Introduction to Quantum Chromodynamics & Field Theories in High-Energy Physics
Explore the fundamentals of Quantum Chromodynamics and Classical Field Theories in this informative lecture, covering topics such as global and local symmetries, Lagrangians, actions, and dynamics. Understand the significance of global and local symmetries in classical field theories, along with exa
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Effective Mass in Crystals: Insights and Applications
The concept of effective mass in crystals delves into how electrons interact with the lattice potential, leading to altered particle masses that affect their behavior. This phenomenon is crucial in applying electrodynamics equations to charge carriers in solids, where the electron mass can differ fr
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Magnetic Permeability and Electrodynamics in Macroscopic Systems
Exploring the dispersion of magnetic permeability, permittivity, and magnetization in different frequency ranges. Discussing conditions for neglecting certain parameters and the impact of electromagnetic waves on small body dimensions. Highlighting the importance of magnetization in macroscopic elec
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