Case IH International 3500 Series A Loader Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1084262R1)
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International 3500 Series A Loader Tractor Operators Manual 1084262R1 I Reprinted I
6 THIS SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL INDICATES IMPORTANT SAFETY MESSAGES IN THIS MANUAL. WHEN YOU SEE THIS SYMBOL, , CAREFULL Y READ THE MESSAGE THAT FOLLOWS AND BE ALERT TO THE POSSIBILITY OF PERSONAL INJURY OR DEA TH. M171B If Safety Decals on this machine use the words Danger, Warning or Caution, which are defined as follows: DANGER: Indicates an immediate hazardous situation which if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. The color associated with Danger is RED. WARNING: Indicates an potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided, will result in serious injury. The color associated with Warning is ORANGE. CAUTION: Indicates an potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. The color associated with Caution is YELLOW. If Safety Decals on this machine are ISO two panel Pictorial, decals are defined as follows: The first panel indicates the nature of the hazard. The second panel indicates the appropriate avoidance of the hazard. Background color is YELLOW."" 6 WARNING IMPROPER OPERATION OF THIS MACHINE CAN CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. BEFORE USING THIS MACHINE, MAKE CERTAIN THAT EVERY OPERATOR: Prohibition symbols such as \:::I X and 8 if used, are RED. Is instructed in safe and proper use of the machine. Reads and understands the Manual(s) pertaining to the machine. Reads and understands ALL Safety Decals on the machine. Clears the area of other persons. Learns and practices safe use of machine controls in a safe, clear area before operating this machine on a job site. It is your responsibility to observe pertinent laws and regulations and follow Case Corporation instructions on machine operation and maintenance. Bur 0-00000 2001 Case Corporation issued November, 1994 CASE and IH are registered trademarks of Case Corporation
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To The Owner Your new International 3500 Series A Loader Tractor is integrally designed for strength and stability and with ample built-in weight and ruggedness to meet today's ex- acting requirements. Minimum maintenance cost and long life are economy features. The ease and comfort of operation, the ability to match ground speeds to engine power and work requirement, and the effortless ver- satility of the hydraulic system are intended to lighten your work and shorten your hours on the job. modern tools, and original-equipment IH service parts which assure proper fit and good performance. To obtain top performance and assure economical operation this equipment should be inspected, depending on its use, period- ically, or at least once a year, by your International Harvester dealer. Before you operate the equipment, study this manual carefully. It has been prepared to help you operate and maintain your equip- ment with utmost efficiency. Disregard in- structions for equipment not on your machine, New copies may be ordered from your dealer at a nominal price. The International 3500 Series A Loader Tractor has a synchromesh or hydrostatic transmission. Your local International Harvester dealer is interested in the performance you receive from this equipment. He has factory-trained servicemen, informed in the latest method of servicing tractors, loaders, etc. and When in need of parts, always specify the tractor and. engine serial numbers, including prefix and suffix letters. Write these serial numbers in the spaces provided below. 1 - Tractor serial number (Diesel and gas engines) 1 - Diesel engine serial number D - ~ 3 9 1 - G a s Q l i n ~ eftgine se.rial n u m i b ~ r C 200 (LOCCiih'd behind oil filter)
SERVICE MANUAL lNFORMATION Your International Harvester Dealer and his factory trained servicemen are best qualified to service your equipment. Up-to-date instructions and adequate special tools are also a part of your Dealer's service facilities. This Operator's Manual was prepared to instruct you in proper operation and maintenance of your equipment. If you desire additional information you may purchase Service Manuals. Cut out this order blank. and forward, together with your check or money order in the appropriate amount(U. S. Funds) to: International Harvester Company INT E RNA TIONAL HARVESTER PRESS 4829 South Kedzie Avenue Chicago, lliinois 60632 Attention: Cashier Cut along this line 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 'I I I Q)I .S: -I rill ..... , :51 1 ~ 01 'Cd: ~ I Please print Please send me (check items in box) D o D D and Industrial Equipment and Service Manuals GSS-1377-H Engine and Fuel System (Diesel, D-239) $4.50 GSS-1395-J Engine and Fuel System (Gasoline, C-200) GSS-1434 Chassis GSS-5042-I Complete listing of International Farm $2.00 $3.00 .50 Total __ _ ::;il C). NAME ________________________________________________ __ STREETADDRESS ____________________________________ ___ CITY AND STATE _____________________ _ Zip Code Date Signed Prices SUbject to change without notice.
