ready-to-
Better in-river
programs over
parr programs
Endemic or
localized stock
Started program with 6.74 M with expected survival of 0.87% = 58,700
Current program is 10.4 M with measured, mean survival of 0.42% (BY07-16) = 43,783
What can we do to make this better?
What are we doing to make the current situation improve?
Are we doing what we can to make this better?
RM&E Prioritization List
Objective: Identify research needs for the program and
prioritize the top 10 research needs and costs to
address shortfalls in meeting adult mitigation
Solicited ideas, concepts and projects, have initial list
(40), need further revision/development and
RM&E Prioritization List
Reviewing and
comparing growth
profiles across
Thiamine injections and
egg/juvenile survival
Marking/tagging review
Climate change
Upper Grand Ronde
Aggregated Projects
Carcass additions, subyearling
releases, alternative brood,
mortality investigations
Yankee Fork
Genetic analyses needed for
existing work and egg box
Mechanism – internal/external
Prioritization List - Needs
How do we improve what we have now?...
For planning into the future?
Agreement on the following….
Discontinuing backfilling of USAL B programs with DNFH B stock.
If future brood shortages occur with the USAL B returns for Yankee Fork, production will be made up
with backfilling shortfalls with A stock and releases at existing A stock release sites (ie. Sawtooth weir).
These will be coordinated through the Tuesday coordination calls and the AOP process
- Little Salmon program release of 217,000 B-steelhead to A-steelhead.
Shift of 87,000 B-production from Yankee Fork to Pahsimeroi Hatchery.
The following will be the prioritization of USAL-B smolt production groups
428,000 production at Pahsimeroi Hatchery
440,000 production of USAL B at Yankee Fork.
As available and funded, egg box production of USAL B in Yankee Fork.
The overall marking of USAL B should remain the same but there will be an increase in the number of
coded wire tags from 341,000 to 428,000.  Releases at Pahsimeroi Fish Hatchery will be entirely coded
wire tagged and unclipped
These changes and actions will be additionally coordinated by LSRCP, IDFG and SBT with NOAA-
Fisheries for ESA permitting compliance.
Future Efforts
Fall Chinook
Implementation of yearling to subyearling conversion
Proposed action to NOAA-Fisheries
Reciprocal Study Discussion
Steelhead in NE Oregon, SE Washington
Spring/Summer Chinook in NE Oregon
Annual Report FY 2019-2021
Structured Decision Making Course
Budget Discussion and Statements of Work
Slide Note

This update covers the monitoring and evaluation of Spring/Summer Chinook populations in the Lower Snake River, highlighting current performance, programmatic changes, and priorities for improvement. It also discusses the allocation of compensation for adult Chinook by state and the shifts in production among different basins. The report outlines goals, reviews, and future strategies to conserve and enhance the fisheries in the region.

  • Chinook Monitoring
  • Snake River
  • Compensation Plan
  • Fisheries Conservation
  • Fish Population

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LSRCP Spring/Summer Chinook Monitoring and Evaluation Update and Priorties Rod Engle USFWS-LSRCP U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  2. M&E Update ISRP review highlights Current performance and programmatic changes for improvement AOP discussions on performance from ISRP M&E Priority Project List Future items U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  3. Project Area and Total Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Return Years 1987-2021 Project Area Spring/Summer Chinook Total Adult Spring/Summer Chinook (Objective = 234,000) LSRCP Project Area Goal (58,700) 2010 ISRP Review 70000 2022 ISRP Review Number of Spring/Summer Chinook (All Ages) 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Return Year Reporting not complete for 2021 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  4. Table 3. Allocation of compensation (adults) by State as suggested by Columbia Basin Fisheries Technical Committee (reproduced from WDFW 1974). This allocation was not to be used as a specific indicator of release sites. Washington Fall Chinook salmon Oregon Idaho Area or