Troubleshooting and Management of Absentee Voting: Practical Solutions

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Learn about handling absentee voter issues before and on Election Day, including troubleshooting rejected applications, reissuing ballots, and resolving absentee ballot delivery problems. Understand the procedures for recasting replacement ballots, submitting additional residency documentation, and troubleshooting absentee ballots on Election Day. Essential information for managing absentee voting effectively.

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  1. ABS Management & Troubleshooting Handling Absentee Issues

  2. Acronyms ABS = Absentee CEB = County Election Board ePB = Electronic Poll Book VR = Voter Registration

  3. ABS Troubleshooting: Before EDay Rejected ABS Applications Voter can submit a new application for review & approval Once submitted online at, a voter can t reapply unless the ABS app is rejected or cancelled by the county in SVRS ABS-5 Affidavit For Defective/Not Signed Ballots Used if ballot is destroyed, defective, lost, or spoiled by the voter Failure to sign or rejected for signature issues is a reason to use ABS-5 Voter completes ABS-5 and returns to county Ballot is reissued By mail, if requested by the voter Must be mailed to voter; cannot be handed over to voter During in-person absentee voting, if early voting has started Counties MUST maintain the original applications and ballot envelopes, even if they are rejected! Please DO NOT mail back an original app or envelope to ask the voter to cure their issue. IC 3-11-4-17.7 | IC 3-11.5-4-2

  4. ABS Troubleshooting: Before EDay If CEB orders a ballot reprinting to fix an error or omission each absentee voter is entitled to recast a replacement ballot ABS-12 (Request for Additional Residence Documentation) Required for first time voters who registered to vote by MAIL in Indiana and did NOT provide proof of residency or meet another exception Should generate in SVRS when processing application Must be sent with ABS mail ballot packet for voter to complete & return Voter files proof of residency document separately with county VR office by 6PM on election day ABS ballot may only be counted IF this information is received by 6PM on Election Day IC 3-11-4-18(b) | IC 3-11.5-4-3.5

  5. Absentee Troubleshooting: On EDAY Hand-delivery of ABS ballot Two options: Deliver to CEB at central count location by 6PM for absentee to be counted, if voter is otherwise qualified Surrender to Inspector at polling location to vote a regular ballot, if otherwise qualified Poll workers write spoiled on the absentee ballot/envelope and store with election materials PRE-5 Affidavit Used if voter did not receive mailed ABS ballot and voter wants to vote at the precinct on Election Day Voter signs affidavit & issued a regular ballot IC 3-11.5-4-10 | IC 3-11.5-4-18

  6. Absentee Troubleshooting: On EDay ABS-21 Used by a voter whose absentee ballot was rejected by the CEB Must go to the central count location to get the form from CEB not later than 5PM on Election Day Allows voter to vote in-person at their polling location, if otherwise qualified IC 3-11-4-13(f) | IC 3-11.5-4-21

  7. First Signature Review ALL ABS ballots must go through a FIRST signature review If signature is missing or mismatched, then follow ABS- 18A/ABS-18B procedures to treat ABS as provisional and mail notice to voter Notice and affidavit must be sent to voter at least 2 business days after missing/mismatched is determined Affidavit must be retuned by voter not later than noon, 8 days after election Can be sent by email, mail, fax, or hand-delivery Don t forget! The clerk or her designee must visit the post office at NOON on Election Day to retrieve any ABS ballots that might be on- site and not yet delivered to the central count IC 3-11.5-4-4 | IC 3-11.5-4-5 | IC 3-11.5-4-7

  8. Central Count Prep Before election day, MUST organize ABS apps (if applicable) & ballots by precinct Should be stored in receptable with bi-partisan locks Each appointed CEB member must hold one key for the lock Appointed CEB member or designee must be at clerk s office each day office receives ABS ballots back to store and secure ballots Prep lists and Election Day materials For paper poll list counties Absentee Courier (Carrier) Envelope, if applicable List(s) of individual requesting an absentee ballot Poll worker affidavit Rejected ABS Bag Other materials county election board authorizes for use to organize and manage material Be sure to request enough central count teams from party chairs (& couriers, if paper poll list used) IC 3-11-10-10 | IC 3-11.5-4-5 | IC 3-11.5-4-6

