Oblates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Oblate Mission in Japan: Past, Present, and Future Endeavors

Articulating the strategic direction of the Oblate presence in Japan since 1948, this narrative delves into the historical context, the evolving ground situations of the Church and the Oblates, specialized apostolates, and priorities for future ministries, emphasizing the co-existence of the Oblates

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St. Eugene de Mazenod and the First Generation of Oblates

St. Eugene de Mazenod had a vision in 1814 to organize a team of missionaries to evangelize Provence. His plan involved setting up a society of missionaries, emphasizing the importance of living in a regular manner. Through letters and collaborations with priests like Hilary Aubert and Father Tempie

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The Missionary Community in the Early Church: Apostolic Foundation

Illustrating the foundation and essence of the early Christian missionary community, the Acts of the Apostles serves as a blueprint for unity, mission, and community building based on the model of Jesus and his Apostles. Embracing the call of Jesus Christ, the Oblates strive to embody the apostolic

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