Basin Spring Chinook salmon Steelhead Spring Chinook salmon Steelhead Spring- Summer Chinook Steelhead Snake River Below Lewiston Lewiston Hells Canyon Hells Canyon Dam Tucannon River Clearwater River Asotin Creek Grande Ronde River Salmon River Imnaha River Small Tributaries Totals 5,000 9,728 3,648 2,208 1,368 1,200 1,368 1,152 1,632 68 288 20,736 816 5,856 7,632 46,656 16,896 68 3,216 1,920 264 11,184 288 48,432 264 39,264 1,152 18,512 4,656 9,072 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  5. Large shift in production from Salmon to Clearwater basin. Why? LSRCP Programs Current Production 1,000,000 1,700,000 300,000 3,000,000 Basin Adult Goal 8,000 Basin Upper Salmon Upper Salmon Upper Salmon Facility McCall Sawtooth Sawtooth Location South Fork Salmon Sawtooth Weir Yankee Fork Basin Total 19,445 27,445 Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Dworshak Dworshak/NPTH North Fork Clearwater Clear Creek Lower Selway Red River Lochsa North Fork Clearwater Lapwai Basin Total 709,000 720,000 400,000 1,280,000 640,000 1,650,000 180,000 5,579,000 Further refinements of programs to achieve cooperator desires, ESA. Fishing, flexibility. 9,867 2,033 9,135 21,035 Since last review (2010), approximately 2.815 M smolt production has been added to address goals. Southeast Washington Southeast Washington Lyons Ferry/Tucannon Lyons Ferry/Tucannon Tucannon Touchet Basin Total 225,000 250,000 475,000 1,152 1,152 Northeast Oregon Northeast Oregon Northeast Oregon Northeast Oregon Northeast Oregon Lookingglass Lookingglass Lookingglass Lookingglass Lookingglass Catherine Lostine Upper Grande Ronde Lookinglass Creek Imnaha River Basin Total 150,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 490,000 1,390,000 970 1,617 1,617 1,617 3,210 9,031 Clearwater Pipeline would increase additional 3.0 M to existing infrastructure. Totals 10,444,000 (rounded) 58,700 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  6. Performance LSRCP Spring/Summer Chinook Program Performance for ISRP Reviews - In Place/In Kind Mitigation Performance Balance Needed on in-place/in- kind Current Production 1,000,000 1,700,000 300,000 3,000,000 BY07-16 Mean SAR Expected adults Basin Adult Goal 8,000 Basin Upper Salmon Upper Salmon Upper Salmon Facility McCall Sawtooth Sawtooth Location South Fork Salmon Sawtooth Weir Yankee Fork Basin Total 0.50% 5,000 0.30% 6,000 19,445 0.91% 11,000 27,445 (16,445) Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Dworshak Dworshak/NPTH North Fork Clearwater* Clear Creek Lower Selway Red River Lochsa North Fork Clearwater Lapwai* Basin Total 709,000 720,000 400,000 1,280,000 640,000 1,650,000 180,000 5,579,000 0.24% 0.50% 0.43% 0.26% 0.26% 0.57% 0.57% 0.38% 1,709 3,564 1,724 3,328 1,664 9,405 1,026 22,420 9,867 2,033 9,135 21,035 1,385 Southeast Washington Southeast Washington Lyons Ferry/Tucannon Lyons Ferry/Tucannon Tucannon Touchet* Basin Total 225,000 250,000 475,000 0.18% 0.55% 0.24% 405 1,152 1,375 1,780 1,152 628 Northeast Oregon Northeast Oregon Northeast Oregon Northeast Oregon Northeast Oregon Lookingglass Lookingglass Lookingglass Lookingglass Lookingglass Catherine Lostine Upper Grande Ronde Lookinglass Creek Imnaha River Basin Total 150,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 490,000 1,390,000 0.58% 0.86% 0.44% 0.57% 0.62% 0.65% 870 970 2,150 1,100 1,425 3,038 8,583 1,617 1,617 1,617 3,210 9,031 (448) Totals 10,444,000 0.56% 43,783 58,700 (14,917) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  7. Spring/Summer Chinook Example Increased Performance LSRCP Total Production 6,000,000 60,000 54,000 48,000 42,000 36,000 30,000 24,000 18,000 12,000 7,000,000 70,000 63,000 56,000 49,000 42,000 35,000 28,000 21,000 14,000 Where LSRCP Goal is met (58,700) 8,000,000 80,000 72,000 64,000 56,000 48,000 40,000 32,000 24,000 16,000 9,000,000 90,000 81,000 72,000 63,000 54,000 45,000 36,000 27,000 18,000 10,000,000 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 11,000,000 110,000 99,000 88,000 77,000 66,000 55,000 44,000 33,000 22,000 11,000 1.00% 0.90% 0.80% 0.70% 0.60% 0.50% 0.40% 0.30% 0.20% 0.10% Low Densities Better release sites Good homing Releases that are ready-to- migrate Better in-river survival, hydrosystem survival. Smolt programs over parr programs Endemic or