Gender-Responsive Budgeting Approach in Burkina Faso

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Gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) initiatives in Burkina Faso focus on addressing inequalities and disparities between men and women to achieve greater social justice and equitable development. The country's commitment to reducing gender inequalities is highlighted through various efforts by the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Development, along with parliamentary authorization and citizen awareness. The National Gender Policy underscores the importance of prioritizing gender considerations across all areas of development to enhance overall societal well-being.

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  1. MINISTRY OF ECONOMY, FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY OF ECONOMY, FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT ---------- ---------- GENERAL SECRETARIAT GENERAL SECRETARIAT ----------------------------- ----------------------------- BUDGET DIRECTORATE BUDGET DIRECTORATE- -GENERAL GENERAL Communication on Gender Communication on Gender- -Responsive Budgeting (GRB) Budgeting (GRB) Responsive Ouagadougou - 29 June 2021 By M. OUEDRAOGO Daouda of the Budget Reform Directorate / Budget Directorate- General BURKINA FASO

  2. Content Recall the Gender Recall the Gender- -Responsive Budgeting (GRB) approach in Burkina Faso Responsive Budgeting (GRB) approach in Burkina Faso Present the key findings of the initiatives undertaken in 2020 Present the key findings of the initiatives undertaken in 2020

  3. The concept of gender in Burkina Faso In Burkina Faso In Burkina Faso "Gender "Gender must must be be analyzed analyzed from from the the perspective perspective of of inequalities inequalities and and disparities disparities between between men men and and women women by by examining examining different different social social categories categories with with the the aim aim of of achieving achieving greater greater social social justice justice and and equitable equitable development development. ." " (PNG (PNG 2009 2009- -2019 2019, , taken taken over over by by the the SNG SNG 2020 2020- -2024 2024) )

  4. In In Burkina Burkina Faso, inequalities inequalities are Faso, the are still still a a matter the NGP NGP (National matter of of concern (National Gender concern and Gender Policy) and in in all Policy) assessment assessment shows all areas areas of of development shows that that gender gender development. . Which Which explains explains the the importance importance of of: : The ministry to ensure compliance of its commitments towards its target audience The ministry to ensure compliance of its commitments towards its target audience to reduce gender inequalities, and capitalize on its contribution to the government's to reduce gender inequalities, and capitalize on its contribution to the government's overall commitment. overall commitment. The parliament to ensure parliamentary authorization and to exercise its control The parliament to ensure parliamentary authorization and to exercise its control over government actions as to taking into account the priority needs of the over government actions as to taking into account the priority needs of the populations. populations. The citizen to be informed of the actions of each ministry to reduce gender The citizen to be informed of the actions of each ministry to reduce gender inequalities. inequalities.

  5. In In the the context context of of gender gender- -responsive responsive budgeting, budgeting, the the ministries ministries that that carry carry the the related related public public policies policies are are responsible responsible for for the the budget budget programmes programmes that that take take this this theme theme into into account, account, the the other other ministries ministries being being able able to to contribute contribute to to it it through through specific specific actions actions. . NB NB: : Whether Whether the the ministry ministry is is carrying carrying out out a a programme, programme, an an action action or or simply simply an an activity activity that that has has repercussions repercussions on on gender, gender, it it must must define define indicators indicators that that will will allow allow its its contribution contribution to to the the national national or or sectoral sectoral objectives objectives set set on on gender gender to to be be measured measured. . All All departments departments are are engaged engaged in in the the GRB GRB process process. .

