Understanding Biblical Modesty: A Comprehensive Study

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Delve into the in-depth exploration of Biblical modesty, focusing on key scriptures like Isaiah, James, Philippians, and Proverbs. Discover the true essence of modesty, its significance in Christianity, and the relationship between modesty and pride. Unpack the concept of modesty in the context of Christian values and behaviors.

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  1. Introductory Scriptures Isaiah 2:12 Isaiah 23:9 James 4:10 Philippians 2:3 Proverbs 8:13 Proverbs 11:2 Proverbs 16:5 Proverbs 16:18 Proverbs 16:19 Proverbs 21:4 Proverbs 21:24 Psalm 138:6 Romans 12:3 Romans 12:16

  2. Biblical Modesty What is this lesson about? If you said, pride , you would be wrong. It s Modesty. Modesty can be a controversial topic. It is the word of God that should drive our discussions about modesty. What has God revealed about it?

  3. Biblical Modesty First, we need to define. To properly do this we must first make sure PRIDE is not an issue that will make our vision cloudy about modesty. A definition must focus on the heart. Biblical modesty is primarily about our motivations. Modest dress is also about discernment, having an awareness of others and our environment.

  4. Biblical Modesty Some say that women are not to blame for a man s lustful thoughts and actions. To that, I would have to agree a person is never guilty of another person s sin. Modesty, however, is NOT only about US or ME as pride would trick us. Remember, our lesson isn t ABOUT pride, but pride has a great deal to do with modesty or loose definitions of the word.

  5. Biblical Modesty So how then do we define biblical modesty? Where does modesty fit into Christianity? We will look at 6 points and see what a definition might look like. 1 Timothy 2:9-10

  6. Biblical Modesty Christian women and men should concern themselves with modesty because the Bible does. This text is a primary example. Paul is writing about women in these verses, but men must also embrace modesty. Modesty and how one dresses are symptoms of our heart s attitudes & respect towards God and His word. We will look at six points about a Christian s modesty in regards to what the bible says about it.

  7. Biblical Modesty 1. Modesty is not anti-fashion. At the outset, we should take note that Paul is not anti- adornment. The force of his statement is positive: women SHOULD adorn themselves. These are not the words of an anti-fashion prude. The same word adorn in Rev. 21:2 is used to speak of a bride beautifying herself for her husband. It is a term that expresses being ornamented, well-kempt, and put in order. The question for Paul isn t about whether a woman should ornament her body, but HOW.

  8. Biblical Modesty 2. Modesty is also about who you worship. In the context, Paul is talking about how women should prepare themselves for gathering at church. Women are commanded to adorn themselves in a way that is fitting for worship. If they profess godliness that is, they desire to show God honor and reverence how should they dress in order to do that?

  9. Biblical Modesty 2. Modesty is also about who you worship. Paul puts his finger on the reason for the problem. In Ephesus, the original destination of this letter, the cultural elite were known for their gaudy and extravagant wardrobes, their elaborate hair styles, and their expensive clothing that communicated extraordinary wealth. Are we ever tempted to do that? Paul paints a picture of this for the Ephesians Christians and says, Don t mimic that.

  10. Biblical Modesty 2. Modesty is also about who you worship. When you come to church, come dressed in a way that shows you desire for the attention to be on God, not yourself. A person s manner of dress, or even their preoccupation with clothing itself, is often indicative of a heart that loves self more than God. In Matthew 6:28-30 we are told not to dwell on or worry about our clothes and other things, & those who did were called ye of little faith.

  11. Biblical Modesty 3. Modesty is about behavior and attitude, not just clothing. When Paul says that women should wear respectable apparel, but modesty is a term that encompasses not just clothing, but one s whole DEMEANOR, ATTITUDE, and ACTIONS.

  12. Biblical Modesty 3. Modesty is about behavior and attitude, not just clothing. From the clothing she wears to the way she carries herself, a Christian woman ought to be seemly and well-ordered, respectable, and with sobriety (1 Timothy 2:9). Ultimately, what should adorn a woman is not just clothing but good works.

  13. Biblical Modesty 3. Modesty is about behavior and attitude, not just clothing. Ephesians 2:10 tells us as Christians, we are being or should be remade by God for good works. Titus 2:14 says Christ died so that we might be zealous for good works. Women and men should seek to dress their lives in works that do good to others, marked with godly love.

  14. Biblical Modesty 3. Modesty is about behavior and attitude, not just clothing. This means biblical modesty is not simply about what we wear, but how we act, how we communicate, and how we relate to others.