localized stock 0.87 Project Area SAR 0.42 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 Increasing Costs ($) Increased Brood Need (and Reduced Fisheries) Started program with 6.74 M with expected survival of 0.87% = 58,700 Current program is 10.4 M with measured, mean survival of 0.42% (BY07-16) = 43,783 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  8. Performance Balance Needed on in-place/in- kind Current Production BY07-16 Mean SAR Expected adults Basin Adult Goal Basin Facility Location Clearwater Clearwater North Fork Clearwater* 709,000 0.24% 1,709 Clearwater Clearwater Clear Creek 720,000 0.50% 3,564 Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Lower Selway Red River 400,000 1,280,000 0.43% 0.26% 1,724 3,328 9,867 Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Dworshak Lochsa North Fork Clearwater 640,000 1,650,000 0.26% 0.57% 1,664 9,405 2,033 Clearwater Dworshak/NPTH Lapwai* Basin Total 180,000 5,579,000 0.57% 0.38% 1,026 22,420 9,135 21,035 1,385 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  9. Performance Juvenile Production Release Location Clear Creek Red River Total BY-07-16 SAR Expected Adults 3,564 3,328 6,892 720,000 1,280,000 2,000,000 0.50% 0.26% Status Quo Alternative 1 Clear Creek 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 0.50% 0.26% 4,950 2,600 7,550 Red River Total 658 Alternative 2 Clear Creek 1,400,000 600,000 2,000,000 0.50% 0.26% 6,930 1,560 8,490 Red River Total 1,598 What can we do to make this better? What are we doing to make the current situation improve? U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  10. Performance Balance Needed on in-place/in- kind Current Production BY07-16 Mean SAR Expected adults Basin Adult Goal Basin Facility Location Clearwater Clearwater North Fork Clearwater* 709,000 0.24% 1,709 Clearwater Clearwater Clear Creek 720,000 0.50% 3,564 Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Lower Selway Red River 400,000 1,280,000 0.43% 0.26% 1,724 3,328 9,867 Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Dworshak Lochsa North Fork Clearwater 640,000 1,650,000 0.26% 0.57% 1,664 9,405 2,033 Clearwater Dworshak/NPTH Lapwai* Basin Total 180,000 5,579,000 0.57% 0.38% 1,026 22,420 9,135 21,035 1,385 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  11. Performance Juvenile Production Release BY-07-16 SAR Expected Adults Location Status Quo Lochsa (Summer) 640,000 0.26% 1,664 Alternative 1 North Fork (Spring) 640,000 0.57% 3,648 1,984 Alternative 2 Lochsa (Spring*) 640,000 0.43% 2,758 1,094 Total Are we doing what we can to make this better? U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  12. RM&E Prioritization List Objective: Identify research needs for the program and prioritize the top 10 research needs and costs to address shortfalls in meeting adult mitigation Main Alternate IDFG Brian Leth Chris Sullivan ODFW Joseph Feldhaus Ian Tattam NPT Bill Young Jason Vogel CTUIR Gene Shippentower Les Naylor WDFW Joe Bumgarner - SBT Lytle Denny Sammy Matsaw LSRCP Rod Engle Nathan Wiese Solicited ideas, concepts and projects, have initial list (40), need further revision/development and prioritization. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  13. RM&E Prioritization List Reviewing and comparing growth profiles across programs Thiamine injections and egg/juvenile survival evaluations Marking/tagging review Climate change vulnerability assessments Upper Grand Ronde Aggregated Projects Carcass additions, subyearling releases, alternative brood, mortality investigations Yankee Fork Genetic analyses needed for existing work and egg box efficacy. Mechanism internal/external engagement U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  14. Prioritization List - Needs LSRCP Spring/Summer Chinook Program Performance for ISRP Reviews - In Place/In Kind Mitigation Performance Balance Needed on in-place/in- kind Current Production 1,000,000 1,700,000 300,000 3,000,000 BY07-16 Mean SAR Expected adults Basin Adult Goal Basin Upper Salmon Upper Salmon Upper Salmon Facility McCall Sawtooth Sawtooth Location South Fork Salmon Sawtooth Weir Yankee Fork Basin Total 0.50% 5,000 8,000 0.30% 6,000 19,445 0.91% 11,000 27,445 (16,445) How do we improve what we have now?... For planning into the