Frbr - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Understanding Nomen Entity in RDA Training Module

Explore the development of the Nomen entity in RDA training, differentiating nomen and nomen strings, identifying RDA elements for describing a nomen, and examining relationship elements linking RDA entities with nomens. Delve into the origins and attributes of nomens as defined in FRBR and FRAD sta

1 views • 48 slides

Understanding IFLA LRM: A Conceptual Reference Model

IFLA LRM, created by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, consolidates FRBR, FRAD, and FRSAD models into a coherent framework. It aims to structure bibliographic data logically and inclusively, focusing on end-user needs and tasks. The model describes interrelated e

0 views • 11 slides

Cataloging Training Course Overview: FRBR, RDA, BSR

Delve into a comprehensive cataloging training course covering key topics such as FRBR concepts, RDA cataloging instructions, and BSR standards. Each day focuses on specific learning objectives to enhance your understanding of bibliographic records creation. Embrace the journey of mastering FRBR and

0 views • 84 slides

Understanding ELI and ELI-DL: A Comprehensive Overview

ELI and ELI-DL are frameworks formalized as ontologies for describing documents and activities, providing a descriptive but non-prescriptive approach. They utilize a model based on FRBR to categorize documents and their subdivisions, with ELI focusing on legislative acts and ELI-DL on documents duri

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