Satisfiability - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Understanding Complexity in Polynomial Time: MAJORITY-3SAT and Related Problems

Dive into the world of MAJORITY-3SAT and its related problems, exploring the complexity of CNF formulas and the satisfiability of assignments. Discover the intricacies of solving canonical NP-complete problems and the significance of variables in determining computational complexity.

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Resolution method in AI is an inference rule used in propositional and first-order predicate logic to prove sentence satisfiability. It employs a proof by refutation technique to achieve contradiction, ultimately concluding the original goal's truth. The process involves converting statements to cla

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Satisfiability Modulo Abstraction for Separation Logic with Linked Lists

This study explores the application of satisfiability modulo abstraction in separation logic with linked lists. It presents a technique using abstract interpretation concepts to handle separation logic formulas beyond previous methods, specifically focusing on over-approximating heaps that satisfy t

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Understanding Satisfiability Modulo Theories: Lecture Insights

Variables, terms, signatures, and formulas explained in first-order logic. Explore models, interpretations, and satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). Discover common theories like EUF, LIA, LRA, and decision procedures for EUF.

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Accelerating Lemma Learning Using Joins in Satisfiability Modulo Theories

Explore the use of joins in accelerating lemma learning within the context of Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT). The study covers various SMT applications at Microsoft and delves into the development of the Z3 solver. Key topics include theories, arithmetic operations, array theory, uninterpreted

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Introduction to PDDL Planning Domain Language

PDDL (Planning Domain Description Language) is a language based on STRIPS with various extensions, widely used in the International Planning Competition. It allows for specifying tasks via domain and problem files, representing predicates, operators, objects, initial states, and goal states. Blackbo

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Bounded Satisfiability Checking for Early Legal Compliance Verification

Early verification of legal compliance is crucial to avoid consequences such as violating regulations like GDPR. Through bounded satisfiability checking using Metric First-order Temporal Logic (MFOTL), this research focuses on system design verification for regulatory compliance. The study addresses

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Understanding SAT Problems and Solution Techniques

Exploring SAT problems and solution techniques such as truth table enumeration, theorem proving, and specialized algorithms for definite clauses. Dive into forward chaining algorithms and their role in solving satisfiability problems efficiently.

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Understanding Z3: An Efficient SMT Solver

Z3 is an efficient Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver that integrates various decision procedures for program analysis, verification, and test case generation. It supports linear arithmetic, bit-vectors, uninterpreted functions, quantifiers, and offers an extensive API for different program

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SMT-LIB: The Satisfiability Modulo Theories Library Overview

The Satisfiability Modulo Theories Library (SMT-LIB) is a comprehensive tool for formal reasoning in various supported theories such as arrays, bit vectors, and integer and real arithmetic. It provides a wide range of supported sublogics for precise specifications and verifications. Moonzoo Kim, fro

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Understanding NP-Completeness: Cook-Levin Theorem and Clique Problem

Today's lecture delved into NP-completeness, focusing on the Cook-Levin Theorem and the Clique Problem. NP-completeness is defined as a language that is in NP and all other languages in NP are polynomial-time reducible to it. The Cook-Levin Theorem states that SAT, a Boolean satisfiability problem,

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