  15. Biblical Modesty 4. Modesty shows sensitivity to sin. In this text Paul says a woman s apparel should be worn with modesty. Another translation opts for the word decency. The King James Version translates this shamfacedness, which gets more to the heard of the word.

  16. Biblical Modesty 4. Modesty shows sensitivity to sin. It is talking about a demeanor of reverence showing respect to oneself and a regard for others. It even carries the connotation of bashful. Connected to the term shame, the word implies the idea of grief over sin that is in the world that a woman would be so sensitive to sin, knowing that sin is offensive to God, that she would never come close to trying to provoke it in others.

  17. Biblical Modesty 4. Modesty shows sensitivity to sin. No, a woman is not guilty of a man s lust if she dresses with the intention to allure him. He will have to account for his own sins like we all will. However, the one who is immodest is guilty of a lack of shamefacedness, decency and for treating sin lightly. A heart of modesty is motivated by a love for one s fellow man. We don t want our fellow man to sin, and should strive to follow God s work and help prevent sin.

  18. Biblical Modesty 5. Modesty involves cultural discretion. Paul didn t paint broad strokes when talking about modesty: he gave specifics. He said braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire were out of place for a truly modest woman.

  19. Biblical Modesty 5. Modesty involves cultural discretion. Some knowledge of Roman culture is helpful for understanding what Paul is saying. In Paul s day, Greek hairstyles for women were fairly simple: hair was supposedly parted in the middle and pinned in the back. But a culture change was sweeping the region. Women in the imperial household were wearing their hair with elaborate curls and braids, covered in expensive ornaments. So, the elite minded and those wanting noticed throughout the empire copied this style.

  20. Biblical Modesty 5. Modesty involves cultural discretion. For Paul, the appearance of braids and ornaments was more about WHAT the fashion COMMUNICATED. They carried connotations of imperial luxury and extravagant lifestyles, images that Christians are not to be noted for.

  21. Biblical Modesty 5. Modesty involves cultural discretion. Paul s description of immodest dress conjured a picture of someone preoccupied with appearance, fashion, luxury, and sexual looseness. Similarly, modern modesty standards are not about arbitrary rules of how much skin is shown or how low-cut something is, but about the messages and values our clothing communicates.

  22. Biblical Modesty 5. Modesty involves cultural discretion. But as Christians we are to be free from sin because we are united to Christ. In Romans 6:2 Paul exhorts us to live out this freedom: Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. When it comes to modest dress, we can follow Paul s next statement quite literally (READ VERSE 13). Paul wants Christian women to have self-mastery in their wardrobe choices, to be totally free from WORLDLY WAYS of defining worth, beauty, and desirability.

  23. Biblical Modesty 6. Modesty is about true freedom, not repression. More often than not, modesty standards in our society are seen as repressive, arbitrary rules that restrict a woman s creativity and freedom. But when modesty is motivated from the heart, the exact opposite is true.

  24. Biblical Modesty 6. Modesty is about true freedom, not repression. Paul says women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel with self-control. This might be better understood as self- mastery, being of sound mind or sober, being in control of one s impulses and appetites.

  25. Biblical Modesty 6. Modesty is about true freedom, not repression. Paul strove to keep his body in subjection (1 Cor. 9:27), and we have to control such things as our romantic desires just like the rest of our lives.

  26. Biblical Modesty 6. Modesty is about true freedom, not repression. Ironically, if we don t have PRIDE under control, it is not just those who are scantily dressed that are enslaved to this sin, but can even be those who are overly prideful of their modesty. If someone says Modest is hottest, they may be unaware that in their own hearts, they are still enslaved to a preoccupation with their physical image, still defining their worth by their outward adornment.

  27. Biblical Modesty So, we ve looked at 6 factors about modesty, thinking about what a biblical definition of modesty should be. Taken together then, these aspects of biblical modesty help to give us a working definition. I believe a biblical principle definition of modesty could be this: Modesty is a respectable manner of adorning one s body and carrying oneself, born out of a freedom from a worldly definition of beauty and worth, and motivated by a hatred of sin and a desire to draw attention to God.

  28. Biblical Modesty When it comes to the subject of modest clothing, the first question we should ask ourselves is: What am I trying to accomplish by what I wear? And secondly: If this question offends me do I have a problem with pride? Some people consider this controversial, but I believe we ve seen it s something that needs attention everyday, just like brushing our teeth.


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