Fever of unknown origin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Understanding Acute Rheumatic Fever: Causes, Symptoms, and Impact

Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF) is a multisystem disease resulting from an autoimmune response to a sore throat caused by Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococci. It primarily affects children aged 5-14 years and can lead to rheumatic heart disease (RHD), which is the most common cause of heart disease in c

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Latin Origin Words with the /s/ Sound Spelled "sc" Activities

Engage students in identifying and exploring words with the /s/ sound spelled "sc," which have Latin origin. This educational material includes teaching activities, independent tasks, and spelling rules to enhance understanding of words like science, ascend, scenery, and more. Students delve into de

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Spectrophotometric Determination of Copper Sulfate Concentration

The experiment aims to determine the concentration of an unknown copper (II) sulfate solution by measuring light absorption at different wavelengths. Colored solutions absorb specific light wavelengths and appear colored to our eyes. By creating a calibration curve and following Beer's Law, the conc

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Ocean freight insurance is vital for protecting shipments from origin to destination, ensuring peace of mind for shippers. This type of insurance covers potential risks such as damage, loss, theft, or delays that can occur during ocean transit. Given the complexities and unpredictability of internat

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Potomac Horse Fever: Clinical Presentation and Diagnostic Plan

A 5-year-old Quarter Horse gelding presents with symptoms of colic and possible Potomac Horse Fever. Initial physical examination reveals sweating, tachycardia, and abnormal bowel sounds. The differential diagnoses include gastrointestinal infections, viral and bacterial causes. The diagnostic plan

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Understanding Title VI of the Civil Rights Act

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs receiving federal financial assistance. This act outlines the obligations of state agencies and recipients of federal funds to ensure equality and non-discrimination. The tra

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The Origin of Viruses: Theories and Evidence

Viruses are acellular parasites with a complex replication mechanism. Studies on their origin present challenges due to the lack of fossils. Three main hypotheses include regressive, cellular origin, and co-evolution. The regressive hypothesis suggests viruses originated from complex ancestors that

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Understanding Rules of Origin and Tariff-Free Trading with the EU

Rules of Origin (RoO) determine the economic nationality of a product, impacting tariffs and restrictions. To trade tariff-free with the EU, compliance with RoO is crucial. Specific rules dictate ingredient sourcing, with certification processes ensuring eligibility for tariff reductions. Certain pr

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Theories on the Origin of State: Divine, Force, Patriarchal, and More

Various theories such as Divine Origin, Force Theory, Patriarchal Theory, and others explain the origin of the state. Divine theories attribute state creation to God, while Force Theory emphasizes the strong subjugating the weak to establish authority. Each theory offers unique perspectives on the h

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Case Review: Diagnostic Dilemma in Urology - Management Approach for a Patient with Abdominal Pain and Fever

A 58-year-old man with a history of diabetes and hypertension presents with fever and abdominal pain, raising multiple differential diagnoses including symptomatic AAA, pyelonephritis, acute appendicitis, complicated urolithiasis, or diabetic ketoacidosis. The case explores clinical manifestations,

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Understanding Wheatstone Bridge Circuit for Resistance Measurement

Wheatstone Bridge is a precise instrument for measuring unknown electrical resistances by balancing a bridge circuit. This practical application involves using resistors of known values to determine the unknown resistance. The voltage division formula plays a key role in calculating the unknown resi

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Mystery Case Study: 75-Year-Old Male with Fever and Altered Mental Status

A 75-year-old male with a history of multiple animal exposures presented with fever, altered mental status, headache, and diarrhea. Physical exam revealed vital signs within normal limits, and labs showed various results including negative infectious disease workup but pending further tests. Imaging

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Understanding Enteric Fever (Typhoid Fever): Causes, Contagiousness, and Prognosis

Enteric fever, commonly known as typhoid fever, is an acute illness caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria transmitted through contaminated food or water. This fever is highly contagious, with individuals becoming carriers even after recovering. Close contact, contaminated water, and poor sanitation co

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Overview of Registered Exporter System (REX) for Origin Certification under Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) for EU