INTRODUCTION 1 - Loader control lever 2 - Floodlight 3 - Headlight 4 - Rear 5- Flashing warning lights 6 - Rear lights 7 - Left 8 - Loader lift cylinder 9 - Loader bu.cket 10 - Loader bucket level indicator 11 - Front: 12 - Bucket cyl inder 13 - Right 14 - Loader boom . lIIust. 2 Left side view showing location of units in terms of location. Assembled in this manual are operation, lubrication, and maintenance instructions for International 3500 Series A Loader Tractor available with a gasoline or diesel engine. LEFT and RIGHT indicate the left and right sides of the machine whEln facing for- ward in the driver's seat. FRONT indicates the loader end and REAft indi'Cates .. the rear axle end of the machine. When ordering service parts, follow the above p r o c e d u r ~ . The illustrations in this manual are m ~ l m b e r e d to corresppnlil with the pages on which they appear; for example, .ltIusts. 13 and UA are on .page 13.
WORK SA LY- ;fhis symbot is used focal! your attentionfo instrtld.ioh$ conc'e'rn ing your personal safety. Be sure to observe and follow these in- st.fuc;tions . Put all controls in stop position before starting the engine. . A CAREFUL OPERATOR IS TH.E BEST INSUR- ANCE A'GAINST AN ACtIDI:N:r Know t h ~ l ~ ~ n t r Q , r s and What they dp., , Operate the engine only in well ventilated areas. " -, - , \ , ~ ' ; \' - This eq1.:Ji\l11\lil'enj ,can be dangerous if not usedpPQI>erlYI The operator, therefore, should!develop safe wOIlking habits and also be awat e. o f ~ h a z a r d o ' l l s c o n d i t l b n s . lfithis w c i : y h e ; ; w U l ! p r 0 t e c t . h i m $ ' ~ l f " o t l 1 . e r personnel, and t h e ) J ~ a d ~ r , . ~ a f e o p e r a t i l o n , f0rthe most part,! l ' $ i , ; ~ e < r e s p b n s i b i l i t y of t h e \ ~ p e r a t o r . : D,o. not transport a load with the bucket raised above trans})ort position. A void sharp turns when backing up with the bucket filled and raised. , " " '. "',l ' Nevel' use the. loader asa battering ram. C h e o ~ , ~ t ) o l l a n t a n d e a g i n e ; ( } i ~ levels, and' p e r f o r ~ ' any ' Q t h r . n e c e S s I : ) : r y s ~ r v i c e s ~ ; b e i ' " ' f { ) l ' e , ~ : m I ; t i n g t h e e n g i n e ~ ';; !':':','. !) W h ~ * ' f u e l i n g . a f t i . ; e n g i l i l e , ; k e ~ ; ~ y type .of open mime away. po ncit, Smoke! Wait {Oretne '; engine to cool before r e f ' \ ! e l ~ . I 1 g it.;, . Avoid .. sudden' starts, exce,ssive speed, and sudden'stops . .. when operating on hiU'':' side, l'ougli ground,and most off-the'::l'oad operations. .. ; ~ Use . extreme ,care when working close to "fences, ;Iiditches "or'bh hillsides. ': ~ , r ~ - "> ;'0 Chee;K a n q s t r a X g h t e n t w i s t ~ 4 : n o s e s . ; Do not attem})t to :repair ,01' tIghten hoses when under pt:elSSlat:e, whenthebo'om is.r:Hsed, or with tl1e engine running. : R e d u c ~ speed when traveling on rough poads. Avoid o p e r a t i n , g s ~ d e w a y s on a.) steep slope whenever possible. Be 'SlU'e m ~ f f l e r and e X h a ~ ~ f p i p e extert- sions are in. p l ~ ~ ~ s o ~ x h a u s t \ g a . s e s ~ a r e dis- charged aWay :ff6in theopei ator. . . Check clearance carefully beforedriving under eleptric l i n e ~ " bridges, or e n t ~ r t n g or leaving b u ~ l d i I l g S . Clean dir4( trCl, 3h, arid g r e ~ s e ' f r o m . o p ~ r ator I s })latform ,;pedals,. aqd s t e p ~ . Do not permit a : r i y o l l ~ expept the 8perator on the machine. . s Use warning devices(i. e. flags,S. M. V. emblem, lights, etc.) which are approved for use by your l o c ~ l g o v ~ r n m e l l t agencies, when moving equipment on plablicroads. Keepthese devices clean a I ~ d ingoQd working condition. . . MO'llnting a ~ ~ s i s t . h a p d l e s and teps are provided fQrY2t\;r safety. Use them when . getting on or og Jhe tractor. Carefully supervise inexperienced oper- ators. AvoJd 1 0 0 s e - f ~ ; t t i n g clothing, which could catch on moving parts. Before starting engine m.ake sure helpers or observers stand clear of equipment. Watt for tractor to "STOP" before dis- mounting. Continued on next page 3
