Remote Diagnostic Assessment Explained by Clinical Neuropsychologist
Remote diagnostic assessment, also known as telepractice, allows assessors and individuals to be in separate locations while using internet-connected devices for assessment sessions. A facilitator may be present for support, and precautions are taken to ensure confidentiality and integrity of the as
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Practical Techniques for Managing Fatigue in Clients with Neurological Conditions
This session by Dr. Nina McLoughlin, a Senior Clinical Psychologist/Neuropsychologist, focuses on practical fatigue management techniques for clients with brain injuries, strokes, and other neurological conditions. Emphasizing the importance of addressing sleep as the primary intervention point, the
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Strategies for Conflict Resolution and De-escalation
Learn how to identify and manage personal reactions that fuel conflicts, understand the physiological triggers of fight or flight responses, and discover effective ways to de-escalate conflicts before they escalate. Dr. Randy Reese, a Clinical Neuropsychologist, provides insights and strategies for
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