REX is a self-certification system allowing registered exporters to declare the origin of goods. This system simplifies the process by enabling exporters to issue a Statement on Origin (SOO) themselves. Eligible entities in Pakistan can register under REX, ensuring compliance with EU Customs Regulat

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Understanding Ephemeral Fever/Three-Day Sickness in Cattle and Water Buffalo

Ephemeral fever (Three-Day Sickness) is an acute arthropod-borne viral disease affecting cattle and water buffalo. It is caused by the Bovine Ephemeral Fever Virus and manifests with biphasic fever, decreased milk yield, and other clinical signs. The disease has varying prevalence and can lead to hi

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Analysis of "The Unknown Citizen" by W. H. Auden

The poem "The Unknown Citizen" by W. H. Auden is a satirical commentary on modern society's dehumanization and loss of individual identity. Through the persona of an unnamed citizen reduced to a mere number, the poem critiques bureaucratic control, conformity, and the erasure of personal agency. The

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Foot and Mouth Disease: Overview, Symptoms, and Sequelae

Foot and Mouth Disease, also known as Aphthous fever, is a highly contagious viral infection affecting cloven-hoofed animals. It is characterized by the formation of vesicles and erosions in the mouth, nose, teats, and feet. The disease can cause a fall in milk yield, high fever, loss of appetite, a

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Understanding Rickettsia: Pathogenesis, Clinical Manifestations, and Diagnosis

Rickettsia, a genus of Gram-negative bacteria transmitted by arthropods, is responsible for diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever. It causes symptoms such as high fever, rash, and severe headache. Laboratory diagnosis involves serology and isolation from experimental animals. Learn more about R

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Unusual Case of Fever with Gastrointestinal Symptoms in a 22-Year-Old Patient

A 22-year-old male from Pune presents with high-grade fever, chills, myalgia, arthralgia, loose stools, and vomiting for 2 days. Past history is unremarkable, while the family history includes hypothyroidism in the mother and hypertension in the father. General examination reveals normal vital signs

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Pediatric Case Presentation: Fever and Rash in a 3-Year-Old Patient

A 3-year-old female presented with fever, rash, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, and dyspnea. History revealed incomplete immunization and household fever cases. Physical exam showed tachycardia, respiratory distress, rash, and other symptoms. Past medical history indicated normal development and perinata

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Understanding Fever: Causes, Assessment, and Management in Emergency Medicine

A temporary increase in core body temperature, aka fever, can be a response to various conditions, both physiological and pathological. It is a common complaint in emergency departments, with infections being a primary cause. Assessment involves looking into associated symptoms, duration, medical hi

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Molecularly-Guided Therapy vs Platinum Chemotherapy in CUP Patients

This trial aims to compare the efficacy and safety of molecularly-guided therapy or cancer immunotherapy based on genomic profiling with platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with cancer of unknown primary site. The study design includes multiple treatment regimens guided by genomic profiles, with

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Understanding Country of Origin Determination by U.S. Customs

The country of origin for exports is a crucial aspect in international trade, especially for goods exported to the U.S. This article delves into how U.S. Customs determines the actual country of origin, the implications of origin fraud, and the warning against illegitimate practices. It sheds light

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Technical Soundness of EU-SADC EPA Rules of Origin

The implementation and technical soundness of Rules of Origin under the EU-SADC EPA are crucial for the utilization of trade preferences. Compliance with rules of origin is essential for receiving tariff preferences, but drafting these rules accurately is challenging. Recommendations include specify

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Overview of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Cattle and Other Species

Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is a fatal disease affecting various species, caused by two different viruses transmitted from wild animals. It is characterized by low morbidity but high mortality rates, with distinct clinical signs such as sudden death, head and eye manifestations, and intestinal i

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Understanding Bovine Ephemeral Fever: Key Information and Insights

Bovine Ephemeral Fever, also known as Three-Day Sickness or Three-Day Fever, is an economically important arboviral disease affecting cattle and water buffalo in tropical and semitropical regions. It is caused by an arthropod-borne rhabdovirus and primarily transmitted by mosquitoes and biting midge

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Understanding Proportions in Mathematics