  6. The GRB approach in Burkina Faso Gender Gender- -responsive responsive budgeting budgeting has has been been operational operational in in Burkina Burkina Faso Faso since since 2019 2019 at at the the level level of of the the State State budget budget. . It It is is led led by by the the Ministry Ministry of of Finance Finance and and that that of of Women Women. . Following Following a a results results- -based based management management approach, approach, the the country country has has opted opted for for a a principle principle of of gradual gradual changeover changeover by by different different ministries ministries. . This This principle principle made made it it possible possible to to take take into into account account six six ( (06 06) ) ministries ministries in in 2019 2019, , eighteen eighteen ( (18 18) ) in in 2020 2020 and and twenty twenty ( (20 20) ) for for the the year year 2021 2021. . Today, Today, Burkina Burkina Faso Faso is is about about to to cover cover all all ministerial ministerial departments departments. . Indeed, Indeed, all all ministerial ministerial departments departments will will be be affected affected by by GRB GRB in in 2022 2022. . How How was was this this approach approach operationalized operationalized in in Burkina Burkina Faso? Faso?

  7. How? Ministry with marginal direct impact: Actions or activities Ministry with direct influence on gender: Different level of consideration depending on the ministry Support program or actions and activities Ministry responsible for public policy on gender: Gender budget programme 7

  8. How? Training-awareness Switching over by wave of ministries A gradual process Generalizations to institutions, communities and general appropriation 8

  9. The current situation? Elaborated tools Trained actors (ministries, National Assembly, Courts of Auditors, CSOs, PTF; Legitimation through the budget circular 20 ministries concerned (2021)

  10. Main findings of the 2020 report Physical Physical assessment assessment This This physical physical assessment 15 15 ministries ministries out 63 63 budget budget programmes, and and 14 14 familiar familiar with 84 84 gender gender- -sensitive their their targets, targets, 10 not not completed completed. . (high assessment relate out of of the programmes, 38 with gender sensitive indicators, 10 did did not not reach (high number number of of indicators relate to to: : the 18 18 initially 38 of of which gender and and children's indicators, 20 reach their initially concerned concerned which are children's rights 20 indicators their targets targets and indicators not are gender gender- -sensitive rights indicators reached and 54 not provided) provided) sensitive reached 54 were were

  11. Financial Financial statement statement On On a a final 74 74, ,929 929, ,010 The The total total budget amounted amounted to to 1 1, ,677 expenditure expenditure relating final forecast forecast of of 82 010 FCFA FCFA was was executed, budget executed executed at at the 677, ,057 relating to to gender 82, ,108 108, ,893 executed, i i. .e e. . an 893, ,000 an execution execution rate the level level of of the 584, ,000 000 FCFA, FCFA, i i. .e e. . a a rate gender. . 000 FCFA, FCFA, an rate of of 91 the ministries ministries concerned rate of of 6 6. .44 an amount amount of of 91. .26 26% %. . concerned 44% % for 057, ,584 for

  12. Challenges met Challenges met - Data Data not - Data Data transmitted transmitted tardively - Data Data that that cannot cannot be - Lack Lack of of justification justification for - The The situation situation of of merged - The The problem problem of of coordinating - The lack of means to verify the candour of the information The lack of means to verify the candour of the information communicated communicated not transmitted transmitted tardively be used used for underperformance underperformance merged departments departments coordinating the the process process at at the the level level of of the the ministries ministries

  13. Recommendations Recommendations Speed Speed up meeting meeting at at the engage engage in in the Strengthen Strengthen support budget budget and and provide Accelerate Accelerate the up the the holding holding of of the the Prime Prime Minister s the process process; ; support for provide a a mechanism mechanism for the inclusion inclusion of of these the Government Government seminar Minister s Office Office to to encourage seminar or or the encourage the the Cabinet Cabinet the ministries ministries to to for ministries ministries during during the for an an intra intra- -annual these themes themes in in the the preparation preparation of of their annual review review; ; the information information system their system; ;

  14. Recommendations Recommendations Strengthen Strengthen the Gender Gender promotion Organise Organise specific the the Secretaries Secretaries General the coordination coordination of of the promotion units units must specific training training sessions General of of the the process process at at the must play play their their role sessions for for budget the ministries ministries will the level level of of the the ministries ministries. . role; ; budget programme programme managers will partake partake. . managers in in which which

  15. Thank Thank you you for for your your attention attention
