Secure Shared Data Analysis Environment on Kubernetes at CERN
Develop a secure shared data analysis environment at MAX IV using CERN JupyterHub on Kubernetes. Utilize container images with custom kernels and manage resources efficiently, including GPU sharing. Integrate with existing LDAP credentials for seamless operation. Follow operational requirements with
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Introduction to High Throughput Computing Notebooks with HTCondor
Explore the world of high throughput computing through Jupyter Notebooks, capable of running on laptops or remote servers. Learn to set up personal HTCondor pools, utilize Python bindings, and integrate with JupyterHub for efficient scientific computing.
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Enhancing Classroom Learning with Jupyter Notebooks at UW-IT
The University of Washington's Information Technology (UW-IT) department implements JupyterHub to provide students and instructors with computational environments through Jupyter Notebooks. This initiative offers a hassle-free solution for accessing programming resources and course materials. The pi
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