WORK SAFELY-FOLLOW THESE RULES be moved while the unit is being greased or worked on. To remove radiator cap when engine is "HOT", turn cap to the pressure relief point - let pressure and steam escape - then re- move it. Always carry a "Charged" fire extin- guisher and a first aid kit. Hydraulic fluid escaping under pressure can have enough force to penetrate the skin. Hydraulic fluid may also infect a minor cut or opening in the skin. If injured by escaping fluid, see a doctor at once. Serious infection or reaction can result if medical treatment is not given immediately. Make sure all connections are tight and that hoses and lines are in good condition before applying pressure to the system. Relieve all pres- sure before disconnecting the lines or per- forming other work on the hydraulic system. To find a leak under pressure use a small piece of cardboard or wood. Never use hands. Lock the park brake so tractor will not roll. Never leave the machine unattended with the engine running or with the bucket in the raised position. Rest the bucket on the ground and remove the ignition key before leaving the tractor. Shut off engine and remove ignition key. Block the wheels securely, and lower the buckets to the ground if the machine is parked on a hillside. stop the engine before lubricating, clean- ing, or adjusting. If it is necessary to raise the loader boom to work on the side, or front of the machine support the boom securely. The hydraulic control levers, or other control levers, or other controls are not to INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Index to reference numbers for items shown in !!Iust.5. The items listed here are described on various pages in this manual. 15 - Fuse holder (Page 37) 16 - Horn 'button 17 - Transmission speed lever (Page 10) 18 - Transmission range lever (Page 10) 19 - Heat indicator (c;oolant) (Page 30) 20 - Parking brake warning light (Page 37) 21 - Air deaner filter indicator (Page 7) 22 - Electronic tachometer and electric hourmeter(Page 12) 23. Ammeter 24 - Fuel gauge (Page 8) 25 - Instrument panel lights (Page 36) 26 - Engine oil pressure gauge (Page 19) 27 - Forward and reverse drive lever (Page 11) 1 - Loader control lever (Page 14) 2 - Fuel control lever (Diesel) Choke control lever (Gasoline) 3 - Hand throttle control 4 Parking hand brake (Page 11) 5 - Accelerator pedal (Page 9) 6 - Differential lock pedal (Page 9) 7 Independent power take-off operating lever (Page 28) 8 - Brake pedal (Page 9) 9 - Brake pedal latch (Page 9) 10 .. Clutch pedal ~ P a g e 10) 11 - Cigarette lighter 12 - Ether starting push button (Diesel) (Page 26) 13 - Lighting switch (Pag.e 2 ~ ) . 14 " Key ignition switah (Page 34) Turn Signal Switi:h (Not sho'wn) (Page'l6) . . . Note: An .anti-vandalism cover is used on the left instrument panel. Use care when dearHng the coyer ta prevent scratching the surface. . 4
INSTRUMENTS must. 5 Location of instruments llnd controls - diesel shown with synchromesh transmission. Reference ror items above are listed on page 4. vuriOllS tractor instruments and controls, Instruments Controls". NOTE: refer to "Universal Symbols for the to pictoriaUy 5
INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS lliust. 6 Location of instruments and controls diesel shown with hydrostatic transmission. 1 Loader control lever (page (4) 2 Fuel control lever (Diesel) Choke control lever (Gasoline) 3 Hand throttle control 4 Parking hand brake (Poge 11) 5 . Independent power take-off operating lever (Page 28) 6 Differential lock pedal (Page 9) 7 - Brake pedal {page 9) 8 - Brake pedal latch (Page 9) 9 Cigarette lighter 10 Forworcicontroi pedal (Poge 12) 19 Heat. indicator (coolnnt) (Page 30) 11 Ether starting push button (Diesel) (Page 26) 12 lighting switch (Page 13 . Reverse control pedal (Poge 12) 14 -Key ignition.switch (Page 34) 15 " Fuse holder (Page 37) 16 - Hom button 17 - Dump vaive and safety starting pedal (Page 13) 18 - Transmission range lever (Page 11) 20 - Parking brake warning light (Pogel7) 21 - Air cleaner filter indicator (Page 7) 22 .. E! ectroni c tachometer and electric hourmeter (Page 12) 23 - Ammeter 24 Fuel gauge (Page 8) 25 - Instrument panel lights (page 36) 26 Engine oil pressure gauge (Poge 19) . 6