future? U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  15. LSRCP Steelhead Returns 160000 140000 120000 Adult Returns 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 Project Area Returns Project Area Goal U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  16. Status Quo Magic Valley Fish Hatchery - Current Production Program Smolts/Fe male 3,929 4,133 4,679 4,227 4,400 4,400 Project Area SAR Adults 0.89% 0.97% 0.38% 0.22% 0.30% 0.30% Release Site Sawtooth Weir Little Salmon R. - Stinky Sp. Pahsimeroi Weir 1 Pahsimeroi Weir 2 Yankee Fork 1 Little Salmon R. - Stinky Sp. Stock Priority SawA PahA USRB DworB USRB/DworB USRB/DworB A smolts 279,000 186,000 B smolts Option MVFH MVFH MVFH MVFH MVFH MVFH SubTotal 2,483 1,804 942 205 1,581 651 7,666 248,000 93,000 527,000 217,000 1,085,000 Status Quo 465,000 Total Smolts 1,550,000 A Brood B Brood Total USAL B % Brood 360 116 244 56% DRAFT PREFERRED OPTION Smolts/Fe male 3,929 4,133 4,679 4,679 4,679 3,929 Release Site Sawtooth Weir Little Salmon R. - Stinky Sp. Pahsimeroi Weir 1 Pahsimeroi Weir 2 Yankee Fork 1 Little Salmon R. - Stinky Sp. Stock Priority SawA PahA 1 - USAL B 2 - USAL B 3 - USAL B SawA/PahA A smolts 279,000 186,000 B smolts SAR 0.89% 0.97% 0.38% 0.38% 0.38% 0.89% Adults Option 1. Little Salmon B to A, Prioritize USAL B stock for use at Pahsimeroi, increase Pahsimeroi release to 428K MVFH MVFH MVFH MVFH MVFH MVFH SubTotal 2,483 1,804 942 684 1,672 1,931 9,517 248,000 180,000 440,000 868,000 217,000 682,000 Total Smolts 1,550,000 Total 363 - USAL B % A Brood B Brood Brood 171 191 100% U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  17. Opportunity or Size? Abundance > Size - Three more times the A steelhead, more opportunity and conversion than what was done in the past and will be in the future. Size > Abundace - Conversions (38% from report) show about 2,152 adults with As vs. 919 adults for Bs Local trout > Yankee Fork steelhead returns Abundance > Size, if the 620,000 YF program was ...... YF Adult 1 Ocean Returns in YF 2 Ocean Returns in YF Program Release Size Conversion to YF (39%) SAR to LGD 0.89% 0.38% 0.30% 0.22% Adults back to LGD 620,000 SawA B USAL 50/50 B Mix B DNFH 5,518 2,356 1,860 1,364 2,152 919 725 532 1,595 557 723 571 419 196 155 113 From IDFG Data on % age at return Size > Abundance 1 Ocean SawA 74.10% USAL B 21.30% 2/3 Ocean 25.90% 78.70% 1 Ocean difference is 62-58 cm favoring B's . Or 1.5 inches 2 Ocean difference is 78-68 cm favoring B's . Or 3.9 inches U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  18. Outcome Agreement on the following . 1. 2. Discontinuing backfilling of USAL B programs with DNFH B stock. If future brood shortages occur with the USAL B returns for Yankee Fork, production will be made up with backfilling shortfalls with A stock and releases at existing A stock release sites (ie. Sawtooth weir). These will be coordinated through the Tuesday coordination calls and the AOP process Change - Little Salmon program release of 217,000 B-steelhead to A-steelhead. Shift of 87,000 B-production from Yankee Fork to Pahsimeroi Hatchery. The following will be the prioritization of USAL-B smolt production groups 1) 428,000 production at Pahsimeroi Hatchery 2) 440,000 production of USAL B at Yankee Fork. 3) As available and funded, egg box production of USAL B in Yankee Fork. The overall marking of USAL B should remain the same but there will be an increase in the number of coded wire tags from 341,000 to 428,000. Releases at Pahsimeroi Fish Hatchery will be entirely coded wire tagged and unclipped. These changes and actions will be additionally coordinated by LSRCP, IDFG and SBT with NOAA- Fisheries for ESA permitting compliance. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  19. Future Efforts Fall Chinook Implementation of yearling to subyearling conversion Proposed action to NOAA-Fisheries Reciprocal Study Discussion Steelhead in NE Oregon, SE Washington Spring/Summer Chinook in NE Oregon Annual Report FY 2019-2021 Structured Decision Making Course Budget Discussion and Statements of Work U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

  20. Questions? U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Office Conserving America s Fisheries

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