  9. Counting Absentee Ballots Before ABS ballots may be counted on Election Day: Second Signature Review. Review signatures on the application (or ePollbook for in-person voters) are compared against ABS ballot envelope, if applicable If ABS counters agree signatures do not match, then follow ABS- 18A/ABS-18B procedures to treat ABS as provisional and mail notice to voter If accepted, remove app from ballot envelope & set app aside An ABS counter team should be processing and counting the ABS ballots for a whole precinct REMINDER: CEB can agree to skip the second signature review of Travel Board/In-Person absentee voting, if resolution unanimously adopted by the CEB IC 3-11.5-4-12 | IC 3-11.5-4-13 | IC 3-11.5-4-13.5 | IC 3-11.5-4-13.6

  10. Reasons to Reject ABS Ballots An ABS ballot can be rejected for the following reasons: The affidavit on the ABS ballot envelope is insufficient The ABS ballot has not been endorsed with the initials of the two (2) members of the absentee voter board, the appointed CEB members, or the appointed CEB members designee The missing or mismatched signature is not cured under IC 3-11.5-4-13.5 or IC 3- 11.5-4-13.6 The absentee voter is not a qualified voter in the precinct. The absentee voter has voted in person at the election. The absentee voter has not registered. The ABS ballot envelope is open or has been opened and resealed. This does not apply to military/oversea voters or ABS-VPD voters who return a ballot by fax/email The ballot envelope contains more than one ballot of any kind for the same office or public question. In a primary election, if the absentee voter has not previously voted, the voter failed to execute the proper declaration relative to age and qualifications and the political party with which the voter intends to affiliate. The ballot has been challenged and there is no absentee ballot application from the voter to support the absentee ballot. IC 3-11.5-4-13

  11. ABS & Use of Provisional Ballots In-Person ABS Voting Issue a provisional ballot to a voter who does not present valid photo ID for voting purposes Challenges to ABS Voters In ePB counties CEB may challenge an ABS voter s ballot if they believe voter is not a legal voter of the precinct In paper poll list counties Appointed challengers at the polling place may challenge an ABS voter s ballot if they believe voter is not a legal voter of the precinct Challenger must do this before poll list is marked with ABS info delivered to polls by ABS courier IC 3-11.5-4-15

  12. Missing & Mismatched Signature If a missing or mismatched signature is found during First or Second signature review ABS Counters/CEB must write on the ABS ballot envelope or, if no envelope, the affidavit or other form of documentation: CEB has found the signature of this voter is not genuine. The ballot is subject to IC 3-11.5-4-13.5 or IC 3-11.5-4-13.6. Date & reasons for signature mismatch determination Voter s ABS materials are placed in provisional ballot envelope ABS Board or CEB should use other field on PRE-4 affidavit to note envelope contains ABS ballot with signature mismatch issue & complete other fields on the affidavit, including voter s name and precinct Information about signature mismatch or missing is recorded in SVRS IC 3-11.5-4-4 | IC 3-11.5-4-5 | IC 3-11.5-4-13.5 | IC 3-11.5-4-13.6

  13. Resolving Missing & Mismatched Signature Issues Signature Mismatch/Missing Notice Elements on ABS-18A & ABS-18B Instructions on how to complete & file signature mismatch affidavit or unsigned ballot affidavit with CEB Include note voter can provide reason for the signature mismatch Deadline for filing affidavit (not later than noon 8 days after election) Blank signature mismatch/unsigned ballot affidavit attached Signature Mismatch & Unsigned Ballot Affidavit Voter attests under penalties of perjury the signature on their ABS balloting materials IC 3-11.5-4-13.5 | IC 3-11.5-4-13.6