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ERA T n ~ G Y O t J R NEW MACHINE BEFORE TRACTOR BREAK-fN PROCEDURE Any attempt to increase the engine horsepower by increasing engine r.p.m. above its rated maximum, or by other means, not only affects traveHng speeds but affects the life of matchin-g parts and voids the company responsibiUty as outlined in the warranty. Never operate an engine immediately un- der full load. Break it in carefully as shown in the table. Do not overload the engine at any time. Allow engine to warm up before operating at full load. If engine coolant temperature rises above range on temperature gauge, shift to lower gear on synchromesh trans- mission tractor. LUBRICA TION Lubricate the entire tractor, using the "Lubrication Guide" and the "Lubrication Table" for reference. Check the Gil levels. Refer to "Lubrication". Engine$peed CohtrGILevet- Position Period Load MaIntain engine speed 100 RPM ,a.bov'Effull load g Q y ~ r n e d s : p e e d . PNEUMATIC TIRES Check the air pressures. See the tafi:tes for front and rear tire inflation p r e s s u ~ ~ . Fully advanced FullloaCllgov- erned speed iwithoccasional short periods of lighter load. 2nd Through 5th Hours 1 , ~ , AIR CLEANING SYSTEM , . " Refer to "Air Cleaning System". During first 100 hours of operation with shipawayoil, avoid prolonged periods of en- gine idling, but,do not overload. Hydraulic filter elements must be changed as specb fied in "Lubrication Guide". ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM Never start or operate the engine with- out first checking to see if the radiator is filled to the proper level, for the prevailing temperature, with soft or rain water or antifreeze. Refer to "Cooling System" . Tractors shipped in. the United States and Canada have the cooling system filled with antifreeze. GOVERNOR (Gasoline) The governor is set at the factory and should require no adjustment. Consult your International Harvester dealer if the gover- nor does not function properly. Never operate the engine at more than the regular governed speed. Excessive speeds are harmful. Refer to "Engine Speeds" in the "Specifications". FUEL SYSTEM Refer to "Engine and Fuel System". 7
DRIVING filter by opening the valve at the bottom of the filter case and draining until clear fuel appears. Close the drain as soon as clean fuel appears. PREPARING THE TRACTOR FOR EACH DAY'S WORK Check the level of the coolant in the radiator. Refer to "Cooling System", Check the oil level in the engine crank- case. Also lubricate the chassis points re- commended for daily service. Refer to "Lubrication Guide" and "Lubrication Table". SUSPENSION SEAT Inspect the tires for general condition. FUEL GAUGE When the key switch is turned on, the fuel gauge indicates the level of the fuel in the fuel tank. Note: The key must be left in the "On" pOSition while the engine is running so the fuel gauge will function. FILLING THE FUEL TANK Caution! Never remove the fuel tank cap or fill the fuel tank when the engine is running, is hot, or when near an open flame. Do not smoke when working around inflammable fuel as the air around the tractor is mixed with highly explosive vapor. When pouring fuel, keep the container or hose nozzle in contact with the metal of the fuel tank to avoid the possibility of an electric spark igniting the fuel. 1 Adjusting handle {not seen} 2 Lock out lever 3 Weight control adjusting knob lIIust. 8 Seat adjustment controls The seat can be adjusted forward or rearward by means of the adjusting handle at the left side of the seat. Fill the fuel tank, preferably at the end of each day's work. This will force out any moisture-laden air and prevent condensa- tion. Note: Do not fill the tank to its full capac- ity as space is required for vapor expansion in the event of a temperature change. A tank filled to capacity may overflow if ,exposed to a rise in temperature or direct sunlight. Weight Adjuster To adjust the seat to the operator's weight, turn the weight control adjusting knob in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction so that the indicator is set at the number nearest the operator's weight. See lIIust. 8. The fuel tank has an air vent tube. Peri- odically run a wire through the tube to as- sure proper flow of fuel from the tank to the engine. Before starting the die,ael tractor for each day" s' work, drain the primary fqel The lock-out lever provides the means to lock or unlock the preset position of the seat by simply mOving the lock-out lever up or down. 8
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