Explore the concept of proportions in mathematics as you learn to define proportions, determine their accuracy, find unknown values, and solve problems using proportions. Key vocabulary such as ratio, proportion, cross multiplication, equality, and fractions are covered in this lesson. Practice iden

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Origin and Evolution of Angiosperms: Insights into Their Phylogenetic Origins

Undisputed fossil records reveal the significant appearance and diversification of angiosperms during the Mesozoic era. The debate on the origin of angiosperms revolves around their monophyletic versus polyphyletic nature. While some argue for a monophyletic origin based on shared characteristics, o

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Strategies for Developing a National Nuclear Forensics Library

Nuclear forensics involves comparing data from unknown sources with known material characteristics to determine their origin. Establishing a national nuclear forensics library is crucial for identifying nuclear materials and promoting international cooperation in investigations. Key elements include

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Ticagrelor Added to Aspirin in Acute Non-Severe Ischemic Stroke or TIA of Atherosclerotic Origin

Among patients with transient ischemic attack (TIA) or minor ischemic strokes, adding ticagrelor to aspirin has shown superior efficacy in preventing stroke or death, particularly in those with ipsilateral atherosclerotic stenosis. The THALES trial demonstrated that ticagrelor added to aspirin was m

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Ignaz Semmelweis and the Fight Against Puerperal Fever

Ignaz Semmelweis, a pioneer in antiseptic procedures, determined the cause of puerperal fever in the 19th century. His work led to a significant reduction in maternal mortality by identifying the importance of handwashing in healthcare settings. Puerperal fever, a common cause of death in women afte

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Case Study: A New Kid on the Block - Pediatric Presentation

An 11-year-old girl presented with a four-month history of fever, three months of generalized weakness and body ache, and a recent weight loss. Physical examination revealed pallor, edema, generalized tenderness, lymphadenopathy, and telangiectatic rash. Vitals showed elevated respiratory and heart

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Understanding the Impact of African Swine Fever on China's Agriculture Sector

The outbreak of African Swine Fever (ASF) in China has had significant ramifications on the global protein industry. With mortality rates exceeding 95% and no vaccine available, the country has seen massive losses in its hog population, affecting pork supplies worldwide. Chinese authorities are taki

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Understanding Web Security: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing & Same-Origin Policy

Exploring the concepts of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and Same-Origin Policy (SOP) in web security, including their implications on data sharing between different origins and how browsers enforce security restrictions to prevent unauthorized access.

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Understanding the Seal of Origin Program in Chile

The Seal of Origin Program in Chile aims to add value to traditional products by emphasizing their specific geographical origins and unique qualities. It includes seals, geographical indications, appellations of origin, and certification marks to highlight the authenticity and standards of products.

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Mysterious Diseases in Edinburgh

A series of mysterious diseases are plaguing the city of Edinburgh, each with unique and deadly symptoms. From rapid onset and dehydration to rashes, lumps, and pustules, these illnesses are causing widespread panic. The origin of these diseases remains unknown, and different districts of the city a

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Complex Case Study of Fever of Unknown Origin in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis

A 42-year-old African American male with a history of Multiple Sclerosis presented with a fever of unknown origin, challenging the medical team to identify the underlying cause despite multiple investigations, treatments, and consultations. His complex medical history, including prior UTI treatment

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Understanding Sore Throats and Rheumatic Fever

Learn about the impact of sore throats and rheumatic fever, particularly on Maori and Pacific families. Discover how rheumatic fever affects the body and ways to protect your whanau. Find information on treating strep throat and getting help from health workers or the Healthline. Acknowledgements to

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Yellow Fever: Adverse Reactions and Risks

Yellow fever vaccination can lead to severe adverse reactions like anaphylaxis, neurotropic disease, and viscerotropic disease. These reactions can range from immediate hypersensitivity to rare but serious outcomes such as meningitis and multiple system organ failure. The mortality rate associated w

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Challenges in Continuing Yellow Fever Activities Amid COVID-19

Challenges persist in sustaining yellow fever activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, with decreased surveillance, delayed outbreak responses, and logistical disruptions impacting efforts to eliminate yellow fever epidemics. The EYE partnership focuses on protecting at-risk populations, preventing

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