  14. Resolving Missing & Mismatched Signature Issues Signature Notice & Affidavit to be generated by SVRS County users must enter signature mismatch/missing signature issues on the voter s registration record Notice & Affidavit must be mailed or email to voter not later than close of business, two (2) business days after signature issue determined by CEB Mailed to the voter s registration address Email to the voter s email address if on file Voter must return affidavit to CEB by: Election Day, if voter delivers it to the Inspector of their voting location OR Mail, fax, email, or hand-delivery not later than noon (local prevailing time), eight (8) days after election Signature affidavit may be attached to PRE-4/PRO-2 provisional ballot envelope to prep for provisional ballot hearing IC 3-11.5-4-13.5 | IC 3-11.5-4-13.6

  15. Resolving Missing & Mismatched Signature Issues At the provisional ballot hearing for ABS ballots with signature issues: CEB opens provisional ballot envelope to retrieve ABS security envelope/affidavit If no envelope or affidavit, then no need to open PRE-4/PRO-2 envelope but will need to compare against ABS app/ePB signature If no ABS app or ePB signature, then compare against SVRS signature (gap in law) CEB shall compare voter s signature on the signature affidavit against the signature on the ABS ballot envelope/affidavit If signature found genuine, the provisional ballot is counted, if voter is otherwise qualified If signature is found NOT to be genuine or voter does not file signature affidavit on time, then provisional ballot shall be rejected Rejected provisional ballots are to be recorded in SVRS, regardless of reason IC 3-11.5-4-13.5 | IC 3-11.5-4-13.6

  16. Resolving Missing & Mismatched Signature Issues Same confidentiality restrictions that apply to other provisional ballots also apply to signature mismatch ballots County users MUST update the signature on the voter s registration record in SVRS to any matching signature made on the signature mismatch affidavit CEB can meet at anytime before noon, 10 days after the election to handle provisional ballots With planning the CEB can process these types of provisional ballots each day they received the ABS-18A or ABS-18B affidavit IC 3-11.5-4-13.5 | IC 3-11.5-4-13.6 | IC 3-11.7-2

  17. Absentee Reminders: Remakes Remade Damaged, Defective or Faxed/Emailed ABS Ballots Must be re-made by bi-partisan team Don t forget two sets of initials on re-made ballot! Must include matching serial number on the defective ABS ballot AND on the remade ABS ballot Talk to vendor about best placement to avoid issue with tabulator ALL remakes must be done on a ballot card or traditional hand-counted paper ballot. CEBs may NOT remake ABS ballots on a DRE machine. IC 3-12-3-5

  18. Additional Reminders Once filed with the CEB ABS applications & ABS ballot envelopes cannot be altered Do NOT mail back applications or ballots to fix issues Voter with rejected ABS application can reapply Cannot reapply online until first application is rejected in SVRS Voter with missing signature on ABS envelope, for example, can file ABS-5 to have their defective ABS ballot reissued ABS applications cannot be cancelled by the voter Original application received is the application on record for the voter Before election day, the ABS-5 is used to fix issues when the ballot is issued On election day voter can surrender their ballot to the Inspector to vote a regular ballot, if otherwise qualified voter can complete the PRE-5 to note the ballot was not received & regular ballot issued, if otherwise qualified

  19. ABS Resources Indiana Code ABS & ePollbooks, generally: IC 3-11-10-26 ABS applications & review, generally: IC 3-11-4 & IC 3-11-10 ABS & central count of ABS, generally: IC 3-11.5 2023 Election Administrator s Manual SVRS County Portal Online Training Schedule Taped webinar training Step-by-step guides Standard Operating Procedures

  20. ABS Resources Useful ABS Reports in SVRS ABS Application Activity Organized by precinct Provides name of each ABS voter, ABS type, voter info Stats for each precinct compiled ABS Ballot Activity Organized by precinct Provides name of each ABS voter, ABS type, voter info & if ballot received Stats for each precinct compiled ABS Cumulative Statistics Provides raw numbers for each ABS type (walk-in, mail, travel board, fax/email) Numbers are generated daily and added to the chart for comparison purposes

  21. Questions


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